Need to configure .htaccess, so multiple folders will act as if they are their own separate root folders - for the code running on them - apache

For example:
I need to install an application on /site1 that will think that it is on the root folder. (In this case PHP, js, CodeIgniter, but could be anything)
So for example, links/references for files such as "/file.jpg" (in code that is in the site1 folder, such as at will really load from
And also the code would not be able to see any folder below site1, so that is basically the root folder. And similar thing would be at site2, so the 2 are separate root folders.
I thought this would be some kind of simple .htaccess file installed at with a redirect, or some kind of a reverse proxy, but so far everything I tried did not work.
I can't seem to find even any such example even on stack overflow..
Any ideas?

The easiest way to do this would be to create an additional VirtualHost, for internal use, called internal1, whose RootDirectory is, you guessed it, /var/www/ where the main site is in /var/www/
Then in you reverse proxy /site1 to internal1 (you'll have to put it into /etc/hosts and alias for localhost). The second request will have its DOCUMENT_ROOT point to site1, as requested (and its ServerName changed to internal1):
ProxyPass /site1/ http://internal1/
ProxyPassReverse /site1/ http://internal1/
(Not sure about the trailing slashes)
Now, accessing will trigger a second internal connection to internal1/joe.html, which will contain, say, 'src="/joe.jpg"'; and here's where ProxyPassReverse will come into play, rewriting this in 'src=""' so that everything will work.
errata corrige
The above is not correct, thanks #MrWhite for pointing this out. ProxyPassReverse is not enough as it only rewrites headers. From the Apache documentation (emphasis mine):
Only the HTTP response headers specifically mentioned above will be
rewritten. Apache httpd will not rewrite other response headers, nor
will it by default rewrite URL references inside HTML pages. This
means that if the proxied content contains absolute URL references,
they will bypass the proxy. To rewrite HTML content to match the
proxy, you must load and enable mod_proxy_html.
(The method is dirty as all Hell: every HTTP call incurs one extra connection and two rewrites, one going in, a larger one going out).
Of course, if the link is built using e.g. Javascript, it might well be that the proxy code will not recognize it as a link, will leave it unchanged, maybe with the "internal1" name inside somewhere, and the app will break.
However, #arkascha has the right of it - you should cure the cause, not the symptom. You can maybe rewrite the environment of the apps so that they run without troubles even if they are in a subdirectory. Or you could try injecting <base href=""> in the output HTML.


use Apache Alias instead of RewriteRule to serve HTML page

A simple Alias in Apache configuration not working -
Alias /url/path/some-deleted-page.html /url/path-modified/new-avatar-of-some-deleted-page.html
It gives "page not found".
However RewriteRule works as expected but it sends redirect status to browser. I want browser/user not to be aware of the redirect. Hence, I want to use Alias instead of RewriteRule. I want to confirm if mod_alias can be used to map individual URL.
I use ProxyPassMatch also which executes all html pages as PHP script. Also adding ProxyPass makes no diffrence.
ProxyPass /url/path/some-deleted-page.html !
Please help so that I can map individual URL (a bunch of them) with Alias instead of RewriteRule.
The purpose of mod_alias is to map requested URLs with a directory on the system running your httpd instance. It does not return anything to the browser (i.e. no redirection code, nothing). It is all done internally. Hence your client does not even know it is there.
DocumentRoot "/opt/apache/htdocs"
Alias "/someurl/" "/opt/other_path/someurl_files/"
In this scenario, users asking for any URL besides /someurl/ would receive files from /opt/apache/htdocs.
If a user asks for /someurl/, files from /opt/other_path/someurl_files/ will be used.
Still missing in this example is a <Directory> definition for securing the Alias directory.
You should read:
Alias will cover the case where you need to point a certain URL to a particular directory on the file system.
If you need to modify the filename (i.e. the client asks for file A, and you send back page B), you should use RewriteRule. And to hide the fact you changed the filename, use the [P] flag.
This directive allows you to use regex, yet still use a proxy mechanism. So your client does know what went on, as the address in his address bar does not change.

