I would like to know the physical location of my SQL Azure Database. It is in Location = Southeast Asia. Which country is it located in?
The physical location is located in Singapore
While you create a database they are placed in same location as in its server. When creating the SQL server note the location in the region beside it. You can then navigate to Azure geographies to find the latest data center regions.
In your case, for Southeast Asia: Select region "Asia Pacific" and under "Southeast Asia" find the location tag "Singapore"
You can also utilize Products available by region
I am trying to clone a SQL VM to another resource group,
Cloning a normal VM is simple,
Create disk snapshot (OS & data Disks)
Create Disk from snapshot
create VM from managed Disk
The image I have is (image: Sql Server 2019 Standard on Windows Server 2022-Gen2), following the above steps only creating a vm but not SQL Virtual Machine.
Please let me know if anyone knows the correct steps or any documentation.
Thanks in advance.
You can perform this activity through PowerShell. Please go through below steps-
To create a snapshot using the Azure portal, complete these steps, you can skip this if you have already created a snapshot.
In the Azure portal, select Create a resource.
Search for and select Snapshot.
In the Snapshot window, select Create. The Create snapshot window appears.
For Resource group, select an existing resource group or enter the name of a new one.
Enter a Name, then select a Region and Snapshot type for the new snapshot. If you would like to store your snapshot in zone-resilient storage, you need to select a region that supports availability zones. For a list of supporting regions, see Azure regions with availability zones.
For Source subscription, select the subscription that contains the managed disk to be backed up.
For Source disk, select the managed disk to snapshot.
For Storage type, select Standard HDD, unless you require zone-redundant storage or high-performance storage for your snapshot.
If needed, configure settings on the Encryption, Networking, and Tags tabs. Otherwise, default settings are used for your snapshot.
Select Review + create.
Moving snapshot of SQL Virtual Machine under different resource group in another subscription
#Provide the subscription Id of the subscription where snapshot exists
#Provide the name of your resource group where snapshot exists
#Provide the name of the snapshot
#Set the context to the subscription Id where snapshot exists
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $sourceSubscriptionId
#Get the source snapshot
$snapshot= Get-AzSnapshot -ResourceGroupName $sourceResourceGroupName -Name $snapshotName
#Provide the subscription Id of the subscription where snapshot will be copied to
#If snapshot is copied to the same subscription then you can skip this step
#Name of the resource group where snapshot will be copied to
#Set the context to the subscription Id where snapshot will be copied to
#If snapshot is copied to the same subscription then you can skip this step
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $targetSubscriptionId
#Store your snapshots in Standard storage to reduce cost. Please use Standard_ZRS in regions where zone redundant storage (ZRS) is available, otherwise use Standard_LRS
#Please check out the availability of ZRS here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/Az.Storage/common/storage-redundancy-zrs#support-coverage-and-regional-availability
$snapshotConfig = New-AzSnapshotConfig -SourceResourceId $snapshot.Id -Location $snapshot.Location -CreateOption Copy -SkuName Standard_LRS
#Create a new snapshot in the target subscription and resource group
New-AzSnapshot -Snapshot $snapshotConfig -SnapshotName $snapshotName -ResourceGroupName $targetResourceGroupName
I am trying to query a federated table where the bucket is in
asia (multiple regions in Asia)
. BigQuery dataset info
Data location:
When I run a simple select * from ... I get:
Cannot read in location: asia
You encounter this error because your bucket is Multi region and your BigQuery dataset is regional. The general rule for location consideration is that the external data and the dataset should be in the same location.
As of now the available multi region BigQuery dataset is for US and EU. Thus the error when using Asia multi region for the external table. To fix this you can either:
Create a new bucket in asia-south1. Transfer your files from your old bucket using Cloud Storage Transfer service to the new bucket. Then create the dataset in asia-south1 as well and you should be able to query without errors.
If you want really want your data in a multi region setup, you can create a new bucket and BQ dataset which are both in US or EU. Just transfer your files to the new bucket and you would be able to execute queries.
NOTE: It is not possible to edit the location of the bucket. When you create a bucket, you permanently define its name, its geographic location, and the project it is part of. Thus the suggested fix mentioned above.
Is it possible to set the BigQuery default region for uploads and queries in the web console? Currently, when I go to create table, it defaults to the US region.
The region location of the BigQuery product is dataset-based. That means that all the tables in the same dataset will be in the same region.
When you create a new dataset via the console, you are prompted choose one of the following regions, but you cannot change the dataset location later.
However, if it's essential to have the dataset in another region, you can follow this steps to transfer the data to a new dataset in another location.
I want to store large files in SQL Server 2012. I have been suggested to use BLOB. All I want to do is to create a table which map the Employee id and the path of his image in database. Whenever user want to access the image he will get the path from the database first and then get the image from referenced database using BLOB.
Can you help me how to access different database from one database.
Generally speaking for large files (over 1 MB, but not a rule) you should use FILESTREAM (Overview) which stores the files on filesystem and not in the database itself.
See this article for a guide to set up using FILESTREAM in your database.
As for your question "Can you help me how to access different database from one database." Referencing objects in SQL is done with dot notation like this
So you can use it to reference objects (tables) in different databases. For more info see Using Identifiers As Object Names not to reiterate what's there already.
Hi I'm trying to copy SQL instance from east us to west Europe and I'm getting the next error:
Msg 40532, Level 11, State 1, Line 1
Cannot open server "eastusserver" requested by the login. The login failed.
I'm using this query:
AS COPY OF [eastusserver].OldDBName
You can't copy databases between servers in separate data centers and sub-regions in Azure SQL Database (docs). Look instead into using bacpacs, scripts or SQL Data Sync .