Generic infix function with several upper bounds - kotlin

I am trying to do this
infix fun Int.divBy (_denom: Int): Rational {
var num = this.toBigInteger()
var denom = _denom.toBigInteger()
// reduce result
val result = Rational(num, denom)
// return
println("Returning: Rational $result")
return result
but for Long, Int and BigInteger, and without having to rewrite the same for all of them. I tried this, but I get an error:
infix fun <T> T.divBy (_denom: T): Rational where
T: Int, T:BigInteger, T: Long
So that things like val third = 1 divBy 3 can be done.
Error 1

I believe this is not possible, because there is no interface for "something convertable to BigInteger". Still, you can keep most of your code in a single function receiving BigInteger objects and provide multiple functions for just converting to BigInteger:
infix fun Int.divBy(denom: Int): Rational = toBigInteger() divBy denom.toBigInteger()
infix fun Long.divBy(denom: Long): Rational = toBigInteger() divBy denom.toBigInteger()
inline infix fun BigInteger.divBy (denom: BigInteger): Rational {
// reduce result
val result = Rational(this, denom)
// return
println("Returning: Rational $result")
return result
Edit (#ademord): the final solution looks like this, after cleaning it up:
infix fun Int.divBy(denom: Int): Rational = toBigInteger() divBy denom.toBigInteger()
infix fun Long.divBy(denom: Long): Rational = toBigInteger() divBy denom.toBigInteger()
infix fun BigInteger.divBy (denom: BigInteger): Rational = Rational(this, denom).reduce()
As a side note, it can't be done with generics and upper bounds, because their main purpose is that the code inside the function knows what is the type of T. where clause is used to specify multiple requirements that T needs to satisfy altogether. Upper bounds are ANDed, not ORed. Note that if they would be ORed then we would still have to add runtime type checks and casts, which is exactly what we try to avoid providing upper bounds (thanks #Tenfour04 for pointing this out).


Why doesn't Kotlin treat numbers as "Int" by default inside sumOf function lambda?

In the below code:
val sum = listOf(1, 2, 3).sumOf { if (it % 2 == 0) 1 else 0 }
Kotlin gives the following error:
Kotlin: Overload resolution ambiguity:
public inline fun <T> Iterable<TypeVariable(T)>.sumOf(selector: (TypeVariable(T)) -> Int): Int defined in kotlin.collections
public inline fun <T> Iterable<TypeVariable(T)>.sumOf(selector: (TypeVariable(T)) -> Long): Long defined in kotlin.collections
If I explicitly use toInt(), the error is gone but I get a warning of redundant call
val sum = listOf(1, 2, 3).sumOf { if (it % 2 == 0) 1.toInt() else 0 }
Why doesn't Kotlin automatically use Int here?
The spec says the following about the types of integer literals:
A literal without the mark has a special integer literal type
dependent on the value of the literal:
If the value is greater than maximum kotlin.Long value, it is an illegal integer literal and should be a compile-time error;
Otherwise, if the value is greater than maximum kotlin.Int value, it has type kotlin.Long;
Otherwise, it has an integer literal type containing all the built-in integer types guaranteed to be able to represent this value.
So integer literals like "1" doesn't have a simple type like kotlin.Int or kotlin.Long. It has an "integer literal type".
Example: integer literal 0x01 has value 1 and therefore has type ILT(kotlin.Byte,kotlin.Short,kotlin.Int,kotlin.Long). Integer literal 70000 has value 70000, which is not representable using types kotlin.Byte and kotlin.Short and therefore has type ILT(kotlin.Int,kotlin.Long).
Here are the subtyping rules of these ILTs. Importantly for your question:
This rule basically says that ILTs work like an intersection type. For example, ILT(kotlin.Int,kotlin.Long) is a subtype of kotlin.Int and also a subtype of kotlin.Long.
Now let's look at your lambda { if (it % 2 == 0) 1 else 0 }. It returns either the literal 0 or the literal 1. These both have the type:
which is a subtype of kotlin.Long and kotlin.Int. Therefore, your lambda can be converted to both a (T) -> Long and a (T) -> Int, in the same way that a (T) -> Dog can be converted to a (T) -> Animal.
When you use toInt(), then only the (T) -> Int overload matches the return type, since Int is not convertible to Long implicitly.
Apparently, if you do toInt() on the whole expression, there is no redundant toInt warning:
fun main() {
val sum = listOf(1, 2, 3).sumOf { (if (it % 2 == 0) 1 else 0).toInt() }
Also note that the compiler looks at the lambda return type only because sumOf is annotated with OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType. If not for this, you would still get an ambiguity error even if you use toInt(). See Using lambda return type to refine function applicability for more info.
The reason why it is able to choose the Int overload in simple cases like:
fun foo(x: Int) {}
fun foo(x: Long) {}
fun main() { foo(43) }
is because of the "Choosing the most specific candidate" step in overload resolution. In this step, it handles built in numeric types differently, and considers Int the "most specific". However, this step happens just before "Using lambda return type to refine function applicability", and thinks that (T) -> Int and (T) -> Long are equally specific.

