Is it possible to implement Roboto Medium-500 weight font building an application using UI Kitten + React Native? - react-native

I've been told by developer that only Regular 400 and Bold 700 can be implemented. Can someone please confirm this? Thanks!

It's possible.
Step 1. Install the font
The fastest way will be using expo-font and #expo-google-fonts/inter
BUT double-check on real devices because sometimes there are bugs like the famous 2 last characters trimmed
Step 2. Update app-mapping-theme.json
Update your ApplicationProvider customMapping props
// app-mapping-theme.json
"strict": {
"text-font-family": "roboto"
I imported the file on my App.js like this
import { default as mapping } from "~/constants/app-mapping-theme.json";


How to use Troisjs in Nuxt 3 project

I would like to use TroisJS (three.js wrapper for Vue) with Nuxt.js. According to the TroisJS documentation ( I need to add it to my project like:
import { TroisJSVuePlugin } from 'troisjs';
However, I don"t know how to figure out where I should put this code. I would expect the nuxt.config.js file, but I don't seem to quite get it where it should go.
I decided to use TroisJS and not three.js because I thought the former might be easier to import and use. If importing three.js directly is easier, I don't mind using it.
Thank you very much for any help!
In /plugins folder add new file named troisjs-plugin.js with the following content :
import { TroisJSVuePlugin } from 'troisjs';
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nuxtApp.vueApp.use(TroisJSVuePlugin )
I found a repo with some testing with Trois and Nuxt 3, probably outdated and maybe some apis have changed, but if you wanna check it out: alvarosabu/nuxt3-trois
Also, there's an official repo from the Trois author with a Nuxt 3 custom plugin (probably outdated too) here

react-native-gifted-chat || Typing indicator || React native expo

I am almost done with my chat application in React native with Firebase. At the end, typing indicator needs to be updated with the app. Since I searched I don't get any proper reference code to implement it.
Is there any Reference/Sample code for typing indicator in react-native-gifted-chat?
Thanks in Advance!
Comment by shamilovtim // fixed typo
I'm using the latest version of the plugin. I simply have it set to a stateful variable coming from my Redux store. and my working example would simply be that. There's something you're doing wrong with how you manage state. I'd start out with make sure you're using this plugin inside of a function component because that's where I can confirm the typing indicator works. Not sure if it's broken in class components but those are legacy at this point so you might need to refactor.
import { useDispatch, useTrackedState } from 'reactive-react-redux';
const state = useTrackedState();
I would also make sure that your screen didn't mount with state already set to true. If you set it to true after it's already true your state hasn't changed and React isn't going to rerender a component. (e.g. your defaultValue should be false).
Hopefully this helps.

Fast refresh in react native always fully reload the app

This question has been asked several times here(here the most relevant,Another example), but no solution has been proposed in any of them. So I have 2 questions to you guys:
Any idea why it wouldn't work in a large project? I mean, there are any know issues with fast refresh related to the size of the project or the packages he includes that will make fast refresh stop working? There is any way to fix it?
Is there a convenient way to edit an internal page in the app without using a fast refresh (without running the page independently, since it depends on all the logic of the app)?
This bug really makes the development really difficult for me, and I find it hard to believe that professional developers have not found a way around this problem, Please help!
I'm using expo-cli(v3.26.2 - Expo SDK 38 that using react-native v0.62)
using default export with no name ALWAYS resulted in a full reload of the app without hot reload!
So after a lot of months of pain, I accidentally found a strangely enough effect:
I usually write my react components in this syntax:
export default ({ ...props }) => {
and for some reason, changing a module that exports that way ALWAYS resulted in a full reload of the app without hot reload!
after months of pain, accidentally i found out that changing the export to:
const Test = ({ ...props }) => {
export default Test;
completely fixed the issue and now hot reload works perfectly fine!
I did not saw this effect mentioned in a single place on the internet!
From react-refresh-webpack-plugin troubleshoot section
Un-named/non-pascal-case-named components
See this tweet for drawbacks of not giving component proper names.
They are impossible to support because we have no ways to statically
determine they are React-related. This issue also exist for other
React developer tools, like the hooks ESLint plugin. Internal
components in HOCs also have to conform to this rule.
// Wont work
export default () => <div />;
export default function () {
return <div />;
export default function divContainer() {
return <div />;
There is an other way to obtain this weird behavior.
When you export a simple function:
//if we export this function in the entry file of the app,
//it will break the hot reload feature without any warnings.
export function someName() {
from the entry file of your app (with typescript template expo init nameApp the file is App.tsx)
It will exactly produce a full reload of the app rather than a hot reload.
This is vicious because on ios simulator it full reloads the app without the modification whereas in android it full reloads the app WITH the modification. So you'll take some time to realize that this is not a hot reload in android but a full reload.
IDK why ios don't display the modification like android does..
But when you think at the problem, we shouldn't export multiple things from the entry point of an app. This sounds weird isn't it ?
During development, I had your problem with the infinity "Refreshing..." message. As well as incomprehensible errors like "unknow resolve module 2" and "bundle error..."
the solution turned out to be unexpected, I changed "require()" to "import" in the main index.js file
const module = require('some-module')
import module from 'some-module';

Is there a way I can detect text from an Image using Expo React Native?

I am working with Expo, React Native and I want to to be able to detect text from images. Is there an package i can work with to achieve this?
I am using Expo camera module to snap the picture and supply the URI to the text detector
I have tried using react-native-text-detector but I am getting the error that the function detectFromUri is not defined. I have also tried with tesserect.js but it fails on import with "unable to resolve variable location".
await => {
photo.exif.Orientation = 1;
const visionResp = await RNTextDetector.detectFromUri(photo.uri);
if (!(visionResp && visionResp.length > 0)) {
throw "UNMATCHED";
I am expecting the visionResp to log the results returned from the detection but instead i get undefined is not an object (evaluating '_reactNativeTextDetector.default.detectFromUri')
Is your project created with expo-cli?
If yes, Expo is not supporting OCR currently. There is a feature request on but you can't know for sure when it will become available.
Your only choice is to use an OCR service like this one.Internet connectivity will be required.
If not, (and the project is created with react-native-cli) you should be able to successfully use react-native-text-detector. Just make sure you link the package correctly. Docs here

How to customize app.json to build a whitelabel app with Expo

I have an application written in React Native with Expo and I need to create about 20 more apps that are almost the same but have different backend and some styling. I have an idea how to do most of that but I'm stuck when it comes to using different app.json for every build without changing it manually each time. Of course, every separate application needs to use its own name and icon. So how should I do that?
Late answer incoming. Hope it is still relevant for you in some way.
As of today, in addition to the static app.json configuration file, you can write dynamic configuration in app.config.js.
So, with app.config.js you can define each white-label settings. Then, you can use environment variables to start your app with a specific white-label configuration.
For example, here's how you can have different app names per white-label.
Command to start expo: BRAND=WHITELABEL_1 expo start and BRAND=WHITELABEL_2 expo start, depending on which white-label you want to start.
app.config.js file:
const names = {
WHITELABEL_1: 'White-label 1 Name',
WHITELABEL_2: 'White-label 2 Name',
const name = names[process.env.BRAND];
export default { name };
That's how I'd approach white-labeling with Expo.