Proper error handling in Kotlin with Coroutines - kotlin

I have a dilemma about handling exceptions in kotlin and coroutines. Will be thankful for any articles or your personal experience. kotlin documentation says that exceptions were mistake so there are no checked exceptions in kotlin.
If you have multilayer architecture it is pain in the ass to handle an exception from bottom layer at the top one, cause there are no warnings or compile level checks for what exception you should wait for.
As an option you can catch exception asap, wrap it with some Result class and propagate it back as a return value.
return try {
} catch(ex: IOException) {
This solution works well until you get hands on coroutines with async/await.
If an exception is thrown inside the first async then whole scope becomes dead.
coroutineScope {
val r1 = async { }
val r2 = async { }
But if you use solution with return value, then both async will complete. Even if one of them completed with wrapped error. In 99% cases this behavior doesn't make sense.
So I run into situation interesting situation - there are no compile level/lint checks for catching/throwing checked exceptions so I can't use exceptions properly. But if I get rid of exceptions coroutines start act weird.


Test with Kotlin Coroutines is randomly failing

Let us suppose we have a class member whose purpose is
to bring 2 objects (let's say object1 and object2) from two different places and then create the final
result merging these two object in another one, which is finally returned.
Suppose then the operation of retrieving object1 and object2 can be done concurrently,
so this leads to a typical use case of kotlin coroutines.
What has been described so far is shown in the following example:
fun parallelCall(): MergedObject {
return runBlocking(context = Dispatchers.Default) {
try {
val object1 : Deferred<Object1> = async {
val object2 : Deferred<Object2> = async {
creteFinalObject(object1.await(), object2.await())
} catch (ex: Exception) {
throw ex
The surrounding try block should intercept any kind of exception thrown while
object1 and object2 are retrieved, as well as in the createFinalObject method.
This latter simply merges together the awaited results from previous calls,
waiting for both of them to be accomplished.
Note that the awaiting of the deferred object1 and object2 happens almost at the same time,
since they are both awaited when passed as arguments to the createFinalObject method.
In this scenario I can perform a test using mockk as mocking library such that whenever bringObject1FromSomewhere()
throws an exception, then the creteFinalObject method is NEVER called. Namely, something like:
fun `GIVEN bringObject1FromSomewhere throws exception WHEN parallelCall executes THEN creteFinalObject is never executed`() {
every { bringObject1FromSomewhere() } throws NullPointerException()
every { bringObject2FromSomewhere() } returns sampleObject2
assertThrows<NullPointerException> { parallelCall() }
verify(atMost = 1) { bringObject1FromSomewhere() }
verify(atMost = 1) { bringObject2FromSomewhere() }
//should never be called since bringObject1FromSomewhere() throws nullPointer exception
verify(exactly = 0) { creteFinalObject(any(), any()) }
The problem is that the test above works almost always, but, there are some cases in which it randomly fails,
calling the createFinalObject method regardless of the mocked values.
Is this issue related to the slight difference in time in which the deferred object1 and object2
are awaited when creteFinalObject(object1.await(), object2.await()) is called?
Another thing which comes to my mind could be the way in which I am expecting argument in the last line of the test:
verify(exactly = 0) { creteFinalObject(any(), any()) }
does mockk could have any problem when any() is used?.
Further, can potentially be an issue the fact that the try { } block is not able to detect the exception
before the createFinalObject method is called? I would never doubt about this in a non-parallel environment but probably
the usage of runBlocking as coroutineScope changes the rule of the game?
Any hints will be helpful, thanks!
Kotlin version:1.6.0 Corutines version: 1.5.2 mockk version: 1.12.2
Are you sure it fails because it attempts to call the creteFinalObject function? Because when reading your code, I think that should be impossible (of course, never say never :D). The creteFinalObject function can only be called if both object1.await() and object2.await() return successfully.
I think something else is going on. Because you're doing 2 separate async tasks (getting object 1 and getting object 2), I suspect that the ordering of these 2 tasks would result in either a success or a failure.
Running your code locally, I notice that it sometimes fails at this line:
verify(atMost = 1) { bringObject2FromSomewhere() }
And I think there is your error. If bringObject1FromSomewhere() is called before bringObject2FromSomewhere(), the exception is thrown and the second function invocation never happens, causing the test to fail. The other way around (2 before 1) would make the test succeed. The Dispatchers.Default uses an internal work queue, where jobs that are cancelled before they are even started will never start at all. And the first task can fail fast enough for the second task to not being able to start at all.
I thought the fix would be to use verify(atLeast = 0, atMost = 1) { bringObject2FromSomewhere() } instead, but as I see on the MockK GitHub issues page, this is not supported (yet):
So even though you specify that bringObject2FromSomewhere() should be called at most 1 time, it still tries to verify it is also called at least 1 time, which is not the case.
You can verify this by adding a delay to the async call to get the first object:
val object1 : Deferred<Object1> = async {
This way, the test always succeeds, because bringObject2FromSomewhere() always has enough time to be called.
So how to fix this? Either hope MockK fixes the functionality to specify verify(atLeast = 0, atMost = 1) { ... }, or disable the verification on this call for now.

Is Kotlin's runCatching..also equivalent to try..finally?

