Loop through slides and shapes to duplicate tables - vba

I want to:
Loop through all slides in the active presentation
Loop through the shapes in the slide
If it's a table and width is <410 then position it, make a duplicate and position duplicate. (I should also be checking to see if there is another table on the slide but I couldn't get that to work.)
If it's a table and width is >880 then simply position it.
Repeat until done.
The code goes into an infinite loop when duplicating and repositioning the new shape.
Sub test()
Dim sld As Slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim sr As Series
Dim chrt As Chart
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.HasTable Then
With shp
MsgBox .Width
If .Width < 410 Then
MsgBox "<410"
.Top = 170
.Left = 35
.Width = 409
.Top = 170
.Left = 515
.Width = 409
End If
If .Width > 880 Then
MsgBox ">880"
.Top = 170
.Left = 35
.Width = 889
End If
End With
End If
Next shp
Next sld
End Sub

You want to avoid looping over sld.Shapes if you might be adding shapes to the slide within the loop.
One way to do that is to first collect the tables in a Collection and then loop over that:
Sub test()
Dim sld As Slide
Dim shp As Shape, shp2 As Shape
Dim sr As Series
Dim chrt As Chart, col As Collection
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
'first collect any existing table(s) on the slide
Set col = New Collection
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.HasTable Then col.Add shp
Next shp
'check what was found
If col.Count = 1 Then
Set shp = col(1)
If shp.Width < 410 Then
shp.Top = 170
shp.Left = 35
shp.Width = 409
Set shp2 = shp.Duplicate.Item(1) 'duplicate and get a reference to the new table
shp2.Top = 170
shp2.Left = 515
shp2.Width = 409
ElseIf shp.Width > 880 Then
shp.Top = 170
shp.Left = 35
shp.Width = 889
End If
ElseIf col.Count > 1 Then
'>1 table found - what to do here?
End If
Next sld
End Sub


Macro update for VBA PPT to fit contents of a slide to a specific predefined workarea

