kotlin exposed failed (insert is successful, but select is failure) - kotlin

thanks reading this question.
I created simple kotlin project and I want to learn kotlin exposed.
I use H2 database.
I wrote code like below.
package learn.exposed.tables
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Table
object AuthorTable : Table("author") {
val name = varchar("name", 30)
fun main() {
// this url based on http://www.h2database.com/html/features.html#execute_sql_on_connection
val url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test;INIT=runscript from 'classpath:/create.sql'\\;runscript from 'classpath:/init.sql'"
Database.connect(url, driver = "org.h2.Driver", user = "root", password = "")
transaction {
AuthorTable.insert {
it[name] = "hoge"
println("insert done.") // this message can show on console. I think Insert is successfull.
transaction {
and sql files below.
create table author (name varchar(30));
insert into author values ('author1');
When execute main(), console showing insert done.. in short, I think insert is doing well, but when execute AuthorTable.selectAll().firstOrNull(), happend Exception like below,
Exception in thread "main" org.jetbrains.exposed.exceptions.ExposedSQLException: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLNonTransientException: 一般エラー: "java.lang.NullPointerException"
General error: "java.lang.NullPointerException" [50000-200]
SQL: [Failed on expanding args for SELECT: org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Query#27406a17]
at org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.statements.Statement.executeIn$exposed_core(Statement.kt:62)
at org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Transaction.exec(Transaction.kt:135)
at org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Transaction.exec(Transaction.kt:121)
at org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.AbstractQuery.iterator(AbstractQuery.kt:65)
at kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt___CollectionsKt.firstOrNull(_Collections.kt:267)
at learn.exposed.MainKt$main$2.invoke(Main.kt:22)
at learn.exposed.MainKt$main$2.invoke(Main.kt)
at org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.ThreadLocalTransactionManagerKt.inTopLevelTransaction$run(ThreadLocalTransactionManager.kt:179)
at org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.ThreadLocalTransactionManagerKt.access$inTopLevelTransaction$run(ThreadLocalTransactionManager.kt:1)
at org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.ThreadLocalTransactionManagerKt$inTopLevelTransaction$1.invoke(ThreadLocalTransactionManager.kt:205)
at org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.ThreadLocalTransactionManagerKt.keepAndRestoreTransactionRefAfterRun(ThreadLocalTransactionManager.kt:213)
at org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.ThreadLocalTransactionManagerKt.inTopLevelTransaction(ThreadLocalTransactionManager.kt:204)
at org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.ThreadLocalTransactionManagerKt$transaction$1.invoke(ThreadLocalTransactionManager.kt:156)
at org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.ThreadLocalTransactionManagerKt.keepAndRestoreTransactionRefAfterRun(ThreadLocalTransactionManager.kt:213)
at org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.ThreadLocalTransactionManagerKt.transaction(ThreadLocalTransactionManager.kt:126)
at org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.ThreadLocalTransactionManagerKt.transaction(ThreadLocalTransactionManager.kt:123)
at org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.ThreadLocalTransactionManagerKt.transaction$default(ThreadLocalTransactionManager.kt:122)
at learn.exposed.MainKt.main(Main.kt:21)
at learn.exposed.MainKt.main(Main.kt)
can I solve this? do you know something how to solve this?

Seems like you need at least one Primary Key(PK) or Constraint because of H2 bug.


Retry SQL UPDATE query after waiting x seconds

I am using a RichSinkFunction to execute a SQL UPDATE query on an existing record.
This function assumes that a record already exists on the DB. However, in certain scenarios the existing record is late.
To overcome the issue of record lateness, I have added a Thread.sleep() to make the function wait and retry the DB update.
Sample code provided below for reference.
class RichSinkFact extends RichSinkFunction[FulfillmentUsagesOutput]{
private def updateFactUpcoming(
r: FulfillmentUsagesOutput,
schemaName: String
): Unit = {
var updateStmt: PreparedStatement = null
val sqlStatement =
|UPDATE $schemaName.$factUpcomingTableName
|SET unit_id = ?
|WHERE pledge_id = ?
try {
updateStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sqlStatement)
updateStmt.setLong(1, r.unit_id)
updateStmt.setString(2, r.pledge_id)
val rows = updateStmt.executeUpdate()
if(rows == 0) {
logger.warn(s"Retrying update for ${r}")
//retry update
val rows = updateStmt.executeUpdate()
if(rows == 0){
//raise error
logger.error(s"Unable to update row: ${r}")
} finally {
if (updateStmt != null) {
Question : Since Flink already implements other timers and uses internal time processing functions, is this the right way of retrying a DB update?
As you suspected, sleeping in a Flink user function can cause problems, and should be avoided. In this case there is a better solution: take a look at Sink.ProcessingTimeService. This will let you register timers that will call a callback you register when they fire.
Thanks to David for the original idea behind this approach.
Sink.ProcessingTimeService is only present from Flink 1.12 onwards. So, for anyone on a previous version of Flink looking to implement a similar solution, ProcessingTimeCallback can be used to implement timers in a Sink application.
I have included a sample approach here

