How to use setState with ssdp m-search discovery? - react-native

I am using SSDP search message to discover devices with connected same network but when i tried to call setState hooks inside client.on function I only get one device informations.
I initialized my state value in this way
const [deviceList, setDeviceList] = useState([]);
And create a function for the client to add deviceList as it is found
const getAllDevices = () => {
var Client = require('react-native-ssdp-remote').Client,
client = new Client();'urn:dial-multiscreen-org:service:dial:1');
client.on('response', function (headers) {
const url = new URL(headers.LOCATION);
if (url != null) {
if (!deviceList.includes(url)) {
setDeviceList([...deviceList, url]);
and called this function inside useEffect
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
There are 4 devices connected to same network and it goes into setDeviceList process 4 times but i can only get one device. Could you please support.

I think this is more of a race condition instead of a library issue.
Give it a try with using functional update on setDeviceList.
setDeviceList(deviceList => {
return [...deviceList, url]


Issue rendering data from firestore document in react native

I created a map for the array of exercises in my database, and then for each exercise, which is a document reference, I'm getting the data from that document reference and setting it to a state. This is resulting in an infinite loop right now.
If I remove the setExerciseData line, the console logs the exercise object's data that I'm expecting to see. I'm really not sure what the correct way to render the name field from this data is.
{ => {
async function getData(exercise) {
getDoc(exercise).then((doc) => {
return (
You need to use useEffect() and setState() to be able to render your data. Also, Firebase Firestore is Asynchronous in nature, as a general note, no one should be trying to convert an Async operation into a sync operation as this will cause problems. You need to use an Asynchronous function to fetch data from Firestore. See sample code below:
const getExerciseData = async () => {
const docRef = doc(db, "<collection-name>", '<document-id>')
const docSnap = await getDoc(docRef)
if (docSnap.exists()) {
// console.log("Document data:",
} else {
// will be undefined in this case
console.log("No such document!")
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
return (
You could also check my answer on this thread for more use-cases.

React Native Hooks initializer not taking the correct value

What I am trying to do is sync a list of attendees from an online database, and if the current user is in the list, then disable a button, else enable the button.
I am using react native hook (I am not sure if I am using the term correctly as I am fairly new to react), in order to set the value of disabling the button.
The issue that I am facing is that the value is getting initialized to false, even tho it should clearly get initialized to true.
After adding some logging I made sure that the function is executing correctly and reaching the code where it sets the value to true.
const [buttonDisabled, changeButtonState] = useState( () => {
var database = firebase.database();
var userId = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid;
const dbRef = firebase.database().ref();
var Attendees = [];
var disable = false;
dbRef.child("gameAttendees").child(gameinfo.gameID).get().then((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.exists()) {
Attendees = snapshot.val().Attendees;
for(var i=0;i<Attendees.length;i++){
return true;
} else {
console.log("no value");
return false;
}).catch((error) => {
Adding an example of an async mount effect:
const Comp = () => {
const [s, setS] = useState(); // State will be undefined for first n renders
useEffect(() => {
// Call the async function and set the component state some time in the future
someAsyncFunction().then(result => setS(result));
}, []); // An effect with no dependencies will run only once on mount
return </>;

Send parameters in headers with ActionCable in React Native

Im stuck trying to create a cable and channel for a chat. Im working in react native and I am consuming a back end made in Ruby on Rails that is expecting my uid in header parameter:
def find_verified_user # this checks whether a user is authenticated with devise
User.find_by(uid: request.headers['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) || reject_unauthorized_connection
What is happening is thay I get stuck in the reject unauthorized connection.
What i'm trying to figure out is how I can send in react native my headers when I create the cable.
I've googled and look here and most answers say is not possible, but they are from 2016 or 2017 so maybe now it is possible? I see solutions by putting parameters in url as queryparams but in that case I need to change my backend api, so I was wondering if there is another solution without having to change backend.
I'm using ActionCable from 'actioncable'.
I've tryied using ActionCableJwt from 'react-native-action-cable-jwt' but either I'm doing something wrong or it doesn't help in my case.
Thanks in advance. Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: Show some action cable code:
import { Platform } from 'react-native';
import ActionCable from 'actioncable';
import { ANDROID, IOS } from 'constants/common';
ActionCable.getConfig = () => null;
ActionCable.createWebSocketURL = url => url.replace(/^http/, 'ws');
const oldOpen =; = function open() {
const result = oldOpen.apply(this);
this.webSocket.protocol = 'actioncable-v1-json';
return result;
if (Platform.OS === IOS || Platform.OS === ANDROID) {
global.document = {
addEventListener() {},
removeEventListener() {},
export default ActionCable;
And when I use it (right now with query params instead of headers):
import actionCable from './actionCable';
import { applyQueryParams } from 'utils/helpers';
let cable = null;
return store => next => action => {
switch (action.type) {
case createConsumer.toString(): {
const { uid } = action.payload;
const queryParams = {
cable = actionCable.createConsumer(
applyQueryParams(Config.CABLE_URL, queryParams),

