How to change fluent ui primary or secondary text color? - fluent-ui

I have a very simple question. It should be very easy. I can't change color of secondaryText in PersonaDisplay.
secondaryText={User.currentEmployee === 'true' && 'No longer works'}
imageUrl={'/_layouts/15/userphoto.aspx?size=S&accountname=' +}
className={User.currentEmployee === 'true' && 'noLongerWorks'}
It does not get my noLongerWorks class properties :
.noLongerWorks {
color: "red";
I went over the docs but see nothing, probably missing a minor spot. I tried to add manual styling as well but no lock.

I found the answer who is interested. You don't need to add a class to change the styling, you can pass styles pros to apply to whatever props of Persona component.
secondaryText={User.currentEmployee === 'true' && 'No longer works'}
imageUrl={'/_layouts/15/userphoto.aspx?size=S&accountname=' +}
secondaryText: {
color: 'red',


Populte WYSIWYG editor after react native fetch

I am trying to incorporate this WYSIWYG package into my react native project (0.64.3). I built my project with a managed workflow via Expo (~44.0.0).
The problem I am noticing is that the editor will sometimes render with the text from my database and sometimes render without it.
Here is a snippet of the function that retrieves the information from firebase.
const [note, setNote] = useState("");
const getNote = () => {
const myDoc = doc(db,"/users/" + user.uid + "/Destinations/Trip-" + trip.tripID + '/itinerary/' + date);
.then(data => {
The above code and the editor component are nested within a large function
export default function ItineraryScreen({route}) {
// functions
return (
onChange={newText => {
placeholder={'What are you planning to do this day?'}
Here is what it should look like with the text rendered (screenshot of simulator):
But this is what I get most of the time (screenshot from physical device):
My assumption is that there is a very slight delay between when the data for the text editor is actually available vs. when the editor is being rendered. I believe my simulator renders correctly because it is able to process the getNote() function faster.
what I have tried is using a setTimeOut function to the display of the parent View but it does not address the issue.
What do you recommend?
I believe I have solved the issue. I needed to parse the response better before assigning a value to note and only show the editor and toolbar once a value was established.
Before firebase gets queried, I assigned a null value to note
const [note, setNote] = useState(null);
Below, I will always assign value to note regardless of the outcome.
if( !== undefined){
} else {
The last step was to only show the editor once note no longer had a null value.
note !== null &&
style={{backgroundColor:"white", width:"114%", flex:1, position:"absolute", left:0, zIndex:4, bottom: (toolbarVisible) ? keyboardHeight * 1.11 : 0 , marginBottom:-40, display: toolbarVisible ? "flex" : "none"}}
actions={[ actions.undo, actions.setBold, actions.setItalic, actions.setUnderline,actions.insertLink, actions.insertBulletsList, actions.insertOrderedList, actions.keyboard ]}
iconMap={{ [actions.heading1]: ({tintColor}) => (<Text style={[{color: tintColor}]}>H1</Text>), }}
onChange={ descriptionText => { setNote(descriptionText) }}
placeholder={'What are you planning to do?'}
It is working properly.

Boolean Operation Meaning in React Native

I'm typically a back-end programmer so to assist with some of the initial work i got a project that had a template project set up. I'm trying to understand some things as my first React Native Project and i can't seem to understand what this logic is saying for bgColor? :
const navbarStyles = [
bgColor && { backgroundColor: bgColor }
Any explanations or references that could help? Appreciate it!
It's called short-circuiting and is a short-hand way of doing:
if (bgColor) { //implies bgColor != undefined (and also != null, != 0 etc)
backgroundColor: bgColor

Is there a way to make a DetailsList header text wrap in Fluent UI?

I have a situation in which I want to display data in a FluentUI DetailsList, where column names can be very long, while the column content can be very narrow. In such a case, the header will be truncated.
See this codepen.
Is there any way to change this behavior, such that the header text wraps over multiple lines?
While I found this unanswered question from 2 years ago, I couldn't find an answer on the topic on neither Stackoverflow, Github or the offical documentation.
Here are some approaches I tried:
inject a CSS class with word-break: break-all; via the headerClassName field of IColumn
setting isMultiLine on the columns
The DetailsHeader component itself whose rendering I can override with onRenderDetailsHeader does not seem to offer any props for customizing how the text is displayed
Is there even a way to achieve the desired behaviour (wrapping over multiple lines instead of truncating long column headers)?
Most of FluentUI Components uses text-overflow: ellipsis. What you can do is to modify that "rule". Inside DetailsList you have onRenderDetailsHeader method which allows you to change header styles.
const onRenderDetailsHeader = (headerProps, defaultRender) => {
if (!headerProps || !defaultRender) {
//technically these may be undefined...
return null;
return defaultRender({
styles: {
root: {
selectors: {
'.ms-DetailsHeader-cell': {
whiteSpace: 'normal',
textOverflow: 'clip',
lineHeight: 'normal',
'.ms-DetailsHeader-cellTitle': {
height: '100%',
alignItems: 'center',
Codepen working solution
Play around with minWidth, maxWidth props inside this._columns to get expected behavior.

React-native - How to create a scrollable flatList in which the chosen item is the one at the middle?

I would like to create a scrollable FlatList to select only one item among a list. After the user scroll the list, the selected item will be the one in the colored rectangle (which have a fixed position) as you can see here :
Actually I'm only able to render a basic FlatList even after some researches.
Do you know how I should do that ?
I found the solution (but it's not a FlatList) !
To do that I use :
To define the background of the current selected items I added a new props highLightBackgroundColor in the ScrollPicker Class in the index file of react-native-picker-scrollview :
let highLightBackgroundColor = this.props.highLightBackgroundColor || '#FFFFFF';
let highlightStyle = {
backgroundColor: highLightBackgroundColor,
How to use it :
ref={sp => {
this.sp = sp;
dataSource={['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']}
renderItem={(data, index, isSelected) => {
return (
onValueChange={(data, selectedIndex) => {
How it looks without others customizations:
You can implement the same setup with the very popular react-native-snap-carousel package, using the vertical prop. No need to use a smaller, poorly documented/unmaintained package for this.

Why is Checkbox text not using theme font size?

I've changed 'medium' font size with loadTheme like such:
fonts: {
medium: {
fontFamily: fonts.fontFamily,
fontSize: fonts.fontSize.regular
However, the base Checkbox styles are loading font-size directly from FontSizes here:
I know I can override this on the component itself, but it seems like I shouldn't have to. Is this a bug? Shouldn't the component use theme font size by default?
Yes, Checkbox should be reading font from theme. In fact, in the fabric-7 branch, it does:
Fabric 7 release is planned for May. Meanwhile you should be able to apply your own styling making use of the loadTheme call like this:
const checkboxStyling = (props) => {
return {
text: { ...props.theme.fonts.medium }
<Checkbox label='test' styles={checkboxStyling} />
This works in the following CodePen: