X-ray + browserstack we want to integrate X-ray with browserstack - browserstack

The testcases which we want to automate are present in X-ray and the webdriver.io franework in which the automated testcases are present is running on browser stack. So is there any integration present for this? that we create a testplan in X-ray and trigger the execution of testcases from X-ray on browser stack?

Check this out!
webdriver.io tests can be run using configuration file with command.
wdio wdio.conf.js
In order to run on browserstack we needs to use browserstack services,BROWSERSTACK_USER and BROWSERSTACK_KEY in wdio.conf.js file.
services: ['browserstack'], user:BROWSERSTACK_USER, key:BROWSERSTACK_KEY
With updating this configuration and adding the right browser Capabilities tests can be run on browserstack


Can Xvfb be enabled in Jenkins declarative pipeline in order to execute Selenium headless tests

Trying to enable Xvfb in Jenkins declarative pipeline to be able to run Selenium headless tests from the pipeline definition.
Have been able to run Selenium tests in a standard Jenkins (Linux) job. That's fine, i.e. Xvfb can be enabled under build (after plugin install) in the Jenkins job and then can Python virtual env be setup and Selenium tests executed from shell.
But I want to have a pipeline scope/setup. But in pipeline type jobs the Xvfb doesn't show up. And I haven't been able to find an answer if and how it can be enabled from the declarative pipeline code itself. Is it possible?
Is there any workaround?
Yes you can, every job which is pipeline have a link on left side of job page "Pipeline Syntax" when you go there it will help you a lot for some non obvious cases. So, for your case:

How to keep data after headless browser selenium tests are passed?

Currently, we are using selenium for the automation test within our projects. We are using PhantomJs WebDriver to be able to run headless browser tests on bamboo. We want to be able to see the data(or content) which are created and saved by tests using PhantomJs but looks like the content will be gone after that tests are passed.
If we run the tests on Firefox driver without PhantomJs, we can see the content (or data) which is created by tests.
How we could config Phantomjs WebDriver in selenium to be able to see new content (or data) after running tests?
Any suggestion?

Selenium Tests on company Jenkins CI

I have been running Selenium test cases successfully on my local Jenkins. When I run test cases on my local jenkins it opens up chrome/safari or any specified browser on my machine to run.
Now I would like to run the same job on my company Jenkins. But Jenkins is not set up on real machine. So it does not have browser.
How do I run my suite on company Jenkins. I do not want to run headless.
You need to run selenium grid on your server machine, where jenkins is installed. After that you need to run a register script to your grid in the machine where you will run browsers.
Before run the browser, get some files ready in a folder. Selenium-server and the browser driver (chromedriver, iedriver whichever you want to use. You don't need firefox)
Script should be like this
cd /path/path/selenium
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.46.0.jar -role node -hub http://your.ip.address:4444/grid/register -browser "browserName=firefox,maxInstances=10,platform=MAC" -browser "browserName=chrome,maxInstances=10,platform=MAC" -maxSession 20 -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=/path/path/selenium/chromedriver
You can edit the script according to your system (MAC/Windows, file paths. file names)
Install the required browsers on Company Jenkins:
It may be the good and effective option, but in case it can't be done refer other options.
Use Headless Browsers Like PhantomJS, etc:
These browsers are good for testing simple features but not meant for advanced feature testing. Headless browsers are not equivalent to real browsers.
Setup a Selenium Grid on Company Jenkins:
You can distribute your tests over different nodes and run tests parallel as well using the Grid. Make your Jenkins machine the Hub and add different Nodes to run your tests, Refer this.
Create Virtual Machines to run your tests:
Virtual machine can help you save the Hardware cost by creating virtual servers for running your tests. This can also be done in conjunction with Selenium Grid. Refer this.
Run your tests on cloud services platform like Saucelabs, BrowserStack, etc:
Best is to use cloud for running your tests. You need not worry about the testing environment like browsers and platforms as they have almost every possible browser + platform combination to run your test.

How can we execute single test on multiple browser using browserstack and Geb Framework

I am using Geb framework to execute the testcases on browserstack.Currently I am able to execute my test on single browser(Say Firefox) on browserstack.I need to run the same test on multiple browser
You can use the 'Gradle geb-browserstack Plugin' to run your tests on multiple browsers on BrowserStack. More details available here.
Using this plugin, the capabilities are passed as follows:
For example, to run tests on Firefox 32 on MAC, the capabilities are:
If you have any BrowserStack related queries, you can always get in touch with them at support#browserstack.com
I have created a sample project here, that can help you get started with running Geb Tests in parallel on multiple browsers on BrowserStack.

is Selenium Remote Webdriver Server similar to Hudson CI?

Right now I am using Hudson CI to launch browser in xvnc and run my tests through Webdriver (pre 2.0)
Should I use Selenium remote webdriver instead? is that more efficient than hudson ci?
I want to run my tests on Amazon....are there any selenium remote webdriver server or Selenium Grid plugin that can already integrate with Amazon? Should I pursue Grid or remotedriver server?
My ultimate goal is to be able to launch multiple tests parallel on Selenium on Amazon and be able to quickly scale up and down.
Right now I pay $100/month for server that has hudson CI on it....but I never end up using the whole capacity....
Grid or the Remote Server does not replace a CI tool like Hudson. They will not schedule jobs, parallelize your tests, report results (with history) or send email/IM notifications when builds fail.
So you would still have Hudson (or similar) for all those things, possibly using Grid or the Remote Server to decouple the machine(s) running the browser(s) from the one running the tests.
Selenium Grid will allow you launch multiple tests in parallel. And with the right configuration you can even run the tests of different browsers in parallel.
Selenium grid is still using selenium 1.x remote control drivers. So if you already have your tests written in webdriver code, then you might not be able to use it with current Selenium grid. There is a new version of selenium grid - Grid 2.0 that will be out soon. That will be support webdriver as well.