htmx:afterSettle not working with hx-trigger - htmx

This code does not trigger a swap event, even though I can see that the afterSettle event is firing in the console.
<div id="product-gallery" hx-trigger="htmx:afterSettle" hx-get="{% url 'products' %}" hx-swap="outerHTML">
This works, but loops forever of course, with:
<div id="product-gallery" hx-trigger="load" hx-get="{% url 'products' %}" hx-swap="outerHTML">
I can see from htmx.logAll() that the htmx:afterSettle even is firing, it's just not triggering the above element. Have also tried htmx:afterSwap, which is also logged by logAll()
I'm trying to reload the gallery after a form has been swapped out (the form is inside this parent product-gallery div). Which I was hoping I could achieve by adding a from constraint:
<div id="product-gallery" hx-get="{% url 'products' %}" hx-swap="outerHTML" hx-trigger="afterSettle from:.product-form">
Structure is:
<div id="product-gallery">
<div id="product-form-1">
Update - it works! Followed solution 3 from
I added a header to my response in the form update view:
if form.is_valid():
context = dict()
context['form'] = form
response = render(self.request, 'form_product.html', context)
response['HX-Trigger'] = 'productUpdate'
return response
Then I listen for this event in the gallery div:
<div id="product-gallery" hx-get="{% url 'products' %}" hx-swap="outerHTML" hx-trigger="productUpdate from:body">
The one bit of js I retain is for closing forms when they are valid:
htmx.on("htmx:afterSwap", function(evt) {
const eventIdTarget = evt['target'].id;
if (eventIdTarget === 'product-gallery') {
if ($("[id^=product-form] .alert-warning").length === 0) {

If you have troubles with http redirects, then this might help you:
If you want a response which was triggered via htmx to do a full page reload, then you should not return a http redirect response (302, aka as HttpResponseRedirect in Django).
You need to set the hx-redirect response header:
If you set hx-redirect and set the http response code to 302, then htmx will do a redirect on ajax-level (not on the full screen).
Next thing which might confuse new users: if you are used to the old post/redirect/get pattern, then there are good news: This is not needed any more.
If the client sends a http-post, and all data validates, you should return a http 2xx response containing the new HTML. There is no need for the outdated redirect/get dance.
If you think the htmx docs could get improved, then you might want to create a pull request to improve the docs.

AFAIK you can't use "afterSettle" like this: hx-trigger="htmx:afterSettle".
If you want to update a second part of the page, then you can use OOB (out-off-band):
The hx-swap-oob attribute allows you to specify that some content in a response should be swapped into the DOM somewhere other than the target, that is "Out of Band". This allows you to piggy back updates to other element updates on a response.
More about Update other content


How to handle nested attributes in HTMX

I have a table like structure in my page and each row has data-hx-get attribute pointing to a url where django returns details for that row. But also in the same row I have an edit button where django returns the edit form for that item. I would like the entire row to be clickable and when clicked shows replaces itself with the details and also the edit button to replace the row with the form. It works fine for the users but when the edit button inside the row is clicked, in the console I get htmx:swapError as the row also receives the click event and does what it was supposed to do. The event on the button takes precedence and before the row it changes the content of the row and when the row gets the response, the data-hx-target for that is no more in the page. So, my question is, is there a way to tell htmx, when a nested element has data-hx-get, ignore the parent's hx directive.
class="row item-row"
data-hx-get="{% url 'some url' %}
data-hx-get="{% url 'editurl' %}"
You can use the consume modifier for hx-trigger This will prevent the click event from bubbling up to the parent row.
class="row item-row"
data-hx-get="{% url 'some url' %}"
data-hx-get="{% url 'editurl' %}"
data-hx-trigger="click consume"></button>