Kotlin SpringMVC - JpaRepository generating invalid update query

I'm quite new to Spring MVC, and I'm having problems getting a simple entity update to work.
My data class looks like this...
data class ArticleType(
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
val id: Long? = null,
val name : String = "",
val order: Int? = null,
var name_search : String = ""
The repository looks like so...
interface ArticleTypeRepository : JpaRepository<ArticleType, Long> {
fun findFirstById(id: Long) : ArticleType?
fun findAllByOrderByOrderAsc(): List<ArticleType>
fun findByName(name: String): ArticleType?
I'm trying to update the name_search column like so...
val article_type:ArticleType? = articleTypeRepository.findFirstById(1234)
if (article_type !== null) {
article_type.name_search = "abc"
This results in the following error...
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'order=99 where id=1234' at line 1
I'm assuming this means the binding isn't working correctly, and it's missing the "name_search" binding, or missing the quotes or something. I've turned on logging, and I can see the following...
org.hibernate.SQL : update article_type set name=?, name_search=?, order=? where id=?
Then it lists the binding parameters "o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder", which all appear to be correct.
I'm not sure what's going wrong, or where I need to start to try to fix it.
This is a legacy system I've inherited, and I don't fully understand it. If there is some extra information I need to provide here, please let me know.

Exposed Kotlin. Problem with cyrillic encoding

I tryed to fix a problem with encodings. So, I sent from 'Postman', from web browser request to server, where I search data in database by keys in request. Request can be like this:
(in browser).
Server receive string, like
then, takes params from url:
genreName: 'Документальное'
start: 0
count: 10.
Then, this data sends to dao:
override fun findGenreByName(genreName: String): DatabaseGenre {
return transaction(db) { getGenreByName(genreName) }
private fun getGenreByName(genreName: String): DatabaseGenre {
return try {
val foundGenre = GenreEntity.find { Genres.genre eq genreName }.single()
DatabaseGenre(foundGenre.id.value, foundGenre.genre, foundGenre.link)
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw NothingFoundInDatabaseException("no one genre found by '$genreName'")
} catch (e: NoSuchElementException) {
val m = "Duplicates of genre with name '$genreName'"
throw DuplicatedDataInDatabaseException(m)
In log I see, that sql-query for finding genres is correct, but I receive an exception:
java.util.NoSuchElementException: Collection is empty.
The sql-query, as I said, is correct:
SELECT genres.id, genres.genre, genres.link FROM genres WHERE genres.genre = 'Документальное'
Structure of genres table:
id: int(10)
genre: varchar(100)
link: varchar(100
I tryied, to select all genres, and this query executed almost correctly. So, I decided, to check this query with english word, and this query correctly executed:
SELECT genres.id, genres.genre, genres.link FROM genres WHERE genres.genre = 'simpleGenre'
I have not exceptions with this query.
So, what I've done wrong and how to fix problem with collations?
As I said at github (issue), I've tryied this query it mysql cli and I receive correct answer.
Also, I've tryed to decode url params (with java URLDecoder class). It doesn't helps too.
Thanks, #madhead.
I tryied an advance of #madhead, and it works. So, from this time my DB connection URL looks like this:
val connect = Database.connect(
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/my_database_name?characterEncoding=utf8&useUnicode=true",
driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
user = user_name,
password = password

H2 database create alias for function in package in schema

In my code I call stored procedure like this (and it works perfectly):
{ ? = call schema.package.function(?) }
I need to call it like this because jdbc connection is set to another schema.
But for now I can't test it because H2 database doesn't support packages. So if I change my jdbc url database name to the one I require and delete "schema" from the call everything is ok while testing.
fun test() {
val session = em.entityManager.unwrap(Session::class.java)
session.doWork {
val st = it.createStatement()
st.execute("create schema if not exists mySchema")
st.execute("create alias mySchema.myPackage.myFunction for " // the error happens here +
val response = dao.myFunction("1")
//test stuff
How can I change my test because now it's giving me the syntax error?

Groovy shows java.io.NotSerializableException when making prepared statement

When executing the following piece of code:
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parse(url)
title = rss.chanel.title
rss.channel.item.each {
sql.firstRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM news WHERE title = ? ", [it.title])
I get the following error:
Invalid argument value: java.io.NotSerializableException
What may cause it?
The problem was that it.title was a NodeChild object.
In order to get the serializable text of this object I had to use it.title.text(). It was quite tricky since I could use print it.title successfully