I've been updating my development environment with the latest pbiviz stuff
I did a:
npm i -g powerbi-visuals-tools
pbiviz --install-cert
in Windows terminal/powershell
Then I opened a project in Visual Code and using terminal did a:
pbiviz package
info Building visual...
info Installing API: ~3.8.0...
Certificate is invalid!
warn Local valid certificate not found.
info Checking global instance of pbiviz certificate...
warn Global instance of valid pbiviz certificate not found.
info Generating a new certificate...
info Certificate generated. Location is C:\Users\mike\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\powerbi-visuals-tools\certs\PowerBICustomVisualTest_public.pfx. Passphrase is '4492518445773821'
info Start preparing plugin template
info Finish preparing plugin template
error error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported
throw new Error("Failed to generate visualPlugin.ts");
Error: Failed to generate visualPlugin.ts
at C:\Users\mike\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\powerbi-visuals-tools\node_modules\powerbi-visuals-webpack-plugin\index.js:185:12
at async PowerBICustomVisualsWebpackPlugin._beforeCompile (C:\Users\mike\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\powerbi-visuals-tools\node_modules\powerbi-visuals-webpack-plugin\index.js:177:4)
Node.js v17.0.0
I've tried uninstalling, reatarting and various incantations, but it doesn't want to go.
Is my certificate really invalid? How do I check it? Are there any diagnostics I can run?
Any and all advice gladly accepted
I just updated to pbiviz -V
same problem
After a debug session we found an error in powerbi-visuals-tools#3.4.1 where the check for certificate in certificatetoosl.js uses the text date of the certificate expiry date, whihc in my case is dd/mm/yyyy which fails because this expects and ISO 8601, but will work with mm/dd/yyyy
[![debug image][1]][1]
This is the code:
// For Windows OS:
if (os.platform() === "win32") {
if (!fs.existsSync(pfxPath) || !passphrase) {
return false;
let certStr = await exec(`certutil -p ${passphrase} -dump "${pfxPath}"`);
let certStrSplitted = certStr.split('\r\n');
let regex = /(?<=: ).*/;
endDateStr = regex.exec(certStrSplitted[6]);
// For Linux and Mac/darwin OS:
else if (os.platform() === "linux" || os.platform() === "darwin") {
if (!fs.existsSync(certPath)) {
return false;
endDateStr = await exec(`openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in ${certPath} | cut -d = -f 2`);
let endDate = new Date(Date.parse(endDateStr));
verifyCertDate = (endDate - new Date()) > certSafePeriod;
if (verifyCertDate) {
ConsoleWriter.info(`Certificate is valid.`);
} else {
ConsoleWriter.warn(`Certificate is invalid!`);
removeCertFiles(certPath, keyPath, pfxPath);
We don't have a full solution but there will be workarounds until the package is fixed. Deleting all the modules and reinstalling seemed to fix the visualPlugin.ts problem as well.
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/XVrsQ.png
I am trying to use the #peculiar/x509 library to decode a CSR to use some of the information in my tests. The tests are using Cypress.
Here is an extract of my code:
import * as x509 from '#peculiar/x509';
const request = {
certificateSigningRequest: `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
describe('PKI', () => {
it('works', () => {
const stringPEM = request.certificateSigningRequest
.replace(/(-----(BEGIN|END) CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----|\n)/g, "");
const cert = new x509.X509Certificate(stringPEM);
// Stuff I want to test
When I try to log the x509 variable it returns an empty object.
And on the const cert = new x509.X509Certificate(stringPEM); line, I get an error:
x509.X509Certificate is not a constructor.
If I try to set up a simple project with a Typescript file to import the library and just log the x509 variable, it displays all the exports correctly.
I can't figure why it behaves like that with Cypress, so any help is appreciated.
EDIT: Diving a bit more into how Cypress works, I now understand that my assumption about the spec files running/controlled in a Node process was wrong. Spec files are running in the browser. So I would need to inject the browser version of the library in the spec file.
This can be done via the plugin API of Cypress, because it runs in the Cypress node process.
You can import a specific build, either x509.es.js or x509.cjs.js and your code works. The base #peculiar/x509 is for <script> inclusion.
One thing, the BEGIN and END tokens need to remain in the request for it to be recognized.
import * as x509 from '#peculiar/x509/build/x509.es.js'
// const x509 = require('#peculiar/x509/build/x509.cjs.js') // alternative
// hard left for multiline strings, otherwise request is not correctly formatted
const request = {
certificateSigningRequest: `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
// copied from #peculiar/x509 to verify format - not necessary for test
const isPem = (data) => {
return typeof data === "string"
&& /-{5}BEGIN [A-Z0-9 ]+-{5}([a-zA-Z0-9=+/\n\r]+)-{5}END [A-Z0-9 ]+-{5}/g.test(data);
describe('PKI', () => {
it('works', () => {
const stringPEM = request.certificateSigningRequest // leave in BEGIN and END
const cert = new x509.X509Certificate(stringPEM);
console.log(cert.subject); // prints e.g. "CN=Test certificate, E=some#email.net"
// Stuff I want to test
Possibly due to NodeJS version issue.
