Inserting HTML into Razor view based on conditional value -

#(item.ID == 0 ? "" : <i class="fas fa-bus"></i>)
When I try the above statement, Razor doesn't like it, It looks like valid C# code.
What do I need to do to wrap my html tags so that it will be rendered in my UI if the ID is 0?

Try to use :
#if (item.ID != 0)
<i class='fas fa-bus'></i>


How to change text from in HTML Label from backend

I'm starting to learn ASP.NET Core MVC and just found out that the toolbox is inaccessible/disabled/grayed out, so in html I cannot use <asp:Label/> tag and have to use <label></label> tag instead.
Now I am having trouble changing the string on the HTML Tag <label></label> from the backend.
For this case I already wrote runat="server" inside the tag but still an error occured that says:
The name 'lblkpj' does not exist in the current context
Here is the example html:
<label class="text-center mb-1 fw-bold" runat="server" id="lblkpj"> </label>
and C#:
if (tbl.Rows.Count > 0)
lblkpj.text = "Success";
lblkpj.text = "Failed";
Where am I going wrong?
Work with Razor markup.
You can implement the logic in View by declaring the variable. And use # symbol. Razor will evaluate the expression and render the output into HTML.
And make sure that you need to return the ViewModel as a List of your model objects from the Controller to View.
#model List<YourModel>
string status = Model.Rows.Count > 0 ? "Success" : "Failed";
<label class="text-center mb-1 fw-bold" id="lblkpj">#status</label>
public class YourController : Controller
public IActionResult YourView()
// Mock data
List<YourModel> list = new List<YourModel>();
return View(list);

Laravel 8 - Show database results using for loop (not foreach)

Using Laravel 8: I need to display my data (images saved as image names in the db) in 8 columns on the blade page. So if I have a db row count of 18, I would equally distribute the 18 in 8 columns (+remainder if any but that is irrelevant to this q - so, 18 images/8 cols = 2 (+2 remainder)). I can do this using two for loops so:
#for ($col=1; $col<=8; $col++)
#for ($img=1; $img<=$image_percolumn; $img++)
<img src="images/{{$featuredbrands->brandLogo'}}">
$featuredbrands is being passed from the controller as an array:
class HomeController extends Controller{
public function index(){
$fbrands = brands::join('subscriptions', '','=','subscriptions.brandID')
return view('home',[
} // end function
} // end class
I am getting the following error for the <img src...> line in my blade page:
Property [brandLogo] does not exist on this collection instance.
To test if I'm passing the data correctly to the blade page, I have tried using foreach to display the images. With foreach, I get the output in one column (so I know that data passed from controller is not the issue).
What is the correct way to reference the image field using the for loop? If that indeed is the problem?
This seems to be much harder than it should be, I am sure I am missing something.
One option - convert your collection to an array, and simply reference elements by key. Something like this:
In your Controller method:
return view('home', [
'featuredbrands' => $fbrands->toArray()
And in your view:
#for ($col = 0; $col <= 16; $col += 2)
<img src="images/{{ $featuredbrands[$col]->brandLogo }}">
<img src="images/{{ $featuredbrands[$col+1]->brandLogo }}">
You could also try to do it more the Laravel way, by using the Collection chunk() method, though this also seems very clunky here. Maybe something like:
#foreach ($featuredbrands->chunk(8) as $row)
#foreach ($row->chunk(2) as $col)
#foreach ($col as $brand)
<img src="images/{{ $brand->brandLogo }}">

Change asp-page attribute value based on condition in razor pages

When a click on a link the pages should be displayed on userroles.Say for example if the userrole is superadmin,then the user will have access to PageA.If the userrole is admin,then the user will have access to PageB. What i tried is ,
#if (Context.Session.GetString("userrole") == "superadmin")
var HomepageUrl = "/PageA";
var HomepageUrl = "/PageB";
<a asp-area="" asp-page="#HomepageUrl"></a>
But im getting error like "HomepageUrl doesnot exist in the current context".
Any help would be appreciated.
You can try to use the conditional operator ?:,here is an official doc,here is a demo:
<a asp-area="" asp-page="#(Context.Session.GetString("userrole") == "superadmin"?"/PageA":"/PageB")">link</a>

I am facing an issue in retrieving all the list items using selenium webdriver

Problem : I have a list of items inside a div class msb-container.
.There are 162 items in the list .I want to click the 150th item from the list .There also a scroll bar through which we can go doen to other elemenst and select it
How the html looks like :
<div class="mCSB_container" style="position:relative; top:0;">
<ul id="ul-countries">
<input id="country-3" type="checkbox" name="c:3">
<label for="country-3">Afghanistan</label>
<input id="country-6" type="checkbox" name="c:6">
<label for="country-6">Albania</label>
---other countries
How my code looks like :
IList<IWebElement> countryList = driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//*[#id='ul-countries']/li"));
for (int i = 0; i <= countryList.Count; i++)
string temp = countryList.ElementAt(i).Text;
if (countryList.ElementAt(i).Text == "Brazil")
//do something
I am getting a correct count of 162 countries but i think they are not filled correctly .As when I try to retrieve the text from even the 15th country it gives me empty result .It only fills the text for those list item which can be seen on the screen .Although when I inspect element I can see all the required data in list item through html but not through my code .I tried to put the sleep to but no luck .
Please provide your inputs to solve the above issue.
Kindest Regards
IList<IWebElement> countryList = driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//*[#id='ul-countries']/li"));
for (int i = 0; i <= countryList.Count; i++)
string temp = countryList.ElementAt(i).findElement(By.CSS("label")).getText();
if (temp.equals("Brazil"))
//do something

Razor anchor returning original view

I am working on a search form, where the user press the Print button, then it should create a plain html page for printing:
<a href="#" onclick="Print()" target="_blank" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-print"></span>
And the Print() function (of course all the relevant data is passed):
$.get("#Url.Action("PrintData")", { ... ... ... });
This calls the appropriate controller action, which returns the correct data I am expecting with return PartialView(data);
The problem is, the new tab is not loading the PrintData.cshtml, instead it returns the original search screen.
What am I missing? Any help really appreciated.
The solution:
var url = '#Url.Action("Action", "Controller")' + '?target = "_blank"';
var data = "&projectId=" + id + "&date=" + date ... + data);