Passing a Tuple or Triple as parameters in Kotlin

I have a function in Kotlin that is something like this:
fun getSlots(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int) {
// some magic stuff, for example let's just print it
And I have another function that returns a Triple:
fun myMagicFunction(): Triple<Int, Int, Int> {
return Triple(2020, 1, 1)
I would like to call to the first function getSlots, using the return value of the second function myMagicFunction, without having to extract the members from the triple and pass them one by one. Something that in Python for example is possible by doing func(*args), but I don't know if it is possible in Kotlin.
Is it possible in Kotlin or do I have to go the slow way with this situation? Assume that modifying the previous two functions to return something else is not an option.
I can't find any simple way (hopefully it will be available some day in kotlin).
However you can write some helper infix function like this:
infix fun <T, U, S, V> KFunction3<T, U, S, V>.callWith(arguments: Triple<T, U, S>) : V =*arguments.toList().toTypedArray())
and then just simply call it:
::getSlots callWith myMagicFunction()
Of course you can add another one for Pair:
infix fun <T, U, V> KFunction2<T, U, V>.callWith(arguments: Pair<T, U>) : V =*arguments.toList().toTypedArray())
Thanks to #broot we have better solution:
infix fun <T, U, S, V> ((T, U, S) -> V).callWith(arguments: Triple<T, U, S>) : V = this(arguments.first, arguments.second, arguments.third)
Kotlin also has a spread operator (func(*args)), but currently it works only if the argument of func is declared as vararg (to avoid runtime exception if the size of args is not the same as func arity).
Just add one more code line with destructing declaration:
val (year, month, day) = myMagicFunction()
getSlots(year, month, day)

Kotlin overload resolution ambiguity in Pair with reference to println

Using a reference to println as a Pair element fails when the reference is the first in the Pair.
>>> 0 to ::println
(0, fun println(): kotlin.Unit)
>>> ::println to 0
error: overload resolution ambiguity
Explicitly defining the pair using Pair() works fine in both cases.
What is the reason for this behaviour?
There are a couple of things going on here that you might find interesting.
Given that there's one version of println that takes no parameters, when you don't specify the type you expect ::println to be of, that's the version that's selected. [citation needed: I couldn't find any documentation/specification that says that this is the case, but that's what trying this out in Kotlin 1.2.71 shows]
The second piece is that the infix fun "to" is an extension method, so the type needs to be resolved before being able to invoke it.
For this reason, 0 to ::println gets automatically considered a Pair<Int, () -> Unit>.
To test this out, you can try the following:
fun foo(a: Int): Unit = Unit
fun foo(): Unit = Unit
val a = 0 to ::foo // the non-parameter version is selected
val b = ::foo to 0 // there's ambiguity. What extension method "to" to call?
val c: Pair<(Int) -> Unit, Int> = ::foo to 0 // No ambiguity, as I'm specifying the type
Now, if there are no overloads:
fun foo(a: Int): Unit = Unit
val a = 0 to ::foo // No ambiguity, there's only one to choose from
val b = ::foo to 0 // Same here, there's only one option
Finally, it gets interesting when you only have options WITH parameters:
fun foo(a: Int): Unit = Unit
fun foo(a: Int, b: Int): Unit = Unit
val a = 0 to ::foo // There's no non-parameter version to call, so there's ambiguity
val b = ::foo to 0 // there's ambiguity. What extension method "to" to call?

