Why do we need distributed lock in Redis if we partition on Key? - redis

I read thru Why we need distributed lock in the Redis but it is not answering my question.
I went thru the following
https://redis.io/topics/distlock to be specific https://redis.io/topics/distlock#the-redlock-algorithm and
I understand that partitioning is used to distribute the load across the N nodes. So does this not mean that the interested data will always be in one node? If yes then why should I go for a distributed lock that locks across all N nodes?
Say if I persist a trade with the id 123, then the partition based on the hashing function will work out which node it has to go. Say for the sake of this example, it goes to 0th node.
Now my clients (multiple instances of my service) will want to access the trade 123.
Redis again based on the hashing is going to find in which Node the trade 123 lives.
This means the clients (in reality one instance among the multiple instances i.e only one client ) will lock the trade 123 on the 0th Node.
So why will it care to lock all the N nodes?
Unless partitioning is done on a particular record across all the Nodes i.e
Say a single trade is 1MB in size and it is partitioned across 4 Nodes with 0.25MB in each node.
Kindly share your thoughts. I am sure I am missing something but any leads are much appreciated.


Upper limit on number of redis streams consumer groups?

We are looking at using redis streams as a cluster wide messaging bus, where each node in the cluster has a unique id. The idea is that each node, when spawned, creates a consumer group with that unique id to a central redis stream to guarantee each node in the cluster gets a copy of every message. In an orchestrated environment, cluster nodes will be spawned and removed on the fly, each having a unique id. Over time I can see this resulting in there being 100's or even 1000's of old/unused consumer groups all subscribed to the same redis stream.
My question is this - is there an upper limit to the number of consumer groups that redis can handle and does a large number of (unused) consumer groups have any real processing cost? It seems that a consumer group is just a pointer stored in redis that points to the last read entry in the stream, and is only accessed when a consumer of the group does a ranged XREADGROUP. That would lead me to assume (without diving into Redis code) that the number of consumer groups really does not matter, save for the small amount of RAM that the consumer groups pointers would eat up.
Now, I understand we should be smarter and a node should delete its own consumer groups when it is being killed or we should be cleaning this up on a scheduled basis, but if a consumer group is just a record in redis, I am not sure it is worth the effort - at least at the MVP stage of development.
Is my understanding correct, that there is no practical limit on the number of consumer groups for a given stream and that they have no processing cost unless used?
Your understanding is correct, there's no practical limit to the number of CGs and these do not impact the operational performance.
That said, other than the wasted RAM (which could become significant, depending on the number of consumers in the group and PEL entries), this will add time complexity to invocations of XINFO STREAM ... FULL and XINFO GROUPS as these list the CGs. Once you have a non-trivial number of CGs, every call to these would become slow (and block the server while it is executing).
Therefore, I'd still recommend implementing some type of "garbage collection" for the "stale" CGs, perhaps as soon as the MVP is done. Like any computing resource (e.g. disk space, network, mutexes...) and given there are no free lunches, CGs need to be managed as well.
P.S. IIUC, you're planning to use a single consumer in each group, and have each CG/consumer correspond to a node in your app's cluster. If that is the case, I'm not sure that you need CGs and you can use the simpler XREAD (instead of XREADGROUP) while keeping the last ID locally in the node.
OTOH, assuming I'm missing something and that there's a real need for this use pattern, I'd imagine Redis being able to support it better by offering some form of expiry for idle groups.

Forcing Riak to store data on distinct physical servers

I'm concerned by this note in Riak's documentation:
N=3 simply means that three copies of each piece of data will be stored in the cluster. That is, three different partitions/vnodes will receive copies of the data. There are no guarantees that the three replicas will go to three separate physical nodes; however, the built-in functions for determining where replicas go attempts to distribute the data evenly.
I have a cluster of 6 physical servers with N=3. I want to be 100% sure that total loss of some number of nodes (1 or 2) will not lose any data. As I understand the caveat above, Riak cannot guarantee that. It appears that there is some (admittedly low) portion of my data that could have all 3 copies stored on the same physical server.
In practice, this means that for a sufficiently large data set I'm guaranteed to completely lose records if I have a catastrophic failure on a single node (gremlins eat/degauss the drive or something).
Is there a Riak configuration that avoids this concern?
Unfortunate confounding reality: I'm on an old version of Riak (1.4.12).
There is no configuration that avoids the minuscule possibility that a partition might have 2 or more copies on one physical node (although having 5+ nodes in your cluster makes it extremely unlikely that a single node with have more than 2 copies of a partition). With your 6 node cluster it is extremely unlikely that you would have 3 copies of a partition on one physical node.
The riak-admin command line tool can help you explore your partitions/vnodes. Running riak-admin vnode-status (http://docs.basho.com/riak/kv/2.1.4/using/admin/riak-admin/#vnode-status) on each node for example will output the status of all vnodes the are running on the local node the command is run on. If you run it on every node in your cluster you confirm whether or not your data is distributed in a satisfactory way.

