How to search/replace a single inline with sed/awk? [duplicate] - awk

This question already has answers here:
Save modifications in place with awk
(7 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have a lot of files, where I would like to edit only those lines that start with private.
It principle I want to
gawk '/private/{gsub(/\//, "_"); gsub(/-/, "_"); print}' filename
but this only prints out the modified part of the file, and not everything.
Does gawk have a way similar to sed -i inplace?
Or is there are much simpler way to do the above woth either sed or gawk?

Just move the final print outside of the filtered pattern. eg:
gawk '/private/{gsub(/\//, "_"); gsub(/-/, "_")} {print}'
usually, that is simplified to:
gawk '/private/{gsub(/\//, "_"); gsub(/-/, "_")}1'
You really, really, really, (emphasis on "really") do not want to use something like sed -i to edit the files "in-place". (I put "in-place" in quotes, because gnu's sed does not edit the files in place, but creates new files with the same name.) Doing so is a recipe for data corruption, and if you have a lot of files you don't want to take that risk. Just write the files into a new directory tree. It will make recovery much simpler.
d=backup/$(dirname "$filename")
mkdir -p "$d"
awk '...' "$filename" > "$d/$filename"
Consider if you used something like -i which puts backup files in the same directory structure. If you're modifying files in bulk and the process is stopped half-way through, how do you recover? If you are putting output into a separate tree, recovery is trivial. Your original files are untouched and pristine, and there are no concerns if your filtering process is terminated prematurely or inadvertently run multiple times. sed -i is a plague on humanity and should never be used. Don't spread the plague.

GNU awk from 4.1.0 has the in place ability.
And you should put the print outside the reg match block.
Try this:
gawk '/^private/{gsub(/[/-]/, "_");} 1' filename
or, make sure you backed up the file:
gawk -i inplace '/^private/{gsub(/[/-]/, "_");} 1' filename
You forgot the ^ to denote start, you need it to change lines started with private, otherwise all lines contain private will be modified.
And yeah, you can combine the two gsubs with a single one.
The sed command to do the same would be:
sed '/^private/{s/[/-]/_/g;}' filename
Add the -i option when you done testing it.


Replace character except between pattern using grep -o or sed (or others)

In the following file I want to replace all the ; by , with the exception that, when there is a string (delimited with two "), it should not replace the ; inside it.
For sed I have: sed 's/;/,/g' input.txt > output.txt but this would replace everything.
The regex for the " delimited string: \".*;.*\" .
(A regex for hexadecimal would be better -- something like: [0-9a-fA-F]+)
My problem is combining it all to make a grep -o / sed that replaces everything except for that pattern.
The file size is in the order of two digit Gb (max 99Gb), so performance is important. Relevant.
Any ideas are appreciated.
sed is for doing simple s/old/new on individual strings. grep is for doing g/re/p. You're not trying to do either of those tasks so you shouldn't be considering either of those tools. That leaves the other standard UNIX tool for manipulating text - awk.
You have a ;-separated CSV that you want to make ,-separated. That's simply:
$ awk -v FPAT='[^;]*|"[^"]+"' -v OFS=',' '{$1=$1}1' file
The above uses GNU awk for FPAT. See What's the most robust way to efficiently parse CSV using awk? for more details on parsing CSVs with awk.
If I get correctly your requirements, one option would be to make a three pass thing.
From your comment about hex, I'll consider nothing like # will come in the input so you can do (using GNU sed) :
sed -E 's/("[^"]+);([^"]+")/\1#\2/g' original > transformed
sed -i 's/;/,/g' transformed
sed -i 's/#/;/g' transformed
The idea being to replace the ; when within quotes by something else and write it to a new file, then replace all ; by , and then set back the ; in place within the same file (-i flag of sed).
The three pass can be combined in a single command with
sed -E 's/("[^"]+);([^"]+")/\1#\2/g;s/;/,/g;s/#/;/g' original > transformed
That said, there's probably a bunch of csv parser witch already handle quoted fields that you can probably use in the final use case as I bet this is just an intermediary step for something else later in the chain.
From Ed Morton's comment: if you do it in one pass, you can use \n as replacement separator as there can't be a newline in the text considered line by line.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E ':a;s/^([^"]*("[^"]*"[^"]*)*"[^";]*);/\1\n/;ta;y/;/,/;y/\n/;/' file
Replace ;'s inside double quotes with newlines, transpose ;'s to ,'s and then transpose newlines to ;'s.

How do i use awk command within a script to save permanent modifications [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Save modifications in place with awk
(7 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
How do I use awk command to make permanent modifications to a file? I have been using:
awk '/'"'"'test'"'"' =>./{c++}(c==2){sub("'"'"'test'"'"' =>.","'"'"'test'"'"' => '"'"'test1'"'"',")}1' testfile
I have been using the above command to make temporary changes that open the changes instantly. But I want to use it within the script file and make permanent changes to the file similar to sed -i.
Before this gets closed as a dup, lets at least clean up your code. This:
awk '/'"'"'test'"'"' =>./{c++}(c==2){sub("'"'"'test'"'"' =>.","'"'"'test'"'"' => '"'"'test1'"'"',")}1' testfile
is extremely hard to read. I assume all those '"'"'s are trying to get single quotes into the code. If so, to improve clarity and so it'd work if/when the script is stored in a file, use the octal representation \047 for every single quote instead:
awk '/\047test\047 =>./{c++} (c==2){sub("\047test\047 =>.","\047test\047 => \047test1\047,")}1' testfile
Now use regexp delimiters for the regexp that's the first arg to sub():
awk '/\047test\047 =>./{c++} (c==2){sub(/\047test\047 =>./,"\047test\047 => \047test1\047,")}1' testfile
There are several other possible improvements including using a backreference instead of hard-coding the original sub() string in the replacement and using match() so you don't need to test for the same regexp in the condition part of the script and then again in the sub() so something like this (with GNU awk for the 3rd arg to match()) is probably all you need:
awk 'match($0,/(.*\047test\047 =>.)(.*)/,a){c++} c==2{$0=a[1] "\047test1\047" a[2]} 1' testfile
but without sample input output we can't know for sure - post a new question with sample input/output if you'd like more help.

