Vue2 V-model on Select with Options built using V-for - vuejs2

I've been rebuilding some of my website and ran into an issue getting my Select to bind correctly to my Options. The list loads just fine, but the selected value does not get loaded. Here's a reduced snippit of the code I'm trying to run.
<select v-model="">
v-for="item in items"
computed: {
return this.$store.state.items;
return this.$store.state.activeItem;
I've searched around the web for answers, but haven't seen one specific to this type of setup. I had it working previously, but it was modelled against specific strings rather than ID's. I'm not sure why it changed. All of my data is dynamic so I can't hard code values or anything. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

I had an issue with the data's ids. Nevermind


how get multi options from multi selectbox in vue?

I have many select boxes that have many options and are dynamic.
<tr v-for="category in categories.items" :key="">
<select v-model.trim="$v.form.attributeValues.$model" class="form-control">
<option value=""></option>
<option v-for="option in category.values" :key="" :value="option">
{{ option.content }}
export default {
data() {
return {
categories: null,
form: {
productId: this.product.productId,
attributeValues: [],
I want get the values of theme and save it in an array.
But it doesn't work and I can only save 1 option.
like this:
(get just one option from each selectbox)
A multi-select is far from being a trivial a trivial component.
Most people simply use vue-multiselect or any package alike.
There is also a ton available only. You should look for the one matching your wanted features.
If you want to implement it manually, you will need to deal with binding the proper inputs, events and structure since it is not achievable with a simple v-model.
One of the best article on this is this one.
Still, it all depends on how you want it to look like, the behavior of the various options, the way to select it (keyboard, ctrl + click, simple click etc...), the transitions etc...
TLDR: use a package or try it yourself and show us what you achieved so far if you want some debugging.
The community will not write a complex component from scratch for you tho.
Just put a v-model and a input-event to your option like this:
<option v-model="selectedItem" #input="checkItem(selectedItem)">
<!-- Your code -->
Than go to your script and define everything. After that you can make a method called checkItem and there you will push everything in a defined array which you have selected.
data() {
return {
selectedItem: null,
allItems: [],
methods: {
checkItem(selectedItem) {
Hopefully this helps you out - pls let me know!

Validate vue-select with vee-validate

I'm new to VueJS.
I'm trying to validate vue-select using vee-validate.
I've tried to validate it manually but of course its not a good approach.
So, I tried to use vuelidate but couldn't get the desired result.
Now i'm trying to use vee-validate. Validation works fine as desired
but the issue is v-model.
I created a global variable product, to calculate the length of array, and passed it in v-model. So that when Its empty product's value will be zero and i can return desired result from vee-validation.
Here's the .vue html part.
<form #submit.prevent="add">
<div class="row row-xs mx-0">
<label class="col-sm-4 form-control-label">
<span class="tx-danger">*</span> Add product(s):
<div class="col-sm-8 mg-t-10 mg-sm-t-0">
<ValidationProvider rules="required" v-slot="{ errors }">
placeholder="Add product(s)"
:options="availableProducts" <-- here is the options array
:reduce="name => name"
v-model="product" <-- this calculates length and pass it to vee **extends**
<div v-for="error in errors" :key="error"> {{ error }} </div>
<!-- col-8 -->
Here's validation.js file
import { extend } from 'vee-validate';
extend('required', value => {
return value > 0;
I don't want this product value there. I know its not a good approach as well. I can't pass whole array to v-model because then I can't push options in it. I can't pass a single option to v-model as well then I won't get desired result.
All I want to validate v-select when options array is empty. Any suggestions?
Veevalidate doesn't validate directly on select elements. This is my workaround.
You should create a v-field "hidden" input and a visible select v-model element. The veevalidate will take place on the v-field.
Here is an example.
<v-field type="text" class="form-control disabled" name="expirationMonth" v-model="expirationMonth" :rules="isRequired" style="display:none;"></v-field>
<select v-model="expirationMonthUI" class="form-control" #click="synchExpirationMonthUI">
<option value="January">January</option>
<option value="February">February</option>
<option value="March">March</option>
<option value="April">April</option>
<option value="May">May</option>
<option value="June">June</option>
<option value="July">July</option>
<option value="August">August</option>
<option value="September">September</option>
<option value="October">October</option>
<option value="November">November</option>
<option value="December">December</option>
<error-message name="expirationMonth"></error-message>
Then add this to your methods to synch both together.
synchExpirationMonthUI() {
this.expirationMonth = this.expirationMonthUI;
I have found a way of doing this, with the Rendering Complex Fields with Scoped Slots from the Vee-Validate documentation. And using the bindings from Vue Select, it looks something like this:
<Field name="supportType" v-slot="{ field }" v-model="supportType">
<v-select :options="mediaTypes" label="name" :reduce="mediaType =>" v-bind="field">
As you can see, I am using here the name, v-slot and v-model for the Field from Vee-Validate, as normal. But the v-slot is very important as it carries the information from Vue Select to Vee-Validate, or at least I think so.
On the other hand I use the options, label, reduce and v-bind from Vue Select, these I use to handle the information. So with the :options I select my dataset, with label I tell Vue Select which label to select and show from the dataset, with :reduce I tell Vue Select what will be the value of the select tag and finally use v-bind to bind the value of the select to the Vee-Validate field. So the information used on the :reduce property will be displayed on the v-model="supportType".
I tested it with a button and it worked. And I liked this way so it is not that messy and I can use the validation and other things as usual.
Hope this helps anyone.
PD: I am using Vue 3, and the latest package of both Vee-Validate and Vue Select, as of today.

