How can I create a query in SQL Server, using as base table a date function and linking it to another table? - sql

I am trying to create a query using a function of dates and a table of shifts, which can show me the shifts of workers each day, when I have a shift or rest depending on the day,
What do I have: I have a date function that gives me a range of dates that I add, I attach an example:
I have a table of shifts, with only the days that a person has a shift, if a day has a break, the date or the row does not appear, I attach an example:
It can be seen that in the shift table there are only records when a person has a shift.
Problem: when I perform the join between the function and the shift table through the date field, the result is that it only shows me the record when it has a shift and no, it does not put the date when it has a break, I attach an example:
Desired result:
The idea is that when the worker has a break, the row will be blank, only showing the date and his ID, or saying the word break.
I hope you can help me. Thank you so much.

Use LEFT JOIN for avoiding few date missing which has transaction in table.
Use two subquery here for getting appropriate result. In first subquery function CROSS JOIN with transaction table where retrieving distinct id_trabajador for specified date range. If it doesn't do then id will blank in result where no transaction exists for specific id in a certain date. In second subquery retrieve all rows for given date range.
-- SQL Server
SELECT tmp.fecha, tmp.id_trabajador
, tmd.inicio, tmd.termino
, COALESCE(CAST(tmd.jornada AS varchar(20)), 'DESCANSO') jornada
FROM (SELECT * FROM shift_cmr..fnRangoFechas('01-sep-2021', '31-dec-2021') t
CROSS JOIN (SELECT id_trabajador
FROM shift_cmr..trabajadores_turnos_planificados
WHERE fecha BETWEEN '2021-09-01' AND '2021-12-31'
GROUP BY id_trabajador) tt
) tmp
FROM shift_cmr..trabajadores_turnos_planificados
WHERE fecha BETWEEN '2021-09-01' AND '2021-12-31') tmd
ON tmp.fecha = tmd.fecha
AND tmp.id_trabajador = tmd.id_trabajador

You need to start with the date table and LEFT JOIN everything else
jornada = ISNULL(CAST(sh.jornada AS varchar(10)), 'DESCANSO')
FROM shift_cmr..fnRangoFechas('01-sep-2021', '31-dec-2021') dates
LEFT JOIN shift_cmr..trabajadores_turnos_planificados sh
ON sh.fecha = dates.fecha
This only gives you one blank row per date. If you need a blank row for every id_trabajador then you need to cross join that
jornada = ISNULL(CAST(sh.jornada AS varchar(10)), 'DESCANSO')
FROM shift_cmr..fnRangoFechas('01-sep-2021', '31-dec-2021') dates
CROSS JOIN shift_cmr..trabajadores t -- guessing the table name
LEFT JOIN shift_cmr..trabajadores_turnos_planificados sh
ON sh.fecha = dates.fecha AND t.id_trabajador = sh.id_trabajador


