Svelte Testing Library doesn't update component state on input value change - testing

I'm tring to test a component using svelte testing library.
The component has an input tag, whose value is bound (using bind:) to a state variable, and that state variable dictates the text of a title.
So when you change the value of the input tag, it changes the text in the title.
I set up a unit test with svelte testing library, and use fireEvent to change the value of the input tag, but upon asserting the text in the title, it is not changed. It is as if the input tag value changes, but the svelte component state does not update.
Why does the state not change and the title not update? Is there something extra I have to do to get it to update?
Codesandbox repro (run test cases to see problem):

A couple things:
When you use bind:value on an input component in Svelte, Svelte attaches an input event listener to know when to update the value. Firing a change event will update the value, but will not trigger the event listener. So, use fireEvent.input instead of fireEvent.change.
Just because the event has fired doesn't mean the component state has updated. You can wrap fireEvent with act to ensure the component updates before asserting anything.
Updated test:
it("should write in input (variant)", async () => {
const app = render(App);
const input = app.getByLabelText("textbox");
await act(() => fireEvent.input(input, { target: { value: "test" } }));


React Native console.log old value useState

I'm having trouble with React Native showing wrong value for me. I wan't to show the value after an useState update. My goal is to pass the value to the parent component but right now it passes the opposite value (true when switch is off). What do I have to do to console.log the right value after a useState update?
Watch image for example here
The useState hook is somewhat asynchronous (although you cannot wait for it).
Try using a useEffect:
useEffect(() => {
}, [isEnabled]) // Array of dependencies: when any of these value changes, the function in the useEffect will re-run
More information here:
The Change function will always "see" the state value that existed at the time of running the function. This is not because of asynchronicity per se (state updates are actually sync) but because of how closures work. It does feel like it is async though.
The state value will properly update in the background, but it won't be available in the "already-running" function. You can find more info here.
The way I see your handler implemented though:
const handleChange = () => {
setIsEnabled(!isEnabled) // you do not need updater function, you can directly reference the state
triggerParentMethod(!isEnabled); // then you can also directly call the parent function here
I recommend this as this way you will notify the parent immediately on user click instead of waiting for the state to be set and then notifying the parent in the next render cycle (in the effect), which should be unnecessary.
State updates in React are asynchronous, meaning that React does not wait for the state to be updated before executing the next line of code. In your case, the state update setIsEnabled(...) is not finished before console.log(isEnabled) is run, and therefore it returns the old value.
Just put the console.log(isEnabled) outside the function for it to print the update correctly. The component SetupSwitch is re-rendered when the state isEnabled is updated, which means it prints the console.log of the updated variable again.
const Change = () => {
You will have to implement useEffect to view the changes.
useState is an asynchronous function it will go to the callback queue, meanwhile, the value will be consumed, so you need to trigger the action whenever the count changes. (for this example)
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => console.log(count), [count]);
setCurrPos(preevCount => prevCount + 1);

How to use Vue v-model binding in Vuetify components together with computed properties and Vuex?

I'm trying to use v-radio-group in conjunction with computed values from Vuex as described similarly here.
Example codepen of the issue I'm facing is here
Whenever a radio button is clicked, a Vuex mutation is called to save the selected value in the state.
However it can be the case that some validation fails inside the mutation and that therefore the value is not changed in the state as expected.
Regardless of what value ends up in the Vuex state, the radio buttons do not truly reflect the current state.
E.g. in the codepen snippet I'd expect the second option (Option 1) never to show as chosen, as the corresponding state is always 0.
As far as I can see this behavior is not only happening when using v-radio-groups.
It happens with all Vuetify components using v-model and computed getters/setters.
So e.g. Vuetifys v-text-input/v-text-field and v-select also show the same behavior.
To sum it up, my questions are the following:
Why is the second option in my codepen example getting selected even as the corresponding state is different?
How can I achieve the expected result (Having Option 1 never shown as selected, even when it is clicked)?
As far as I know Vuetify keeps its own state in their components like v-radio-group.
To change it you need to send updated props. Then it will react and update its own state.
The trouble is that you are performing validation in a mutation. Which is a bad practice in my opinion.
I will show you how to "block" changing state and update v-radio-group so its own state corresponds to what is actually in your $store.state.radioState.
And I will spend some more time to figure out how to performe it in on mutation ;-)
This is not a perfect solution >> my codepen
Your mutation just updates the state.
// store.js
mutations: {
setRadioState (state, data) {
state.radioState = data;
Your set method do the validation.
// component
computed: {
chosenOption: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.radioState;
set (value) {
if (value !== 1) {
this.$store.commit('setRadioState', value)
} else {
const oldValue = this.$store.state.radioState
this.$store.commit('setRadioState', value)
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.$store.commit('setRadioState', oldValue)
What happens in the set when it fails validation? You save current state to oldValue, you update state so it corresponds to v-radio-group component. And in the $nextTick you change it right back to oldValue. That way v-radio-group gets updated props and change its state to yours.