I have a macro for VBA PPT to fit contents of a slide to a specific predefined workarea, now I select the required shapes to be fit into workarea and run this tool slide by slide. can anybody suggest how can I select multiple slides and get all the shapes (except placeholders) in those slides fit to the same work area
Sub FitContents()
Dim shp, grid, ZenSmartGroup, ZenWorkGrid As Shape
Dim SelectShapes As Variant
Dim targetSlides As SlideRange
Dim thisSlide, oSld As Slide
Dim theseShapes As ShapeRange
Set thisSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
Dim GridTop, GridLeft, GridHeight, GridWidth As Single
If ActiveWindow.Selection.Type = ppSelectionSlides Then
Set targetSlides = ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange
End If
For Each oSld In targetSlides
For Each shp In oSld.Shapes
If Not ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Tags("Font Size") = "" Then
If shp.HasTextFrame Then
If shp.TextFrame.HasText Then
shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Tags("Font Size")
End If
End If
End If
If ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Tags("Grid Height") = "" Then
MsgBox "Please set grid size in Prezent Admin > Settings", vbInformation, "Set Grid Size"
End If
GridTop = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Tags("Grid Top")
GridLeft = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Tags("Grid Left")
GridHeight = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Tags("Grid Height")
GridWidth = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Tags("Grid Width")
ActiveWindow.ViewType = ppViewSlide
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
.Top = GridTop
.Left = GridLeft
.LockAspectRatio = frmFitToGrid.chkAspectRatio
.Width = GridWidth
.Height = GridHeight
If frmFitToGrid.optHeight = True Then
.Height = GridHeight
End If
'If .Width > GridWidth Then
If frmFitToGrid.optWidth = True Then
.Width = GridWidth
End If
.Tags.Add "Type", "ZenSmartGroup"
.Name = "ZenSmartGroup"
End With
Set grid = oSld.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, GridLeft, GridTop, GridWidth, GridHeight)
grid.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
grid.Line.Visible = msoTrue
grid.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 255, 0)
grid.Line.Weight = 2.25
grid.Name = "ZenWorkGrid"
SelectShapes = Array("ZenSmartGroup", "ZenWorkGrid")
'Set theseShapes = thisSlide.Shapes.Range(SelectShapes)
'theseShapes.Align msoAlignMiddles, msoFalse
'theseShapes.Align msoAlignCenters, msoFalse
Set ZenSmartGroup = oSld.Shapes("ZenSmartGroup")
Set ZenWorkGrid = oSld.Shapes("ZenWorkGrid")
'Align Middle (Horizontal Center)
If Not (frmFitToGrid.chkAlignLeft) Then
ZenSmartGroup.Top = ZenWorkGrid.Top + ((ZenWorkGrid.Height - ZenSmartGroup.Height) / 2)
End If
'Align Center (Vertical Center)
If Not (frmFitToGrid.chkAlignTop) Then
ZenSmartGroup.Left = ZenWorkGrid.Left + ((ZenWorkGrid.Width - ZenSmartGroup.Width) / 2)
End If
'ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignMiddles, msoFalse
'ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignCenters, msoTrue
End Sub
NOTE: code below serves as an example, as it cannot be tested given the information in your post. Please adapt it to your situation as needed.
I've included several (hopefully) helpful additions to your code in order to improve readability and maintainability. These include:
Error Checking - make sure the user has provided all the values required for the macro to effectively execute, and...
... declare your variables as close as possible to their first use.
Note the use of targetSlides as the focus object for all the selected slides. This way you avoid to continually reference ActivePresentation.Slides(1). (Note this was an assumption on my part, adjust the code as necessary)
'--- make sure the user has selected at least two slides
Dim targetSlides As SlideRange
If ActiveWindow.Selection.Type = ppSelectionSlides Then
Set targetSlides = ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange
MsgBox "Please select two or more slides in the left-hand slide overview panel.", _
vbCritical + vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Select Slides for Grids"
Exit Sub
End If
'--- make sure the grid values are set
If targetSlides(1).Tags("Grid Height") = vbNullString Then
MsgBox "Please set grid size in Prezent Admin > Settings", _
vbCritical + vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Set Grid Size"
End If
'--- assumes ONLY the first slide in the target slides has the Grid tags
Dim gridTop As Long
Dim gridLeft As Long
Dim gridHeight As Long
Dim gridWidth As Long
Dim fontSize As Double
With targetSlides(1)
gridTop = .Tags("GRID TOP")
gridLeft = .Tags("GRID LEFT")
gridHeight = .Tags("GRID HEIGHT")
gridWidth = .Tags("GRID WIDTH")
fontSize = IIf(.Tags("FONT SIZE") <> vbNullString, .Tags("FONT SIZE"), 0#)
End With
Break code into separate subs or functions to increase the readability of the logic.
It's easy to get lose the overall point of the solution when you have to mentally summarize large blocks of code. In my example, the main logic loop is:
Dim sld As Slide
For Each sld In targetSlides