Custom 'typesafe' Int Types

What I would like to have is two different integer types which are semantically distinguishable.
E.g. in this code a 'Meter' type and a 'Pixel' int type
typealias Meter = Int
typealias Pixel = Int
fun Meter.toPixel() = this * 100
fun Pixel.toMeter() = this / 100
fun calcSquareMeters(width: Meter, height: Meter) = width * height
fun calcSquarePixels(width: Pixel, height: Pixel) = width * height
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val pixelWidth: Pixel = 50
val pixelHeight: Pixel = 50
val meterWidth: Meter = 50
val meterHeight: Meter = 50
calcSquareMeters(pixelWidth, pixelHeight) // (a) this should not work
pixelWidth.toPixel() // (b) this should not work
The problem with this solution is
(a) that I can call calcSquareMeters with my 'Pixel' type which I don't want to be possible and
(b) that I can call the toPixel() extension function which I only want to have for my 'Meter' type on my 'Pixel' type which I don't want to be possible.
I guess this is the intended behaviour of typealias, so I guess to achieve my goal I have to use something different than typealias...
So how can I achieve this?
In addition to the existing answer: If you have a lot of common functionality between the two types and don't want to duplicate it, you can work with an interface:
interface MetricType<T> {
val value: Int
fun new(value: Int): T
data class Meter(override val value: Int) : MetricType<Meter> {
override fun new(value: Int) = Meter(value)
data class Pixel(override val value: Int) : MetricType<Pixel> {
override fun new(value: Int) = Pixel(value)
Like this, you can easily define operations on the base interface, such as addition, subtraction and scaling:
operator fun <T : MetricType<T>> T) = new(this.value + rhs.value)
operator fun <T : MetricType<T>> T.minus(rhs: T) = new(this.value + rhs.value)
operator fun <T : MetricType<T>> T.times(rhs: Int) = new(this.value * rhs)
The combination of interface and generics ensures type safety, so you do not accidentally mix types:
fun test() {
val m = Meter(3)
val p = Pixel(7)
val mm = m + m // OK
val pp = p + p // OK
val mp = m + p // does not compile
Keep in mind that this solution comes at a runtime cost due to the virtual functions (compared to rewriting the operators for each type separately). This in addition to the overhead of object creation.
Indeed, typealiases don't guarantee this sort of type safety. You'll have to create wrapper classes around an Int value instead to achieve this - it's a good idea to make these data classes so that equality comparisons work on them:
data class Meter(val value: Int)
data class Pixel(val value: Int)
Creation of instances of these classes can be solved with extension properties:
val Int.px
get() = Pixel(this)
val pixelWidth: Pixel = 50.px
The only problematic thing is that you can no longer directly perform arithmetic operations on Pixel and Meter instances, for example, the conversion functions would now look like this:
fun Meter.toPixel() = this.value * 100
Or the square calculations like this:
fun calcSquareMeters(width: Meter, height: Meter) = width.value * height.value
If you really need direct operator use, you can still define those, but it will be quite tedious:
class Meter(val value: Int) {
operator fun times(that: Meter) = this.value * that.value
fun calcSquareMeters(width: Meter, height: Meter) = width * height
There is a proposal (not yet guaranteed to be accepted) to add inline classes for this purpose. I.e.
#InlineOnly inline class Meter(val value: Int)
will really be an Int at runtime.
See and
From kotlin doc:
Type aliases do not introduce new types. They are equivalent to the corresponding underlying types. When you add typealias Predicate and use Predicate in your code, the Kotlin compiler always expand it to (Int) -> Boolean. Thus you can pass a variable of your type whenever a general function type is required and vice versa
This means that there isn't possible check over your typealias, and you are rally declaring your extensions functions as:
fun Int.toPixel() = this * 100
fun Int.toMeter() = this / 100
fun calcSquareMeters(width: Int, height: Int) = width * height
fun calcSquarePixels(width: Int, height: Int) = width * height
I fear the only way to achieve that you want is implementing an extra class for each type.
I would also go with the solution from TheOperator. But I would like to add the inline keyword to the operator functions. By doing so you could avoid a virtual function call when ever you use this operators.
inline operator fun <T : MetricType<T>> T) = new(this.value + rhs.value)
inline operator fun <T : MetricType<T>> T.minus(rhs: T) = new(this.value + rhs.value)
inline operator fun <T : MetricType<T>> T.times(rhs: Int) = new(this.value * rhs)