Updating the values sent to child component on user click in vuejs

I have two components in mu app.vue and i will send data from app.vue to my first component(filter component) at the time of page load.
Now based on the user actions in the displayed data in the second component i need to pass new vales back to the first component.
There i am using a and a . Consider one of the props i receive in the first component is "nselectedOption" and i do this in data: { return { selectedOption: this.nselectedOption }} to avoid mutation warning.
Now everytime i update the values for this component from second component, i am seeing changes in "nselectedOption" only and not in "selectedOption". Can you explain why is that ?
I need the updated value into a v-model of .
1. If i use "nselectedOption" it is updating the textbox but while editing the value throws error.
2. If i use "selectedOption" it is not updating the values in the textbox itself.
I have even tried using the computed values to return the value, it works but if i try to change values in other options in the filter component the already updated values displays null or nothing.
Please help me. Is this problem can be solved using State Management Concept or do i have to have a separate compoenent other than App.Vue to do all this so that it would act as a parent/child kinda thing or is there anyother way to overcome this.
Try using watcher. If you watch for nselectedOption, everytime it changes, the watcher will fire and bind the changed value to selectedOption.
props: ['nselectedOption'],
data: {
watch: {
nselectedOption: function (val) {
this.selectedOption = val
Also, if the prop you are watching is an object/array, consider using spread operator if you want to make a local copy to avoid mutation.
this.someObj = { ...someProp }

How to bind custom event handler from vue-touch-events to a custom component in Vue.js

I'm currently implementing a classical Minesweeper game in Vue.js which is working fine so far, Demo
Now I would like to add touch support because as of now, to mark a field as "contains a mine" it is required that you right-click the field. Right-clicking is obviously not available on touch devices, so I would like to add longtap support. I'm using native events click and click.right from the parent component for each field, so the field does not handle the events, but the parent component that instantiates these fields does.
I've found this and added it to my project, yet it seems I cannot use this on the component tag (see
v-for="field in row"
because that marks all fields without any user interaction and the console keeps producing
You may have an infinite update loop in a component render function.
This is how my field objects (which I'm passing to the field component) are created:
let Field = function (x, y) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.isOpen = false
this.hasBomb = false
this.isMarked = false
this.numNeighbourBombs = null
module.exports = Field
I have also tried emitting a custom event from inside my field component, yet I don't know how I can pass the triggering field to the event handler from there.
Can anyone push me in the right direction?
According to the vue-touch-events docs, the v-touch directive doesn't work in the same way as v-on; v-touch must be given a function to execute, whereas the toggleBombMarker(field) expression probably returns undefined.
If you want to pass extra parameters to the v-touch handler, your handler must return a function like this:
methods: {
toggleBombMarker(field) {
return () => {
// your handler code here

ReactTestUtils.Simulate can't trigger event bind by addEventListener?

Here is the example:
It just worked when bind onClick in virtual dom(like line 18), but If I comment line 18 and comment off line 8 to bind click with addEventListener, it failed.
So what's the problem?
TestUtils triggers events within react's synthetic event system, so the native event that addEventListener listens for is never going to be triggered. You will need to use the native click method on the element in your test:
var events = Events();
Additionally, you've misspelled clickHandler in your addEventListener definition.
You can also simplify adding your event listener by reusing your prop definition:
componentDidMount: function () {
this.refs.button.getDOMNode().addEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);
Is there a reason why you want to use addEventListener instead of just passing an onClick attribute for your button? Unless there's a specific and good reason otherwise, i'd suggest doing things the react way when handling events for sanity :)
I originally mentioned that I did not know what TestUtils' did not trigger the event. I was wrong in thinking that it ever would since it would be simulating a native click event within the react even system. #thilo pointed me in the right direction :)
I had many problems while testing addEventListener, and I got the following conclusion.
You can create the events listener with pure javascript, jquery, but when running the tests with Jest I always had a problem.
The rendering of ReactTestUtils does not work directly with the document, and when we do:
For example, our events were added in the document, when rendering with ReactTestUtils it creates a div and renders it in the div, This way I could not get Simulate to trigger the call.
My first solution was to use jquery to create the listener and to test I did the render manually by appending the div in document.body, and triggered the events with the dispachEvent of javascript. But I thought the code was dirty, not the best way to work.
I made a sample code by adding the event and testing it with Jest, also have a test teaching to get all the listener that were created.
You can find the code here:
componentDidMount() {
ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.datePicker.refs.input).addEventListener("change", (event) => {
const value =;
this.handleChange(Moment(value).toISOString(), value);
it('change empty value date picker', () => {
const app = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<Datepicker />);
const datePicker = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(app.datePicker.refs.input);
const value = "";
const event = new Event("change");
datePicker.value = value;
window.addEventListener not triggered by simulated events:
Creating and triggering events: