Error from server (Forbidden): pods "my-pod" is forbidden: User "system:node:i - amazon-eks

I'm getting error while running command kubectl get all within EC2 managed worked node.
I've installed ssm agent on eks node using DameonSet in AWS EC2 and connect worker node using System Manager.
Getting same error while trying to interect with running pod using command
kubectl exec -it my-pod-id -- sh
Error from server (Forbidden): pods "my-pod-id" is forbidden: User "" cannot create resource "pods/exec" in API group "" in the namespace "default"

you can edit clusterRolebinding(system:node),add this subject:-
- kind: User
name: system:node:*
, you can also customize it's clusterRole it's exist inside it


How connect to MSK cluster from EKS cluster

I am having difficulties connecting to my MSK cluster from my EKS cluster even though both clusters share the same VPC and the same subnets.
The security group used by the MSK cluster has the following inbound rules
port range
all traffic
all traffic
anywhere ipv4
Where SG_ID is the EKS' Cluster security group.
The one labeled: EKS created security group applied...
In the EKS cluster, I am using the following commands to test connectivity:
kubectl run kafka-consumer \
-ti \ \
--rm=true \
--restart=Never \
-- bin/ --create --topic test --bootstrap-server --replication-factor 2 --partitions 1 --if-not-exists
With the following result
Error while executing topic command : Call(callName=createTopics, deadlineMs=1635906680860, tries=1, nextAllowedTryMs=1635906680961) timed out at 1635906680861 after 1 attempt(s)
[2021-11-03 02:31:20,865] ERROR org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Call(callName=createTopics, deadlineMs=1635906680860, tries=1, nextAllowedTryMs=1635906680961) timed out at 1635906680861 after 1 attempt(s)
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting for a node assignment. Call: createTopics
pod "kafka-consumer" deleted
pod default/kafka-consumer terminated (Error)
Sadly, the second bootstrap server displayed on the MSK Page gives the same result.
nc eventually times out
kubectl run busybox -ti --image=busybox --rm=true --restart=Never -- nc
nslookup fails as well
kubectl run busybox -ti --image=busybox --rm=true --restart=Never -- nslookup
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
*** Can't find No answer
Could anyone please give me a hint?
I need to connect MSK from my EKS pod. So I searched this doc, I want to share my solution, hope can help others:
This my config file:
root#kain:~/work# cat kafkaconfig
sasl.mechanism=AWS_MSK_IAM required;
This is my command:
./ --list --bootstrap-server <My MSK bootstrap server>:9098 --command-config ./kafkaconfig
For this command, there are 2 preconditions we need to make sure,
one is you have access to aws msk, (I access MSK from my eks pod, and my eks pod has OIDC to access the AWS).
Second is we need to has AWS auth jar file: aws-msk-iam-auth.jar
put it to kafkaclient libs directory or export CLASSPATH=/aws-msk-iam-auth-1.1.4-all.jar
reference doc:

How to access eks cluster from local machine

I have created a EKS cluster and able to run the kubectl commands from my ec2 instance. I have then downloaded the config file from ~/.kube/config location to my local machine. I am not able to run the kubectl commands and getting authentication error.
What is the right way to access an EKS cluster from local machine.
Try look into users section in ~/.kube/config, check the user under the name of the cluster, make sure your local machine has the same working profile as the EC2 instance.
command: aws
value: <make sure this entry is valid on your local machine>
If this doesn't work, can you briefly describe how you configured kubeconfig on the EC2 instance in your question.