Function definition: fun vs val

I'm curious about what is the suggested way to define member functions in Kotlin. Consider these two member functions:
class A {
fun f(x: Int) = 42
val g = fun(x: Int) = 42
These appear to accomplish the same thing, but I found subtle differences.
The val based definition, for instance, seems to be more flexible in some scenarios. That is, I could not work out a straight forward way to compose f with other functions, but I could with g. To toy around with these definitions, I used the funKTionale library. I found that this does not compile:
val z = g andThen A::f // f is a member function
But if f were defined as a val pointing to the same function, it would compile just fine. To figure out what was going on I asked IntelliJ to explicitly define the type of ::f and g for me, and it gives me this:
val fref: KFunction1<Int, Int> = ::f
val gref: (Int) -> Int = g
So one is of type KFunction1<Int, Int>, the other is of type (Int) -> Int. It's easy to see that both represent functions of type Int -> Int.
What is the difference between these two types, and in which cases does it matter? I noticed that for top-level functions, I can compose them fine using either definition, but in order to make the aforementioned composition compile, I had to write it like so:
val z = g andThen A::f.partially1(this)
i.e. I had to partially apply it to this first.
Since I don't have to go through this hassle when using vals for functions, is there a reason why I should ever define non-Unit member functions using fun? Is there a difference in performance or semantics that I am missing?
Kotlin is all about Java interoperability and defining a function as a val will produce a completely different result in terms of the interoperability. The following Kotlin class:
class A {
fun f(x: Int) = 42
val g = fun(x: Int) = 42
is effectively equivalent to:
public class A {
private final Function1<Integer, Integer> gref = new Function1<Integer, Integer>() {
public Integer invoke(final Integer integer) {
return 42;
public int f(final int value) {
return 42;
public Function1<Integer, Integer> getG() {
return gref;
As you can see, the main differences are:
fun f is just a usual method, while val g in fact is a higher-order function that returns another function
val g involves creation of a new class which isn't good if you are targeting Android
val g requires unnecessary boxing and unboxing
val g cannot be easily invoked from java: A().g(42) in Kotlin vs new A().getG().invoke(42) in Java
Regarding the A::f syntax. The compiler will generate an extra Function2<A, Integer, Integer> class for every A::f occurrence, so the following code results in two extra classes with 7 methods each:
val first = A::f
val second = A::f
Kotlin compiler isn't smart enough at the moment to optimize such kind of things. You can vote for the issue here In case you are interested, here is how each class looks in the bytecode:
Here's some code showing how f and g are different when it comes to usage:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val a = A()
exe(a.g) // OK
//exe(a.f) // does not compile
exe { a.f(it) } // OK
fun exe(p: (Int) -> Int) {
Where f and g are:
fun f(x: Int) = 42
val g = fun(x: Int) = 42
You can see that g is an object that can be used like a lambda, but f cannot. To use f similarly, you have to wrap it in a lambda.