ResetTextSize fontSize, sld
Dim slideShapes As ShapeRange
Set slideShapes = SelectAllShapes(sld)
CreateShapeGrid sld, slideShapes, _
gridTop, gridLeft, gridHeight, gridWidth
Before looking at the full solution below, look at some of the supporting subs and functions. Most especially, note the function IsPlaceholder which checks a Shape on any slide to see if it's part of the layout (and shouldn't be selected) or not.
Full code module:
Option Explicit
Sub FitContents()
'--- make sure the user has selected at least two slides
Dim targetSlides As SlideRange
If ActiveWindow.Selection.Type = ppSelectionSlides Then
Set targetSlides = ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange
MsgBox "Please select two or more slides in the left-hand slide overview panel.", _
vbCritical + vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Select Slides for Grids"
Exit Sub
End If
'--- make sure the grid values are set
If targetSlides(1).Tags("Grid Height") = vbNullString Then
MsgBox "Please set grid size in Prezent Admin > Settings", _
vbCritical + vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Set Grid Size"
End If
'--- assumes ONLY the first slide in the target slides has the Grid tags
Dim gridTop As Long
Dim gridLeft As Long
Dim gridHeight As Long
Dim gridWidth As Long
Dim fontSize As Double
With targetSlides(1)
gridTop = .Tags("GRID TOP")
gridLeft = .Tags("GRID LEFT")
gridHeight = .Tags("GRID HEIGHT")
gridWidth = .Tags("GRID WIDTH")
fontSize = IIf(.Tags("FONT SIZE") <> vbNullString, .Tags("FONT SIZE"), 0#)
End With
Dim sld As Slide
For Each sld In targetSlides
ResetTextSize fontSize, sld
Dim slideShapes As ShapeRange
Set slideShapes = SelectAllShapes(sld)
CreateShapeGrid sld, slideShapes, _
gridTop, gridLeft, gridHeight, gridWidth
End Sub
Sub ResetTextSize(ByVal fontSize As Double, ByRef sld As Slide)
'--- (re)set the font sizes in all shapes with text, as long
' as it's not a placeholder shape on the current slide
If fontSize > 0 Then
Dim shp As Shape
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If Not IsPlaceholder(sld, shp) Then
If shp.HasTextFrame Then
If shp.TextFrame.HasText Then
shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = fontSize
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Function IsPlaceholder(ByRef sld As Slide, ByRef shp As Shape) As Boolean
With sld.Shapes.Placeholders
IsPlaceholder = False
If .Count > 0 Then
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To .Count
If .Item(i).Name = shp.Name Then
IsPlaceholder = True
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End If
End With
End Function
Function CollectionToArray(ByRef c As Collection) As Variant()
Dim a() As Variant: ReDim a(0 To c.Count - 1)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To c.Count
a(i - 1) = c.Item(i)
CollectionToArray = a
End Function
Function SelectAllShapes(ByRef sld As Slide) As ShapeRange
'--- creates a Collection of all the non-placeholder shape names, then
' convert the names to an array to create a ShapeRange object
Dim shp As Shape
Dim shps As Collection
Set shps = New Collection
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If Not IsPlaceholder(sld, shp) Then
shps.Add shp.Name
End If
Next shp
If shps.Count > 0 Then
Dim shpsArray() As Variant
shpsArray = CollectionToArray(shps)
Set SelectAllShapes = sld.Shapes.Range(shpsArray)
Set SelectAllShapes = Nothing
End If
End Function
Sub CreateShapeGrid(ByRef sld As Slide, ByRef slideShapes As ShapeRange, _
ByVal gridTop As Long, ByVal gridLeft As Long, _
ByVal gridHeight As Long, ByVal gridWidth As Long)
'--- position the group of shapes
With slideShapes.Group
.top = gridTop
.left = gridLeft
.LockAspectRatio = frmFitToGrid.chkAspectRatio
.width = gridWidth
.height = gridHeight
If frmFitToGrid.optHeight = True Then
.height = gridHeight
End If
'If .Width > GridWidth Then
If frmFitToGrid.optWidth = True Then
.width = gridWidth
End If
.Tags.Add "Type", "ZenSmartGroup"
.Name = "ZenSmartGroup"
End With
'--- now create a grid over the shapes
Dim grid As Shape
Set grid = sld.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, gridLeft, gridTop, gridWidth, gridHeight)
grid.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
grid.Line.Visible = msoTrue
grid.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 255, 0)
grid.Line.Weight = 2.25
grid.Name = "ZenWorkGrid"
SelectShapes = Array("ZenSmartGroup", "ZenWorkGrid")
'Set theseShapes = thisSlide.Shapes.Range(SelectShapes)
'theseShapes.Align msoAlignMiddles, msoFalse
'theseShapes.Align msoAlignCenters, msoFalse
Set ZenSmartGroup = sld.Shapes("ZenSmartGroup")
Set ZenWorkGrid = sld.Shapes("ZenWorkGrid")
'Align Middle (Horizontal Center)
' If Not (frmFitToGrid.chkAlignLeft) Then
' ZenSmartGroup.Top = ZenWorkGrid.Top + ((ZenWorkGrid.Height - ZenSmartGroup.Height) / 2)
' End If
' 'Align Center (Vertical Center)
' If Not (frmFitToGrid.chkAlignTop) Then
' ZenSmartGroup.Left = ZenWorkGrid.Left + ((ZenWorkGrid.Width - ZenSmartGroup.Width) / 2)
' End If
'ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignMiddles, msoFalse
'ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignCenters, msoTrue
End Sub