Why isn't the value of the object properties inserted here?

I started learning vue yesterday and I'm now fiddling around on the CLI3.
Currently I'm trying out the different approaches to inserting data into my markup.
Here, I basically want to make a "list of Lists".
This here is list1:
<ul v-for="item in items">
<li :text="item"></li>
export default{
data() {
return {
items: {
item1 : "itemA",
item2 : "itemB",
item3 : "itemC"
This is the list of lists:
<h1>All my stuff in a biiig list!</h1>
<listOfLists />
import listOfLists from '#/components/listOfLists.vue'
export default {
name: 'myComplexView.vue',
components: {
And this is inserted into myComplexView.vue inside views (im working with routing as well, though it doesnt work perfectly yet as you will see on the screenshot), which you can see here:
<h1>All my stuff in a biiig list!</h1>
<listOfLists />
import listOfLists from '#/components/listOfLists.vue'
export default {
name: 'myComplexView.vue',
components: {
This is the result Im getting:
Since routing doesnt work correctly yet, I had to enter the url into the browser manually. Fortunately, the site at least loaded that way as well, so I can tackle these problems bit by bit ^^
As you can see, the data was iterated over correctly by the v-for.
However, the data wasn't inserted in the text attribute of the li elements.
I'm a bit clueless about the cause though.
Maybe I'm not binding to the correct attribute? Vue is using its own naming conventions, based off standard html and jquery as far as I understood.
You've got this in your template:
<li :text="item"></li>
This will bind the text attribute to the value, outputting, e.g.:
<li text="itemA"></li>
You should be able to see this in the developer tools. In the picture you posted you hadn't expanded the relevant elements so the attributes can't be seen.
I assume what you want is to set the content. For that you'd either use v-text:
<li v-text="item"></li>
or more likely:
<li>{{ item }}</li>
Either of these will output:
On an unrelated note, I would add that this line will create multiple lists:
<ul v-for="item in items">
It's unclear if that's what you want. You're going to create 3 <ul> elements, each with a single <li> child. If you want to create a single <ul> then move the v-for onto the <li>.