The X509Certificate was added recently in NodeJS version 15.6.0. Changelog here. So it requires that version. It might have worked on your simple project because of a newer NodeJS version.
And by default, Cypress is using its bundled NodeJS version, which since Cypress version 7.0.0 to 8.2.0, it's using bundled NodeJS version 14.16.0, as per the changelog here:
The bundled Node.js version was upgraded from 12.18.3 to 14.16.0.
So you can try changing/overriding the bundled NodeJS version in Cypress configuration to version 15.6.0, as per this configuration:
I am using strong-soap (but with node-soap is the same result) node module to connect with soap services.
In the first step I am creating the client and trying to connect one method in this case "doLogin" method.
My code is:
soap.createClient(url, clientOptions, (err, client) => {
var loginApi = { UserName: "xxxx", Password: "xxxxxx" };
var loginUser = {
userName: "comercial#xxxxx.com"
//client.setSecurity(new soap.BasicAuthSecurity(loginApi));
// we now have a soapClient - we also need to make sure there's no `err` here.
client.doLogin(loginUser, (err, result) => {
//'result' is the response body
console.log("Result: \n" + JSON.stringify(result));
But the variable err is returning this error in the console:
{ Error: unable to verify the first certificate
at TLSSocket.<anonymous> (_tls_wrap.js:1105:38)
at emitNone (events.js:106:13)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:208:7)
at TLSSocket._finishInit (_tls_wrap.js:639:8)
at TLSWrap.ssl.onhandshakedone (_tls_wrap.js:469:38) code:
and result is undefined.
why is happening this error?
result is undefined by the error?
I have faced same error, unable to verify the first certificate.
This is because of SSL cerficate isnt verified.
Your nodejs script calls your server, it is going to carry out the full TLS check process (as you would hope). This will check the certificates for validity etc.
To work around this issue, you can run the following Steps:
npm config set strict-ssl false
As a best practice, it is wise to set it back to true afterwords so you do not accidentally install an untrusted module that you actually do not trust.
After this,
npm cache clean --force
Add the following environment variable:
For Linux:
For Nginx
For Window:
this will set for only current command prompt screen,
This has solved issue for me. Please try
Note: Make sure you do not leave this option on in production. Please don't disable TLS checks at all.
I have added correct certificates and rejectUnauthorized: false to create client and added "envelope" directive to the headers and now it is working.
I donĀ“t like the instruction rejectUnauthorized: false by security topics and I would like to know how to remove this in production environment.
Thank you!!
I am able to work with Truffle and Ganache-cli. Have deployed the contract and can play with that using truffle console
truffle(development)> { tx:
{ transactionHash:
transactionIndex: 0,
blockNumber: 10,
gasUsed: 28387,
cumulativeGasUsed: 28387,
contractAddress: null,
logs: [],
status: '0x01',
logsBloom: ... }
Now when i started a server using "npm run dev". Server started fine but is not connecting with the Blockchain
i am getting the error
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Contract has not been deployed to detected network (network/artifact mismatch)
This is my truffle.js
// Allows us to use ES6 in our migrations and tests.
module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
host: '',
port: 8545,
network_id: '*', // Match any network id
gas: 1470000
Can you please guide me how i can connect ?
Solve the issue.
issue was at currentProvider, i gave the url of ganache blockchain provider and it worked.
if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') {
console.warn("Using web3 detected from external source like Metamask")
// Use Mist/MetaMask's provider
// window.web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);
window.web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:7545"));
} else {
console.warn("No web3 detected. Falling back to http://localhost:8545. You should remove this fallback when you deploy live, as it's inherently insecure. Consider switching to Metamask for development. More info here: http://truffleframework.com/tutorials/truffle-and-metamask");
// fallback - use your fallback strategy (local node / hosted node + in-dapp id mgmt / fail)
window.web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));
In your truffle.js, change 8545 to 7545.
Or, in Ganache (GUI), click the gear in the upper right corner and change the port number from 7545 to 8545, then restart. With ganache-cli use -p 8545 option on startup to set 8545 as the port to listen on.
Either way, the mismatch seems to be the issue; these numbers should match. This is a common issue.
Also feel free to check out ethereum.stackexchange.com. If you want your question moved there, you can flag it and leave a message for a moderator to do that.
So I've got this scenario where I have separate Web server and MySQL server, and I can only connect to the MySQL server from the web server.
So basically everytime I have to go like:
step 1: 'ssh -i ~/somecert.pem ubuntu#'
step 2: 'mysqldump -u root -p'password' -h database_name > output.sql'
I'm new to gulp and my aim was to create a task that could automate all this, so running one gulp task would automatically deliver me the SQL file.
This would make the developer life a lot easier since it would just take a command to download the latest db dump.