durandaljs 2.0 navigation

I have a view with pagination. When the user clicks on a page number, I display the data for that page.
I only want the data items to be replaced so I don't want to navigate to the "next page." So what I'm doing is using the router.navigate(url, { replace: false, trigger: false }); to add the page to the browser's history, but not to trigger the navigate there.
If after I get the data, I click on the browser's back button, the URL changes to the previous one, but I don't get an event. If once I'm back in the previous page, I click the browser's forward button, I get the trigger event from that page.
Example. I'm at /# and it is displaying page 1 of the data. The user click on the "next page" link on the page. I display page 2's data, and I replace the url with /#welcome/2 Now if I click on the browser's back button the URL changes back to /# but the page doesn't trigger. If I press the browser's forward button the URL changes back to /#welcome/2 and the page triggers. Now that that has happened, I can click the back button and page one will trigger; and I can go back and forth between page 1 and page 2. If the user clicks on "page 3", the problem happens again.
If you all need a working example, I will deploy it, but currently this is only running on my local box.
IMO paging, like sorting/filtering represent the internal state of a view/widget and shouldn't be presented via routes. Consider e.g. user is on #something/3 and bookmarks the url. After deleting a couple of items there's no #something/3 any longer and the bookmark fails. Here's some more thought food on that topic
Update based on comments:
activate on hitting browser back get's not called for two reason. a) welcome.js returns a singleton and b) in shell.html viewCache is set to true. When the user press browser forward it get's called because at this time route #welcome/2 from the SPA perspective is called the first time, so activate kicks in.
One way to make the system work would be to force every page change (regardless if it was initialized by SPA or browser) running through activate. Here are the required steps: Convert the singleton into a constructor, set cacheViews: false and replace click events by normal hrefs that calls the page route.
Update 2
Here's an example that combines the inPage navigation (without router involvement) with the ability to use browser back/forth navigation. init is responsible for setting up things that are common for activate and gotoPage.
define(['plugins/router', 'knockout'], function( router, ko ) {
var ctor = function() {
this.pageNo = ko.observable();
this.pageData = ko.observable();
ctor.prototype.activate = function( page ) {
ctor.prototype.init = function( page ) {
this.pageNo(page || 1);
this.pageData('Data for ' + this.pageNo());
ctor.prototype.gotoPage = function( page ) {
var url = "extras/welcome/" + page;
router.navigate(url, { replace: false, trigger: false });
return ctor;
Hello Durandal Pagination
<a data-bind="click: gotoPage.bind($data, 1)" style="cursor: pointer;">Page 1</a>
<a data-bind="click: gotoPage.bind($data, 2)" style="cursor: pointer;">Page 2</a>
<a data-bind="click: gotoPage.bind($data, 3)" style="cursor: pointer;">Page 3</a>
<h2 data-bind="text: pageData"></h2>
Live example at:

HTTP to HTTPS Redirect Causes POST to GET [duplicate]

