CSV deletes the data from the table - sql

I have created a new table in SQLPro for Postgres, and I want to upload multiple CSV into that Table.
Each CSV has about 5K records. Basically, whenever I want to upload another one it deletes/overrides the information from the table.
Can you help? :)

Merge all the CSV with the headers insert them into your table.
Delete all the rows that were created by headers.
Might be obvious, but remember it will only work with CSV where data is mapped the same way.


Is it possible to prefilter data when copying it from csv to sql table?

I have a large .csv table that I want to insert into a Postgres DB. I don't need all rows from the table, is it possible to somehow filter it using SQL before it is uploaded to the database? Or the only option is to delete the rows I don't need afterward?

Updating/Inserting Oracle table from csv data file

I am still learning Oracle SQL, and I've been trying to find the best way to update/insert records in an OracleSQL table with the data from a CSV file.
So far, I've figured out how to load the csv into a temporary table using External Tables in Oracle, but I'm having difficulty finding a detailed guide on how to update/insert (UPSERT) the loaded data into an existing table.
What is the best way to do this, when I have 30+ fields in the table? For example, is it best to read the csv line by line with something like pandas and update each record one by one, or is it best to do it with a sql script using something like a merge statement? Not all records in the csv have a value for the primary key, in which case I need to insert rather than update. Thanks for the help!
That looks like a MERGE, indeed.
Data from external table would then be used to
update values in existing rows
create new rows in the target table
Pandas and row-by-row processing? I wouldn't do that. If you already have a powerful database, then use its capabilities. Row-by-row is usually slow-by-slow and there's rarely some benefit in doing it that way.

How to compare one large dataset in DB and one large dataset on SpreadSheet?

I am trying to compare two large dataset which have two columns- Company name column and Contact person name column. One dataset is already in database and one set is on Excel SpreadSheet.
I try to compare two dataset and try to update database.
For now I download data from database and comparing two dataset using Pivot Table function in Excel. This kinds of work. But I hope is there any other better way. Any suggestion will be appreciated!! Thank you.
FYI my database uses MSSQL 2008.
Upload your excel file as .CSV to database, next either create a table for it or just use a temporary table to place the data from the CSV file. Proceed to compare the data from that temporary table to the table on your DB with a Join.
Upload the data from the excel work sheet as a csv file to the database, and save the contents in a different table. Then compare both tables with a join.

What is the best way to update more than 1 million rows in a table in Oracle using a CSV file

I am trying to update only one column of the 1 million records in a table based on the value in the CSV file.
Sample CSV file:
The first column in the file is the PK I will use to filter the record and the second column is the new value of the column in the table I want to update.The PK in the CSV file may or may not exist in the DB though. I was thinking of creating a script to make a million update statements based on the file. I would like to know if there are any better way on how could I do this?
personally i would
load the CSV file into a new table using sqlldr
make sure the correct indexes are on the new and existing table
write ONE update statement to update the existing table from the new
I would:
Create an external table using the csv
Update existing table from the new external table in just one update

Copy content from a csv to PostgreSQL table

I am trying to copy content from a csv-file to an existing but empty table in PostgreSQL.
This is how far I've come:
COPY countries FROM 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\data\countries-20140629.csv'
The Problem that I'm experiencing is that the csv-file containts three columns (code, english_name and French_name), whereas my table only persists of two columns (code, english_name).
Adding a third column to my table is not an Option.
Is there any way to tell PostgreSQL to only import the first two columns of the csv-file?
The easiest way is to modify your CSV and delete the last column.
You could try it like the documentation says:
In your case it would be like:
COPY countries (code, english_name) FROM 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\data\countries-20140629.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV HEADER
Take a look in the documentation for further help:
As far as I can see, there is no possibility to tell postgres to only import a subset of the columns. What you can do, is to import the csv file into a temporary table and then transfer the data you want from the temporary table to your final table.