Akka.net 1.4 dead letter handler EventStream.Subscribe - akka.net

Just because it cost me a few hours, I'd like to share the following insight, may it be interesting for someone: If we want to handle dead letters by ourselves, the akka.net documentation (https://getakka.net/articles/utilities/event-bus.html) says we should use
"system.EventStream.Subscribe(deadletterWatchActorRef, typeof(DeadLetter));"
This is only partly true - yes, this catches those messages which are strictly "dead letters", those whose recipient is currently dead. But it does not catch the unhandled messages and the dropped ones. If you want that (and I'm pretty sure that 99% of the use cases don't want to finely differentiate between unprocessed, dropped and really dead letters), you have to use "AllDeadLetters" instead of "DeadLetters", so the proper call is
system.EventStream.Subscribe(deadletterWatchActorRef, typeof(AllDeadLetters));


Akka.net actor selections or references

What is more efficient in Akka.net, talking to actor selections or interacting with an IActorRef being passed in a message?
The best answer would be to benchmark it for your case, as this may depend on multiple conditions (like local/remote communication). When we're talking about communication within the same process, IActorRef should always be faster. In remote communication the difference may be smaller, but stil in favor of IActorRef.
That being said, it's important to get the difference between two:
When underlying actors stops (don't confuse stop with restart) its IActorRef is no longer valid. If it will be created some time later, your old IActorRef doesn't necessary have to point to it. This is one of the reasons, why you may Context.Watch(actorRef) to be notified when your actor dies.
Actor selection doesn't point directly to an actor's mailbox, therefore usually it's slower. The actual recipient's mailbox is resolved when you're trying to send a message through it. It doesn't suffer invalidation issues, but cannot be watched either. It also may point to more than one actor (using wildcards), so your message may be delivered to multiple actors somewhere in the actor hierarchy.
I think perhaps you're coming at this in the wrong way. I don't know for sure which is 'more efficient' in terms of performance. (Although #Horusiath gives some great guidance on the differences between the two)
The thing is that using ActorSelection is a bit of an anti-pattern in itself and its generally recommended that you use IActorRefs. See point #3 on this blog: Petabridge: The Top 7 Mistakes Newbies Make with Akka.NET
In short;
when using Actor Refs, the location of the actor is transparent. The actor you're attempting to interact with could be anywhere in your cluster and it wouldn't matter when using an IActorRef.
That being said, they also have a nice little blog on when ActorSelection might be useful... Petabridge: When Should I Use Actor Selection?
I'd recommend giving both of those links a read through if you're weighing up which to use in your code. Hope this helps!

IWantToRunWhenBusStartsAndStops not for production?

New to NServiceBus (4.7.5) and just implemented an NSB host.exe hosted service (implementing IWantToRunWhenBusStartsAndStops) that detects changes to database tables and notifies subscribing web apps by publishing events, e.g. "CustomerDataWasUpdatedEvent". In the future we will perform the actual update through messagehandlers receiving commands obviously, but at the moment this publishing service just polls the database etc.
It all works well, however, approaching production, I noticed that David Boike, in his latest edition of "Learning NServiceBus", states that classes implementing
IWantToRunWhenBusStartsAndStops are really mostly for development and rarely used in production. I set up my database change detection in the Start method and it works nicely, does anyone know why this is discouraged?
Here is the comment in the actual book:
The actual quote is:
...it isn't common to have widespread use of in a production system.
Uncommon is not the same thing as discouraged.
That said I do think there is intent here by the author to highlight the fact that further up the page they assert that this is not a good place to be doing lots of coding, as an unhandled exception can cause the whole process to fail.
The author actually does go on to mention a possible use case for when you may want to load a resource(s) to do work within the handler.
Ok, maybe it's just this scenario we have that is a bit uncommon
Agreed - there is nothing fundamentally wrong with your approach. I recently did the same thing as you for wiring up SqlDependency to listen for database events and then publish a message as a result. In these scenarios there is literally nothing else you can do other than to use IWantToRunAtStatup.
Also, David himself often trawls the nservicebus tag, maybe he'll provide a more definitive answer than mine.
I'll copy the answer I gave in the Particular Software Google Group...
I'll quote myself directly here:
An implementation of IWantToRunWhenBusStartsAndStops is a great place to create a quick interface in order to test messages during debugging by allowing you to send messages based on the console input. Apart from this, it isn't common to have widespread use of them in a production system. One possible production use case will be to provision a resource needed by the endpoint at startup and then tear it down when the endpoint stops.
I think if I could add a little bit of emphasis it would be to "widespread use". I'm not trying to say you won't/can't have an IWantToRunWhenBusStartsAndStops in production code or that avoiding them is a best practice. I am trying to say that having a ton of them is probably a code smell.
Above that paragraph in the book, I warn about IWantToRunWhenBusStartsAndStops not having any ambient transactions or try/catch stuff going on. THAT is really the key part. If you end up throwing an exception in an IWantToRunWhenBusStartsAndStops, tyou can run into big problems. If you use something like a .NET Timer and then throw an exception, you can crash your process!
Let me tell you how I screwed up on this in my first-ever NServiceBus system. The system (still in use today, from what I hear) is responsible for ingesting more than 3000 RSS feeds (probably a lot more than that now) into a CMS. So processing each feed, breaking it up into items, resizing images, encoding attached video for mobile ... all those things were handled in NServiceBus message handlers, which was scaled out to multiple servers, and that was all fantastic.
The problem was the scheduler. I implemented that as an IWantToRunWhenBusStartsAndStops (well, actually IWantToRunAtStartup at that time) and it quickly turned into a mess. I kept the whole table worth of feed information in memory so that I could calculate when to fire off the next ProcessFeed command. I was using the .NET Timer class, and IIRC, I eventually had to use threading primitives like ManualResetEvent in order to coordinate the activity. And because I was using .NET Timer, if the scheduler threw an exception, that endpoint failed and had to restart. Lots of weird edge cases and it was always a quagmire of bugs. Plus, this was now a singleton "commander app" so while the feed/item processors could be scaled out, the scheduler could not.
As I got more experienced with NServiceBus, I realized that each feed should have been a saga, starting from a FeedCreated event, controlled through PauseProcessing and ResumeProcessing commands, using timeouts to control the next processing time, and finally (perhaps) ended via a FeedRemoved event. This would have been MUCH more straightforward and everything would have executed inside transactionally-controlled message handlers.
That experience led me to be a little bit distrustful/skeptical of IWantToRunWhenBusStartsAndStops. Not saying it's bad, just something to be aware of. Always be prepared to consider if what you're trying to do couldn't be better accomplished in another way.