SQL Query to pull date range based on dates in a table

I have some SQL code which is contained in an SSRS report and when run pulls a list of student detentions for a set period such as a week or month but I have been asked to get the report to run automatically from the start of the current school term to the date the report has been run. Is this possible? We have 3 terms per year and the dates change each year. The report has multiple subscriptions which will run weekly and filter to students in particular day houses and years so we ideally need the report to update itself.
We have a table in our database titled TblSchoolManagementTermDates which includes txtStartDate and txtFinishDate columns for each term.
The date of the detention is stored in the column detPpl.dDetentionDate
The full SQL code I am currently using is:
SELECT ppl.txtSchoolID AS SchoolID,
detPpl.TblDisciplineManagerDetentionsPupilsID AS DetentionID,
ppl.txtSurname AS Surname,
ppl.txtForename AS Forename,
ppl.txtPrename AS PreferredName,
ppl.intNCYear AS Year,
ppl.txtAcademicHouse AS House,
schTermDates.intSchoolYear AS AcademicYear,
schTerms.txtName AS TermName,
CAST(schTermDates.intSchoolYear AS CHAR(4)) + '/' +
RIGHT(CAST(schTermDates.intSchoolYear + 1 AS CHAR(4)), 2) AS AcademicYearName,
detPpl.dDetentionDate AS DetentionDate,
detSessions.txtSessionName AS DetentionName,
detPpl.txtOffenceDescription AS OffenceDescription,
LEFT(Staff.Firstname, 1) + '. ' + Staff.Surname AS PutInBy,
detPpl.intPresent AS AttendedDetention
FROM dbo.TblPupilManagementPupils AS ppl
dbo.TblDisciplineManagerDetentionsPupils AS detPpl
ON detPpl.txtSchoolID = ppl.txtSchoolID
dbo.TblDisciplineManagerDetentionsSessions AS detSessions
ON detPpl.intDetentionSessionID = detSessions.TblDisciplineManagerDetentionsSessionsID
dbo.TblStaff AS Staff
ON Staff.User_Code = detPpl.txtSubmittedBy
dbo.TblSchoolManagementTermDates AS schTermDates
ON detPpl.dDetentionDate BETWEEN schTermDates.txtStartDate AND schTermDates.txtFinishDate
dbo.TblSchoolManagementTermNames AS schTerms
ON schTermDates.intTerm = schTerms.TblSchoolManagementTermNamesID
dbo.TblDisciplineManagerDetentionsCancellations AS Cancelled
ON Cancelled.intSessionID = detPpl.intDetentionSessionID
AND Cancelled.dDetDate = detPpl.dDetentionDate
WHERE (ppl.txtAcademicHouse = 'Challoner') AND (Cancelled.TblDisciplineManagerDetentionsCancellationsID IS NULL) AND (CAST(detPpl.dDetentionDate AS DATE) >= CAST (GETDATE()-28 AS DATE))
ORDER BY ppl.txtSurname, ppl.txtForename, detPpl.dDetentionDate
What you need is to assign a couple of parameters to this code.
lets call the parameters
In your where clause you simply need to remove this piece
AND (CAST(detPpl.dDetentionDate AS DATE) >= CAST (GETDATE()-28 AS DATE))
and add this piece in
AND (CAST(detPpl.dDetentionDate AS DATE) between #term_start and #term_end
Now create another dataset based on your term dates - lets call the dataset term_dates
something like this (I'm making up these fields as I don't know what columns are available or have no sample data) Use the idea below to adapt to your requirements
min(term_start_date) as start_date
,max(term_end_date) as end_date
from TblSchoolManagementTermNames
where convert(date,getdate()) between term_start_date and term_end_date
Now your report should have 2 parameters.. You simply need to set the default value for the parameters.
Set the default value for #term_start as the start_date and #term_end as the end_date from your term_dates dataset
Run your report.. You should have the data between the term dates.
This should work.. unless I've misunderstood the requirement

Query to return the matching or nearest previous record by a list of dates

I have a table of records ordered by date. There is a maximum of 1 record per day, but some days there is no record (weekends and bank holidays).
When I query a record by date, if no record exists for that day I am interested in the previous record by date. Eg:
SELECT * FROM rates WHERE date <= $mydate ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1;
Given a list of dates, how would I construct a query to return multiple records matching the exact or closest previous record for each date? Is this possible to achieve in a single query?
The array of dates may be spread over a large time frame but I wouldn't necessarily want every record in the entire time span (eg query 20 dates spread over a year long time span).
You can construct the dates as a derived table and then use SQL logic. A lateral join is convenient:
select v.dte, r.*
from (values ($date1), ($date2), ($date3)
) v(dte) left join lateral
(select r.*
from rates r
where <= v.dte
order by desc
limit 1
) r
on 1=1;
You might find it useful to use an array to pass in the dates using an array and using unnest() on that array.

SQL Comparing 2 columns then changing the values in one dynamically

I have a Query where i want it to display a range of dates, and in the next column have a count of when an event happens on a day.
At the minute i can display how many times an event happens on a day, but when i try to display all of the dates, they all display that 1 event happens on it.
I've tried doing Case's and If statements, but seem to get syntax errors
select distinct d.DateNumber, count(*) as AmountofEvents
from dbo.dateTable d
join dbo.TimeTaken m
on d.dateNumber = m.dateEventHappens or d.dateNumber != m.dateEventHappens
group by d.dateNumber, m.dateEventHappens
Order by d.dateValue ASC
DateNumber is the list of the dates, AmountofEvents is the count of events on that day and dateEventHappens is the day that has the event.
I need to get a way to compare when the dateNumber is not equal to dateEventHappens, and then display the AmountofEvents count as 0 for that day.
You need to fix the GROUP BY, remove the SELECT DISTINCT, and introduce LEFT JOIN:
select d.DateNumber, count(m.dateEventHappens) as AmountofEvents
from dbo.dateTable d left join
dbo.TimeTaken m
on d.dateNumber = m.dateEventHappens
group by d.dateNumber
order by d.dateValue ASC;

Postgres: Unable to determine percent of successful events ending in a completed trip

