Groovy: comparing items from 2 different lists having different format - arraylist

I've a list
def a = [kitkat lollypop orea android-11]
another list
def b = ["kitkat", "lollypop", "honeycomb", "nougat", "android-11"]
I need to do some task on list a items if they exist in list b if they don't exist in list b then do something else.
One thing to note is list a items are separated by space and no quotes whereas list be is by comma and has items within quotes; due to this things I've tried below did not work.
I've tried the following:
a.split(" ").each{
def itema = it
//do something
//do something else
a.split(" ").each{
//do something
//do something else
for(itema in a){
for(itemb in b){
if(itema == itemb){
//do something
//do something else
but this threw exception due to list a having spaces between elements
I think what I want is create a new list from list a by changing it to have comma separated items with quotes and then could use one of the above solution
or is there a better way to do in groovy what I wanted?

You're almost there in examples 1 and 2, but there are a few issues.
I'm going to assume this:
def a = [kitkat lollypop orea android-11]
is actually a String, based on how you're attempting to split it. In my solution I'm going to assume it's this:
def a = "[kitkat lollypop orea android-11]"
Using the String in 'a', take everything between the two brackets. From there, split the String by the space character in order to get a list of items. Then, using this new items list, we're going to go one by one and iterate through list b to see if we have any matches:
def items = a.takeBetween("[", "]")
items.split(/\s/).each {
if (it in b) {
println "I'm in list b - $it"
} else {
println "I'm not in list b - $it"
This will result in:
I'm in list b - kitkat
I'm in list b - lollypop
I'm not in list b - orea
I'm in list b - android-11


find string within list of strings

["\"is_enabled\": false", "\"value\":\"OUT\""]
fun publishAlert(failedRecord: Record<String>) {
if (validValueType.ValueTypeGroup.contains(failedRecord.record)) {
// do stuff
} else {
// no match do other stuff
In the list above there are two strings I want to check for when this function receives a record.
The failedRecord.record string does contain what I want "value":"OUT" and it's also within the list above. So why is contains not working here? it keeps bouncing out to the else statement.
You can use any() in the list and pass a predicate:
{x -> searchString.contains(x)}
The searchString.contains() will search x as a substring inside searchString for each x representing the elements in the list
var list = listOf("\"is_enabled\": false", "\"value\":\"OUT\"")
println() // empty newline
var searchString = "{\"email\":\"\",\"source\":\"web\",\"value\":\"OUT\",\"create_date\":\"2022-09-29T03:42:09.976-05:00\",\"is_undeliverable\":false}";
println() // empty newline
println(list.any{x -> searchString.contains(x)});
["is_enabled": false, "value":"OUT"]

difference between two lists that include duplicates

I have a problem with two lists which contain duplicates
a = [1,1,2,3,4,4]
b = [1,2,3,4]
I would like to be able to extract the differences between the two lists ie.
c = [1,4]
but if I do c = a-b I get c =[]
It should be trivial but I can't find out :(
I tried also to parse the biggest list and remove items from it when I find them in the smallest list but I can't update lists on the fly, it does not work either
has anyone got an idea ?
You see an empty c as a result, because removing e.g. 1 removes all elements that are equal 1.
groovy:000> [1,1,1,1,1,2] - 1
===> [2]
What you need instead is to remove each occurrence of specific value separately. For that, you can use Groovy's Collection.removeElement(n) that removes a single element that matches the value. You can do it in a regular for-loop manner, or you can use another Groovy's collection method, e.g. inject to reduce a copy of a by removing each occurrence separately.
def c = b.inject([*a]) { acc, val -> acc.removeElement(val); acc }
assert c == [1,4]
Keep in mind, that inject method receives a copy of the a list (expression [*a] creates a new list from the a list elements.) Otherwise, acc.removeElement() would modify an existing a list. The inject method is an equivalent of a popular reduce or fold operation. Each iteration from this example could be visualized as:
--inject starts--
acc = [1,1,2,3,4,4]; val = 1; acc.removeElement(1) -> return [1,2,3,4,4]
acc = [1,2,3,4,4]; val = 2; acc.removeElement(2) -> return [1,3,4,4]
acc = [1,3,4,4]; val = 3; acc.removeElement(3) -> return [1,4,4]
acc = [1,4,4]; val = 4; acc.removeElement(4) -> return [1,4]
-- inject ends -->
PS: Kudos to almighty tim_yates who recommended improvements to that answer. Thanks, Tim!
the most readable that comes to my mind is:
a = [1,1,2,3,4,4]
b = [1,2,3,4]
c = a.clone()
b.each {c.removeElement(it)}
if you use this frequently you could add a method to the List metaClass:
List.metaClass.removeElements = { values -> values.each { delegate.removeElement(it) } }
a = [1,1,2,3,4,4]
b = [1,2,3,4]
c = a.clone()

