field subtraction sql server - sql

If I would like to subtract the fields from each other,
i.e. in A there are 11 fields described as 'Faktura zakupu' and in B there are 5 fields described as 'Faktura zakupu'. I would like to get a return of records in the form of 6 items 'Faktura zakupu' (11-5 = 6)
I tried the EXCEPT operation, but it does not return the desired results
what operation do i need to perform?

You can add row number to each row in both tables. Then SQL Server can determine that the first (Faktura zakupu, Original) in table A is a duplicate of the first (Faktura zakupu, Original) in table B and remove it during EXCEPT operation:
It'll return 6 rows from table A... numbered 6 through 11.


How to remove duplicate data from microsoft sql database(on the result only)

the column code has values that have duplicate on it , i do want to remove the duplicate of that row.
for example i want to remove the duplicates of column code as well the row that has duplicate on it. it doesent matter if the other column has duplicate but i do want to base it on the code column. what sql query can i use.? Thank you
this is the table I am working to.
as you can see there are isdeleted column that has value of 1 on them. I only want the recored with a value of 0 on them
here is a sample record, in here you can see that row 1 has a isdeleted value of 1, which mean that this record is deleted and i only need the row 2 of this code.
You could use the windowing function ROW_NUMBER() to single out the last entry per code like in:
SELECT code, shortdesc, longdesc, isobsolete, effectivefromdate
FROM CodingSuite_STG
WHERE isobsolete=1 AND isdeleted=0
) AS cs
WHERE rn=1
ORDER BY effectivefromdate
Core of the operation is a "sub-query". That is a "table-like" expression generated by having a SELECT clause surrounded by parentheses and followed by a table name like:
( SELECT * FROM CodingSuite_STG WHERE iobsolete=1 ) AS cs
For the outer SELECT it will appear like a table with the name "cs".
Within this sub-query I placed a special function (a "window function") consisting of two parts:
ROWN_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY code ORDER BY effectivefromdate DESC) AS rn
The ROW_NUMBER() function returns a sequential number for a certain "window" of records defined by the immediately following OVER ( ... ) clause. The PARTITION BY inside it defines a group division scheme (similar to GROUP BY), so the row numbers start from 1 for each partitioned group. ORDER BY determines the numbering order within each group. So, with entries having the same code value ROW_NUMBER() will supply the number sequence 1, 2, 3... for each record, with 1 being assigned to the record with the highest value of effectivefromdate because of ORDER BY effectivefromdate DESC.
All we need to do in the outer SELECT clause is to pick up those records from the sub-query cs that have an rn-value of 1 and we're done!

Group by question in SQL Server, migration from MySQL

Failed finding a solution to my problem, would love your help.
~~ Post has been edited to have only one question ~~-
Group by one query while selecting multiple columns.
In MySQL you can simply group by whatever you want, and it will still select all of them, so if for example I wanted to select the newest 100 transactions, grouped by Email (only get the last transaction of a single email)
In MySQL I would do that:
SELECT * FROM db.transactionlog
group by Email
order by TransactionLogId desc
LIMIT 100;
In SQL Server its not possible, googling a bit suggested to specify each column that I want to have with an aggregate as a hack, that couldn't cause a mix of values (mixing columns between the grouped rows)?
For example:
MAX(ResultCode) as 'ResultCode',
MAX(Amount) as 'Amount',
MAX(TransactionLogId) as 'TransactionLogId'
FROM [db].[dbo].[transactionlog]
group by Email
order by TransactionLogId desc
TransactionLogId is the primarykey which is identity , ordering by it to achieve the last inserted.
Just want to know that the ResultCode and Amount that I'll get doing such query will be of the last inserted row, and not the highest of the grouped rows or w/e.
Sample data -
Email :
ResultCode : 100
Amount : 27
TransactionLogId : 1
Amount: 10
TransactionLogId: 2
Using the sample data above, my goal is to get the row details of
TransactionLogId = 2.
but what actual happens is that I get a mixed values of the two, as I do get transactionLogId = 2, but the resultcode and amount of the first row.
How do I avoid that?
You should first find out which is the latest transaction log by each email, then join back against the same table to retrieve the full record:
;WITH MaxTransactionByEmail AS
MAX(TransactionLogId) as LatestTransactionLogId
group by
[db].[dbo].[transactionlog] AS T
INNER JOIN MaxTransactionByEmail AS M ON T.TransactionLogId = M.LatestTransactionLogId
You are currently getting mixed results because your aggregate functions like MAX() is considering all rows that correspond to a particular value of Email. So the MAX() value for the Amount column between values 10 and 27 is 27, even if the transaction log id is lower.
Another solution is using a ROW_NUMBER() window function to get a row-ranking by each Email, then just picking the first row:
;WITH TransactionsRanking AS
MostRecentTransactionLogRanking = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
T.Email -- Start a different ranking for each different value of Email
T.TransactionLogId DESC) -- Order the rows by the TransactionLogID descending
[db].[dbo].[transactionlog] AS T
TransactionsRanking AS T
T.MostRecentTransactionLogRanking = 1