Multiple templates declared in one .vue file

I have a component inside a .vue file that can benefit from reusing a chunk of code. I know I can move that code to a separate .vue file and import it as a new component. However, this component would not be used anywhere else and I'd like to avoid cluttering the directory. Is it possible to declare this component's template inside the parent without using the in-code template:"<div>.....</div>" stuff?
This is the idea:
...some html here...
<div v-for="item in items">
<div v-if="item.available">YES!</div>
<div v-else>NO :(</div>
...some other components and data here...
<div v-for="item in items">
<div v-if="item.available">YES!</div>
<div v-else>NO :(</div>
I would like to be able to do something like this:
...some html here...
<div v-for="item in items">
<itemizer inline-template v-model="item">
<div v-if="value.available">YES!</div>
<div v-else>NO :(</div>
...some other components and data here...
<div v-for="item in items">
<itemizer v-model="item"/>
However, from what I understand this is not possible.
Unfortunately this pattern does not appear to be supported by the creator of Vue:
I personally feel the syntax is less maintainable than [Single File Components]
Note that we want to keep the SFC syntax as consistent possible, because it involves a big ecosystem of tools that need to support any new features added (e.g. Vetur would need to do something very different for handling SFCs with multiple scripts/templates). The proposed syntax, IMO, does not justify adding the new syntax.
That's too bad, as even beyond flexibility and developer choice, there is a good argument for inlining small functions that are not used by other components in order to reduce complexity. It's a common pattern in React and does not inhibit Single File Components when they're needed. In fact it allows gradual migration as inline components grow.
Here's one of the only resources currently that offers some potential workarounds:
I've tried them all and am not satisfied with any of them at this time. At best you can set runtimerCompiler: true and use template strings, but it'll add 10KB to your bundle and you'll likely miss out on full syntax highlighting available in the <template> element. Maybe you can hack Teleport, but I have not made a dedicated attempt.
Actually, this should work. Just register your Vue inline-template like this in the section of your parent .vue file:
<div v-for="item in items">
<test-template :item="item">
Vue.component('test-template', {
props: {
item: Object
export default {...}
In your parent HTML file, put this:
<script type="text/x-template" id="hello-world-template">
<p>Hello hello hello</p>
With vue3 there are multiple options:
with vue-jsx you can just declare a component in your script setup section and use that
const Named = defineComponent(() => {
const count = ref(0)
const inc = () => count.value++
return () => (
<button class="named" onClick={inc}>
named {count.value}
There is another option described by Michael Thiessen here
Also you can have multiple render function components in one file:
Although it is not supported in Vue core yet, there is a way to use this through vue macros project. See discussion here

Vuex nested loop, how to handle v-model on select/option

In my application I need to use a nested v-for to display a list of elements with a select-option.. This is the scenario
<div class="stuck" v-for="box in items">
<p>Pick an option for this box:</p>
<select v-model="box">
<option v-for="package in packages"
:value="">{{ }} </option>
The variable items come from Vuex store. In this way, i'm getting the error:
You are binding v-model directly to a v-for iteration alias. This will
not be able to modify the v-for source array because writing to the
alias is like modifying a function local variable. Consider using an
array of objects and use v-model on an object property instead.
With this in mind, i'm going to change the code like so:
<div class="stuck" v-for="box in items">
<p>Pick an option for this box:</p>
<select v-model="">
<option v-for="package in packages"
:value="">{{ }} </option>
I've just changed the select v-model from the alias box, to the right id:
In this way, all works... or... half works. Because, if i'm going to pick an option from the select, i got another error:
[vuex] Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers.
This is correct, because the v-model is bind to (that is not an alias but a real value). But, when i pick an option the v-model "try" to change that come from Vuex store.
Now, in a simple scenario i will create a computed property for set/get to avoid vuex store mutation.
But... here i have a nested loop, so i cant create a computed on ''.
Do you have a solution for this ?
Thanks a lot!
you could try a different data flow pattern.
Your select listens to the store (but does not directly update it)
<div class="stuck" v-for="box in items">
<p>Pick an option for this box:</p>
<select :value="" #change="updateBox">
<option v-for="package in packages" :value="">
{{ }}
Then you create a method that fires whenever the selected option changes
updateBox(e) {
const id =;
this.$store.commit('changeYourBox', id);
This function should commit a vuex mutation that alteres the box id. So you'd need that mutation too.
Once the store value updates, your components box object updates and the select that listens to that store will update it's selected value accordingly.
That way, you can alter the store value from anywhere and the selected value will change as well.
with usage of mine library vuex-dot in this situation you can do so:
let's go with such state
state: {
boxes: []
mutations: {
editBox(state, {target, key, value}) {
Vue.set(target, key, value);
So let's create additional component BoxEdit:
<div class="stuck">
<p>Pick an option for this box:</p>
<select v-model="id">
<option v-for="package in packages"
:value="">{{ }} </option>
import { take } from 'vuex-dot'
export default {
props: ['box', 'packages'],
computed: {
.commit('editBox', true)
and now you can make simply write
<box-edit v-for="box in boxes" :box="box" :packages="packages"></box-edit>
in your subject component template.
link to library site: