update SQL rows with multidimensional array as source - sql

I want to update existing entries in my SQL table [dbo.properties]. The SQL command is executed in PHP. The PHP file again receives an array, as new data source. This array contains a unique ID, propertyName and the actual value.
How do I loop, in SQL, through an array and make sure to update the values at the correct point?
My SQL table look like:
[id] as [int] increments by DB
[property] as [varchar(50)]
[value] as [varchar(50)]
The passed array look like:
0: Object {id:'30', property:'sugar', value:'20g'}
1: Object {id:'37', property:'salt', value:'10g'}
2: Object {id:'38', property:'chocolate', value:'120g'}
I know how to do it with single data or to delete multiple values with a list. But I its tough to find anything similar for my case. Especually as I need to update all in one query and the amount of rows is dynamic. Means it could be that only one item is updated or 10.
Pseudo SQL query for better understand
BEGIN TRANSACTION [updateProperties]
UPDATE properties SET
// Somehow iterate through array
property = ('array[Pos][Entry1]'),
value = ('array[Pos][Entry2]')
WHERE id = ('array[Pos][Entry0]')
COMMIT TRANSACTION [updateProperties]

If you pass this in as a proper JSON array, you can use OPENJSON to join to your table
DECLARE #json nvarchar(max) = N'[
{"id":30, "property":"sugar", "value":"20g"},
{"id":37, "property":"salt", "value":"10g"},
{"id":38, "property":"chocolate", "value":"120g"}
SET property = j.property,
value = j.value
FROM properties p
id int,
[property] varchar(50),
[value] varchar(50)
) j ON j.id = p.id;
You can use MERGE if you want to update existing and insert new rows.
On a side note, I would advise you not to store value as a varchar. Instead, split it into amount and unit.


T-SQL String Replace is Not Locking - Last Update Wins

I have the following stored procedure, which is intended to iterate through a list of strings, which contains several substrings of the form prefix.bucketName. I want to iterate through each string and each bucket name, and replace the old prefix with a new prefix, but keep the same bucket name.
To give an example, consider this original string:
So for example I would like to get:
What I actually get is this:
So, in general, only one of the prefixes get updated, and it is not predictable which one. Based on some investigation I have done, it appears that both replacements actually work, but only the last one is actually saved. It seems like SQL should be locking this column but instead, both are read at the same time, the replace is applied, and then both are written, leaving the last write as what shows in the column.
Here is the query - All variable names have been changed for privacy - Some error handling and data validation code was left out for brevity:
DECLARE #PrefixID INT = 1478,
DECLARE #PrefixName_OLD NVARCHAR(50) = 'OldPrefix',
DECLARE #PrefixName_NEW NVARCHAR(50) = 'NewPrefix'
-- Code to rename the section itself here not shown for brevity
AString= REPLACE(AString,'('+#Prefix_OLD+'.'+b.BucketName+')', '('+#PrefixName_NEW+'.'+b.BucketName+')'),
dbo.Component sc
dbo.ComponentBucketFilterInString fis
sc.ComponentID = fis.ComponentID
dbo.Buckets b
fis.BucketID = b.BucketID
b.PrefixID = #PrefixID
When I write the same query using a while loop, it performs as expected:
DECLARE #BucketsToUpdate TABLE
BucketID INT,
BucketName VARCHAR(256)
INSERT INTO #BucketsToUpdate
SELECT BucketID, BucketName
FROM Buckets WHERE PrefixID = #PrefixID
DECLARE #currentBucketID INT,
#currentBucketName VARCHAR(256)
SELECT TOP 1 #currentBucketID = bucketID, #currentBucketName = bucketName FROM #BucketsToUpdate
AString = REPLACE(AString,'('+#PrefixName_OLD+'.'+#currentBucketName+')', '('+#PrefixName_NEW+'.'+#currentBucketName+')')
dbo.Component sc
dbo.ComponentBucketFilterInString fis
sc.ComponentID = fis.ComponentID
WHERE fis.BucketID = #currentBucketID
DELETE FROM #BucketsToUpdate WHERE BucketID = #currentBucketID
Why does the first version fail? How can I fix it?
The problem you are experiencing is "undefined" behavior when there is more than single match possible for UPDATE FROM JOIN.
In order to make your update possible you should run it multiple times updating one pair of values at a time as you proposed in your second code demo.
Related: How is this script updating table when using LEFT JOINs? and Let’s deprecate UPDATE FROM!:
SQL Server will happily update the same row over and over again if it matches more than one row in the joined table, >>with only the result of the last of those updates sticking<<.
Not sure why you are making the whole process so complex. May be I am not clearly understanding the requirement. As per my understanding, you are looking to update only Prefix part for column 'AString' in the table dbo.Component. Current value for example is-
You wants to update the value as-
Am I right? If yes, you can update all records with a simple Update script as below-
DECLARE #PrefixID INT = 1478
DECLARE #PrefixName_OLD NVARCHAR(50) = 'OldPrefix'
DECLARE #PrefixName_NEW NVARCHAR(50) = 'NewPrefix'
UPDATE Component
SET AString= REPLACE(AString,#PrefixName_OLD,#PrefixName_NEW)