We have the requirement to take a form submission and save some data, then redirect the user to a page offsite, but in redirecting, we need to "submit" a form with POST, not GET.
I was hoping there was an easy way to accomplish this, but I'm starting to think there isn't. I think I must now create a simple other page, with just the form that I want, redirect to it, populate the form variables, then do a body.onload call to a script that merely calls document.forms[0].submit();
Can anyone tell me if there is an alternative? We might need to tweak this later in the project, and it might get sort of complicated, so if there was an easy we could do this all non-other page dependent that would be fantastic.
Anyway, thanks for any and all responses.
Doing this requires understanding how HTTP redirects work. When you use Response.Redirect(), you send a response (to the browser that made the request) with HTTP Status Code 302, which tells the browser where to go next. By definition, the browser will make that via a GET request, even if the original request was a POST.
Another option is to use HTTP Status Code 307, which specifies that the browser should make the redirect request in the same way as the original request, but to prompt the user with a security warning. To do that, you would write something like this:
public void PageLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Process the post on your side
Response.Status = "307 Temporary Redirect";
Response.AddHeader("Location", "");
Unfortunately, this won't always work. Different browsers implement this differently, since it is not a common status code.
Alas, unlike the Opera and FireFox developers, the IE developers have never read the spec, and even the latest, most secure IE7 will redirect the POST request from domain A to domain B without any warnings or confirmation dialogs! Safari also acts in an interesting manner, while it does not raise a confirmation dialog and performs the redirect, it throws away the POST data, effectively changing 307 redirect into the more common 302.
So, as far as I know, the only way to implement something like this would be to use Javascript. There are two options I can think of off the top of my head:
Create the form and have its action attribute point to the third-party server. Then, add a click event to the submit button that first executes an AJAX request to your server with the data, and then allows the form to be submitted to the third-party server.
Create the form to post to your server. When the form is submitted, show the user a page that has a form in it with all of the data you want to pass on, all in hidden inputs. Just show a message like "Redirecting...". Then, add a javascript event to the page that submits the form to the third-party server.
Of the two, I would choose the second, for two reasons. First, it is more reliable than the first because Javascript is not required for it to work; for those who don't have it enabled, you can always make the submit button for the hidden form visible, and instruct them to press it if it takes more than 5 seconds. Second, you can decide what data gets transmitted to the third-party server; if you use just process the form as it goes by, you will be passing along all of the post data, which is not always what you want. Same for the 307 solution, assuming it worked for all of your users.
You can use this aproach:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat(#"<body onload='document.forms[""form""].submit()'>");
sb.AppendFormat("<form name='form' action='{0}' method='post'>",postbackUrl);
sb.AppendFormat("<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{0}'>", id);
// Other params go here
As result right after client will get all html from server the event onload take place that triggers form submit and post all data to defined postbackUrl.
HttpWebRequest is used for this.
On postback, create a HttpWebRequest to your third party and post the form data, then once that is done, you can Response.Redirect wherever you want.
You get the added advantage that you don't have to name all of your server controls to make the 3rd parties form, you can do this translation when building the POST string.
string url = "3rd Party Url";
StringBuilder postData = new StringBuilder();
postData.Append("first_name=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(txtFirstName.Text) + "&");
postData.Append("last_name=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(txtLastName.Text));
//ETC for all Form Elements
// Now to Send Data.
StreamWriter writer = null;
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.ContentLength = postData.ToString().Length;
writer = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream());
if (writer != null)
However, if you need the user to see the response page from this form, your only option is to utilize Server.Transfer, and that may or may not work.
Something new in ASP.Net 3.5 is this "PostBackUrl" property of ASP buttons. You can set it to the address of the page you want to post directly to, and when that button is clicked, instead of posting back to the same page like normal, it instead posts to the page you've indicated. Handy. Be sure UseSubmitBehavior is also set to TRUE.
This should make life much easier.
You can simply use Response.RedirectWithData(...) method in your web application easily.
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Module WebExtensions
<Extension()> _
Public Sub RedirectWithData(ByRef aThis As HttpResponse, ByVal aDestination As String, _
ByVal aData As NameValueCollection)
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
sb.AppendFormat("<body onload='document.forms[""form""].submit()'>")
sb.AppendFormat("<form name='form' action='{0}' method='post'>", aDestination)
For Each key As String In aData
sb.AppendFormat("<input type='hidden' name='{0}' value='{1}' />", key, aData(key))
End Sub
End Module
Thought it might interesting to share that heroku does this with it's SSO to Add-on providers
An example of how it works can be seen in the source to the "kensa" tool:
And can be seen in practice if you turn of javascript. Example page source:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Heroku Add-ons SSO</title>
<form method="POST" action="https://XXXXXXXX/sso/login">
<input type="hidden" name="email" value="XXXXXXXX" />
<input type="hidden" name="app" value="XXXXXXXXXX" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="XXXXXXXX" />
<input type="hidden" name="timestamp" value="1382728968" />
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="XXXXXXX" />
<input type="hidden" name="nav-data" value="XXXXXXXXX" />
<script type="text/javascript">
PostbackUrl can be set on your asp button to post to a different page.
if you need to do it in codebehind, try Server.Transfer.
You can still use the HttpWebRequest, then direct the response you receive to the actual outputstream response, this would serve the response back to the user. The only issue is that any relative urls would be broken.
Still, that may work.
I suggest building an HttpWebRequest to programmatically execute your POST and then redirect after reading the Response if applicable.
Here's what I'd do :
Put the data in a standard form (with no runat="server" attribute) and set the action of the form to post to the target off-site page.
Before submitting I would submit the data to my server using an XmlHttpRequest and analyze the response. If the response means you should go ahead with the offsite POSTing then I (the JavaScript) would proceed with the post otherwise I would redirect to a page on my site
In PHP, you can send POST data with cURL. Is there something comparable for .NET?
Yes, HttpWebRequest, see my post below.
The GET (and HEAD) method should never be used to do anything that has side-effects. A side-effect might be updating the state of a web application, or it might be charging your credit card. If an action has side-effects another method (POST) should be used instead.
So, a user (or their browser) shouldn't be held accountable for something done by a GET. If some harmful or expensive side-effect occurred as the result of a GET, that would be the fault of the web application, not the user. According to the spec, a user agent must not automatically follow a redirect unless it is a response to a GET or HEAD request.
Of course, a lot of GET requests do have some side-effects, even if it's just appending to a log file. The important thing is that the application, not the user, should be held responsible for those effects.
The relevant sections of the HTTP spec are 9.1.1 and 9.1.2, and 10.3.
Typically, all you'll ever need is to carry some state between these two requests. There's actually a really funky way to do this which doesn't rely on JavaScript (think <noscript/>).
Set-Cookie: name=value; Max-Age=120; Path=/redirect.html
With that cookie there, you can in the following request to /redirect.html retrieve the name=value info, you can store any kind of information in this name/value pair string, up to say 4K of data (typical cookie limit). Of course you should avoid this and store status codes and flag bits instead.
Upon receiving this request you in return respond with a delete request for that status code.
Set-Cookie: name=value; Max-Age=0; Path=/redirect.html
My HTTP is a bit rusty I've been going trough RFC2109 and RFC2965 to figure how reliable this really is, preferably I would want the cookie to round trip exactly once but that doesn't seem to be possible, also, third-party cookies might be a problem for you if you are relocating to another domain. This is still possible but not as painless as when you're doing stuff within your own domain.
The problem here is concurrency, if a power user is using multiple tabs and manages to interleave a couple of requests belonging to the same session (this is very unlikely, but not impossible) this may lead to inconsistencies in your application.
It's the <noscript/> way of doing HTTP round trips without meaningless URLs and JavaScript
I provide this code as a prof of concept: If this code is run in a context that you are not familiar with I think you can work out what part is what.
The idea is that you call Relocate with some state when you redirect, and the URL which you relocated calls GetState to get the data (if any).
const string StateCookieName = "state";
static int StateCookieID;
protected void Relocate(string url, object state)
var key = "__" + StateCookieName + Interlocked
.Add(ref StateCookieID, 1).ToInvariantString();
var absoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now
.Add(new TimeSpan(120 * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond));
Context.Cache.Insert(key, state, null, absoluteExpiration,
var path = Context.Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(url);
.Add(new HttpCookie(StateCookieName, key)
Path = path,
Expires = absoluteExpiration
Context.Response.Redirect(path, false);
protected TData GetState<TData>()
where TData : class
var cookie = Context.Request.Cookies[StateCookieName];
if (cookie != null)
var key = cookie.Value;
if (key.IsNonEmpty())
var obj = Context.Cache.Remove(key);
.Add(new HttpCookie(StateCookieName)
Path = cookie.Path,
Expires = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)
return obj as TData;
return null;
Copy-pasteable code based on Pavlo Neyman's method
RedirectPost(string url, T bodyPayload) and GetPostData() are for those who just want to dump some strongly typed data in the source page and fetch it back in the target one.
The data must be serializeable by NewtonSoft Json.NET and you need to reference the library of course.
Just copy-paste into your page(s) or better yet base class for your pages and use it anywhere in you application.
My heart goes out to all of you who still have to use Web Forms in 2019 for whatever reason.
protected void RedirectPost(string url, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string,string>> fields)
const string template =
<body onload='document.forms[""form""].submit()'>
<form name='form' action='{0}' method='post'>
var fieldsSection = string.Join(
fields.Select(x => $"<input type='hidden' name='{HttpUtility.UrlEncode(x.Key)}' value='{HttpUtility.UrlEncode(x.Value)}'>")
var html = string.Format(template, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(url), fieldsSection);
private const string JsonDataFieldName = "_jsonData";
protected void RedirectPost<T>(string url, T bodyPayload)
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bodyPayload, Formatting.Indented);
//explicit type declaration to prevent recursion
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> postFields = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>()
{new KeyValuePair<string, string>(JsonDataFieldName, json)};
RedirectPost(url, postFields);
protected T GetPostData<T>() where T: class
var urlEncodedFieldData = Request.Params[JsonDataFieldName];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlEncodedFieldData))
return null;// default(T);
var fieldData = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(urlEncodedFieldData);
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(fieldData);
return result;