This is where I got so far (gulpfile.js):
// Run: 'gulp download-db' to get latest SQL dump from production //
// File will be put under the 'dumps' folder //
// Load stuff
'use strict'
var gulp = require('gulp')
var GulpSSH = require('gulp-ssh')
var fs = require('fs');
// Function to get home path
function getUserHome() {
return process.env.HOME || process.env.USERPROFILE;
var homepath = getUserHome();
// SETTINGS (change if needed) //
var config = {
// SSH connection
host: '',
port: 22,
username: 'ubuntu',
//password: '1337p4ssw0rd', // Uncomment if needed
privateKey: fs.readFileSync( homepath + '/certs/somecert.pem'), // Uncomment if needed
// MySQL connection
db_host: 'localhost',
db_name: 'clients_db',
db_username: 'root',
db_password: 'dbp4ssw0rd',
// Core script, don't need to touch from here //
// Set up SSH connector
var gulpSSH = new GulpSSH({
ignoreErrors: true,
sshConfig: config
// Run the mysqldump
gulp.task('download-db', function(){
return gulpSSH
// runs the mysql dump
.exec(['mysqldump -u '+config.db_username+' -p\''+config.db_password+'\' -h '+config.db_host+' '+config.db_name+''], {filePath: 'dump.sql'})
// pipes output into local folder
// Run search/replace "optional"
SSH into the web server runs fine, but I have an issue when trying to get the mysqldump, I'm getting this message:
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: Warning:
If I try the same mysqldump command manually from the server SSH, I get:
Warning: mysqldump: unknown variable 'loose-local-infile=1'
Followed by the correct mylsql dump info.
So I think this warning message is messing up my script, I would like to ignore warnings in cases like this, but don't know how to do it or if it's possible.
Also I read that using the password directly in the command line is not really good practice.
Ideally, I would like to have all the config vars loaded from another file, but this is my first gulp task and not really familiar with how I would do that.
Can someone with experience in Gulp orient me towards a good way of getting this thing done? Or do you think I shouldn't be using Gulp for this at all?
As I suspected, that warning message was preventing the gulp task from finalizing, I got rid of it by commenting the: loose-local-infile=1 From /etc/mysql/my.cnf
I'm trying to make spiderable works on my meteor app hosted on modulus with SSL.
I have Meteor 1.0, iron:router 1.0, spiderable and node package of phantomjs
All is working on localhost. But once I deploy on Modulus, first I had the error
spiderable: phantomjs failed: null
Then, I added the following environment variable in the modulus panel:
METEOR_PKG_SPIDERABLE_PHANTOMJS_ARGS = --ssl-protocol=tlsv1 --ignore-ssl-errors=yes --debug=true
This is still not working and the debug is outputting multiple times (like it's looping over an error) the following message in the modulus console:
2014-12-03T17:01:00 [DEBUG] WebPage - evaluateJavaScript "(function() { return (function () {
if (typeof Meteor === 'undefined'
|| Meteor.status === undefined
|| !Meteor.status().connected) {
return false;
if (typeof Package === 'undefined'
|| Package.spiderable === undefined
|| Package.spiderable.Spiderable === undefined
|| !Package.spiderable.Spiderable._initialSubscriptionsStarted) {
return false;
return DDP._allSubscriptionsReady();
})(); })()"
2014-12-03T17:01:00 [DEBUG] WebPage - evaluateJavaScript result QVariant(bool, false)
If anyone knows how to solve this or succeeded to deploy a meteor project on modulus.io with SSL and spiderable. Let's me know the good way to do it :)
Thank a lot !
I solved my problem as follows:
I installed phantomjs locally and run the test script available at http://www.meteorpedia.com/read/spiderable/
phantomjs phantomtest.js
This gave me more details about the error: Parse Error.
Then, it was a javascript file that once compiled/minified, rendered an error caused by select2. The js library that was using it was flat-ui.js (http://designmodo.github.io/Flat-UI/).
I discover this by testing many deploys on *.meteor.com and by adding/removing .js file.
I edit the flat-ui.js library to avoid Parsing Error.
I redeployed on both modulus.io and *.meteor.com. All was working fine on *.meteor.com but still didn't work on modulus.io. That let me thinking about an SSL error but I only saw "spiderable: phantomjs failed: null" in the modulus.io logs.
I add the following environment variable in the modulus panel:
and it appears that it was a "SSL Handshake error":
[DEBUG] Network - Resource request error: 6 ( "SSL handshake failed" )
I add another option to the METEOR_PKG_SPIDERABLE_PHANTOMJS_ARGS environment variable:
METEOR_PKG_SPIDERABLE_PHANTOMJS_ARGS = --ignore-ssl-errors=yes --debug=true
Now everything is working fine on modulus.io.
To sumup:
solve javascript errors
add METEOR_PKG_SPIDERABLE_PHANTOMJS_ARGS = --ignore-ssl-errors=yes
I hope this will help some dudes,