Converting a stored Procedure into a user defined Function

I am trying to convert a procedure into function that chooses n parameters from a table and for each n, chooses k column names from another table. it finally has to create a table with some fixed columns + n*k columns which change with input parameters. k is also different for each n. I wrote the procedure using a dynamically created query.
For the function, I figured I could run a cursor or while loop to fetch each n and feed the corresponding column names into a table variable. declaring the variables and setting their values inside the loop felt like the efficient way to go.
Finally I'll pivot the variables and join them to form the required table.
The problem lies therein. Declaring, or even if I already declared them, then calling the table variables in the loop sequentially to assign them.
Declare #plan_section table (
Roll identity (1,1)
Plan_id int
Plan_section_id int
Insert into #plan_section
Select plan_id, plan_section_id from t_plan_section where plan_id=#plan_id
Declare #n int, #plan_count int
Set #n =1
Set #plan_count = (select count(plan_section_id) from t_plan_section where plan_id = #plan_id)
While #n<#plan_count
Declare Variable_’+cast(#n, varchar(2))+’ table ( ‘#plan_section_name’ varchar(100) )
Insert into variable_’+#n+’
Select metric from t_plan_section_metric a join #plan_section b using(plan_section_id) where b.roll = #n
set #n = #n+1
here's a query snippet i used but didn't work.
Please consider that there are n plan section corresponding to each plan_id, and k column names being retrieved into n table variables declared within the loop.
Any and all suggestions are welcomed. if you have another approach, by all means do share.

SQL update if exist and insert else and return the key of the row

I have a table named WORD with the following columns
What I want to do is when I try to add a row to the table if a row with the same CONTENT exits, I want to increment the FREQUENCY by 1. Otherwise I want to add the row to the table. And then the WORD_INDEX in the newly inserted row or updated row must be returned.
I want to do this in H2 database from one query.
I have tried 'on duplicate key update', but this seems to be not working in H2.
PS- I can do this with 1st making a select query with CONTENT and if I get a empty result set, makeing insert query and otherwise making a update query. But as I have a very large number of words, I am trying to optimize the insert operation. So what I am trying to do is reducing the database interactions I am making.
Per your edited question .. you can achieve this using a stored procedure like below [A sample code]
create procedure sp_insert_update_word(IN CONTENT_DATA VARCHAR(255),
declare #rec_count int;
select #rec_count = count(*) from WORD where content = CONTENT_DATA;
IF(#rec_count > 0) THEN
Then call your procedure and select the returned inserted id like below
CALL sp_insert_update_word('some_content_data', 3, #Insert_Id);
SELECT #Insert_Id;
The above procedure code essentially just checking that, if the same content already exists then perform an UPDATE otherwise perform an INSERT. Finally return the newly generated auto increment ID if it's insert else return null.
First try to update frequency where content = "your submitted data here". If the affected row = 0 then insert a new row. You also might want make CONTENT unique considering it will always stored different data.

