When trying to update a video snippet I always get a Forbidden response - api

I am creating an app to update my videos through the youtube api v3.
I have set up everything correctly according to the documentation. Have the API key and OAuth credentials. But everytime I try to update (in my app or in the API test page) I get this json response:
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&alt=json returned "Forbidden". Details: "[{'message': 'Forbidden', 'domain': 'youtube.video', 'reason': 'forbidden'}]">
I'm getting so frustrated, this specific error only shows "Forbidden" with no extra info.
Does anyone knows what it could be? Thank you


Can't access Chorus Pro API in Postman

I'm working on a custom module for Odoo 15, but I'm currently facing an issue with the Chorus Pro API.
Everything about authentication and API key generation looks ok on their website.
But when I try some requests in Postman it always returns me "400 Bad Request" and I don't understand why.
Can someone help me ?
Update 1
Ok so after several tests it return me "Unable to find token in the message".
But I specified it in the Authorization menu with type API Key.
Here the official documentation: https://developer.aife.economie.gouv.fr/index.php?option=com_apiportal&view=apitester&usage=api&apitab=tests&apiName=Factures&apiId=5feff6ae-09cd-46a6-a0b9-844eac6b9acc&managerId=2&type=rest&apiVersion=1.0.0&Itemid=265&swaggerVersion=2.0&lang=fr
(Sorry it's in french)
Update 2
I finally get an API Key and change the Authorization Type to Bearer Token so the previous error is solved.
But now I've got "403 Forbidden" because of an "[invalid field]".
I use this POST URL : https://sandbox-api.piste.gouv.fr/cpro/factures/v1/corriger/valideur/facture
With this body :
{ "idFacture": 0, "idStructure": 0, "typeIdentifiantStructure":
"SIRET", "identifiantStructure": "string" }
Update 3
The "[invalid field]" seems to be the host one, but it's the same as in the POST URL : sandbox-api.piste.gouv.fr

Video of Youtube Data API V3 do not operate for a few hours

Youtube API do not work for a few hours regarding videos.
I checked autorization of API and tried to access with my key value regarding address below.
https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&maxResult=25&key=[my key value].
However, output is whether or not error is displayed on console tab. error message is that Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden).
The portion of error is higher than no error for a few hours.
Could you let me know the root cause about this situation?

GET request to opensea API giving 403 error

I'm trying to retrieve the asset info from a specific collection using the asset endpoint.
Now, if you open that on your browser, it works flawlessly, but on your app or postman it just gives a 403 error by CloudFlare.
This is not a 401 error and we shouldn't need an API key for this.
So what is going on and how do I fix this? Any ideas?

Instagram Invalid Access token for non-expired token

I'm building a simple app to hit the Instagram API and display pictures. Following their docs, I redirect users to a sign-in, after which they're sent back to the app with an access_token. When I use that token to make requests, however, I get the following response:
"meta": {
"error_type": "OAuthAccessTokenException",
"code": 400,
"error_message": "The access_token provided is invalid."
The requested URL is:
I've also tried putting the token within quotations, and URI-escaping the ampersands.
And I've tried this both through a script tag src and as a GET request in Postman. Unlike most of the answers I've found related to the above error, this is definitely not an expired token issue, as I run into this error immediately after getting the token. And it also appears NOT to be a case of my passing the token incorrectly, because when I remove the token altogether, I get a separate error complaining that no token or client_id has been passed.
Anyone familiar with this error? Have a sense what I might be doing wrong?

instagram api OAuthPermissionsException live mode

I'm having an issues with the new API policy of Instagram
I already got my app approved and got basic permissions
IG API Permissions
When using the app on sandbox mode I can get API response only for my own user, however when I move to Live Mode and try using the API all I receive is error 400 code
For example
meta: {
error_type: "OAuthPermissionsException",
code: 400,
error_message: "This client has not been approved to access this resource."
Even using the same API with my own username still getting the same error
I was trying to search on it but all I can find is the same error happens to unauthorized users
Any idea ?
I have fixed the This client has not been approved to access this resource Issue by Authorizing the Instagram public_content scope by visiting the following URL and clicking Authorize.
I found the reason, I can't use that endpoint because I have only permission for basic. for more information https://www.instagram.com/developer/endpoints/users/