Use Apache to load a page sitting on a different server with the same URL

We have a situation where ideally we would like a user to access a page on our site at a URL such as However, the HTML to render that page is sitting on an entirely different server (S3 to be exact) that we have control over, and we would like to render that page for that URL without redirecting (i.e. changing the URL itself).
I took a brief look at the Apache mod_proxy module, but it doesn't seem to do the job as we just get 500 or 404 errors. Here is an example entry from our .htaccess:
<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
RewriteRule "/path/to/page/(.*)$" "$1" [P]
Any help or a pointer in the right direction would be appreciated.
Most likely you stumble over the fact that you are using an absolute path inside a dynamic cohnfiguration files RewriteRule. Have a try with that instead:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule "/?path/to/page/(.*)$" "$1" [P]
That slightly modified will work in dynamic configuration files and in the real http servers host configuration.
But as mentioned in the comment I wonder why you should not be able to use the proxy module directly to simplify things. You'd have to do that in in http servers host configuration though, this is not possible in dynamic configuration files:
ProxyRequests off
ProxyPass "/path/to/page/" ""
ProxyPassReverse "/path/to/page/" ""
And a general hint: you should always prefer to place such rules inside the http servers host configuration instead of using dynamic configuration files (".htaccess"). Those files are notoriously error prone, hard to debug and they really slow down the server. They are only provided as a last option for situations where you do not have control over the host configuration (read: really cheap hosting service providers) or if you have an application that relies on writing its own rewrite rules (which is an obvious security nightmare).

Subdomains not working on Apache

I would like to have a subdomain ( for my website which points to the same folder as (/var/www/webmail/), but whenever I access the subdomain, I'm instantly redirected to (/var/www/) instead. This is bothering me as some of my clients are requesting subdomains and I have no idea why they're not working.
EDIT: I was previously working with a CNAME. I removed that and added an "A" record instead. Now it's not redirecting. It is still loading /var/www/ instead of /var/www/webmail/ though.
These are what I think are the relevant files on my server:
Note that even though the last two files have the full hostname in the <VirtualHost> section, I have also tried having everything with *:80 instead. Still nothing.
The only thing that happens sometimes is that when I'm messing around with a2ensite and a2dissite, instead of loading the home page, starts loading the webmail instead.
Please help me. I don't know what else I can do.
Do you get any errors when you start up apache? Things like has no virtualhosts?
Are there any virtualhosts defined in your httpd.conf file that may be overriding the one your working with?
I would stick with the *:80 and make sure your have serveraliases for each one that make sense and that the server aliases are not overlapping. You can use grep to find all of them.

.htaccess masked forwarding for certain folder/directory within domain

Let's say I have a domain called and I want to run all the pages of these sites separately... but items found within certain paths, I'd like to reference from one domain to another in a masked forwarded manner for SEO purposes and to avoid having to place files in two different FTP accounts.
The target folders are
FOr example if a call is made to[any image] then I want the masked forwarder to kick in to serve a file that is located at[filename requested]. Same goes for anything found after /pdf/ in the same example.
However all other pages should remain referencing to internal files within.
I have limited understanding of .htaccess and frankly lost as to how to approach anything beyond a very simple 30
Not sure you understand the concept here, as the "forwarding" would equate to an external redirect, there is no "masking" anywhere. The closest thing there is is reverse proxying:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(images|pdf)/(.*)$$1/$2 [L,P]
You need mod_proxy to do this and those rules need to be in the htaccess file in your's document root.
You can also do this in's server/vhost config:
ProxyPass /images/
ProxyPass /pdf/

Apache virtual directory without redirect

What I'm trying to accomplish is pulling content from a directory that is not the same as the url path. For example:
path: /www/production/
Currently, the root url pulls content from the path above. What I want to do is something like this:
path: /www/production/root/
So the base URL "" should pull data not from /www/production/ but from /www/production/root/.
I think this is called a Virtual Directory in IIS. Is there something like this in Apache?
Edit for clarification:
I have a ton of existing content that I do not want to have to restructure yet. However, the root site is being completely rebuilt and is going to be quite a bit bigger. What I want is each microsite to have it's own directory, such that requests for should pull content from /www/production/root/ while requests for should still pull content from /www/production/microsite/.
Hopefully that makes more sense. :)
Its not exactly clear what your problem is. If you just want all URLs to be taken relative to some location on the server, then you can use the DocumentRoot directive:
DocumentRoot /www/production/root/
If you want to only have certain urls go to the new place, then you can either use the Alias or AliasMatch directives from the mod_alias module. These can map either prefixes on a URL, or url Regexes to other server locations. If even this isn't sufficient, you can use mod_rewrite which allows for arbitrary chains of url rewriting, but can get very hairy to maintain, so you're better off avoiding that module if you can.
If I understand your question correctly, then the following, in your VirtualHost config, does what you're asking for:
DocumentRoot /www/production/root/