SQL Gurus,
I'm trying to solve this challenging problem as I'm practicing my SQL skills, however I'm stuck and would appreciate if someone could help.
A signup is defined as an event labelled ‘sign_up_success’ within the events table. For each city (‘A’ and ‘B’) and each day of the week, determine the percentage of signups in the first week of 2016 that resulted in completed a trip within 10 hours of the sign up date.
Table Name: trips
Column Name Datatype
id integer
client_id integer (Foreign keyed to
driver_id integer
city_id Integer (Foreign keyed to
client_rating integer
driver_rating integer
request_at Timestamp with timezone
predicted_eta Integer
actual_eta Integer
status Enum(‘completed’,
‘cancelled_by_driver’, ‘cancelled_by_client’)
Table Name: cities
Column Name Datatype
city_id integer
city_name string
Table Name: events
Column Name Datatype
device_id integer
rider_id integer
city_id integer
event_name Enum(‘sign_up_success’, ‘attempted_sign_up’,
_ts Timestamp with timezone
Tried something on this lines, however its no where near the expected answer:
FROM trips AS trips
LEFT JOIN cities AS cities ON trips.city_id = cities.city_id
LEFT JOIN events AS events ON events.client_id = events.rider_id
WHERE events.event_name = "sign_up_success"
AND Convert(datetime, trips.request_at') <= Convert(datetime, '2016-01-
07' )
AND DATEDIFF(d, Convert(datetime, events._ts), Convert(datetime,
trips.request_at)) < 7 days
AND events.status = "completed
Desired Results look like below:
Monday A x%
Monday B y%
Tuesday A z%
Tuesday A p%
Can someone please help.
First of all, I assume that "trips"."city_id" is mandatory, so I use INNER JOIN instead of LEFT JOIN when joining with cities.
Then, to specify string constants, you need to use single quotes.
There are some other changes in the query -- hope you'll notice them yourself.
Also, the query might fail, since I didn't run it actually (you didn't provide boilerplate SQL unfortunately).
date_trunc() function with 'week' first parameter converts your timestamp to "first day of the corresponding week, time 00:00:00", based on your current timezone settings (see
I used GROUP BY on that value and second "layer" of grouping was city ID.
Also, I used "filter (where ...)" next to count() -- it allows to count only desired rows.
Finally, I used CTE to improve the query's structure and readability.
Let me know if it fails, I'll fix it. In general, this approach must work.
with data as (
left(date_trunc('week', t.request_at)::text, 10) as period,
count(distinct as trips_count,
count(*) filter (
e.event_name = 'sign_up_success'
and e._ts < t.request_at + interval '10 hour'
) as successes_count
from trips as t
join cities as c on t.city_id = c.city_id
left join events as e on t.client_id = e.rider_id and e._ts
t.request_at between '2016-01-01' and '2016-01-08'
group by 1, 2
round(100 * success_count::numeric / trips_count, 2)::text || '%' as ratio_percent
from data
order by period, city_id

SQL Server : INSERT INTO within a SELECT

In SSRS 2008, my query is in the form
WITH CTE ( *that makes a list of dates, unfortunately only starting from today, not from whatever past date the report demands*)
*a bunch of columns*
asimpletable p1
(*CTE*) dates1
(*demand list subquery with several selects pulling from several tables*) d1 ON (*simple.PartID AND CTE.demandDate*)
(*supply list subquery with several selects pulling from several tables*) s1 ON (*yada*)
*..and 4 other joins to subqueries*
*enough conditions that I don't want to copy it 6 times for 6 different INSERT INTO statements*
Because the CTE can only start from today, when I display all the select by date, any that was dated in the past are lumped out of order.
So I want to make a temp table to cross apply and feed in all the dates I need. I can see how to do it with 6 INSERT INTO, copying the joined subqueries, but not only would it look ugly, it would be worse to keep all the subqueries in sync.
I liked the sound of this, but can't see how to return the selects nor how to apply it to several subqueries
Reason the CTE idea only starts from today:
SET #CTEStartDate = cast(getdate() as date);
SET #CTEEndDate = cast(dateadd(day,100,getdate()) as date);
WITH Dates(eaDate) AS (
SELECT #CTEStartDate AS eaDate --Select First day in range
SELECT DATEADD(DAY, 1, eaDate) FROM Dates WHERE eaDate < #CTEEndDate --Add a record for every day in the range
When i try to use
SET #CTEStartDate = cast(dateadd(day,-30,getdate()) as date);
I get
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on
the local server machine, or enable remote errors
---------------------------- Cannot read the next data row for the dataset DataSet1. (rsErrorReadingNextDataRow)
---------------------------- An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
As soon as I take out that dateadd it resolves without a hitch.