synch data in Redis multi masters configuration

I'm a newbie to Redis and I was wondering if someone could help me to understand if it can be the right tool.
This is my scenario:
I have many different nodes, everyone behaving like a master and accepting clients connections to read and write a few geographical data data and the timestamp of the incoming record.
Each master node could be hosted onto a drone that only randomly get in touch and can comunicate with others, accordind to network conditions; when this happens they should synchronize their data according to their age (only the ones more recent than a specified time).
Is there any way to achieve this by Redis or do I have to implement this feature at application level?
I tried master/slaves configuration without success and I was wondering if Redis Cluster can somewhat meet my neeeds.
I googled around, but what I found had not an answer good for me
Using Redis Replication on different machines (multi master)
Teo, as a matter of fact, redis don't have a multi master replication.
And the cluster shard it's data through different instances. Say you have only two redis instances. Instance1 will accept store and retrieve instance1 and instance2 data. But he will ask for, and store in, instance2 every key that does not belong to his shard.
This is not, I think, really what you want. You could give a try to PostgreSQL+BDR as PostgreSQL supports nosql store and BDR provides a real master master replication (https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/BDR_Project) if that's really what you need.
I work with both today (and also MongoDB). Each one with a different goal. Redis would provide a smaller overhead and memory use, fast connection and fast replication. But it won't provide multi master (if you really need it).

Need HA, multi-datacenter, memory based, key-value solution

New to space and I have been attempting to narrow down the potentials but seem to be spinning my wheels.
I are storing String -> String lookups. The key and value are likely under 15 bytes each. A userid -> server they are connected to.
We have multiple data centers
Need ability to read/write locally in low ms range.
I tried writing to a remote Redis and it seems tied to network latency which is too slow. This rules out simple M-S solutions.
Need HA both for node failure and entire data center failure. Implies replication
Prefer solution to provide ability to query multiple queries in one call. MGET
A few hundred thousand SET per second and a few million GET per second
Free for commercial use (could pay for instance so Riak is possible)
I need only for the solution to support GET, SET, DELETE, [MGET prefered]
Active - Active / Multi Master / Clusters with replication - I am only vaguely familiar with these terms and their tradeoffs.
In CAP Theorem I probably want a AP solution but flip flop that a lot. It is further confusing when a typical CP solution can be augmented with replication solutions such as Dynamite/Dynamo/Twemproxy/etc.
My shortlist but open to any solution.
Redis Cluster
Redis+Sentinel with Dynomite
Memcached with Dynomite
Any idea how I should go about finding a solution for my need or does anyone have a solution in mind?

some questions about couchbase's replicas detail

Here I get several questions about the replica functions in couchbase, and hope can be answered. First of all, I wanna give some my own understanding ahout the couchbase; If there are 10 nodes in my cluster, and I set the number of replica to be 3 in each bucket (
actually I find that the maximal value is 3 , and I coundn't find any other way to make it larger than 3), then, does it mean that each data in bucket can only be copied to
other three nodes(I guess the three nodes should be random choosen, but could it select manually )in totally 10 nodes; Furthermore, if some of the 10 nodes have downtime,
will it cause loss of data?
I conclude my questions as follows;
1, The maximal value of the replica number in couchbase is 3, right or wrong? If wrong, how could it be largger than 3.
2, I guess the three nodes should be random choosen, but could it select manually
3, If my understanding is right, it will have loss of data when we find some nodes being in downtime. How could we avoid the loss under that condition
The maximal value of the replica number in couchbase is 3, right or wrong? If wrong, how could it be larger than 3.
The maximum number of replicas that you can have is 3, we run in production with 1 replica but it all comes down to how large your cluster is and performance impact. The more replicas you have the more inter node communication and transfer that will occur.
When you have 3 replicas this means that each node has its data replicated to 3 other nodes, this means you could handle 3 node failures in your cluster. It could happen but it is unlikely, what's more likely to happen is a machine dies and then Couchbase can automatically fail over and promote a replica held in an other node to serve requests/updates.
Couchbase's system is nice because it means you can scale up and down by failing over a node and automatic re-balancing.
I guess the three nodes should be randomly chosen, but could I select it manually?
You have no say on which nodes replicas are held, in fact I think it's a great thing that all of Couchbase's sharding and replica processes are taken out of the developers hands, it's all an automatic process.
If my understanding is right, it will have loss of data when we find some nodes being in downtime. How could we avoid data loss under that condition?
As I said before, if one node goes down then a replica is promoted, with 3 back ups you'd need 3 nodes to fail before you noticed something happening. In a production environment you should already have a warning system for each individual node, be it New Relic, Nagios etc that would report if a server dies. If there was a catastrophic problem and you lost more than 4 nodes then yes you would have data loss.
Bare in mind automatic fail over in Couchbase isn't instantaneous but still it's pretty quick. If you need downtime across the cluster say for server maintenance that needs a restart or something then it is possible to fail a node over, remove it from the cluster, perform operations and tasks on it, then add it back into the cluster and rebalance. Perform those stops again for as many nodes as you need, I've personally done that when I forgot to set specific Linux things that needed a system restart.
Overall to avoid data loss, monitor your servers, make (daily/hourly) backups of the data in your cluster and have machines that are well provisioned for your workrate.
Hope that helps!