Making a web component using Vue - vue.js

I am currently working on web components and shadow DOM.
I can see that it is possible to create a native web component using Vue3 here
Vue docs. But I am currently facing issues building the native component file from vuejs files. I have googled for some time and found there are not many helpful content for it.
Building Web Components with Vue 3.2 is by far the most helpful blog I have found. Still I am unable to do production build of my files.
Currently I am getting 2 files after build.
import {
r as c,
c as l,
o as a,
a as u,
b as d,
d as f,
t as m,
u as p,
e as g,
} from "./vendor.21fe8919.js";
const y = function () {
const r = document.createElement("link").relList;
if (r && r.supports && r.supports("modulepreload")) return;
for (const e of document.querySelectorAll('link[rel="modulepreload"]')) o(e);
new MutationObserver((e) => {
for (const t of e)
if (t.type === "childList")
for (const s of t.addedNodes)
s.tagName === "LINK" && s.rel === "modulepreload" && o(s);
}).observe(document, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 });
function i(e) {
const t = {};
return (
e.integrity && (t.integrity = e.integrity),
e.referrerpolicy && (t.referrerPolicy = e.referrerpolicy),
e.crossorigin === "use-credentials"
? (t.credentials = "include")
: e.crossorigin === "anonymous"
? (t.credentials = "omit")
: (t.credentials = "same-origin"),
function o(e) {
if (e.ep) return;
e.ep = !0;
const t = i(e);
fetch(e.href, t);
const h = {
props: { timeZone: { type: String, default: "America/Los_Angeles" } },
emits: ["datechange"],
setup(n, { emit: r }) {
const i = n,
o = c(new Date()),
e = l(() => o.value.toLocaleString("en-US", { timeZone: i.timeZone }));
return (
setInterval(() => {
(o.value = new Date()), r("datechange", e);
}, 1e3),
(t, s) => (
a(), u("div", null, [d(t.$slots, "prefix"), f(" " + m(p(e)), 1)])
v = g(h);
customElements.define("current-time", v);
document.querySelector("current-time").addEventListener("datechange", L);
function L(n) {
But i would like the build file to be in following format for my use case.
class CurrentTime extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
this.innerHTML = new Date();
setInterval(() => this.innerHTML = new Date(), 1000)
// Define it as a custom element
customElements.define('current-time', CurrentTime);
vite config file
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import vue from "#vitejs/plugin-vue";
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue({ customElement: true })],


typeError object(...) is not a function

I get the "object is not a function" error on the line where the "setup()" function appears.
I have no clue how to debug this... Am I doing something wrong? (I'm not an experimented developer, so I know I'm doing things wrong, but here, I have no clue what it is...)
It's asking me to add more details because my post is mainly code... So I'm writing this, but I habe idea what details I could c=possibly add. :-)
Thanks in advance for your help!!
import { ref } from 'vue'
import Ftable from '#/components/tables/Ftable.vue'
import Searchbar from '#/components/tables/Searchbar.vue'
import getMainCollection from '#/composables/getMainCollection'
export default {
name: 'Home',
components: { Searchbar, Ftable },
setup(){ //error arrives on this line
const { getData, getMore } = getMainCollection()
const documents = ref('')
const lastVisible = ref('')
const type = ref('')
const country = ref('')
function newSearch() {
const {doc, last} = getData(type, country)
documents.value = doc
lastVisible.Value = last
function askForMore() {
const { doc, last } = getMore(type, country, lastVisible)
documents.value = doc
lastVisible.value = last
return { documents, askForMore, newSearch, askForMore }
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { projectFirestore } from '#/firebase/config'
const getMainCollection = () => {
const collectionGroupRef = projectFirestore.collectionGroup('users')
const lastVisible = ref('')
const documents = ('')
function getData(type, country) {
const filter = null
if (type != null && country == null){
filter = collectionGroupRef.where('type', '==', `${type}`)
else if(type == null && country != null){
filter = collectionGroupRef.where('country', '==', `${country}`)
filter = collectionGroupRef
const data = filter.orderBy('createdAt')
.then((querySnapshot) => {
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
documents.value.push({, id:})
lastVisible =[]
return( documents, lastVisible)
function getMore(type, country, lastVisible) {
const filter = null
if (type != null && country == null){
filter = collectionGroupRef.where('type', '==', `${type}`)
else if(type == null && country != null){
filter = collectionGroupRef.where('country', '==', `${country}`)
filter = collectionGroupRef
.then((querySnapshot) => {
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
documents.value.push({, id: })
lastVisible =[]
return( documents, lastVisible)
return ( getData, getMore )
export { getMainCollection }
Since you exported getMainCollection as an object:
export { getMainConnection }
You need to destructure it when importing:
import { getMainCollection } from '#/composables/getMainCollection'

How can I eject quasar cli and use Vue + Quasar UMD?

