What should be the scope that can be mentioned to generate code to get refresh token for fcm push notification? - firebase-cloud-messaging

I am new to firebase push notification.
When I type above url in browser I get a code to to be used in following client side post call
code=code get from browser
But scope=https://gdata.youtube.com in above url should be replaced with firebase push notification url. Then only I can do above call. So I would like to know what should be the scope for firebase push notification? I mean what is replacement of https://gdata.youtube.com in above url. Please help me.

At last I found the answer from What Bearer token should I be using for Firebase Cloud Messaging testing? link. It is https://www.googleapis.com/auth/firebase.messaging


Not able to Authenticate using OAuth2 for Twitter from Postman

I am trying to send the Single Tweet GET request from Twitter API v2 collection. I used the OAuth2 Authorization Type.
When I click on Get New Access Token, after providing the Configuration Options I get the following window
But when I click on Back, I am logged in to my Twitter account.
Meanwhile, my Get New Access Token window is still waiting to receive a response.
Has anybody encountered this before?
I've tried using Bearer Token instead and it works without a problem.
I also tried logging out and logging back in from the Twitter login but still did not authenticate successfully.
For me, it's because I used localhost in my callback URL.
Don’t use localhost as a callback URL
Instead of using localhost, please use a custom host locally or http(s)://
ref: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/apps/callback-urls
My Problem is solved Now, This issue was caused Because I have not added the Callback URL in the postman that I have added in the Twitter developer account project.
And Second main reason for that because I did not add the accurate scopes tweet.

API call Trustpilot

I'm trying to send invitation link through our own system and use the API call to get invitation link.
I have received the TOKEN but now have problems when I try with API call to get invitation link.
Get the error "403"
Have you tried passing the API key as well as the token?
Add this header to the request:
apikey: [YOUR_API_KEY]
For context, here is the documentation.

How to integrate the AWS Cognito built-in UI?

I've been experimenting with Cognito for a few days, and I am now testing the Built-in signing UIs. I have managed to get it working, I am able to see the login page and successfully login with a User I have created. For my callback URL I'm using localhost:3000 as a testing ground, where I'm running a React SPA.
However, I am at a complete loss about what to do once I'm redirected. The documentation says I should get a URL with a JWT as a query parameter. Instead, I'm getting a URL of the form:
where # is an alphanumeric character. I don't recognize this code, I don't think it is a JWT. I would highly appreciated it anyone could:
explain what it is
direct me to any kind of documentation on how to use it?
After redirection, You are getting localhost:3000/?code=########-####-####-####-############
This means you have enabled code grant flow
This code is used to get the tokens from Amazon Cognito.
Request Type: POST
URL: https://mydomain.auth.us-east-1.amazoncognito.com/oauth2/token
Here you can see we are passing code in the payload with redirect url.
The response of this POST request will be your tokens ( If Successful authentication :) )
Sample Response:
You can save this token in your localstorage or sessionstorage for further custom authentication.
Please refer all the available endpoints of amazon cognito for more details.
Authorization Endpoint
Token Endpoint
I hope now it makes clear to you!

react-native-firebase: How to delete a token at logout?

I'd like to stop receiving notifications to the app once the user logs out.
I guess I'd have to remove the device token generated by react-native-firebase but I can't find any functionality to do this.
Does anyone know how to do this?
🔥 messaging().deleteToken()
You could achieve like this:
import auth from '#react-native-firebase/auth';
import messaging from '#react-native-firebase/messaging';
auth().onAuthStateChanged(user => {
if (!user) // Signed out
The documentation isn't great, but I have found a working solution in v4.3.x
// login
const authorizedEntity = firebase.iid().app.options.messagingSenderId;
firebase.iid().getToken(authorizedEntity).then(token => token);
// logout
const authorizedEntity = firebase.iid().app.options.messagingSenderId;
firebase.iid().deleteToken(authorizedEntity, '*').then(nullToken => nullToken);
First of all, you shouldn't store Firebase token inside the app, you should store it in the database.
Firebase token is a device identifier for notifications, if someone steals it they could bomb someone with notifications.
Create a API route that handles logout (ex. POST /user/logout) on your backend, and on that request remove the firebase token from the database.
The firebase token is per app instance. The token will remain the same as long as the app is installed on the device. To remove the token you will have to uninstall the app.
To solve your problem, you should disocciate the token from the logged-in user when they log out. You can do this by sending a request to you server on user logout in order to update your database record where the token is associated with the user. Then, when a new user logs in, you should send another request to the server to associate the token with that user.

OAuth and Dropbox api

I'm trying to use the API dropbox.
Once the authentication window is opened, a message is displayed:
This session has expired. Please return to the app to try again.
See full image
I'm using a library to work with OAuth called jsOAuth
Console Error
See full image
I published this application: Here the full code
I know that is not very safe to use OAuth with Javascript, but this is only for studying the OAuth standard.
See here the complete JS
Any example of using javascript with OAuth will help me a lot
Thank you all for your help!
That error message means the request token used for that authentication session is no longer valid, likely because a timeout has passed. (The request token is only good for a certain amount of time.) You need to start over with a new request token.