how to use the userVariables in Testcafe using the CLI - testing

I am trying to use the new userVariables option, which is newly introduced in Testcafe's recent version.
I was wondering if the userVariables can be used through the CLI.
I understand that the variables could be added to the testcaferc.json as mentioned in the documentation:
I couldn't figure out a way to add or modify the variables and values through the command line.
Thanks in advance for any help/hints.

You can set up custom user variables only in the configuration file. Please refer the following topic for more info:
Also, you might want to track the following issue in the TestCafe GitHub repository:


Detox not taking passed in environment variables

I am setting up testing environments on a react native app. Recently, my build commands have stopped including the environment variables that I pass into them. PASSWORD=testpassword xcodebuild....
When the app runs, process.env.EMAIL returns undefined and if I log the process.env object the EMAIL, PASSWORD, or any other variable provided in the command line is not listed.
UPDATE: This really seems to be an issue with detox/metro. This is where the passed-in environment variables should be received as is outlined in Detox's docs regarding mocking, which is also broken now.
Any ideas on what I changed that broke this functionality?
You can't store variables in .env file and access them using process.env directly in react native.
To achieve this you need to integrate react-native-config library.
I figured it out. I recently modified my bash script to read the variable values, and have them then passed in on the build call. Turns out, those need to be passed in when I call the script itself. So I solved the issue by nesting the script inside of another that reads the variables and then passes them in appropriately.
Any explanation as to why this script nesting works and not a single script would definitely be appreciated.

INotificationConfiguration does not contain a definition for 'Notifiers'

Im following the aspboilerplate documentation to add a custom email notified as per the example on this page:
The document states the following:
Add it in the PreInitialize method of your module:
However i get the following error:
INotificationConfiguration does not contain a definition for
Ive tried adding what i think are the obvious using statements but thing has worked
The only extension methods that i can see are for Providers and Distributors which error if i attempt to inject the EmailRealTimeNotifier i created.
Can someone help with an explanation or workarround please.
Thanks in advance
Update to ABP v4.4+ to use multiple notifiers.
v4.4 was released in March.
v4.6 (the latest version) was released in May.

Error building Shoutem preview build after modifying extension

I've working on modification of the 'shoutem.notification-center' extension using as a guide this tutorial and I'm having some issues.
At first I tried to use the Extend the extension approach, but like I've posted on this issue, didn't quite work.
So I've tried the Directly modify approach, which works fine on my local phone, but once I use the command shoutem push to send my modifications to the server, the instance on Appetize never stops the 'Building your application' message.
The major problem is that there's no error code or feedback.
That was not the first time that happened, I had the same issue modifying other extensions. Any idea why this is happening?
The issue is likely one of two things.
New native dependencies were added that the Builder preview cannot process due to it's predefined binary.
Your directly modified extension works locally, but not on the Builder because locally it's path is still AppName/extensions/shoutem.extName, but on the Builder it's AppName/extensions/yourDevName.extName, so it fails.
The first one can be resolved by either using a non-native solution as a replacement for the native dependency you were using, or to simply use a local emulator for previewing purposes.
The second can be resolved by making sure all extensions that reference the one you directly modified are edited to now reference your new directly modified extension instead of shoutem.extName.
If you could shoot me your app ID in a comment I can let you know which one it is and what the best steps to fix it would be.

$MODULE_DIR$ points to .\.idea\modules

According to this advice I set default configuration of Working Directory of run configurations to $MODULE_DIR$:
It was working for some time, but currently I noticed this points to
which is incorrect. How to fix?
Where to find the list of definitions of such names as $MODULE_DIR$?
Instead of
This solved my problem
$MODULE_DIR$ seems to have been deprecated gradle-baseline issue 280. With the %MODULE_WORKING_DIR% at least for Gradle projects I can confirm that it is working as expected again.

Laravel Multi Auth set up issue

I have installed Multi Auth following instructions by ollieread at, but i'm missing some point here.
I got this error when running my app before replacing the configuration for auth (config/auth.php):
Missing argument 1 for Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::createDriver(), called in /private/var/www/portal-varejo/www/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Manager.php on line 81 and defined
Im pretty sure that whats missing is this (from documentation):
Custom Auth Drivers
At this current moment in time, custom Auth drivers written for the base Auth class will not >work. I'm currently looking into this particular issue but for the meantime, you can work >around this by changing your closure to return an instance of Ollieread\Multiauth\Guard >instead of the default.
How can i do that? What closure i'm supposed to change?
Running Laravel 4.1 here.
You need to comment out 'Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider' and 'Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\ReminderServiceProvider' from app/config/app.php.