sparkNLP Tokenization of Contractions - tokenize

I'm using sparkNLP version 3.2.3 and trying to tokenize some text. I've used spacy and other tokenizers that handle contractions such as "they're" by splitting it into "they" and "'re". According to this resource pages 105-107 sparkNLP should tokenize that way as well:
However when I actually run some contractions through sparkNLP tokenization it does not break them apart. Any ideas what might be up? I want to use this package for other reasons and so would not like to swap between spacy or NLTK and this.
import sparknlp
from sparknlp.base import *
from sparknlp.annotator import *
from import Pipeline
data = spark.createDataFrame([["They're fine."]]).toDF("text")
documentAssembler = DocumentAssembler().setInputCol("text").setOutputCol("document")
tokenizer = Tokenizer().setInputCols(["document"]).setOutputCol("token").fit(data)
pipeline = Pipeline().setStages([documentAssembler, tokenizer]).fit(data)
result = pipeline.transform(data)
|result |
|[They're, fine, .]|

The book is simply not up-to-date with the default behaviour (and I'd also wish the documentation itself was more thorough). Take a look at the annotators.Tokenizer interface and defaults here.
From my understanding, the way you would handle contractions in your desired way is by modifying the suffix pattern.
The suffixPattern defaults to ([^\s\w]?)([^\s\w]*)\z (according to docstring for version 3.2.3). By changing this to ('re)\z (you would need to adapt the pattern to your needs), you can achieve the following:
toker = Pipeline(stages=[
toker_m =[{"text": ""}])))
toker_lm = LightPipeline(toker_m)
toker_lm.fullAnnotate("They're fine.")
which gives:
[{'document': [Annotation(document, 0, 12, They're fine., {})],
'tokens': [Annotation(token, 0, 3, They, {'sentence': '0'}),
Annotation(token, 4, 6, 're, {'sentence': '0'}),
Annotation(token, 8, 12, fine., {'sentence': '0'})]}]


spacy IS_DIGIT or LIKE_NUM not working as expected for certain chars

I am trying to extract some numbers using IS_DIGIT and LIKE_NUM attributes but it seems to be behaving a bit strange for a beginner like me.
The matcher is only able to detect the numbers when the 5 character string ends in M, G, T . If it is any other character, the IS_DIGIT and LIKE_NUM attributes are not able to detect. What am I missing here?
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
pattern = [{'LIKE_NUM': True}]
doc = nlp("1231M 1232G 1233H 1234J 1235V 1236T")
matches = matcher(doc, as_spans=True)
for span in matches:
print(span.text, span.label_)
# prints only 1231, 1232 and 1236
It may be helpful to just check which tokens are true for LIKE_NUM, like this:
import spacy
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
pattern = [{"LIKE_NUM": True}]
matcher.add("DIGIT", [pattern])
doc = nlp("1231M 1232G 1233H 1234J 1235V 1236T")
for tok in doc:
print(tok, tok.like_num)
Here you'll see that sometimes the tokens you have are split in two, and sometimes they aren't. The tokens you match are only the ones that consist just of digits.
Now, why are M, G, and T split off, while H, J, and V aren't? This is because they are units, as for mega, giga, or terabytes.
This behaviour with units may seem inconsistent and weird, but it's been chosen to be consistent with the training data used for the English models. If you need to change it for your application, look at this section in the docs, which covers customizing the exceptions.

How to load customized NER model from disk with SpaCy?

I have customized NER pipeline with following procedure
doc = nlp("I am going to Vallila. I am going to Sörnäinen.")
for ent in doc.ents:
print(ent.text, ent.label_)
'We need to deliver it to Vallila', {
'entities': [(25, 32, 'DISTRICT')]
'We need to deliver it to somewhere', {
'entities': []
ner = nlp.get_pipe("ner")
optimizer = nlp.get_pipe("ner").create_optimizer()
import random
from import Example
for i in range(25):
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
example = Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(text), annotation)
nlp.update([example], sgd=optimizer)
I tried to save that customized NER to disk and load it again with following code
import spacy
from spacy.pipeline import EntityRecognizer
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg", disable=['ner'])
ner = EntityRecognizer(nlp.vocab)
I got however following error:
---> 10 ner = EntityRecognizer(nlp.vocab)
11 ner.from_disk('/home/feru/ner')
12 nlp.add_pipe(ner)
~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spacy/pipeline/ner.pyx in
TypeError: init() takes at least 2 positional arguments (1 given)
This method to save and load custom component from disk seems to be from some erly SpaCy version. What's the second argument EntityRecognizer needs?
The general process you are following of serializing a single component and reloading it is not the recommended way to do this in spaCy. You can do it - it has to be done internally, of course - but you generally want to save and load pipelines using high-level wrappers. In this case this means that you would save like this:
nlp.to_disk("my_model") # NOT ner.to_disk
And then load it with spacy.load("my_model").
You can find more detail about this in the saving and loading docs. Since it seems you're just getting started with spaCy, you might want to go through the course too. It covers the new config-based training in v3, which is much easier than using your own custom training loop like in your code sample.
If you want to mix and match components from different pipelines, you still will generally want to save entire pipelines, and you can then combine components from them using the "sourcing" feature.

How not to get "datum" as the lemma for "data" when using Spacy?