Powerpoint VBA foreach skipping some valid shapes

I do presentations with background wipes that are flowchart process shapes with the text "wipey" for yellow wipes and "wipeb" for blue wipes. When working out the animations for training slides, I place the wipes in front with 0.75 transparency. Once the wipe-animation order is correct and the wipes properly placed, I move the wipes behind the text with 0 transparency.
My Wipe_Back macro works fine but my Wipe_Front macro is only getting some of the wipes each time it is called. I have to call it multiple times to get all of the shapes moved forward. the macros are almost identical so I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but I am a VBA newbie-ish!
both macros are shown below and I am also open to recommendations on more elegant practices in the code.
Wipe_Back (seems to work):
Sub Wipe_Back()
Dim sld As slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim str As String
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.Type = msoAutoShape Then
If shp.HasTextFrame Then
If shp.TextFrame.TextRange = "wipey" Then
shp.Fill.Transparency = 0
shp.ZOrder msoSendToBack
'shp.Fill.Transparency = 0.75
'shp.ZOrder msoBringToFront
End If
If shp.TextFrame.TextRange = "wipeb" Then
shp.Fill.Transparency = 0
shp.ZOrder msoSendToBack
'shp.Fill.Transparency = 0.75
'shp.ZOrder msoBringToFront
End If
End If
End If
Next shp
Next sld
End Sub
Wipe_Front does not consistently work:
Sub Wipe_Front()
Dim sld As slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim str As String
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.Type = msoAutoShape Then
If shp.HasTextFrame Then
If shp.TextFrame.TextRange = "wipey" Then
'shp.Fill.Transparency = 0
'shp.ZOrder msoSendToBack
shp.Fill.Transparency = 0.75
shp.ZOrder msoBringToFront
End If
If shp.TextFrame.TextRange = "wipeb" Then
'shp.Fill.Transparency = 0
'shp.ZOrder msoSendToBack
shp.Fill.Transparency = 0.75
shp.ZOrder msoBringToFront
End If
End If
End If
Next shp
Next sld
End Sub
If you change the order of shapes (as changing the z-order does) or delete them in the midst of a For Each/Next loop, the results won't be what you expect.
If deleting shapes, you can use something like this:
For x = sld.Shapes.Count to 1 Step -1
' delete sld.Shapes(x) if it meets your conditions
If changing the z-order, you may need to collect references to the shapes in an array and step through the array a shape at a time.
Okay, got it! Steve Rindsberg pointed me in the right direction and I corrected the "On Error Resume Next" and now the routines are doing what was expected. Thanks for the help!
Wipe Front():
Sub Wipe_Front()
Dim sld As slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim str As String
Dim wshps() As Shape, i As Long
ReDim wshps(0 To 1)
i = 0
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.Type = msoAutoShape Then
If shp.HasTextFrame Then
If shp.TextFrame.TextRange = "wipey" Then
Set wshps(i) = shp
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve wshps(0 To i) As Shape
End If
If shp.TextFrame.TextRange = "wipeb" Then
Set wshps(i) = shp
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve wshps(0 To i) As Shape
End If
End If
End If
Next shp
For Each wshp In wshps
On Error Resume Next
wshp.Fill.Transparency = 0.75
wshp.ZOrder msoBringToFront
'wshp.Fill.Transparency = 0
'wshp.ZOrder msoSendToBack
Next wshp
Next sld
End Sub
Sub Wipe_Back_New()
Dim sld As slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim str As String
Dim wshps() As Shape, i As Long
ReDim wshps(0 To 1)
i = 0
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.Type = msoAutoShape Then
If shp.HasTextFrame Then
If shp.TextFrame.TextRange = "wipey" Then
Set wshps(i) = shp
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve wshps(0 To i) As Shape
End If
If shp.TextFrame.TextRange = "wipeb" Then
Set wshps(i) = shp
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve wshps(0 To i) As Shape
End If
End If
End If
Next shp
For Each wshp In wshps
On Error Resume Next
'wshp.Fill.Transparency = 0.75
'wshp.ZOrder msoBringToFront
wshp.Fill.Transparency = 0
wshp.ZOrder msoSendToBack
Next wshp
Next sld
End Sub