I'm using Quasar for SPA only. But I don't need all the things that come with Quasar CLI.
Is there a way to eject Quasar CLI and start using Vue + Quasar UMD?
Basically, stop using quasar dev and start using vue serve?
Yes, you can. The following changes should be made:
// vue.config.js
const QuasarLoader = require('./quasar-loader/index');
module.exports =
prependData: `#import "~quasar/src/css/variables.sass";`
transpileDependencies: ['quasar'],
configureWebpack: (config) =>
if (!config.plugins) config.plugins = [];
config.plugins.push(new QuasarLoader());
// quasar-loader/auto-import.js
* Quasar runtime for auto-importing
* components or directives.
* Warning! This file does NOT get transpiled by Babel
* but is included into the UI code.
* #param component {Vue} Component object
* #param type {String} One of 'components' or 'directives'
* #param items {Object} Object containing components or directives
module.exports = function quasarLoader(component, type, items)
/* we use a workaround in functional templates
<component :is="$options.components.QBtn" ... />
var target, i;
var opt = component.options;
if (!opt[type])
opt[type] = items
target = opt[type];
for (i in items)
if (!target[i])
target[i] = items[i]
// quasar-loader/index.js
const RuleSet = require('webpack/lib/RuleSet');
let vueLoaderPath;
vueLoaderPath = require.resolve('vue-loader');
catch (err)
function isVueLoader(use)
return use.ident === 'vue-loader-options' ||
use.loader === 'vue-loader' ||
(vueLoaderPath && use.loader === vueLoaderPath)
class QuasarLoaderPlugin
this.options = options || {}
// use webpack's RuleSet utility to normalize user rules
const rawRules = compiler.options.module.rules;
const { rules } = new RuleSet(rawRules);
// find the rule that applies to vue files
const vueRuleIndex = rules.findIndex(rule => rule.use && rule.use.find(isVueLoader));
const vueRule = rules[vueRuleIndex];
if (!vueRule)
throw new Error(
`[QuasarLoaderPlugin Error] No matching rule for vue-loader found.\n` +
`Make sure there is at least one root-level rule that uses vue-loader.`
loader: require.resolve('./loader'),
options: this.options || { nameCase: 'kebab' }
compiler.options.module.rules = rules;
module.exports = QuasarLoaderPlugin;
// quasar-loader/loader.js
const path = require('path');
const compiler = require('vue-template-compiler');
// const loaderOptions = require('loader-utils/lib/getOptions');
const stringifyRequest = require('loader-utils/lib/stringifyRequest');
const importData = require('quasar/dist/babel-transforms/auto-import.json');
const importTransform = require('quasar/dist/babel-transforms/imports.js');
const runtimePath = require.resolve('./auto-import.js');
// regex to match functional components
const funcCompRegex = new RegExp(
function transform(itemArray)
return itemArray
.map(name => `import ${name} from '${importTransform(name)}'`)
module.exports = async function (content, sourceMap)
if (!this.resourceQuery)
const readFile = path => new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
this.fs.readFile(path, function (err, data)
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve(data)
const tags = new Set();
const directives = new Set();
const file = (await readFile(this.resourcePath)).toString('utf8');
const component = compiler.parseComponent(file);
if (component.template)
if (component.template.src)
const externalFile = (await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
this.resolve(path.dirname(this.resourcePath), component.template.src, (err, result) =>
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve(result)
component.template.content = (await readFile(externalFile)).toString('utf8'); // external content
const compRegexKebab = new RegExp('^' + importData.regex.kebabComponents + '$');
const compRegexPascal = new RegExp('^' + importData.regex.pascalComponents + '$');
const dirRegex = new RegExp('^' + importData.regex.directives + '$');
compiler.compile(component.template.content, {
modules: [{
postTransformNode: node =>
if ("directives" in node)
node.directives.forEach(({ name }) =>
if (dirRegex.test('v-' + name))
directives.add(importData.importName['v-' + name]);
if (compRegexKebab.test(node.tag))
else if (compRegexPascal.test(node.tag))
const arrTags = [...tags];
const arrDirs = [...directives];
if (arrTags.length > 0 || arrDirs.length > 0)
const functional = funcCompRegex.test(content);
let newContent = '/* quasar-loader */\n';
newContent += `import qInstall from ${stringifyRequest(this, runtimePath)}\n`;
if (arrTags.length > 0)
if (functional) console.error('Using workaround for local Vue components (' + arrTags.join(',') + ') in a functional template.');
newContent += transform(arrTags) + '\n';
newContent += `qInstall(component, "components", {${arrTags.join(",")}})\n`;
if (arrDirs.length > 0)
if (functional) console.error('Using local Vue directive (' + arrDirs.join(',') + ') in a functional component is not supported.');
newContent += transform(arrDirs) + '\n';
newContent += `qInstall(component, "directives", {${arrDirs.join(",")}})\n`;
// Insert our modification before the HMR code
const hotReload = content.indexOf('/* hot reload */');
if (hotReload > -1)
content = content.slice(0, hotReload) + newContent + '\n\n' + content.slice(hotReload)
content += '\n\n' + newContent
this.callback(null, content, sourceMap);
// src/main.js
import QuasarInstall from 'quasar/src/vue-plugin'
import iconSet from 'quasar/icon-set/svg-mdi-v5'
// import QuasarDialog from 'quasar/src/plugins/Dialog'
import '#/assets/scss/quasar.scss'
QuasarInstall.install(Vue, {
// Dialog: QuasarDialog,
// src/assets/scss/quasar.scss
$primary : #409EFF;
$secondary : #26A69A;
$accent : #9C27B0;
$dark : #1D1D1D;
$positive : #20A835;
$negative : #F04025;
$info : #1975D0;
$warning : #F2C037;
#import '~quasar/src/css/index.sass';
If you want to use Quasar and Vue without CLI at all, you can check this starter project.
It's just Quasar UMD (ver.2) and vanilla Vue (ver.3).