SQL Table Locking

I have an SQL Server locking question regarding an application we have in house. The application takes submissions of data and persists them into an SQL Server table. Each submission is also assigned a special catalog number (unrelated to the identity field in the table) which is a sequential alpha numeric number. These numbers are pulled from another table and are not generated at run time. So the steps are
Insert Data into Submission Table
Grab next Unassigned Catalog
Number from Catalog Table
Assign the Catalog Number to the
Submission in the Submission table
All these steps happen sequentially in the same stored procedure.
Its, rate but sometimes we manage to get two submission at the same second and they both get assigned the same Catalog Number which causes a localized version of the Apocalypse in our company for a small while.
What can we do to limit the over assignment of the catalog numbers?
When getting your next catalog number, use row locking to protect the time between you finding it and marking it as in use, e.g.:
set transaction isolation level REPEATABLE READ
begin transaction
select top 1 #catalog_number = catalog_number
from catalog_numbers with (updlock,rowlock)
where assigned = 0
update catalog_numbers set assigned = 1 where catalog_number = :catalog_number
commit transaction
You could use an identity field to produce the catalog numbers, that way you can safely create and get the number:
insert into Catalog () values ()
set #CatalogNumber = scope_identity()
The scope_identity function will return the id of the last record created in the same session, so separate sessions can create records at the same time and still end up with the correct id.
If you can't use an identity field to create the catalog numbers, you have to use a transaction to make sure that you can determine the next number and create it without another session accessing the table.
I like araqnid's response. You could also use an insert trigger on the submission table to accomplish this. The trigger would be in the scope of the insert, and you would effectively embed the logic to assign the catalog_number in the trigger. Just wanted to put your options up here.
Here's the easy solution. No race condition. No blocking from a restrictive transaction isolation level. Probably won't work in SQL dialects other than T-SQL, though.
I assume their is some outside force at work to keep your catalog number table populated with unassigned catalog numbers.
This technique should work for you: just do the same sort of "interlocked update" that retrieves a value, something like:
update top 1 CatalogNumber
set in_use = 1 ,
#newCatalogNumber = catalog_number
from CatalogNumber
where in_use = 0
Anyway, the following stored procedure just just ticks up a number on each execution and hands back the previous one. If you want fancier value, add a computed column that applies the transform of choice to the incrementing value to get the desired value.
drop table dbo.PrimaryKeyGenerator
create table dbo.PrimaryKeyGenerator
id varchar(100) not null ,
current_value int not null default(1) ,
constraint PrimaryKeyGenerator_PK primary key clustered ( id ) ,
drop procedure dbo.GetNewPrimaryKey
create procedure dbo.GetNewPrimaryKey
#name varchar(100)
set nocount on
set ansi_nulls on
set concat_null_yields_null on
set xact_abort on
#uniqueValue int
-- put the supplied key in canonical form
set #name = ltrim(rtrim(lower(#name)))
-- if the name isn't already defined in the table, define it.
insert dbo.PrimaryKeyGenerator ( id )
select id = #name
where not exists ( select *
from dbo.PrimaryKeyGenerator pkg
where pkg.id = #name
-- now, an interlocked update to get the current value and increment the table
update PrimaryKeyGenerator
set #uniqueValue = current_value ,
current_value = current_value + 1
where id = #name
-- return the new unique value to the caller
return #uniqueValue
To use it:
declare #pk int
exec #pk = dbo.GetNewPrimaryKey 'foobar'
select #pk
Trivial to mod it to return a result set or return the value via an OUTPUT parameter.

How can one iterate over stored procedure results from within another stored procedure....without cursors?

I'm not sure if this is something I should do in T-SQL or not, and I'm pretty sure using the word 'iterate' was wrong in this context, since you should never iterate anything in sql. It should be a set based operation, correct? Anyway, here's the scenario:
I have a stored proc that returns many uniqueidentifiers (single column results). These ids are the primary keys of records in a another table. I need to set a flag on all the corresponding records in that table.
How do I do this without the use of cursors? Should be an easy one for you sql gurus!
This may not be the most efficient, but I would create a temp table to hold the results of the stored proc and then use that in a join against the target table. For example:
CREATE TABLE #t (uniqueid int)
INSERT INTO #t EXEC p_YourStoredProc
UPDATE TargetTable
SET a.FlagColumn = 1
FROM TargetTable a JOIN #t b
ON a.uniqueid = b.uniqueid
You could also change your stored proc to a user-defined function that returns a table with your uniqueidentifiers. You can joing directly to the UDF and treat it like a table which avoids having to create the extra temp table explicitly. Also, you can pass parameters into the function as you're calling it, making this a very flexible solution.
SELECT uniqueid FROM dbo.SomeWhere
UPDATE dbo.TargetTable
SET a.FlagColumn = 1
FROM dbo.TargetTable a INNER JOIN dbo.udfGetUniqueIDs() b
ON a.uniqueid = b.uniqueid
This will work on SQL Server 2000 and up...
Insert the results of the stored proc into a temporary table and join this to the table you want to update:
EXEC usp_WorkResults
UPDATE DataTable
SET Flag = Whatever
FROM DataTable
ON DataTable.Ket = #WorkTable.Key
If you upgrade to SQL 2008 then you can pass table parameters I believe. Otherwise, you're stuck with a global temporary table or creating a permanent table that includes a column for some sort of process ID to identify which call to the stored procedure is relevant.
How much room do you have in changing the stored procedure that generates the IDs? You could add code in there to handle it or have a parameter that lets you optionally flag the rows when it is called.
Use temporary tables or a table variable (you are using SS2005).
Although, that's not nest-able - if a stored proc uses that method then you can't dumpt that output into a temp table.
An ugly solution would be to have your procedure return the "next" id each time it is called by using the other table (or some flag on the existing table) to filter out the rows that it has already returned
You can use a temp table or table variable with an additional column:
Column1 uniqueidentifer,
Checked bit
SELECT [...], 0 FROM MyTable WHERE [...]
DECLARE #Continue bit
SET #Continue = 1
WHILE (#Continue)
SELECT #var1 = Column1,
#var2 = Column2,
FROM #MyTable
WHERE Checked = 1
IF #var1 IS NULL
SET #Continue = 0
UPDATE #MyTable SET Checked = 1 WHERE Column1 = #var1
Edit: Actually, in your situation a join will be better; the code above is a cursorless iteration, which is overkill for your situation.