How to connect to an SSID from an app built with Expo and React Native? - react-native

I want my app to be able to connect to a Wifi network whose SSID and password are already gonna be hardcoded in the app. Hope there is a way to do this in expo. I know I could use something like but probably do not want to eject out of expo.

Answering my own question here for anyone who's facing the same problem.
With the latest Expo updates now we can add react-native packages to the managed expo workflow without ever ejecting. What that means is we can install to our Expo project.
We'll just be needing to install expo-dev-client to our project and then use EAS build. Consider reading this guide to follow the exact steps needed
Here is a little blog post I wrote discussing about the same.


Can I use Expo Packages (such as expo-linear-gradient or expo-mail-composer) Without actually running my app on Expo

Title sums up the question. I do not want to deal with all of the extra drama that surrounds building a full expo app, but using some of their dependencies might help
You can use Expo APIs in any React Native App. The same goes for the mentioned packages.

How to publish expo app that can be accessed by anyone, anywhere using QR code?

after completing the development of an expo app, I want to share it with friends who can check it by QR code or link to a live server. How can I do it?
If you are using the Expo Managed workflow, you can share your application with Expo Go. In this case, you don't need to publish in any store. Just follow the instructions to share pre-release versions by Expo Go on documentation. I created an Expo project to publish and share with a link that contains the QR code to run on Expo Go.
Note: To see the Expo application install Expo Go is required.

Mobile app using react-native-cli or expo-cli?

I'm going to make my first app in React Native. I have windows, but I want to make this app cross-platform. I want to use camera for making short videos (like tiktok) on this app.
Can I make this app using windows? and what I need to use? expo or react-native-cli?
Thank you!
I think that is a question about an opinion. To use the camera you'll need native modules, idk if expo allows that, some time ago didnt allow but idk what is status of expo now. Beyond that, IMHO you could begin with rn cli directly because this is the most used in "the real life" and no has a big difference with expo.

Using Exp development workflow with a pure react-native application

Might be a duplicate, didn't find one tho.
I started a new application with the react-native-cli.
I want to use expo for development purpose:
Running on devices through Expo.
Publishing through Expo.
Is such a thing possible?
Copy pasting your 2 questions in Google and the first result...
any questions left???
No, its not possible, in the docs its explicitly mentioned you can choose either the expo path or bare react native path. And if you choose expo you can eject from it to pure react native but cant go vice versa because the expo wrapper cant be implemented on the bare app.
so you have to again build an app with expo-cli to use expo publishing facilities etc.
but if you want to use expo modules in bare react native app you can do by using react-native-unimodules .
hope it helps. feel free for doubts
If anyone is ever looking for the answer it is stated here:
It clearly states that in "bare" workflow you cant use the build services of Expo.

Expo - Build in local

I have a question and I didn't find a clear answer.
It's possible to build android and iOS app in local ?
We can build the application with expo build:android and expo build:ios but these commands need an account and send the source code in server of expo.
I see it's possible to eject the app and folder android and iOS are created but after that I keep the possibility to develop with expo ? If I modify a javascript code I can recreate again the android and iOS folder ? or I need to develop in native code ?
Thank you for your answers !
As far as I understand your question, If you eject the app, you can't develop with expo. But, you can keep editing in javascript. There is no necessity to develop in native code.