in intellij idea community version there is no option to disable breadcrumbs in view/appearance (where it used to be), breadcrumbs itself cannot be rightclicked, in settings editor->general->breadcrumbs is disabled.
Please, where can this be disabled?
View -> Appearance -> Navigation Bar should get rid of it. Unless it's not there in the community version.
It is under Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | General | Breadcrumbs:
I use Intellij in Mac. I am new to mac.
I would like to write my java code like this.
But Intellij in Mac adds new tabs for everyline. Unable to remove. I did not have this issue in my window OS.
How to correct this!!
Enable the Preferences | Editor | Code Style | Java | Wrapping and Braces | Chained method calls | Align when multiline:
how can I persist Kotlin inspection settings in file .editorconfig in IteliiJ IDEA so that I could share them with a team through git?
Exact settings name is:
Editor > Inspections > Kotlin > Style issues > Accessor call that can be replaced with property access syntax
I'd like to change it's Severity level.
I tried to follow
but with no luck.
How exactly should .editorconfig entry look like for that settings and where can I find full list of property keys?
Thanks in advance!
Inspections have nothing common with .editorconfig files.
Editorconfig is about Code Style (Preferences | Editor | Code Style | Kotlin)
All the styles could be exported via this button:
There are too many options to describe them all. That is why export is easier.
General options could be found at
Kotlin inspections
Inspections are IDE-specific. And they can be exported/imported to an XML file via this button:
But there is no possibility to export an individual inspection. Instead, you can create a project-wide inspections profile with your team and use it across.
You can share the inspection profile along with the project. Just add this file to your project's VCS: .idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml
I get a warning "Overrides method in java.util.function.Function" when using lambda expressions like
new Vector<String>().stream().map(String::toString); but as far as I know this is just normal lambda usage. How can I get rid of this warning without removing legitimate override warnings?
I use intelliJ IDEA 2016.1.3 with OpenJDK 8 on Gnome on Arch Linux.
Do you mean the icon in the editor gutter? That is not a warning, but an indication and allows navigation to the super method using the mouse. The icon(s) can be disabled in File | Settings | Editor | General | Gutter Icons.
With IntelliJ IDEA you can search for a specified regex pattern in VCS checkin comments and have it linked to an issue tracker like YouTrack or JIRA.
Is there a way to do this in the code comments? I know I can stick a huge URL in there and have that linked... but how about just the issue alone? Ex:
// fix this string -- see ACME-2034
$someVar = 'some_problem';
You can use the Plugin Tasks Navigation from the Marketplace.
After you installed the Plugin, you'll have to add your Jira-Server to Tools > Tasks > Servers.
I simply added my Jira-server (e.g. without Username and Passwort - I don't want those to be saved in Jira.
In Tools > Tasks > Navigation the check mark Search for issues in comments should already be set.
Now you can CTRL+Klick on anything that looks like a Jira-ID:
see also: Github-Home of the Plugin:
IntelliJ now supports this in Preferences | Version Control | Issue Navigation.
The Issue Navigation supports code comments also, not just commit messages.
But it only works with regular grey comments, not with green PHPDoc comments.
How can I exclude some classes from autocomplete, but not from project?
I'm trying to develop on flash with starling library. The problem is that IDE always suggest me a built-in classes, which I probably don't want to use, even if I import another class.
I'm tried to exclude in a Settings -> Editor -> Auto Import, but it takes no effect on a autocomplete.
May be I can reorder autocomplete suggest, for placing the libraries classes on top?
I'm using idea 12.0.4
Does Settings -> Editor -> Auto Import -> Exclude from Import and Completion help you?
Now in Preferences | Editor | General | Auto Import
There are instructions at for disabling, but they didn't work for me until invalidating caches and restarting.
Pull up autocomplete, highlight the offending item, then option-return and exclude it, either at the class or method level. Then invalidate caches and restart.