npm install on VueJS - vue.js

I am trying to install this script. I am trying to run npm install command. But this is not working. This is stuck after message idealTree:color-convert: timing idealTree:node_modules/c.
Could anyone help me to install this script ?

I tried it myself and had the same issue.
There might be an issue on the author's end or with some dependency.
Try contacting the author of the package to investigate the issue.
You can create an issue here:

nice you can delete your node modules and try again...
or you can try npm cache clean
if both fails you can try yarn...


npm install -g eas-cli fails

I am a newbie to react-native and would like to start developing a react-native app.
I could have started developing by react-native-cli, but I heard there was something called Expo and a way to open an initial app with expo-cli.
I copied and pasted this code npm install -g eas-cli, but it gave me a huge long error message I put its screenshot below.
I have no idea about the system?? inside my computer.
I would be so grateful if anyone gives me a possible solution.
Thanks for your valuable time^^
=========== Edit ===========
So I read the first comment, and run this command on my Mac brew install nvm. It worked nicely and looked for more information for what to do from this point. Then I ran this command mkdir ~/.nvm, and I am stack now. I created a directory called .nvm, but so what from now??
Thanks a lot for taking your time to help me!!
You probably installed npm using sudo, or something like that.
I would recommend to install npm using nvm. It usually removes all those errors.

NPM stuck on idealTree: timing idealTree

Today i decided to start react native cli project. Everything works great since i want to add new lib of course using npm . So i ran npm install ... . And this command always stuck on
idealTree: timing idealTree Completed in 3440ms
And nothing happened. So i tried to ran
npm install --verbose
And again stuck on the same place. Also clear cache npm cache clear --force and nothing happened again. I don'n know how to fix this
I have had npm install freeze on me numerous times, lately. I'm not sure of the cause. When that happens I follow these steps:
Kill the npm install process with ctrl+c.
Delete node_modules. If there are files that you cannot delete because they are currently in use, that may mean that the npm install process was not successfully stopped. Try opening Task Manager and ending all nodejs and terminal processes. If this fails, restart your pc and then delete node_modules
Clean cache and reinstall node_modules with npm cache clean --force && npm i
This has happened to me a few times before and all I had to do was kill my dev server before running npm install.
Hope that helps as well!
I had the same issue on node latest version v18.8.0 and npm v8.18.0, I just downgraded to node 16.6 using nvm and it worked fine.
For me, the issue was that I had node running for a separate project. Terminating the other node process fixed the issue.
When i opened my package.json i saw '~2.2.1' in front of react-native-gesture-handler which probably means that it was notinstalled properly
Just close all terminals and then open task manager and kill all the processes corresponding to NodeJS. Then install it again.
Hopefully it will resolve.
I also faced this problem and the solution was simple by stopping all the "nodejs terminals" that are working outside.
When you stop nodeJS Terminals running in the background, it will complete the current installation process.
enter image description here
When you want to add package on your project it is better to stop server before adding new package.
I had same problem but after doing this it is solved.

Mongo-express | Patch file found for package mongodb-query-parser

I am trying to get rid of the following error message.
patch-package 6.2.2
Applying patches...
Error: Patch file found for package mongodb-query-parser which is not present at node_modules/mongodb-query-parser
This message appears when I try to install mongo-express. Locally this is no problem, because npm install keeps progressing after the error message.
But when I try to run it on gitlab-pipeline it exits the job.
Is there any workaround?
Temporary quick fix is to install mongo-express without the postinstall.
npm install mongo-express --ignore-scripts && npm install
That way the patch-package isn't called and at least the CI doesn't break. But I'm not sure how unsecure this is...
Hopefully going to be fix soon! I opened an issue

Vue-cli 3: "command failed: npm install --loglevel error"

Every time I try to create a new project (vue create my-project), I get this error:
ERROR : command failed: npm install --loglevel error
I'm on PC / Windows 10, Vue-cli 3.2.1, Node 8.11.3, Npm 5.6.0.
Babel, ESLint & Prettier, SASS, Vue router, Vuex
From the log:
2736 silly saveTree `-- vuex#3.0.1
2737 warn ajv-keywords#2.1.1 requires a peer of ajv#^5.0.0 but none is
installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
2738 verbose stack Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, read
Any idea what that means and how to solve it?
EDIT: I figured out that excluding any lint feature makes the problem disappear. So the question becomes: how can I still use linting and make it work?
npm cache clean --force
If it doesn't work then manually delete %appdata%\npm-cache folder. Then try to create the project again.
Try pointing the npm registry url from 'https' to 'http'
Run following command :
npm config set registry=""
Then try creating vue project :
vue create my-project
It worked for me.
Try :
sudo npm cache clean -f
npm update
npm update -g #vue/cli
vue create vue-first-app
I've tried everything above but still the error kept occuring. Finally I upgraded my npm version and node version, both to the latest ones and it worked.
Try using 'Dart-Sass' instead of using 'Node-Sass'. This will create your Vue project without any errors.
I am using "vue-cli 3.0.0-rc.1", I solve the problems by setting the ~/.vuerc from "useTaobaoRegistry": true, to false. Hope it help to you!!
The reason behind the error is , u are having an outdated version of node js. Try to reinstall node js and the probelm will get fixed("dont forget to uninstall and clear all the node js file before re-installing ")
I am using vue-cli 3.7.0-rc.1, I solve the problems by editing the ~/.vuerc from "useTaobaoRegistry": false to true.
Hope it works for you!
change permission by using the cli
npm config set unsafe-perm true
The problem is on the CLI
npm cache clean --force
%appdata%\npm-cache Just run on the "Run" Then Delete all the files
npm install -g #vue/cli
Just use npm 6 or greater
vue create projectName
problem solved 100% work for me
If you run into this issue on a Mac or Linux machine, you may simply need to sudo.
sudo vue create my-project
If you run into it on Windows, you may resolve the issue by running the terminal as admin.
I had the same issue. You have to use the command vue config --set useTaobaoRegistry false. After that it worked for me.
I had same issue when i was installing vue-cli with npx .... tried all the solutions from google.. nothing worked for me ..
so then i moved to install vue-cli with yarn package manager
thats when i figured out the issue ..
my issue was basically my node version which was 8.x.x but yarn was expecting 10.x.x
with nvm i have installed latest node which is 16.x.x
then tried installing vue-cli with yarn ..
it worked like charm!!!!
base language
Sass: Ruby
Stylus: JavaScript
Take out sass and use stylus. It will work.
I had the same issue using Ubuntu 20.04 OS. I used the command
npm install --loglevel error --legacy-peer-deps
and it worked for me.
Likely issue is your proxy settings:
I was having this issue recur intermittently and in the end I found out it was being caused by network proxy issues. See this article on how run npm behind a proxy server

When i do npm install multer --save, i face the following error. I am not able to find the reason. I need some help in finding this issue

this is the error! but I don't know why!
Try this code to install multer. It worked for me.
npm install #types/multer