Website freezing but only for certain users - unsure where to start - vue.js

I'm trying to build a Vue web app and a friend was using it when it froze. Refreshing the page or opening a new tab and going to the page didn't fix it, and it would just keep loading until chrome said the page was unresponsive.
I thought it might be a network issue on their side but it works fine on their phone. Then I thought maybe there was a localStorage or cookie corruption issue, but then it was still broken on a different browser(chrome & edge).
This site doesn't seem to show any HTML and upon reload, nothing pops up in the network tab.
The site uses vue3, vuex, fullcalendar, fontawesome, lzutf8(compression algorithm package). It's hosted on netlify.
Honestly, I don't even know where to start debugging this since I can't reproduce the issue on my computer and it makes it worse than I don't physically have the laptop in front of me. Here are some issues I think it may be:
There is some corrupt data between chrome and edge that's causing the site to freeze
I'm using a compression algorithm package to compress the vue store into a copy/pastable string. It's possible this is causing the site to slow when vuex tries to load the getter for the compressed store, but if the localstorage is empty all it has to compress is empty arrays so I don't see how compression would cause an issue.
A firewall on the device could be blocking the website
Maybe there's a chance Netlify could be blocking the site?
Potentially there's some issue with vue or vuex that I don't know about?
Here's the github repo:
and the website is deployed here:
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated


Nuxt.js App: Redeploy causes payload.js 404 Not found

I have a webpage which runs a full static nuxt.js app. After a redeploy we sometimes experience some weird 404s, where payload.js was not found (404).
See the last two errors:
Could it be that some weird caching is causing this?
The problem appears (at least so far) only for users who visited the page, then a redeploy happendend, and after that they would see a failing page, because some js files were obviously missing...
I am very glad for any hints, why this could accur.
Are there some specific nuxt caching settings, I could improve?
Deploys are via But any caching there is disabled.
I thought caching should no be a problem because of the build number in the file url...
Thanks a lot and cheers.

Why is my heroku app and local app different?

I have no idea how to explain this or what to post but maybe the easiest way is through images. Here is a look at my locally hosted website:
Simple enough right? It goes off screen if the viewport isn't wide enough for it. Now here is my heroku app:
This isn't the only issue. There are other problems too. Like images not reacting to media queries. Or when they do react they react in a different way. The ak image isn't even in the same place. And some other images are of different sizes compared to what I'm seeing.
I have tried deleting my git commit history, I have deleted my master branch and redid it. I just don't know what's left to try. Any advice would be very VERY much appreciated.
Update: I have since tried deploying to a different app. And it worked just fine! But how do I reset the heroku app that i have right now without changing the domain settings?
So I have figured it out! It was cloudflare SSL that was the issue. It was mixing cached data with non-cached data and turning the whole page into a pile of wack.

Route problem on production after build vue application

So, I'm building an application with Vuejs and after we finish her we decided to finally build for production. Everything worked just fine while building and etc, but when the application was really being hosted, we noticed some issues that we do not saw while on localhost (development and production).
I'm saying this after a lot of tests and researches about it because first, I thought that the problem was after building to production but we tested another way to host and it's not apache that is causing this issue and I really think that is not the code either. Anyway the problem is when we first access the application our login page is the first that you can see and it works just fine at the first access but if the user refreshes the page for any reason the page loses all her CSS because the route /auth/login goes to /auth/login/ and after some tests I can confirm. That bar that is added at the end of the route makes the page lose CSS.
This problem we solved by adding an exception on our .htaccess (we know that this is not that best practice but anyway) after this solved we saw another problem: when we click on a link for example /auth/login?token=12334567890 the token param simply disappear and the user is automatically redirected to /auth/login. So we think that maybe these two problems are related because when we first access and log in everything inside the application works as it should, these two problems are only occurring on our login component. My question is what is causing this problem only on this page? It's a vue-router that is causing?

In Hippocms site view in cms differs from live site

The problem is that site view in cms differs from live site itself.
In cms edit mode I've deleted component from container inside page, saved, then published changes. Publish done successfully without any errors and site view in cms looks correctly, i.e. without that component that was removed. But this component still appears in live site.
I can easily fix this problem by removing this component in console. In cms console it can be seen that preview and working configuration differs.
But why this type of desynchronization happens? And what can I do to prevent this kind of problems?
This type of desynchronization happens rarely, but this problem may be very critical in production.
I am using Hippo CMS 10.1.0 Community Edition
If Your configuraton have been resynchronized, good way is to remove whole preview node. This node will be reconstructed from Your live node when You enter in CMS and turn on edit Mode.

Google Chrome err_failed chrome (err2) - Web App

I'm a web application developer, who runs a site We've been struggling with this issue for about a month now.
We use the HTML application cache spec - - with dynamically generated manifest files - - to speed page delivery. These dynamically generated manifest files use proper headers, and PHP to serve up custom manifests for users.
We also use gzip compression to serve the site from a linux/apache host.
For the life-cycle of our site, users report getting a err_failed similar to this screenshot in chrome.
This error is intermittent, occuring once every 200-300 visits, but will persists on every page refresh, including hard refreshes, which presumably means that an error using app cache is causing them to continuously load a failed version of the site. However, mysteriously JUST clearing cookies causes the error to fix itself.
I'm completely out of ideas on how to approach this error, and googling the error message appears to get a ton of confused users with voodoo-ish approaches to solving it. I've personally seen the error, along with a number of complaint from other users of chrome, so I'm fairly certain it cannot be caused by a particular user having abnormal settings or browser preferences.
Does anyone have any insight into the cause of this browser error and its origins? Whether its likely server-side or a byproduct of app design?