integrate vue-i18n in vue-beautiful-chat

I try to integrate (vue-i18n) at this library ( in src folder but I have some integration problems
in this file ./i18n/translations.js => we have the translations
in src/index.js
import Launcher from './Launcher.vue'
import VTooltip from 'v-tooltip'
import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n'
import messages from './i18n/translations.js'
const defaultComponentName = 'beautiful-chat'
const Plugin = {
install (Vue, options = {}) {
* Makes sure that plugin can be installed only once
if (this.installed) {
const locale = navigator.language
const i18n = new VueI18n({
fallbackLocale: 'fr',
locale: locale,
this.installed = true
this.event = new Vue({i18n})
this.dynamicContainer = null
this.componentName = options.componentName || defaultComponentName
* Plugin API
Vue.prototype.$chat = {
_setDynamicContainer (dynamicContainer) {
Plugin.dynamicContainer = dynamicContainer
* Sets custom component name (if provided)
Vue.component(this.componentName, Launcher)
export default Plugin
And i start to change in the file "src/Launcher.vue" "you" in the header of the chat
computed: {
chatWindowTitle() {
if (this.title !== '') {
return this.title
if (this.participants.length === 0) {
return $t('participant.you_only')
} else if (this.participants.length > 1) {
return $t('participant.you_and_participants', { participant: 'this.participants[0].name' })
} else {
return 'You & ' + this.participants[0].name
but i receive this error
i have try few others methods as this.$i18n and others.
Can you help me please ?
Thanks a lot.
Are you possible missing the "this" when referring to "$t" on the computed property?
computed: {
chatWindowTitle() {
if (this.title !== '') {
return this.title
if (this.participants.length === 0) {
return this.$t('participant.you_only')
} else if (this.participants.length > 1) {
return this.$t('participant.you_and_participants', { participant: 'this.participants[0].name' })
} else {
return 'You & ' + this.participants[0].name

Error: Error trying to diff '[object Object]'. Only arrays and iterables are allowed cannot remove console error after using the input check box

