Multiselect dropdown closing after one select - vue.js

I have a multi-select dropdown for listing and selecting some items.
I am using the following code for the multi-select dropdown.
placeholder="Select Recipients"
the problem is when I select one option, the dropdown closes.
I want to close the drop-down only after selecting options as much I want.
is there any way to implement that

Don't know if this helps you out, but just use:
<multiple/> without the mode=
Than it's not a real dropdown it's a multi selection field..

set the on close select property to false like


Devextreme Vue Datagrid configure selection and focus row together

I am configuruing my devextreme datagrid. I have to use both muliple selection and rowfocus together. I am able to limit selection on selection column checkbox only , so that I dont select a row if I click anywhere in the grid, It always have to be the selection checkbox. Now to include row focus it's creating a problem, when ever I am clicking selection checkbox it's focusing the row first, I have to click on it again to achieve row selection. So how do I prevent row focus event on selection checkbox column?
Refer below configuraion: -
<dx-data-grid :allow-column-reordering="true"
:column-fixing="{enabled: true}"
<dx-selection :select-all-mode="selectionMode"
I removed the :column-fixing="{enabled: true}" porperty from data grid, Now it's working

Is there an Python-PyQt5 function for multiselecting from a list using QCombobox?

I am trying to build a GUI with a dropdown for multi-select in python, PyQT5 but, the display is only showing single item instead of a dropdown. Is there a way to include the options as a drop down ?
QlistWidget has the setSelectionMode: QListWidget and Multiple Selection
But the combobox does not seem to have it. And I don't remember seeing a combobox with multi selection on.
No, you can't select multiple item from a QComboBox instance. It can be used to select only one item at once. If you want to have multiple selection in your widget have to use a QListView/Widget.

Clearing semantic ui multiselect dropdown when values are selected dynamically?

I am trying to load multiselect dropdown value based on click button action dynamically. When one click is performed value is selected and appended in the dropdown. But when I clicked next time, the dynamic values are appended to the previous value. So I decided to clear multiselect dropdown on each click.
But when values are selected dynamically, To clear dropdown
$('.ui.fluid.dropdown').dropdown('restore defaults');
Both also not working. Because of dynamic appending of data.
So my question is how to clear semantic mutiselect dropdown dynamically.
I tried to use the following code to clear the dropdown and it works fine.
var class_name = $('.ui.fluid.dropdown');
$(class_name).dropdown('restore defaults');

Clearing a dropdown menu in VB.Net

I have two drop down boxes in my program. When you select an item from the first drop down, it populates select-able items in the second. When I select something in the second and then change the selection in the first one, the values remain in the second. How do I "reset" the second drop down when the first is changed?
Any help would be awesome!
The drop down is in a windows form.
You have to reset the comboxBox items collection before adding the new items :
Hope that helps.
I'm working with very old VB.NET legacy code in an ASP.NET project, so I'm not sure if this answer will help anyone or not. Here is what I did to clear our dropdown list:
The code in the .aspx file looks like this:
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCategory" runat="server" Style="width:250px">
ClearSelection() did exactly what I needed it to do. It cleared the dropdownlist selection so that nothing was selected. The box was blank, but when you dropdown the list, all the options are still available to choose from.

VB.Net - select whole line in a multicolumn ListView and not only first item

I have a ListView in VB.Net.
I want to use it to display a table of data.
However I want to be able to click on a row and select it.
The component allows me to select a row only by clicking on the first item of each row.
Can I change that?
Is there a better component to display tables? (I've already tried the DataGridView. I don't like it's appearance)
This should simply be a matter of setting FullRowSelect on the control to be True.
Change the FullRowSelect property to True.