How to implement javascript interface with Webview, when using Jetpack Compose? - kotlin

How to implement the WebAppInterface (javascript interface for webview) when using Jetpack Compose?
I'm following this documentation
This is how far I've got so far, but showToast() is not called. Adding #Composable to showToast() didn't help.
/** Instantiate the interface and set the context */
class WebAppInterface(private val mContext: Context) {
/** Show a toast from the web page */
fun showToast(toast: String) {
Toast.makeText(mContext, toast, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
fun WebPageScreen(urlToRender: String) {
AndroidView(factory = {
WebView(it).apply {
layoutParams = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(
webViewClient = WebViewClient()
addJavascriptInterface(WebAppInterface(getContext()), "Android")
}, update = {
HTML/JS code from Android docs:
<input type="button" value="Say hello" onClick="showAndroidToast('Hello Android!')" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function showAndroidToast(toast) {

You missed one step in the documentation you refer to:
WebView(context).apply {
layoutParams = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(
webViewClient = WebViewClient()
settings.javaScriptEnabled = true // <-- This line
addJavascriptInterface(WebAppInterface(getContext()), "Android")


Kotlin: Edit icon dashboard of icons between fragments

I'm trying to figure out the most efficient way to structure this problem..
I'd like to click on the 'EDIT' icon in the dashboard of the MainFragment, display a DialogFragment, allow user to select/deselect up to 5 icons, save the selection, close the DialogFragment, and update the MainFragment.
Should I use MutableLiveData/Observer from a ViewModel? Or is there a better approach? I currently cannot figure out how to use the ViewModel approach correctly...
So far, this is the code I have:
ViewModel Class:
class IconDashboardViewModel() : ViewModel(){
var liveDataDashIcons: MutableLiveData<MutableList<String>> = MutableLiveData()
var liveItemData: MutableLiveData<String> = MutableLiveData()
// Observer for live list
fun getLiveDataObserver(): MutableLiveData<MutableList<String>> {
return liveDataDashIcons
// Observer for each icon
fun getLiveItemObserver(): MutableLiveData<String> {
return liveItemData
// Set icon list
fun setLiveDashIconsList(iconList: MutableLiveData<MutableList<String>>) {
liveDataDashIcons.value = iconList.value
// Set data for data
fun setItemData(icon : MutableLiveData<String>) {
liveItemData.value = icon.toString()
var iconList = mutableListOf<String>()
private fun populateIconList() : MutableLiveData<MutableList> {
var iconList = viewModel.liveDataDashIcons
// Roster icon
if (roster_dash_layout.visibility == View.VISIBLE) {
} else {
if (iconList.value!!.contains(getString(R.string.roster))) {
private fun setIconList(iconList: MutableList){
var iconList = viewModel.iconList
Log.d(TAG, "viewModel iconList = " + iconList)
if (iconList.contains(getString(R.string.roster))) {

Calling composable funciton from mouseclickable

I need to show a cursorDropDownMenu if there was a click with the secondary button on an Item.
My code which calls the function is the following:
.mouseClickable {
}else {
//same as in clickable
my showcontextmenu function is the following:
fun showContextmenu(){
println("rightclick detected")
CursorDropdownMenu(expanded = true, onDismissRequest = {/*todo implement? */ }){
DropdownMenuItem({/*onclick: todo get data and forward it to render the gui tree */}){
But the compile error is that #Composable invocations can only happen from the context of a #composable function.
Some help would be very nice.
Use boolean state var to show/hide menu.
var isContextMenuVisible by remember {mutableStateOf(false)}
//your button code
.mouseClickable {
isContextMenuVisible = true
}else {
//same as in clickable
if (isContextMenuVisible) {
fun ShowContextmenu(){
println("rightclick detected")
CursorDropdownMenu(expanded = true, onDismissRequest = {isContextMenuVisible = false}){
DropdownMenuItem({/*onclick: todo get data and forward it to render the gui tree */}){

How can I successfully pass my LiveData from my Repository to my Compose UI using a ViewModel?