I want to run cleanup code after a certain block of code completes, regardless of exceptions. This is not a closeable resource and I cannot use try-with-resources (or Kotlin's use).
In Java, I could do the following:
try {
// ... Run some code
} catch(Exception ex) {
// ... Handle exception
} finally {
// ... Cleanup code
Is the following Kotlin code equivalent?
runCatching {
// ... Run some code
}.also {
// ... Cleanup code
}.onFailure {
// ... Handle exception
Edit: added boilerplate exception handling - my concern is with ensuring the cleanup code runs, and maintainability.
There is one important difference, where the code inside runCatching contains an early return. A finally block will be executed even after a return, whereas also has no such magic.
This code, when run, will print nothing:
fun test1()
runCatching {
}.also {
This code, when run, will print "test2":
fun test2() {
try {
} finally {
There is one big difference between both code samples. try...finally propagates exceptions while runCatching().also() catches/consumes them. To make it similar you would have to throw the result at the end:
runCatching {
// ... Run some code
}.also {
// ... Cleanup code
But still, it is not really 1:1 equivalent. It catches all exceptions just to rethrow them. For this reason, it is probably less performant than simple try...finally.
Also, I think this is less clear for the reader. try...finally is a standard way of dealing with exceptions. By using runCatching() just to immediately rethrow, you actually confuse people reading this code later.
Your question sounded a little like you believed Kotlin does not have try...finally and you need to search for alternatives. If this is the case, then of course Kotlin has try...finally and I think you should use it instead of runCatching().
As per Kotlin's doc for runCatching:
Calls the specified function block and returns its encapsulated result if invocation was successful, catching any Throwable exception that was thrown from the block function execution and encapsulating it as a failure.
Even if finally always runs after a try block and also always runs after a runCatching, they do not serve the same purpose.
finally doesn't receive any argument and cannot operate on the values of the try block, while also receives the Result of the runCatching block.
TLDR; .runCatching{}.also{} is a more advanced try{}finally{}
There is also a difference in what is the result of evaluating the expression.
Consider the following code:
fun main() {
val foo = try {
throw Exception("try")
} catch(e: Exception) {
} finally {
val bar = runCatching{
throw Exception("runCatching")
}.onFailure {
The output will be:
Failure(java.lang.Exception: runCatching)
An interesting article that points out some differences as well:
Now let’s give a second look at the implementation of runCatching in the gist above. What does it do? It catches everything.
In this case, it goes even further: it catches all Throwables. For those not knowing, Throwable is everything that can go after a throw keyword; it has two descendants: Exceptions and Errors. We haven’t mentioned Errors so far; Errors usually represent something wrong that happened at a lower level than your business logic, something that can’t usually be recovered with a simple catch.

Handle multiple exceptions in Kotlin Kotest eventually

As per kotest docs:
You can tell eventually to ignore specific exceptions and any others will immediately fail the test.
I want to pass multiple exceptions to eventually that I know would be thrown by my block so that I can explicitly skip them.
Right now I only see a way to pass one, how do I pass more than one exception to eventually to skip it in case the block throws those exceptions?
You may use superclass for all your exceptions like
eventually(200.milliseconds, exceptionClass = RuntimeException::class) {
throw IllegalStateException()
or wrap exceptions
eventually(200.milliseconds, exceptionClass = IllegalStateException::class) {
runCatching { throw UnknownError() }
.onFailure { throw IllegalStateException(it) }
In 4.4.3 there are no features with collection of Exception

ReactiveStreams NPE when using publishOn with custom Publisher

When I'm using Reactive Streams ( with a custom Publisher in combination with the publishOn function, I always get an NPE. What is wrong with my code? Do I use the Publisher in a wrong way?
.subscribe { println("<-- $it received") }
class MyPublisher : Publisher<Int> {
override fun subscribe(sub: Subscriber<in Int>) {
while (true) {
Exception is:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxPublishOn$PublishOnSubscriber.onNext(
at org.guenhter.kotlin.hello.MyPublisher.subscribe(HelloWorld.kt:18)
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxSource.subscribe(
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxPublishOn.subscribe(
at reactor.core.publisher.Flux.subscribe(
at reactor.core.publisher.Flux.subscribeWith(
at reactor.core.publisher.Flux.subscribe(
at reactor.core.publisher.Flux.subscribe(
at reactor.core.publisher.Flux.subscribe(
at org.guenhter.kotlin.hello.HelloWorldKt.main(HelloWorld.kt:11)
Publisher is defined by the "reactive-streams" standard and has a number of requirements. One of these requirements is that Subscriber.onSubscribe HAS to be called before any of the other methods in order to follow the protocol.
Since you haven't done this, it means something probably is not initialized properly, causing the NPE inside of the reactor class.
However even if you fix this problem the standard is designed to be reactive which means it only emits data when the subscriber asks for it. Since you will be sending it data regardless that will probably cause an exception later down the line. Use Flux.create to create an emitter that can properly handle requests instead of creating your own Publisher implementation.

Extraordinary uses of Exceptions vs OOP rules

Me and my friend have some arguement about Exceptions. He proposes to use Exception as some kind of transporter for response (we can't just return it). I'm saying its contradictory to the OOP rules, he say it's ok because application flow was changed and information was passed.
Can you help us settle the dispute?
function example() {
result = pdo.find();
if (result) {
e = new UniqueException();
throw new e;
try {
} catch (UniqueException e) {
Using exceptions for application flow is a misleading practice. Anyone else (even you) maintaining that code will be puzzled because the function of the exception in your flow is totally different to the semantic of exceptions.
I imagine the reason you're doing this is because you want to return different results. For that, create a new class Result, that holds all information and react to it via an if-statement.