AWS EKS custom AMI managed Node Group Bootstrap file not exists

Below are steps i preformed to use custom AMI EKS managed node group.
bootstrap_user_data file has been created and its converted to base64 format as per the standard.
set -ex
B64_CLUSTER_CA= <My eks cluster Certificate authority value>
API_SERVER_URL= <My EKS cluster API server URl>
/etc/eks/ <cluster-name> --b64-cluster-ca $B64_CLUSTER_CA --apiserver-endpoint $API_SERVER_URL
cat bootstrap_user_data | base64
Launch template created via custom-configuration.json file with below data
cat config_custom_ami.json
"LaunchTemplateData": {
"EbsOptimized": false,
"ImageId": "ami-0e00c1f097aff7fe8",
"InstanceType": "t3.small",
"UserData": "bootstrap_user_data",
"SecurityGroupIds": [
Security group has been selected EKS cluster security group it was created automatically while creating EKS cluster first time.
creating launch template using eksctl command
aws ec2 create-launch-template --region eu-central-1 --launch-template-name my-template-name --version-description "first version " --cli-input-json file://custom.config.json
creating node group using eksctl command
aws eks create-nodegroup --region eu-central-1 --cluster-name my-cluster --nodegroup-name my-node-group --subnets subnet-<subnet1> subnet-<subnet2> --node-role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/EKSNODEGROUP' --launch-template name=my-template-name
After executing node group creation command it was taking 20 min to create node group at the same time desired VM is created as part of auto scaling group but nodes group not able to join to the cluster after 20 min.
Connect to your Amazon EKS worker node instance with SSH and check kubelet agent logs
ssh -i my.key ec2-user#
sudo -i
cd /etc/eks/
-bash: cd: /etc/eks: No such file or directory
could you please some one help why my file not exists inside the /etc/eks location in other hand in AWS console launch template - Advanced tab - i can able to see my user data in decoded format.

Why does this pod get a 403 Forbidden when calling the Kubernetes API despite a RoleBinding (same with ClusterRoleBinding)?

I created a pod (an Alpine "BusyBox" to run commands in) which then gets the default service account associated with it. I then created a RoleBinding (and later ClusterRoleBinding when the first didn't work) but it still won't let me call the K8s API.
What am I doing wrong?
First I created a container to run commands in:
# Create a namespace to install our pod
kubectl create namespace one
# Now create a pod that we can run stuff in
kubectl run runner -n one --image alpine -- sleep 3600
Then I created a role binding:
# My understanding of this command is that I'm doing the following:
# 1. Creating a binding for the "default" service account in the "one" namespace
# 2. Tying that to the cluster role for viewing things
# 3. Making this binding work in the "default" namespace, so that it can call
# the API there FROM its own namespace (one)
kubectl create rolebinding default-view --clusterrole=view --serviceaccount=one:default --namespace=default
Then I connected to the pod's terminal and tried to call the API to list all services in its own namespace:
kubectl exec --stdin --tty use-rest -n one -- /bin/ash
# Now I run all these inside that terminal:
# Point to the internal API server hostname
# Path to ServiceAccount token
# Read the ServiceAccount bearer token
# Reference the internal certificate authority (CA)
# The wget installed with Alpine cannot do SSL
apk --no-cache add ca-certificates
apk add wget
wget --ca-certificate=${CACERT} --header="Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" ${APISERVER}/api/v1/namespaces/$NAMESPACE/services
The above gives the error:
--2021-04-20 01:04:54-- https://kubernetes.default.svc/api/v1/namespaces/default/services/
Resolving kubernetes.default.svc (kubernetes.default.svc)...
Connecting to kubernetes.default.svc (kubernetes.default.svc)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2021-04-20 01:04:54 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
But that should be allowed! I get the same error when using a cluster role binding.
k3d version v4.4.1
k3s version v1.20.5-k3s1 (default)
You can only have one ServiceAccount per pod and once you've assigned an account to that pod, the default account no longer applies. I was trying to bind the role to the default account, but passing the token of another account I'd created for the pod.

Why do I get Kubernetes error request: Forbidden from the IntelliJ Kubernetes plugin?

I have a ~/.kube/config that is working in the command line. I can run any kubectl command with no problem. The config points to an AWS EKS cluster and it follows the aws guide to create kubeconfig.
I can see that the Kubernetes plugin is able to parse the ~/.kube/config because the cluster name shows up in the Kubernetes service view.
But any attempt to get any information from this view will result on a Kubernetes Request Error: Forbidden.
Any idea on what is the cause or how to troubleshoot?
The ~/.kube/config for a AWS EKS cluster usually includes a section like this:
- name: arn:aws:eks:eu-west-1:xxxxx:cluster/yyyyyy
- --region
- eu-west-1
- eks
- get-token
- --cluster-name
- yyyyyy
command: aws
value: eks
This works in the cli because you probably have aws executable in your shell PATH, but when IntelliJ IDEA tries to find aws it will fail. An easy fix is to modify ~/.kube/config so that it points to the absolute path to aws like so:
command: /usr/local/bin/aws
In order to troubleshoot problems with the Kubernetes plugin you can Help > Debug Log Settings... and add
Restart the IDE then Help > Show Log in Finder will get you to the log.