Convert charts to picture powerpoint

I usually use this one couple times for converting charts to image in PPT. But this time, when running this code, it shown " Error 242, Subject Required"
Anyone master of VBA can help me fix it?
Here the code:
`Sub EnumChartsInPresentation()
Dim sld As Slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim ctr As Long
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For ctr = sld.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
If GetShapeType(sld.Shapes(ctr)) = msoChart Then
Call ConvertChartToImage(sld, sld.Shapes(ctr))
End If
End Sub
Function GetShapeType(shp As Shape) As MsoShapeType
If shp.Type = msoPlaceholder Then
If shp.PlaceholderFormat.ContainedType = msoChart Then
GetShapeType = msoChart
Exit Function
End If
End If
GetShapeType = shp.Type
End Function
Sub ConvertChartToImage(sld As Slide, shp As Shape)
Dim shpChartImage As Object
Set shpChartImage = sld.Shapes.PasteSpecial(ppPastePNG)
With shpChartImage
.Left = shp.Left
.Top = shp.Top
Do While shp.ZOrderPosition < shpChartImage.ZOrderPosition
Call shpChartImage.ZOrder(msoSendBackward)
shp.Visible = False
'Set shp = Nothing
End With
End Sub`

How to avoid inconsistent Run-time error -2147188160 (80048240)?

My code generates 4 PowerPoint files from an excel document where I've aggregated data from my main file. One by one, it cuts and pastes a section of the excel sheet onto an individual slide, replaces some filler words with the appropriate date, saves and closes.
My code works, however it SOMETIMES gets tripped up with a
Run-time error -2147188160 (80048240)
a pasting error, which doesn't always happen in the same place. The remedy is always to exit my program and re-run it. The code executes in less than 10 seconds, so this is no big deal, just fair nuisance. Sometimes it takes 1 or 2 tries to get it to work.
Any advice on how to avoid these annoying run-time error trip ups?
Sub GeneratePowerPoints()
'For using powerpoint
Dim dummyfile As String
Dim PPT As PowerPoint.Application
Dim myPresentation As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim MySlide As Object
Dim MyShape As Object
'Dim myPresentation As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim j As Long, allhotels() As Variant, sourcerange As Range, sourcebook As String
Dim d As Date, e As Date, f As Date, lastmonth As String, twomonthsago As String, threemonthsago As String
'Get some month names
d = DateAdd("m", -1, Now)
e = DateAdd("m", -2, Now)
f = DateAdd("m", -3, Now)
lastmonth = Format(d, "mmmm")
twomonthsago = Format(e, "mmmm")
threemonthsago = Format(f, "mmmm")
sourcebook = "BT Strat Sheet.xlsm"
allhotels = Array("SBH", "WBOS", "WBW", "WCP")
dummyfile = "P:\BT\BT 2017\BT Strategy Meetings\2017\Hotel Strat Meeting Dummy File.pptx"
For j = 0 To 3
Set PPT = New PowerPoint.Application
PPT.Visible = True
PPT.Presentations.Open Filename:=dummyfile
Set sourcerange = Workbooks(sourcebook).Worksheets(allhotels(j)).Range("A2:J21")
PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=2
Set MyShape = PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.Count)
'Set size
MyShape.Left = 152
MyShape.Top = 152
MyShape.Height = 500
MyShape.Width = 650
Set sourcerange = Workbooks(sourcebook).Worksheets(allhotels(j)).Range("A73:J82")
PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=2
Set MyShape = PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes(PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes.Count)
'Set size
MyShape.Left = 152
MyShape.Top = 92
MyShape.Height = 500
MyShape.Width = 650
Set sourcerange = Workbooks(sourcebook).Worksheets(allhotels(j)).Range("A85:J94")
PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=2
Set MyShape = PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes(PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes.Count)
'Set size
MyShape.Left = 152
MyShape.Top = 300
MyShape.Height = 500
MyShape.Width = 650
Set sourcerange = Workbooks(sourcebook).Worksheets(allhotels(j)).Range("A24:J43")
PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(3).Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=2
Set MyShape = PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(3).Shapes(PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(3).Shapes.Count)
'Set size
MyShape.Left = 152
MyShape.Top = 152
MyShape.Height = 500
MyShape.Width = 650
Set sourcerange = Workbooks(sourcebook).Worksheets(allhotels(j)).Range("A54:J58")
PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(4).Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=2
Set MyShape = PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(4).Shapes(PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(4).Shapes.Count)
'Set size
MyShape.Left = 152
MyShape.Top = 152
MyShape.Height = 500
MyShape.Width = 650
Set sourcerange = Workbooks(sourcebook).Worksheets(allhotels(j)).Range("A46:J50")
PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(4).Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=2
Set MyShape = PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(4).Shapes(PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(4).Shapes.Count)
'Set size
MyShape.Left = 152
MyShape.Top = 380
MyShape.Height = 500
MyShape.Width = 650
Set sourcerange = Workbooks(sourcebook).Worksheets(allhotels(j)).Range("A61:J70")
PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(5).Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=2
Set MyShape = PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(5).Shapes(PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(5).Shapes.Count)
'Set size
MyShape.Left = 152
MyShape.Top = 152
MyShape.Height = 500
MyShape.Width = 650
'Find and replace month placeholders
'Straight boilerplate
Dim sld As Slide, shp As PowerPoint.Shape, i As Long
For Each sld In PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.HasTextFrame Then
If shp.TextFrame.HasText Then
shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Replace(shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text, "LastMonth", lastmonth)
End If
End If
Next shp
Next sld
For Each sld In PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.HasTextFrame Then
If shp.TextFrame.HasText Then
shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Replace(shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text, "TwoMonthsAgo", twomonthsago)
End If
End If
Next shp
Next sld
For Each sld In PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.HasTextFrame Then
If shp.TextFrame.HasText Then
shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Replace(shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text, "ThreeMonthsAgo", threemonthsago)
End If
End If
Next shp
Next sld
'Save it
PPT.ActivePresentation.SaveAs "P:\BT\BT File Drop-off Location\" & allhotels(j) & " " & lastmonth & " Strat Meeting.pptx"
'Close it
Next j
'Exit PowerPoint
End Sub