Redux + Rest API + Realm JS in React Native

I am developing an app that controls IOT devices via REST API.
I am using Realm database inside the app to keep historical data captured by IOT sensors. I also decided to use it to persist information about user and devices. redux-persist didn't seem like the best choice since the app will eventually deal with big tables of data of historical data.
I am now building my Redux actions with Redux-Thunk and I am in doubt about what would be the ideal workflow/data flow. I am currently calling realm inside redux actions like this:
function addNew(deviceIp) {
const request = () => { return { type: c.ADD_REQUEST } };
const success = (payload) => { return { type: c.ADD_SUCCESS, payload} };
const failure = (payload) => { return { type: c.ADD_FAILURE, payload } };
return async (dispatch,getState) => {
try {
const res = await apiService.getIt(deviceIp + urls.general);
// Convert responses to date before Realm Insertion
const newDevice = {
host: deviceIp,
manufacturingDate: new Date(res.deviceInfo[0].manufacturingDate),
lastFwUpdateDate: new Date(res.deviceInfo[0].lastFwUpdateDate),
firstLaunchDate: new Date(res.deviceInfo[0].firstLaunchDate),
lastResetDate: new Date(res.deviceInfo[0].lastResetDate)
const addedDevice = await realmActions.createNew('Device',newDevice);
catch (error)
realmActions.createNew(collectionName, newEntry) is a method I have created to add new entries to the specified collection in Realm DB. I have one main concern about this methodology.:
It seems to me a bit of an overkill to write objects to both Realm and Redux. But Realm will be useful to persist this data in case the user closes and re-opens the app. What do you think about the approach I am taking. Would you suggest anything cleaner or smarter?

Redux Observables: Custom observer with multiple events?

Hi I'm trying to use redux-observables with react native and a websocket wrapper called Phoenix, which basically allows you to execute callbacks when certain messages are received through the websocket.
Here is the basic setup of what I'm trying to do:
import 'rxjs';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Socket, Channel } from 'phoenix';
import * as channelActions from '../ducks/channel';
export default function connectSocket(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(channelActions.SETUP)
.mergeMap(action => {
return new Observable(observer => {
const socket = new Socket('http://localhost:4000/socket');
const userId = store.getState();
const channel =`user:${userId}`);
.receive('ok', response =>{ type: 'join', payload: 'something' }))
.receive('error', reason =>{ type: 'error', payload: 'reason' }))
channel.on('rooms:add', room =>{ type: 'rooms:add', payload: '123' }))
channel.on('something:else', room =>{ type: 'something:else', payload: '123' }))
.map(action => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'join':
return channelActions.join(action.payload);
case 'error':
return channelActions.error(action.payload);
case 'rooms:add':
return channelActions.add(action.payload);
case 'something:else':
return channelActions.something(action.payload);
As you can see, there are several concerns / issues with this approach:
Different events are being fired from one observer. I don't know how to split them up besides that switch statement in the .map() function
I don't know where to call observer.complete() since I want it to continue to listen for all those events, not just once.
If I could extract the channel constant into a separate file available to several epics that would fix these concerns. However, channel is dependent on socket, which is dependent on user, which comes from the redux state.
So I'm quite confused on how to approach this problem. I think the ability to extract a global channel object would fix it, but that also depends on the user ID from the redux state. Any help is appreciated.
P.S. If it's worth anything, my use case is very similar to this guy ( One of the responders recommended using Rx.Subject but I don't know where to start with that...
It seems like you are making your life extra difficult. You have already mapped the events so why are you combining and remapping them? Map each event into its own stream and merge the results together.
// A little helper function to map your nonstandard receive
// function into its own stream
const receivePattern = (channel, signal, selector) =>
h => channel.receive(signal, h),
h => {/*However you unsubscribe*/},
export default function connectSocket(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(channelActions.SETUP)
// Observable.create is usually a crutch pattern
// Use defer or using here instead as it is more semantic and handles
// most of the stream lifecycle for you
.mergeMap(action => Observable.defer(() => {
const socket = new Socket('http://localhost:4000/socket');
const userId = store.getState();
const channel =`user:${userId}`);
const joinedChannel = channel.join();
// Convert the ok message into a channel join
const ok = receivePattern(joinedChannel, 'ok')
// Just an example of doing some arbitrary mapping since you seem to be doing it
// in your example
// Convert the error message
const error = receivePattern(joinedChannel, 'error')
// Since the listener methods follow a standard event emitter interface
// You can use fromEvent to capture them
// Rather than the more verbose fromEventPattern we used above
const addRooms = Observable.fromEvent(channel, 'rooms:add')
const somethingElse = Observable.fromEvent(channel, 'something:else')
// Merge the resulting stream into one
return Observable.merge(ok, error, addRooms, somethingElse);