I've run into a quite common word "data" which gets assigned a lemma "datum" from lookups exceptions table spacy uses. I understand that the lemma is technically correct, but in today's english, "data" in its basic form is just "data".
I am using the lemmas to get a sort of keywords from text and if I have a text about data, I can't possibly tag it with "datum".
I was wondering if there is another way to arrive at plain "data" then constructing another "my_exceptions" dictionary used for overriding post-processing.
Thanks for any suggestions.
You could use Lemminflect which works as an add-in pipeline component for SpaCy. It should give you better results.
To use it with SpaCy, just import lemminflect and call the new ._.lemma() function on the Token, ie.. token._.lemma(). Here's an example..
import lemminflect
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
doc = nlp('I got the data')
for token in doc:
print('%-6s %-6s %s' % (token.text, token.lemma_, token._.lemma()))
got get get
the the the
data datum data
Lemminflect has a prioritized list of lemmas, based on occurrence in corpus data. You can see all lemmas with...
{'NOUN': ('data', 'datum')}
It's relatively easy to customize the lemmatizer once you know where to look. The original lemmatizer tables are from the package spacy-lookups-data and are loaded in the model under nlp.vocab.lookups. You can use a local install of spacy-lookups-data to customize the tables for new/blank models, but if you just want to make a few modifications to the entries for an existing model, you can modify the lemmatizer tables on the fly.
Depending on whether your pipeline includes a tagger, the lemmatizer may be referring to rules+exceptions (with a tagger) or to a simple lookup table (without a tagger), both of which include an exception that lemmatizes data to datum by default. If you remove this exception, you should get data as the lemma for data.
For a pipeline that includes a tagger (rule-based lemmatizer)
# tested with spaCy v2.2.4
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
# remove exception from rule-based exceptions
lemma_exc = nlp.vocab.lookups.get_table("lemma_exc")
del lemma_exc[nlp.vocab.strings["noun"]]["data"]
assert nlp.vocab.morphology.lemmatizer("data", "NOUN") == ["data"]
# "data" with the POS "NOUN" has the lemma "data"
doc = nlp("data")
doc[0].pos_ = "NOUN" # just to make sure the POS is correct
assert doc[0].lemma_ == "data"
For a pipeline without a tagger (simple lookup lemmatizer)
import spacy
nlp = spacy.blank("en")
# remove exception from lookups
lemma_lookup = nlp.vocab.lookups.get_table("lemma_lookup")
del lemma_lookup[nlp.vocab.strings["data"]]
assert nlp.vocab.morphology.lemmatizer("data", "") == ["data"]
doc = nlp("data")
assert doc[0].lemma_ == "data"
For both: save model for future use with these modifications included in the lemmatizer tables
Also be aware that the lemmatizer uses a cache, so make any changes before running your model on any texts or you may run into problems where it returns lemmas from the cache rather than the updated tables.

SpaCy use Lemmatizer as stand-alone component

I want to use SpaCy's lemmatizer as a standalone component (because I have pre-tokenized text, and I don't want to re-concatenate it and run the full pipeline because SpaCy will most likely tokenize differently in some cases).
I found the lemmatizer in the package but I somehow needs to load the dictionaries with the rules to initialize this Lemmatizer.
These files must be somewhere in the model of the English or German model, right? I couldn't find them there.
from spacy.lemmatizer import Lemmatizer
where do the LEMMA_INDEX, etc. files are comming from?
lemmatizer = Lemmatizer(LEMMA_INDEX, LEMMA_EXC, LEMMA_RULES)
I found a similar question here: Spacy lemmatizer issue/consistency
but this one did not entirely answer how to get these dictionary files from the model. The spacy.lang.* parameter seems to no longer exist in newer versions.
Here's an extracted bit of code I had, that used the SpaCy lemmatizer by itself. I'm not somewhere I can run it so it might have a small bug or two if I made an editing mistake.
Note that in general, you need to know the upos for the word in order to lemmatize correctly. This code will return all the possible lemmas but I would advise modifying it to pass in the correct upos for your word.
class SpacyLemmatizer(object):
def __init__(self, smodel):
import spacy
self.lemmatizer = spacy.load(smodel).vocab.morphology.lemmatizer
# get the lemmas for every upos
def getLemmas(self, entry):
possible_lemmas = set()
for upos in ('NOUN', 'VERB', 'ADJ', 'ADV'):
lemmas = self.lemmatizer(entry, upos, morphology=None)
lemma = lemmas[0] # See morphology.pyx::lemmatize
possible_lemmas.add( lemma )
return possible_lemmas

Using spacy visualizer with custom data

I want to visualize a sentence using Spacy's named entity visualizer. I have a sentence with some user defined labels over the tokens, and I want to visualize them using the NER rendering API.
I don't want to train and produce a predictive model, I have all needed labels from an external source, just need the visualization without messing too much with front-end libraries.
Any ideas how?
Thank you
You can manually modify the list of entities (doc.ents) and add new spans using token offsets. Be aware that entities can't overlap at all.
import spacy
from spacy.tokens import Span
nlp = spacy.load('en', disable=['ner'])
doc = nlp("I see an XYZ.")
doc.ents = list(doc.ents) + [Span(doc, 3, 4, "NEWENTITYTYPE")]
print(doc.ents[0], doc.ents[0].label_)