using literal string for gawk

I thing I'm too close to the problem already that I just can solve it on my own, alltough I'm sure it's easy to solve.
I'm working on a NAS with a SHELL Script for my Raspberry PI which automaticly collects data and distributes it over my other devices. So I decided to include a delete-option, since otherwise it would be a pain in the ass to delete a file, since the raspberry would always copy it right back from the other devices. While the script runs it creats a file: del_tmp_$ip.txt in which are directorys and files to delete from del_$ip.txt (Not del_TMP_$ip.txt).
It looks like this:
I tried to delete the lines viá awk, and this is how far I got by now:
while read r; do
gawk -i inplace '!/^'$r'$/' del_$ip.txt
done <del_tmp_$ip.txt
If the line from del_tmp_$ip.txt tells gawk to delete pi.txt it works without problems, but if the string includes a slash like test/delete_me.txt it doesn't work:
"unexpected newline or end of string"
and it points to the last slash then.
I can't escape the forwardslash with a backwardslash manually, since I don't know whether and how many slashes there will be. Depending on the line of the file which contains the information to be deleted.
I hope you can help me!
Never allow a shell variable to expand to become part of the awk script text before awk evaluates it (which is what you're doing with '!/^'$r'$/') and always quote your shell variables (so the correct shell syntax would have been '!/^'"$r"'$/' IF it hadn't been the wrong approach anyway). The correct syntax to write that command would have been
awk -v r="$r" '$0 !~ "^"r"$"' file
but you said you wanted a string comparison, not regexp so then it'd be simply:
awk -v r="$r" '$0 != r' file
and of course you don't need a shell loop at all:
while read r; do
gawk -i inplace '!/^'$r'$/' del_$ip.txt
done <del_tmp_$ip.txt
you just need 1 awk command:
gawk -i inplace 'NR==FNR{skip[$0];print;next} !($0 in skip)' "del_tmp_$ip.txt" "del_$ip.txt"

bulk renaming files rearranging file names based on delimiter

I have seen questions that are close to this but I have not seen the exact answer I need and can't seem to get my head wrapped around the regex, awk, sed, grep, rename that I would need to make it happen.
I have files in one directory sequentially named from multiple sub directories of a different directory created using find piped to xargs.
Command I used:
find `<dir1>` -name "*.png" | xargs cp -t `<dir2>`
This resulted in the second directory containing duplicate filenames sequentially named as follows:
What I would like to do is take all files ending in ~*~ and rename it as follows:
<name>.#.png where the '#" is the number between the "~"s at the end of the file name
Any help would be appreciated.
With Perl's rename (stand alone command):
rename -nv 's/^([^.]+)\.(.+)\.~([0-9]+)~/$1.$3.$2/' *
If everything looks fine remove option -n.
There might be an easier way to this, but here is a small shell script using grep and awk to achieve what you wanted
for i in $(ls|grep ".png."); do
name=$(echo $i|awk -F'png' '{print $1}');
n=$(echo $i|awk -F'~' '{print $2}');
mv $i $name$n.png;

Retain backslashes with while read loop in multiple shells

I have the following code:
while read line; do
printf "%s\n" $line
done < input.txt
Input.txt has the following lines:
The output is as follows
The "standard" solutions to retain the slashes would be to use read -r.
However, I have the following limitations:
must run under #!/bin/shfor reasons of portability/posix compliance.
not all systems
will support the -r switch to read under /sh
The input file format cannot be changed
Therefore, I am looking for another way to retain the backslash after reading in the line. I have come up with one working solution, which is to use sed to replace the \ with some other value (e.g.||) into a temporary file (thus bypassing my last requirement above) then, after reading them in use sed again to transform it back. Like so:
sed -e 's/[\/&]/||/g' input.txt > tempfile.txt
while read line; do
printf "%s\n" $line | sed -e 's/||/\\/g'
done < tempfile.txt
I'm thinking there has to be a more "graceful" way of doing this.
Some ideas:
1) Use command substitution to store this into a variable instead of a file. Problem - I'm not sure command substitution will be portable here either and my attempts at using a variable instead of a file were unsuccessful. Regardless, file or variable the base solution is really the same (two substitutions).
2) Use IFS somehow? I've investigated a little, but not sure that can help in this issue.
3) ???
What are some better ways to handle this given my constraints?
Your constraints seem a little strict. Here's a piece of code I jotted down(I'm not too sure of how valuable your while loop is for the other stuffs you would like to do, so I removed it off just for ease). I don't guarantee this code to be robustness. But anyway, the logic would give you hints in the direction you may wish to proceed. (temp.dat is the input file)
var1="$(cut -d\\ -f1 temp.dat)"
var2="$(cut -d\\ -f2 temp.dat)"
set -- $var2
for x in $var1;do
if [ "$iter" -eq 1 ];then
echo $x "\\" $1
echo $x "\\" $2
As Larry Wall once said, writing a portable shell is easier than writing a portable shell script.
perl -lne 'print $_' input.txt
The simplest possible Perl script is simpler still, but I imagine you'll want to do something with $_ before printing it.