Can Tampermonkey edit popups from other extensions - chromium

Is it possible to change other extension popups (like Google tag assistant legacy or even LastPass)?
Can't find documentation or anything about it, but it would be a lifesaver for my everyday automatization.

Neither userscripts nor extensions have access to modify other extensions as it would be a security risk.


Chrome manifest v3 - is there a viable workaround to use Google's File Picker in a Chrome extension?

My searches have turned up nothing concrete. My extension uses Google's file picker to allow the user to browse their sheets and choose a desired file to write some data to, which manifest v3 breaks because of some GAPI limitations. Unless I've missed something obvious, there does not seem to be a simple workaround or method for this to migrate to v3 -- it just seems to be disallowed.
I'm not asking if there's a way to do something that they intend to not be possible (even though I doubt such a thing would exist with Google) but I'm optimistically hoping that maybe there is some hacky/annoying workaround that still fits within their rules. If I absolutely have to just allow them to set a sheet URL manually I will...I'm just trying to avoid it.
Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.
You may have to test it yourself to make sure there are no weird behaviors, but Google has some recommendations regarding this in their migration guide:
In Manifest V3, all of your extension's logic must be included in the extension. You can no longer load and execute a remotely hosted file. A number of alternative approaches are available, depending on your use case and the reason for remote hosting. Here are approaches to consider:
Configuration-driven features and logic
In this approach, your extension loads a remote configuration (for example a JSON file) at runtime and caches the configuration locally. The extension then uses this cached configuration to decide which features to enable.
Externalize logic with a remote service
Consider migrating application logic from the extension to a remote web service that your extension can call. (Essentially a form of message passing.) This provides you the ability to keep code private and change the code on demand while avoiding the extra overhead of resubmitting to the Chrome Web Store.
Bundle third-party libraries
If you are using a popular framework like React or Bootstrap, you can download the minified files, add them to your project and import them locally.
For your case, option #3 seems like the easiest. Looking at the Google Picker API documentation it only uses two relatively small script files, and You could try to bundle these in your Chrome extension and call the methods locally.

Using Microsoft docs inside an ASP.Net Core website

Microsoft's modern documentation website is produced largely from Markdown files hosted in on GitHub. Typically the documentation shows a left pane navigation menu and a document navigation section on the right. Here is an example:
Microsoft also produces a set of tools to help documentation authors and associated extensions for VS Code.
Is it possible to use this to host Microsoft documentation inside your own website? If so, are there any examples of doing this in an ASP.Net Core website?
You might want to have a look at this blog post of one of the Microsoft employees working on Docs, describing on how to set up and use DocFX, which Microsoft Docs is based on.
Also, this GitHub issue gives a good summary of the current status. (All issues in the linked repository have been deleted.)
Aside from that, the links you mentioned correspond to this Visual Studio Code extension package, where you might be especially in Docs Preview.
It will help with writing and previewing Docs Markdown flavor syntax.
The repository links back to the packages GitHub page though, the source code for Docs Preview seems to be unavailable and also the license is not permissive at all, only granting Microsoft rights, but not granting you any in return. Even though you could look into the code of the downloaded extension manually, that would not grant you any permission to use any of the acquired code or knowledge in any commercial project.
I think you want to implement the functionality of displaying a text editor in which the user can enter Markdown text and want to show the preview of that markdown.
For this, you can use MarkDig or CommonMark package from Nuget plugins in chrome app

In an online version of you can enable extra plugins using their url like this (svgdata is the plugin id)
Is there a way to enable a plugin using Chrome app?
In online version, the Plugins is listed under extras.
In offline as well as in Chrome App, you can't see such an Option
Which means you can't add plugins in the offline version.
Remaining functionalities that you will miss in the offline version
You can’t access or store diagrams using cloud services like Dropbox, GitHub, etc.
Save diagrams to your device or browser instead.
Online help is not available
You can’t insert PlantUML text data.
Math typesetting is not available.
Templates are not available for creating new diagrams.
You can’t export to PDF, but you can print as PDF.
The interface is only available in English.
source :
Then why?
May be because of issues with caching. If you add many plugins, each of them contains many files. Caching large number of files for offline usage will make the app worst and also consume more memory.
Anyway, you can submit a feature request here

Disable caching with contextual Google Gadget

I'm having trouble loading my updated XML for a contextual gadget in gmail. I was reading through the Google Gadgets FAQ, and it is stated that the XML files are cached for a few hours.
I've been searching for a while on how to get around this and found a few solutions such as:
Add a nocache=1 (or something close to that) to the querystring
Add anything to the querystring
Use the "My Gadget" gadget to disable caching.
None of these solutions work for me, and I'm suspecting it's because none of them are newer than 2010 and things tend to change. Has anyone else run into this issue recently?
It is not &nocache=1 but &nogadgetcache=1 that must be added;
make sure you append this before the # in the URL !
from the docs :
Changes to gadget don't show up immediately.
Gmail is probably using a cached version of the gadget. Changes to gadgets can take some time to be reflected because of caching. Solution: Make sure you include the flag &nogadgetcache=1 in the URL when you start Gmail to test your gadgets. This flag ensures that any changes you make to gadgets will show up in your Gmail account immediately. If you reference external resources in your gadget, such as JS or CSS files located on external servers, those resources are still subject to caching.

trac rich client

My company uses trac for bug tracking, and while it works fine, I find the web interface a bit clunky, particularly when it comes to sorting and quickly switching between tickets.
Are there any rich client interfaces or maybe Eclipse plugins? I've seen the mylyn connector but that seems to just allow you to basically use the webpage within Eclipse.
There is an XML RPC plugin that you can use to interact with a Trac server using remote scripts. If there is something in particular that you want to do, you may be able to script it up with Ruby, Python, or a number of other languages. There are a number of examples on the plugin's web site:
Have you ever looked at FatBug for Trac. It is a rich client for Trac. It has a nice snipping tool for uploading images directly into Trac and full text searching of all of the tickets in Trac. It even supports offline mode for being able to work with tickets when you do not have access to the Internet.