JavaScript .innerHTMLworking only when called manually

I've got a very simple function, of replacing the innerHTML of a element. I've been trying to debug this for hours but simply can't, and it's infuriating.
When called from a button press the JavaScript (as follows) works well, but when called from another function it doesn't work. I am totally lost as to why this might be, and its a fairly core part of my app
// This loaded function in my actual code is a document listener
// checking for when Cordova is loaded which then calls the loaded function
function loaded() {
function changeText() {
document.getElementById('boldStuff').innerHTML = 'Fred Flinstone';
Button press and HTML to replace
<div id="main">
<input type='button' onclick='changeText()' value='Change Text'/>
<p>Change this text >> <b id='boldStuff'> THIS TEXT</b> </p>
It is also here in full on JSFiddle
You are already changed the innerHTML by calling the function loaded(); on onLoad.
Put this in an empty file and same as .html and open with browser and try. I have commented the function loaded();. Now it will be changed in onclick.
<div id="main">
<input type='button' onclick='changeText();' value='Change Text'/>
<p>Change this text >> <b id='boldStuff'> THIS TEXT</b> </p>
function loaded() {
function changeText() {
document.getElementById('boldStuff').innerHTML = 'Fred Flinstone';
The problem here is, that the element you're trying to manipulate is not yet existing when you are calling the changeText() function.
To ensure that the code is only executed after the page has finished loading (and all elements are in place) you can use the onload handler on the body element like this:
<body onload="loaded();">
Additionally you should know, that it's very bad practice to manipulate values by using the innerHTML property. The correct way is to use DOM Manipulations, maybe this can help you.
You script loads before the element (boldStuff) is loaded,
Test Link - 1 - Put the js in a seperate file
Test Link - 2 - put the js at the very end, before closing the <body>

