Google Meet: Get current active members of a meeting - google-meet

I would like to get the current active members of an active Google Meet call.
Does the API support this?


Is it possible to get display name from google account email

I develop a Google API integration for a Saas product.
One of its functions is to retrieve the email and displayName of the participants of an event registered in Google Calendar.(ref 1, same issue is reported)
At first I try to get email and display name from get method for google calendar events resources,but I found that many event participants have an email but no displayName.( ref 2,3 )
Then, I try to use google people api to get displayName from email but I couldn't find the way to get it.
If you know the way to get displayName from google account email, please tell me how to do it.
Google Calendar API: Display Name doesn't work
Google Calendar API, Events Resource representations
Google Calendar API, Events Resource representations
The displayName availability depends either from that account's Name set at Google profile) or from the API caller's contact List in Google Contact.
If the caller and the affected account are within the same Google Workspace environment, then the domain's user profile Name is taken into account.
If that account is added to the caller's Contacts, then it is also possible to retrieve its Display Name via People API.
If the affected account doesn't have a name set nor it is within the caller's contacts, that's expected behavior.

How to get all the campaigns in Ad Analytics in Linkedin Ads API

I am new to working with APIs and especially with Linkedin API.
I want to get Ad Reporting data.
I only know to get a specific campaign data.
How do I get all the campaign running for the account id?
Here is what I have run.[0]=urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:123456
I tried something like following and it didn't work.
Have you tried this recommendation? I think it's what you're looking for.
Search for Campaigns
You can search for campaigns by ID, account,
campaign group, name, type, and status fields. Search criteria can be
chained together for increased granularity. If a search query is
omitted, the API returns all the campaigns that the caller has access

Office 365 REST API list resources (meeting rooms)

I have a question about Office365 REST API. Is there a way to obtain list of resources - meeting room calendars.
I can only get meetings that will take place in room if I know meeting room username.
Can I list all meeting rooms and obtain their calendars?
You can use the Azure AD Graph API to query the list of users. However, there is no field in the API that marks a user as being a conference room. Depending on how your organization creates and names rooms, maybe you can find a filter that will only return rooms.
After that, it's just a matter of implementing the client credential flow so you can access multiple mailboxes.

Is there a way to get the number of specials unlocked from Foursquare API

I am trying to extract the number of specials unlocked at a venue from the Foursquare API, however I can only find a list of current specials. Is this possible? What is the end point?, but you must be a manager of the specials campaign to access these details.

How can I watch a Foursquare venue for check-ins?

The FourSquare API seems to be very user-centric: After logging in via OAuth I can see my friends check in, and which of my friends are currently checked into a given venue.
I'm looking for something more venue-centric, where I can get a list of everybody currently checked into a venue (friends and non-friends), or ideally receive a notification each time there is a new check-in at a specific venue. Is this possible with the existing V2 API?
I know you asked this 2 months ago and surely found an answer already but to answer your question directly.
where I can get a list of everybody currently checked into a venue
(friends and non-friends)
The FourSquare version 2 API has a venues endpoint
A sample call will give you a stats field in the response
Contains checkinsCount (total checkins ever here) and usersCount (total users who have ever checked in here).
for more venue information, FourSuare has a subset to the version 2 API called the venues project with more venue driven data you can update and mine through.
You can check the venue checkins and mayors, comments, etc. Easily with the foursquare API, just check the API documentation for which calls can you make.
I wrote a handy article about how to connect to the foursquare api and make calls to it through PHP, you can find it here
Authenticated calls /venues/herenow will return a list of people currently checked in. See
To receive notifications when new users check-in to a venue, you need to have your application authorized by a manager of the foursquare venue, then enable your app (on for the foursquare Venue Push API