Unrecognised font family after backgrounding the app - react-native

I am using Noto Serif Medium font. Everything works as it should, when I launch the app with a fresh start.
The issue happens when I background the app and open anything that has not been rendered yet.
The classic "Unrecognised font family" error appears.
This error happens on iOS emulator and iOS physical devices.
I have checked targets, resources and Info.plist file in Xcode. Everything is there. Still this error happens.
I suspect that there could be an issue with the .ttf file itself, as you're not able to get this font from Google Fonts directly, even though it is a free to use font.
Is there anyone that can provide a lead to a solution?

This one was a dozzie.
Turns out, that it shouldn't have been working in a first place. It was a classical iOS font name issue. I don't know why it was working when the app wasn't backgrounded, but hey atleast the problem is solved.
Just use the PostScript name, not the real name tag in iOS fontbook.


xfinium pdf unicode font not work in android in a Xamarin forms application

I've been spinning my wheels on this subject for a few days. I have Xfinium PDF in a Xamarin.Forms application I'm working on and I need to generate a pdf in different languages. So I have different .otf files set up as a PdfUnicodeTrueTypeFont. Now this works in iOS no problem, but in Android the PDF is generated blank if I try to generate it in a language that needs one of these fonts. I also have lost the ability due some other things going on in my work environment to side load to android or debug in android at all.
Make sure the font is embedded in the PDF (either by looking at the file directly or using an application to get information on embedded fonts).
If the font is not embedded it's possible that Android is failing to fallback to another font for some reason. Does the PDF open correctly Chrome?

Unable to display pdf annotations with PDFKit (macOS Sierra bug?)

I am working with PDFKit on macOS 10.12 and Xcode 8.0. I am creating some annotations in a pdf, displayed using PDFView, but I am not able to see them once created, unless to force the refreshing of the view through zomming in and out inside the page.
I have written a Minimal Working Example that you can clone from here
If you clone it in your root folder the code will run, otherwise remember to change pdfPath to the path of an existing pdf.
Additional details on the problem:
Add pdf annotation with PDF Kit in OS 10.12 (it seems that there is a workaround of the problem but I am not been able to implement it, may you are
PDFView setNeedsDisplay:YES doesn't work on MacOS Sierra 10.12 (same problem, they did not solve it)
Displaying pdf files using the PDFKit interface (same workaround suggested in the first link, but I am still not able to use it. The answer continued in a chat and so I cannot see how they managed)
Last but maybe not less important, Xcode gives me this warning (maybe solving it the problem would solve, but I cannot find an exhaustive documentation that teaches how to manage it):
Thank you in advance for all the precious answers.

Adobe Air iOS app - blank white screen

We have a fairly large air app, and for some reason, when we package it for iOS, it does not launch correctly. Just a plain white screen. When we launch it in debug mode (or even using Fast packaging), it works fine. Only with the export release build it simply launches a plain white screen and does nothing.
Anybody seen anything similar? Any idea if there is an error of some sort, any way to find out what the error is?
SO it turns out after hours of struggling with this is the issue was loading swf files. We had some embedded Image assets that were swf files, which works great in debug mode, but fails spectacularly in release mode. Given that the app we are working on is a behemoth that takes over 30 minutes to build a release version (on a very powerful box), this was quite a pain to nail down. We finally converted swfs to fxg and the error went away
I've just experienced a similar white screen issue when building an AIR iOS app (in any mode). The app builds and launches with no errors but just displays a white screen after the launch image has disappeared.
This issue was different to the one above but I want to post this here for future reference.
It turns out that this was due to incorrect read/write permissions on the source files. i.e. I had copied the source files onto another computer and then logged into that computer as a different user.
The solution was to simply re-copy the source files onto the computer whilst logged in as the correct user.

My website crashes Safari (both desktop and iOS) consistently

My website http://remotejobs.io crashes Safari consistently. I first noticed the crash last night when I was at a Verizon store and I tried browser testing the site on an iPad. So I tried 2 more iPads at the same store, and the site crashed iOS Safari on all 3 devies, every single time I tried to hit the domain.
The exact workflow is:
Open Safari
Enter http://remotejobs.io
That's it. As soon as you hit go the site crashes.
This also happens on desktop Safari (tested in 6.0.3 on OSX 10.8.3 only), and produces an error report every time. Here's a copy of one of the error reports generated: http://go.jag.is/OGcS
The site is not throwing any JS errors, and works fine on other modern browsers that I have tested, including Chrome, Firefox, and even IE9 (shockingly enough).
One strange thing though, is that it only seems to crash iOS Safari on iPads, not iPhones, as I can successfully load the site on my iPhone every time.
What on earth could be causing this, and how do I debug it?
UPDATE: I tried commenting out the main stylesheet, and the site no longer crashes Safari without that stylesheet. I tried both a regular stylesheet, and a minified stylesheet, and both crash the browser.
UPDATE 2: I narrowed it down to the CSS by commenting out JS and leaving CSS in, and still it crashed. Then I tried removing all the transition properties, and it no longer crashes. So apparently the transition properties were causing the crash.
So I was able to narrow the problem down to the CSS with Adam Moore's suggestion, and then to the transition property declarations with Jonathan Sampson's comment.
I removed all the lines with transition and the site no longer crashed.
So then I looked at the values, and tried unifying the duration values, to see if that would help, since I was setting several different duration values across the different properties, including .5s on one, .3s on another, and .25s on yet a couple more. But unifying them didn't affect anything - still crashed.
Finally, I tried changing the transition-property from all to color, since color was the only thing I was really changing, and no more crashes! So apparently that was the solution. Seems Safari was choking on trying to transition all the properties.
Your website does not seem to crash Safari 5.1 on Windows 7. To go about debugging what's causing the issue, start by turning off the CSS, then one by one disable JS files until the website stops crashing. Once you've figured out which CSS file or JS file it is, then post a link to the file and I'll see if I can help!
I stumbled across the same issue in Safari and tried everything mentioned here. I also checked the css in the CSS validator and fixed some issues.
But my trigger for the crash were padding with percentage values. I converted the %-Values from the paddings and all the things were fine.
-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d !important;
Caused Safari to continuously reload because of error. Removed that and it worked. :).
Safari - Version 8.0.8 (10600.8.9)
OSX EL Captain

WinRT's WebView is not loading the .css file when running on an actual Tablet

I am using a WebView control under WinRT to display html pages that are loaded from a sub folder of my Assets folder. When I run my app on a Windows 8 PC or on the tablet emulator everything works fine. However, when I am running on an actual Surface tablet, the pages do not seem to be loading the .css file and are, therefore, not formatted properly.
Is there something that I am missing here?
Verify that the CSS file is being included in the app you're running on the Surface. Create an app package and then look inside it. To be thorough, copy the app package to your Surface and run it there to verify that the problem still occurs.
Run the Windows App Certification Kit (WACK) tool to uncover common problems. This is just a wild guess, but maybe your CSS file has the wrong encoding, and this causes a problem on Windows RT. Really, this is just a wild guess.