Selecting a linked excel chart in powerpoint

I have a powerpoint presentation with 100 slides and most of them have linked excel charts. I am trying to run a macro that will cycle through the slides and then the shapes on the slides and find the linked chart/graph, copy it, and paste it into the same position as a metafile so that I can make an emailable pdf file. However, the macro is skipping over the chart or not recognizing it as a chart. I searched and searched, any help would be much appreciated.
Sub Select_All()
Dim oPresentation As Presentation
Set oPresentation = ActivePresentation
Dim oSlide As Slide
Dim oSlides As SlideRange
Dim oShape As Shape
Dim slideNumber As Integer
Dim shapeNumber As Integer
Dim lastslideNumber As Integer
Dim lastshapeNumber As Integer, i As Integer
Dim w As Double
Dim h As Double
Dim l As Double
Dim t As Double
For slideNumber = 14 To 100
For i = 1 To oPresentation.Slides(slideNumber).Shapes.Count
If oPresentation.Slides(slideNumber).Shapes(i).HasChart Then
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
w = .Width
h = .Height
l = .Left
t = .Top
End With
oPresentation.Slides(slideNumber).Shapes.PasteSpecial (ppPasteEnhancedMetafile)
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
'.Width = w
'.Height = h
.Left = l
.Top = t
.ZOrder msoSendToBack
End With
End If
Next i
Next slideNumber
End Sub
This should be cleaner but you can save the copy/paste step if you simply ungroup the chart shape. That'll give you a metafile directly.
Sub Select_All()
Dim oPresentation As Presentation
Set oPresentation = ActivePresentation
Dim oSlide As Slide
Dim oSlides As SlideRange
Dim oShape As Shape
' These should be Longs
Dim slideNumber As Long
Dim shapeNumber As Long
Dim lastslideNumber As Long
Dim lastshapeNumber As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim w As Double
Dim h As Double
Dim l As Double
Dim t As Double
For slideNumber = 14 To 100
' never select anything unless you absolutely must
Set oSlide = oPresentation.Slides(slidenumber)
For i = oSlide.Shapes.Count to 1 step -1
' Step through shapes backward, else you'll run into weird
' side effects when deleting shapes
If oSlide.Shapes(i).HasChart Then
' don't select anything etc etc
With oSlide.Shapes(i)
w = .Width
h = .Height
l = .Left
t = .Top
End With
set oShape = oSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial (ppPasteEnhancedMetafile)(1)
With oShape
'.Width = w
'.Height = h
.Left = l
.Top = t
.ZOrder msoSendToBack
End With
End If
Next i
Next slideNumber