What is the relation of numberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers with the number of threads mule spawns

I understand that mule has 3 thread pools and how they work, however I am amazed at the lack of documentation around numberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers, there is virtually nothing that talks about it directly not even Dossots book.
There is one blog post which indirectly mentions it, but nothing concrete.
This answer here calls a hidden feature :), can someone please shed some light on it ?, and how is it related to the threading profile, maxActiveThreads and so on...
After a fair bit of looking around this is what I have found...
numberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers is important and undocumented !!
The behavior depends on the connector it is being used with, so this may not be a complete answer, however it is my attempt at starting something. I am happy to mark a new answer as correct if it is more complete
Only transactional message sources use numberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers.It defines the number of threads that will be triggering messages from the message source at the same time.
Threading profiles maxThreads is not taken into account by this transports. So configuring it is useless. Nevertheless if you set the receiver threading profile doThreading attribute to false explicitly it will disable the use of numberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers.
For example take the JMS Transport
For queues which are not using XA transactions, use
For queues using XA transactions, use
For topics, do not use any of them as Mule will always create a single consumer.

Why use Queueing systems such as RabbitMQ

I am not a senior programmer but I have been deploying applications for a while and devloped small complete systems.
I am starting to hear about queueing systems such as RabbitMQ. May be, I never developed any systems that had to use a queueing system. But, I am worried if I am not using it because I have no idea what to do with this. I have read RabbitMQ tutorial on their site but I am not sure why I would use this for. I am not sure if any of those cannot be achieved by conventional programming with no additional component and regular databases or similar.
Can someone please explain why I would use a queueing system with a small example. I mean not a hello world example, but a a practical scenario.
Thanks a lot for your time
One of the key uses of middleware like message queues is to be able to send data between non homogenous systems. The messages themselves can be many things. Strings are the easiest to be understood by different languages on different systems but are often less useful for transferring more meaningful data. As a result JSON and XML are very popular for the messages. These are just structured strings that can be converted into objects in the language of choice at the consumer end.
Additional useful features:
In some MQ systems like RabbitMQ (not true in all MQ systems) is that the client handles the communication side of things very nicely.
The messages can be asynchronous. If the consumer goes down, the messages will remain until the consumer is back online.
The MQ system can be setup to varying degrees of message durability. They can be removed from the queue once read or remain until the are acknowledged. They can be persistent so even if the MQ systems goes down message will not be lost.
Here goes with some possibly contrived examples. A Java program on a local system wants to send a message to a system on the connected through the internet. The local system has a server connected to the internet. Everything is blocked coming from the internet except a connection to the MQ. The Java program can publish the message to the MQ with out needing access to the internet. The message sits on the queue until the external system picks it up. The Java program publishes a message, lets say XML, and the consumer could be a Perl program. As long as they have some way of understanding the XML with a predefined way of serialization and deserialization it will be fine.
MQ systems tend to work best in "fire-and-forget" scenarios. If an event happens and others need to be notified of it, but the source system has no need for feedback from the other systems, then MQ might be a good fit.
If you understand the pros and cons of MQ and still don't understand why it would be a good fit for a particular system, then it probably isn't. I've seen systems where MQ was used but not needed, and the result was not pretty.
Most of the scenarios I've seen where it's worked out well is integration between unrelated systems (usually out-of-the-box type system). Let's say you have one system that takes orders, and a different system that fills the orders and ships them. In that scenario, the order system can use a MQ to notify the fulfillment system of the order, but the order system has no interest in waiting until the fulfillment system receives the order. So it puts a message in a queue keep going.
This is a very simplified answer, but it gives the general ideas.
Let's think about this in terms of telephone vs. email. Pretend for a minute that email does not exist. To get work done, you must phone everyone. When you communicate with someone via telephone, you need to have them at their desk in order to reach them (assume they are in a factory and can't hear their cell phone ring) :-) If the person you wish to reach isn't at the desk, you are stuck waiting until they return your call (or far more likely, you call them back later). It's the same with you - you don't have any work to do until someone calls you up. If multiple people call at once, you don't know about it because you can only handle one person at a time.
