InvalidParameterException when running "convox ps" - convox

Suddenly getting a InvalidParameterException when running convox ps:
InvalidParameterException: Invalid identifier: Identifier is for cluster AAAAAAA. Your cluster is BBBBBBB. status code: 400
We haven't changed anything with the Convox configuration recently, so unsure why this would suddenly start happening.
Has anyone encountered this before, or can suggest a fix?

Have you tried doing a rack update? There was a new release last week to address some changes AWS made to ECS API call validations -
convox rack update -r rackname 20211012210133
As always, I would recommend testing in QA/staging before pushing to prod.


Need help in fixing this error "Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect"

Need help in fixing this error
Faraday::ConnectionFailed (Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect):
this is logfile from /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/production.log
i got this error when i'm trying to google auth to our gitlab-ce.
this is my environment:
- CentOS 7
- Gitlab 12.5
any help is appreciated :) Thanks
You had a similar error reported in gitlab-org/gitlab-foss issue 1924:
I had the exact same thing happen last night and it turned out that the /etc/resolv.conf within the Docker container was unreadable by the "git" user for the container.
This prevents it from resolving the host you're calling back to.
The ball started rolling after reading this issue: docker-gitlab issue 627.
In your case, you might not use a GitLab within Docker, in which case, check your proxy.

Heroku: http-error 410. Invalid response from API (I am not behind a proxy)

I am currently having some issues with heroku. I just installed it and tried to heroku create. It takes my credentials but so far i just get this
! HTTP Error: 410 Gone
! Invalid response from API.
! HTTP 410
! {myMail myPw}
! Are you behind a proxy?
I have been looking around for others with that issue but they all were behind a proxy. I am not. I also checked my firewall settings and also tried to run the command line client with admin rights. But nothing has proven to be successful so far. I'll keep trying and post an answer as soon as i figure it out. Maybe someone of you has an idea. Would be appreciated. Thanks in advance and
Greetings Chris
Maybe some info. I'm running
Windows 10 Pro (V10.0.15063)
and a basic network setup with a router and DHCP
I had the same problem today.
When I type
in my Command Prompt, it promotes me to enter my email and after that my password. Then I got the same error message as you.
After that instead "heroku" I typed
heroku login
I entered the same email and password and everything was fine.
Ok. I made it work. Unfortunately I'm not really understanding why this worked which is pretty unsatisfying but I'll tell you what I did. I stumbled on some posts that were saying heroku-cli is outdated if that happens. First I tried to update it with npm using
npm update -g heroku-cli
which basically made heroku stop working alltogether because now the cli reported it needed node >7.X (and I was still running on 6.X). The node update I then made also didn't help because now heroku-cli was unable find the command bash.
In the end I just reinstalled heroku. After that (with at first getting the same error as in the beginning) I first did
heroku update
and after that heroku login worked. Now why I don't really grasp and maybe someone of you guys knows. But the version I had before heroku update was exaclty the same as afterwards
heroku-cli/5.11.12-8ae9780 (windows-amd64) go1.7.5
I found out the was blocked by my antivirus and unblocked it. Now its working flawless.
Updating Heroku worked for me.
heroku update

How Can I Totally Reset Resque?

My Rails app runs on Heroku using Resque backed by RedisCloud.
Somehow Resque has gotten totally hosed. A few days ago it stopped showing what was currently working (Overview and Working tabs on resque web). I tried to solve it by "cleaning up" what appeared to me to be stale keys in Redis.
Bad move! Now, failed jobs stopped showing up on the Failed tab (and no failed key in Redis).
At this point I would like to do a clean reset, but how? I basically wiped all keys, following the process of this gem: resque-reset. What else can be done? Where is state kept besides Redis? Of course I also did heroku restart.
But it's still hosed. That is, resque web never shows what's working or what's failed.

ECONNREFUSED on redis what to do?

I have been working on this for days now, and I can't figure out what is wrong.
Everything else is working, but I get the "ECONNREFUSED" on redis.
I have follow intances running:
app01 ROLE: app
web01 ROLE: web
db01 ROLE:db:primary
redis01 ROLE:redis_master
redis02 ROLE:redis_slave
sidekiq01 ROLE:redis
Here is the error from the productionlog:
Redis::CannotConnectError (Error connecting to Redis on localhost:6379 (ECONNREFUSED)):
app/models/user.rb:63:in `send_password_reset'
app/controllers/password_resets_controller.rb:10:in `create'
Everything is set-up by using the rubber-gem.
I have tried to remove all instaces and start from the start two times. Also I have tried to make a custom security-rule, but i'm not shure if I did it right.
Please help me!
Bringing this post back from the dead because I found it when I was struggling with the same problem today. I resolved my problem by doing the following:
I added redis_slave or redis_master roles to the servers using cap rubber:add_role. I found this will add both the specified role, and the generic "redis" role. Assuming that you want redis01 to be the only redis_master after adding roles, I'd expect your environment to have:
app01 ROLE: app
web01 ROLE: web
db01 ROLE:db:primary
redis01 ROLE:redis_master
redis01 ROLE:redis
redis02 ROLE:redis_slave
redis01 ROLE:redis
sidekiq01 ROLE:redis_slave
sidekiq01 ROLE:redis
After setting up roles, I updated the servers with cap rubber:bootstrap
In my environment, I'm deploying code from git, so I had to commit these changes and run cap -s branch="branch_name_or_sha" deploy to get rubber/deploy-redis.rb on the servers with the new roles and execute it.
After doing all this, redis runs on all my nodes without throwing Redis::CannotConnectError (Error connecting to Redis on localhost:6379 (ECONNREFUSED)) error on any of them.
Good Luck!

Heroku: What to do when your dyno/worker crashes?

I have a worker doing some processing 24/7. However, sometimes the code crashes and it needs to be restarted (even if I catch the exception, I have to restart the worker in order for it to work).
What do you do when this happens or am I doing something wrong and this shouldn't happen at all? Does your dynos/workers crash or it is just me?
Heroku is supposed to restart a worker every time it crashes. As far as I know, you don't have to select or configure anything. Whatever is in your jobs:work task will be executed as soon as it fails.
In the event that you are heavily dependent on background jobs in your web app. You could create a rake task that finds the last record to be updated and execute a background job to update it. Or perhaps automate the rake task to find the rest of the records that need updating, since the last crash.
Alternatively, you force worker restart manually as indicated in this article (using delayed_job):
heroku workers 0;
heroku workers 1;
Or perhaps you can restart a specific worker by doing (mentioned in this article):
heroku restart worker.1
By the way, try the 1.9 stack. Make sure your app is 1.9.2 compatible, before doing so. Hopefully crashes are less frequent there:
heroku stack:migrate bamboo-mri-1.9.2
In the event, that such issues still arise. Best to contact Heroku support. They are very responsive at what they do.
Latest command to restart a specific heroku web worker (2014):
heroku ps:restart web.1
(tested on Cedar stack)
At times, for instance in case of DB crashes, the worker may not restart automatically. you would need to do this.
heroku restart web.1
It worked for me.