I'm trying to bind the data from api which is written in .net core with angular api using ng for i getting the value properly but when i use the check input field my console is full on unstoppable errors
I have tried many examples from stackoverflow non them worked for me
export class UsermanagementComponent {
userDetailsList: any = [];
public userList: any= [];
departmentuser: any = {};
public searchTxt:any;
isActive: boolean = false;
checkuserstatus: boolean;
constructor(private router: Router, private http: HttpClient, private
toastr: ToastrService, private appComponent: AppComponent) {
private jwtHelper: JwtHelperService = new JwtHelperService();
ngOnInit() {
edituser(userList: any) {
localStorage.setItem("userList", JSON.stringify(userList));
this.router.navigate(["/landingpage/edituser"], userList);
lockUnlockUser(userList: any) {
console.log(userList); + "Account/LockUserAccount", userList,
}).subscribe(data => {
this.userList = data;
this.checkuserstatus = this.userList.lockoutEnabled;
if (this.checkuserstatus == true) {
let toast = this.toastr.success(MessageVariable.UserLocked);
} else if (this.checkuserstatus == false) {
let toast =;
}, (err) => {
getuser() {
var userId = localStorage.getItem('userid');
this.http.get(environment.apiUrl + "Account/GetUser", {
}).subscribe(data => {
this.userList = data;
}, (err) => {
UsermanagementComponent.html:22 ERROR Error: Error trying to diff '[object Object]'. Only arrays and iterables are allowed

How to hide onScroll header in ionic 4?

I want to hide the header on scroll in Ionic 4 Beta 5.
I tried all the directives solutions, but none of them work for me.
So, are there any methods that work?
Use below directive
import { IonContent, DomController } from '#ionic/angular';
import { Directive, ElementRef, Input, Renderer2, SimpleChanges } from '#angular/core';
selector: '[scrollHide]'
export class ScrollHideDirective {
#Input('scrollHide') config: ScrollHideConfig;
#Input('scrollContent') scrollContent: IonContent;
contentHeight: number;
scrollHeight: number;
lastScrollPosition: number;
lastValue: number = 0;
constructor(private element: ElementRef, private renderer: Renderer2, private domCtrl: DomController) {
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
if(this.scrollContent && this.config) {
this.scrollContent.scrollEvents = true;
let scrollStartFunc = async (ev) => {
const el = await this.scrollContent.getScrollElement();
this.contentHeight = el.offsetHeight;
this.scrollHeight = el.scrollHeight;
if (this.config.maxValue === undefined) {
this.config.maxValue = this.element.nativeElement.offsetHeight;
this.lastScrollPosition = el.scrollTop;
if(this.scrollContent && this.scrollContent instanceof IonContent) {
this.scrollContent.ionScroll.subscribe(async (ev) => this.adjustElementOnScroll(ev));
this.scrollContent.ionScrollEnd.subscribe(async (ev) => this.adjustElementOnScroll(ev));
} else if(this.scrollContent instanceof HTMLElement) {
(this.scrollContent as HTMLElement).addEventListener('ionScrollStart', scrollStartFunc);
(this.scrollContent as HTMLElement).addEventListener('ionScroll',async (ev) => this.adjustElementOnScroll(ev));
(this.scrollContent as HTMLElement).addEventListener('ionScrollEnd',async (ev) => this.adjustElementOnScroll(ev));
private adjustElementOnScroll(ev) {
if (ev) {
this.domCtrl.write(async () => {
const el = await this.scrollContent.getScrollElement();
let scrollTop: number = el.scrollTop > 0 ? el.scrollTop : 0;
let scrolldiff: number = scrollTop - this.lastScrollPosition;
this.lastScrollPosition = scrollTop;
let newValue = this.lastValue + scrolldiff;
newValue = Math.max(0, Math.min(newValue, this.config.maxValue));
this.renderer.setStyle(this.element.nativeElement, this.config.cssProperty, `-${newValue}px`);
this.lastValue = newValue;
export interface ScrollHideConfig {
cssProperty: string;
maxValue: number;
Steps to use:
In your HTML
<ion-header [scrollHide]="headerScrollConfig" [scrollContent]="pageContent">
<ion-content #pageContent>
In your controller: Add config variables
footerScrollConfig: ScrollHideConfig = { cssProperty: 'margin-bottom', maxValue: undefined };
headerScrollConfig: ScrollHideConfig = { cssProperty: 'margin-top', maxValue: 54 };