Passing a list to SQL each row call Groovy

I am currently rendering a list of sql rows from a database using:
Sql sql = new Sql(dataSource)
def list = []
def index = 0
params.mrnaIds.each { mrnaName ->
sql.eachRow ("select value from patient_mrna where mrna_id=$mrnaId") { row ->
list[index] = row.value
render list
However I would like to avoid assigning the values to a list before rendering them.
The variable params.mrnaIds is coming from a multi select input, so it could either be a single string or a string array containing ids. Is there a way to iterate through these ids inside the eachRow method?
I would like to be able to execute something like:
render sql.eachRow ("select value from patient_mrna where mrna_id=?", params.mrnaIds) { row ->
list[index] = row.value
But I'm not completely sure that there is a way to call eachRow with this functionality. If there is not, is there some other way to render the results without storing them in a list?
I think you can render each row:
sql.eachRow( someQuery, someParams ){ row ->
render row as JSON
There is rows() to return a list instead ok working with it (like eachRow() is used for). It also shares all the different arguments. E.g.:
render sql.rows("select value from patient_mrna where mrna_id=?", params).collect{ it.value }

Grails query rows to arrays

I'm new to Groovy and Grails. I think this problem probably has an easy answer, I just don't know it.
I have a database table:
id | category | caption | image | link
I have a query that lets me retrieve one row for each distinct item in 'category.'
I'm trying to return a map where each row is an array named by it's category.
e.g., If I select the rows:
[{category='foo', caption='stuff', ...} {category='bar', caption='things', ...}]
I want to be able to:
return [foo:foo, bar:bar]
foo = [caption='stuff', ...]
bar = [caption='things', ...]
Thanks for any help.
You can transform your list using collect in Groovy, however, the result depends on the source data. I could not infer from your post that if you are returning one item per category or multiple.
def ls = Category.list()
def newList = ls.collect {
will result in something like :
[bar:[caption:BarCaption-2, image:BarImage-2, link:BarLink-2]],
[bar:[caption:BarCaption-1, image:BarImage-1, link:BarLink-1]],
[bar:[caption:BarCaption-0, image:BarImage-0, link:BarLink-0]],
[foo:[caption:FooCaption-2, image:FooImage-2, link:FooLink-2]],
[foo:[caption:FooCaption-1, image:FooImage-1, link:FooLink-1]],
[foo:[caption:FooCaption-0, image:FooImage-0, link:FooLink-0]]
If you have multiple items per each category you probably want to return the list of each.
def bars = newList.findAll { it.containsKey 'bar' }
def foos = newList.findAll { it.containsKey 'foo' }
If I understand your question correctly (I think you mean to put ':' instead of '=' for your maps) then I think the following will work. If new to Groovy, you might find the Groovy web console at useful. You can try snippets of code out easily, like the following:
def listOfMaps = [[category:'foo', caption:'stuff', something:'else'], [category:'bar', caption:'things', another:'thing']]
def mapOfMaps = [:]
listOfMaps.each { mapOfMaps += [(it.remove('category')) : it] }
assert mapOfMaps == [foo:[caption:'stuff', something:'else'], bar:[caption:'things', another:'thing']]

Find all available values for a field in lucene .net

If I have a field x, that can contain a value of y, or z etc, is there a way I can query so that I can return only the values that have been indexed?
x available settable values = test1, test2, test3, test4
Item 1 : Field x = test1
Item 2 : Field x = test2
Item 3 : Field x = test4
Item 4 : Field x = test1
Performing required query would return a list of:
test1, test2, test4
I've implemented this before as an extension method:
public static class ReaderExtentions
public static IEnumerable<string> UniqueTermsFromField(
this IndexReader reader, string field)
var termEnum = reader.Terms(new Term(field));
var currentTerm = termEnum.Term();
if (currentTerm.Field() != field)
yield break;
yield return currentTerm.Text();
} while (termEnum.Next());
You can use it very easily like this:
var allPossibleTermsForField = reader.UniqueTermsFromField("FieldName");
That will return you what you want.
EDIT: I was skipping the first term above, due to some absent-mindedness. I've updated the code accordingly to work properly.
TermEnum te = indexReader.Terms(new Term("fieldx"));
Term t = te.Term();
if (t==null || t.Field() != "fieldx") break;
} while (te.Next());
You can use facets to return the first N values of a field if the field is indexed as a string or is indexed using KeywordTokenizer and no filters. This means that the field is not tokenized but just saved as it is.
Just set the following properties on a query:
facet.limit=N //the number of values you want to retrieve
I think a WildcardQuery searching on field 'x' and value of '*' would do the trick.
I once used Lucene 2.9.2 and there I used the approach with the FieldCache as described in the book "Lucene in Action" by Manning:
String[] fieldValues = FieldCache.DEFAULT.getStrings(indexReader, fieldname);
The array fieldValues contains all values in the index for field fieldname (Example: ["NY", "NY", "NY", "SF"]), so it is up to you now how to process the array. Usually you create a HashMap<String,Integer> that sums up the occurrences of each possible value, in this case NY=3, SF=1.
Maybe this helps. It is quite slow and memory consuming for very large indexes (1.000.000 documents in index) but it works.