duplicates to be removed sql

I have in database records
My sql:
DISTINCT name, date(mod_wr)
ir = '4552724'
name, date(mod_wr)
The last record is the same as the last but one. It has only a different date.
Is it possible to somehow query to return all records where there has been a change in the "name" column?
For record 4 and 5 there is the same name, only a different date. I would like it to return only a record of 4 and 5, because there was no change.
If you don't want to remove rows where values are resused. E.g. your line #2, you can use LAG() and then only include rows where the value is different to the previous. E.g.
select name, date(mod_wr) from
name, mod_wr, lag(name) over(order by mod_wr) as prev_name
ir = '4552724'
WHERE prev_name IS NULL OR name <> prev_name
From your sample data, you have 3 distinct names. However, you cannot use distinct in your select statement because it applies to every field listed and none of the dates would provide an exact match.
However, you can use a group by statement in order to collate your titles together.
// MySQL 5.6 Statement
select name, date(mod_wr) from object_stg group by name;
// MSSQL 2017 Statement
select name, max(mod_wr) from object_stg group by name;
Both statements return 3 lines with just the BMW, 1.0 GL and 1.0 GLS showing with a single date.
SQL Fiddle

How to distinguish rows in a database table on the basis of two or more columns while returning all columns in sql server

I want to distinguish Rows on the basis of two or more columns value of the same table at the same time returns all columns from the table.
Ex: I have this table
DB Table
I want my result to be displayed as: filter on the basis of type and Number only. As in abover table type and Number for first and second Row is same so it should be suppressed in result.
txn item Discrip Category type Number Mode
60 2 Loyalty L 6174 XXXXXXX1390 0
60 4 Visa C 1600 XXXXXXXXXXXX4108 1
I have tried with sub query but yet unsuccessful. Please suggest what to try.
You can do what you want with row_number():
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by type, number order by item) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum = 1;

How to get the position of a record in a table (SQL Server)

Following problem:
I need to get the position of a record in the table. Let's say I have five record in the table:
Name: john doe, ID: 1
Name: jane doe, ID: 2
Name: Frankie Boy, ID: 4
Name: Johnny, ID: 9
Now, "Frankie Boy" is in the third position in the table. But How to get this information from the SQL server? I could count IDs, but they are not reliable, Frankie has the ID 4, but is in the third position because the record with the ID '3' was deleted.
Is there a way? I am aware of ROW_RANK but it would be costly, because I need to select basically the whole set first before I can rank row_rank them.
I am using MS SQL Server 2008 R2.
Tables don't have 'position'. Rows in a table (=set) are identified by their primary key value. Only result rows have 'position' which can be deterministic when a ORDER BY clause is present. Assuming that tables (=sets) have a position will lead only to problems and is the wrong mind set.
You can use row_number() to "label" rows. You've got to specify a way to order the rows:
select row_number() over (order by id) as PositionInTable
, *
from YourTable
If performance is an issue, you could store the position in a new column:
update yt1
set PositionInTable = rn
from YourTable yt1
join (
select row_number() over (order by id) as rn
, id
from YourTable
) yt2
on =
With an index on PositionInTable, this would be lightning fast. But you would have to update this after each insert on the table.
Tables are [conceptually] without order. Unless you specify ORDER BY in a select statement to order a results set, results may be returned in any order. Repeated executions of the exact same SQL may return the results set in different orders fro each execution.
To get the row number in a particular result set, use the row_number() function:
select row = row_number() over( order by id ) , *
from sysobjects
This will assign a row number to each row in sysobjects as if the table were ordered by id.
A simple way to do this without having to use ROW_NUMBER would be to simply count how many rows in the table have an index less or equal to the selected index, this would give the row number.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM YourTable WHERE ID <= 4 -- Frankie Boy, Result = 3
This may not be the most efficient way to do it for your particular scenario, but it's a simple way of achieving it.