jQuery: Select elements with Incrementing ID names?

and thanks in advance for your help!
Here's my situation: I have a set of divs whose IDs have an incrementing number applied to the end of the name using PHP. Each of these divs are added dynamically with PHP (They are a series of FAQ questions with a hidden div container with the answers, that slide down when the question is clicked.) [Live Example][1]
There is no limit to the number of questions that appear on the page, because this is being used for a Wordpress theme and my client wants to add new questions as they go along.
Here's an example of the structure for each FAQ question using the PHP:
<?php var $faqnum = 0; $faqnum++; ?>
<div id="faqwrap<?php $faqnum; ?>">
<h4>What data is shared?</h4>
<div id="faqbox<?php $faqnum; ?>" class="slidebox">
<p>Data sharing is defined by the type of service:</p>
<ul class="list">
<li>Third-party access to data (Enhanced Services only is strictly controlled and determined by the SDA)</li>
<li>All members must participate in points of contact and conjunction assessment but can choose whether to participate in other services</li>
<li>Participation in a service requires the member to provide associated data<br />
Now this is what I have currently in jQuery, and it works, but only if I add a new one every time my client wants to add a new question.
$(document).ready(function() {
// toggles the slidebox on clicking the noted link
$("#faqwrap1 a:not(div.slidebox a)").click(function() {
return false;
I thought of maybe doing something with a declared variable, like this:
for (var x = 0; x < 100; x++;) {
$('#[id^=faqwrap]'+ x 'a:not(div.slidebox a)')...
I hope this is clear enough for you! Again, I thank you in advance. :)
The best way to handle this is to not use the IDs, but use classes for the outer element. So your PHP would be altered like this:
<?php var $faqnum = 0; $faqnum++; ?>
<div id="faqwrap<?php $faqnum; ?>" class="question">
<h4>What data is shared?</h4>
<div id="faqbox<?php $faqnum; ?>" class="slidebox">
<p>Data sharing is defined by the type of service:</p>
<ul class="list">
<li>Third-party access to data (Enhanced Services only is strictly controlled and determined by the SDA)</li>
<li>All members must participate in points of contact and conjunction assessment but can choose whether to participate in other services</li>
<li>Participation in a service requires the member to provide associated data<br />
Your JQuery would be rewritten with the selector for the class "question".
$(document).ready(function() {
// toggles the slidebox on clicking the noted link
$(".question a:not(div.slidebox a)").click(function() {
/* close everything first */
/* selects and opens the the slidebox inside the div */
$(".slidebox", this).slideToggle('normal');
return false;
This will get you the effect you are looking for. The key differences in the JQuery is the way you get the slidebox inside the question that got clicked. I'm using the scoped selection $(".slidebox", this) to get just the slidebox inside the clicked ".question" element.
The subtle visual difference is that the slideUp() happens before the slideToggle(). This will essentially close any open queries before it opens the desired one. If you keep your animations fast, this will be more than fine. The advantage of this approach is that you don't have to worry about the count of questions on a page, and the selectors are most likely more optimized than the for loop.
I adjusted the PHP code to use a class for "slidetoggle" instead of an id. It's technically an HTML error to have multiple IDs that are the same. It can throw off some assistive technologies for people with dissabilities. I'm assuming that section of code was repeated several times on the page.
Without changing your current markup, this would work:
// toggles the slidebox on clicking the noted link
$("div[id=^faqwrap]").each(function () {
var $faqwrap= $(this);
$faqwrap.find("h4 > a").click(function () {
var $currentSlidebox = $faqwrap.children(".slidebox");
return false;
Maybe you can find a few suggestions in the above code that help you.
Like #Berin, I'd also recommend giving a separate CSS class to the outer DIV and using that as a selector, instead of $("div[id=^faqwrap]").