However, if we have email, it is possible for you to "queue" your requests with someone else, to answer (but more likely ignore) at their convenience. If they do ignore your email, you can always re-send it. You don't have to wait for them to be at the desk, and they don't have to wait until you are off the phone. The workload evens out and things run much more smoothly. As an added bonus, you can forward messages that you don't want to deal with to your peons.
In systems engineering, we use the term "closely coupled" to define programs (or parts of programs) that work like the telephone scenario above. They depend very closely upon each other, often sharing implementations among various parts of the program. In these programs, data is processed in serial order, one at a time. These systems are typically easy to build, but there are a few important drawbacks to consider: (1) changing any part of the program likely will cause cascading changes throughout the code, and this introduces bugs; (2) the system is not very scalable, and typically must be scrapped and rebuilt as needs grow; (3) all parts of the system must be functioning simultaneously or the whole system will not work.
Basically, closely-coupled programs are good if the program is very simple or if there is some specialized reason to use a closely-coupled program.
In the real world, things are much more complex. Programs cannot be that simple, and it becomes a nightmare to develop enterprise applications in a closely-coupled manner. Therefore, we use the term "loosely-coupled" to define large systems that are composed of many smaller pieces. The pieces have very well-defined boundaries and functions, so that changing of the system may be accomplished more easily. It is the essence of object-oriented design. Message queues (like RabbitMQ) allow email-like communication to take place among various programs and parts of programs, thus making workflow much more like it would be with people. Adding extra capacity then becomes a simple matter of starting up and additional computer wherever you need it.
Obviously, this is a gross simplification, but I think it conveys the general idea. Building applications that use message queuing enables you to deploy massively scalable applications leveraging cloud service providers. Here is an article that talks about designing for the cloud:

Why is error handling important?

I was given a task of write the coding guidelines for my team, and it was going great until my manager asked me to write an explanation of Why Error Handling is Important.
I know it instinctively, but how do I express this in words?
I tried to google it first but came up empty, so I now ask my fellow coding wizards.
IMHO ... most programs are very large, very complex and written by multiple people. This combination of factors almost always leads to some kind of software bug. It's not that programmers are malicious, stupid or lazy ... it's just that in the rush to meet a deadline we often don't forsee every possible thing that a user can do to our programs and something is bound to happen.
In this respect error handling serves two purposes.
First, it lets the user know, in a relatively friendly manner, that something has gone wrong and that they should contact the technical support department or that someone from tech support has been notified. As we all know there's a HUGE difference between receiving a rather nasty, tech riddled notice that says something like "Object not set to reference of an object" etc. ... and receiving a nice popup type window that says "There has been an issue. Please contact the helpdesk".
Second it allows the programmer to put in some niceties to aid in the debugging of issues. For instance ... in my code, I typically write a custom error handler that takes in a number of parameters and spits back a nice, formatted message that can either be emailed to the helpdesk, stashed in an event log, written to a log file etc.. The error message will contain as much info as I can cram in there to help me figure out what happened, stack traces, function parameters, database calls ... you name it. I like verbose error messages to help me figure out what actually happened. The user never has to see any of it, they get the nice, friendly message above, letting them know that someone can figure out what's going on.
Error handling is important because it makes it easier for the end users of your code to use it correctly. Another important issue is that it makes your code easier to maintain. Error handling makes it easier to embed input specifications into the code, so you don't have to look up the design when you write and later maintain the code.
Why Error Handling is Important.
Because of what can happen if you don't.
If you're capable of writing coding guidelines, you should be able to handle this, surely?
Its quite simple to explain to a layman manager:
If your handle your errors, your program will likely continue to function after an error, your customer can likely continue working, and you can provide a report of exactly how the bug occurred so you can fix it.
If you don't handle your errors, your program may crash, lose all of your customers work and you likely won't know where the bug occurred (provided you don't handle your fatal exception with a stack trace).
Another huge reason that error handling is so important is security! Certain types of errors, if not handled properly can leave a program and the underlying operating system in a vulnerable state. Handling errors must be a deliberate and well thought out process because even when handled gracefully, errors can write to log files or splash error messages to the screen that supply potential attackers with very valuable information that they can use later to take advantage of specific vulnerabilities.
First I would ask is it important?
I've seen (ugly) code where some errors were ignored (eg null reference)
So what type of errors are important to handle?
There is a big difference between System.IO.FileNotFoundException, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException and System.ApplicationException