I am trying to pass live events from a Broadcast Receiver to the title of my Homepage.
I am passing a String from the Broadcast Receiver to my Repository successfully, but in the end my title is always null. What am I missing?
My Repository looks like this:
object Repository {
fun getAndSendData (query: String): String{
return query
Then in my ViewModel I have:
private val _data = MutableLiveData<String>()
val repoData = _data.switchMap {
liveData {
And finally in my Composable I have:
val repoData = viewModel.repoData.observeAsState()
topBar = {
title = { Text(text = if (repoData.value == null)"null" else repoData.value!!, style = typography.body1) },
navigationIcon = {
IconButton(onClick = { }) {
I don't think we can use Live Data from the compose(jetpack) because it can run from the Main thread. I used onCommit() {} with interface from the compose.
onCommit() {
viewModel.testCountriesList(object : NetworkCallBack {
override fun test(response: GeneralResponse) {
if(response.code == 200) {
counties = response.response
responseState.value = true
} else {
responseState.value = false

How to subscribe to StateFlow in kotlin-react useEffect

I'm trying to create a small counter example for kotlin-react with functionalComponent with kotlin 1.4-M2.
The example should use kotlinx.coroutines.flow. I'm struggling at collecting the values from the store in reacts useEffect hook.
object CounterModel { // Modified sample from kotlin StateFlow doc
private val _counter = MutableStateFlow(0) // private mutable state flow
val counter: StateFlow<Int> get() = _counter // publicly exposed as read-only state flow
fun inc() { _counter.value++ }
val counter = functionalComponent<RProps> {
val (counterState, setCounter) = useState(CounterModel.counter.value)
useEffect(listOf()) {
// This does not work
GlobalScope.launch { CounterModel.counter.collect { setCounter(it) } }
div {
h1 {
+"Counter: $counterState"
button {
attrs.onClickFunction = { }
When I directly call CounterModel.counter.collect { setCounter(it) } it complains about Suspend function 'collect' should be called only from a coroutine or another suspend function.
How would you implement this useEffect hook?
And once the subscription works, how would you unsubscribe from it (use useEffectWithCleanup instead of useEffect)?
Finally found a solution. We can use onEach to do an action for every new value and then 'subscribe' with launchIn. This returns a job that can be canceled for cleanup:
object CounterStore {
private val _counter = MutableStateFlow(0)
val counter: StateFlow<Int> get() = _counter
fun inc() { _counter.value++ }
val welcome = functionalComponent<RProps> {
val (counter, setCounter) = useState(CounterStore.counter.value)
useEffectWithCleanup(listOf()) {
val job = CounterStore.counter.onEach { setCounter(it) }.launchIn(GlobalScope)
return#useEffectWithCleanup { job.cancel() }
div {
+"Counter: $counter"
button {
attrs.onClickFunction = { }
We can extract this StateFlow logic to a custom react hook:
fun <T> useStateFlow(flow: StateFlow<T>): T {
val (state, setState) = useState(flow.value)
useEffectWithCleanup(listOf()) {
val job = flow.onEach { setState(it) }.launchIn(GlobalScope)
return#useEffectWithCleanup { job.cancel() }
return state
And use it like this in our component:
val counter = useStateFlow(CounterStore.counter)
The complete project can be found here.
The Flow-Api is very experimental so this might not be the final solution :)
if's very important to check that the value hasn't changed,
before calling setState, otherwise the rendering happens twice
external interface ViewModelProps : RProps {
var viewModel : MyViewModel
val App = functionalComponent<ViewModelProps> { props ->
val model = props.viewModel
val (state, setState) = useState(model.stateFlow.value)
useEffectWithCleanup {
val job = model.stateFlow.onEach {
if (it != state) {
return#useEffectWithCleanup { job.cancel() }

How do install a click handler on a dynamic listview (in tornadofx)

My application needs to permit additions to the listview. I've figured out how I can dynamically add to a listview by using observableArrayList. If I click on the button, an item gets added to the list and displayed.
Now I'm struggling to add a click handler (I want to handle the event that happens when someone clicks on any item within the list view). Where do I do this?
Here is my code.
package someapp
import javafx.collections.FXCollections
import javafx.geometry.Pos
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox
import javafx.scene.text.FontWeight
import tornadofx.*
class MyApp : App(HelloWorld::class) {
class HelloWorld : View() {
val leftSide: LeftSide by inject()
override val root = borderpane {
left = leftSide.root
class LeftSide: View() {
var requestView: RequestView by singleAssign()
override val root = VBox()
init {
with(root) {
requestView = RequestView()
this += requestView
this += button("Add Item") {
action {
requestView.responses.add( Request( "",
"{ \"foo\" : \"bar\"}".toByteArray()))
class RequestView : View() {
val responses = FXCollections.observableArrayList<Request>(
override val root = listview(responses) {
cellFormat {
graphic = cache {
form {
fieldset {
label(it.hostname) {
alignment = Pos.CENTER_RIGHT
style {
fontSize = 22.px
fontWeight = FontWeight.BOLD
field("Path") {
class Request(val hostname: String, val path: String, val body: ByteArray) {
To configure a callback when an item in a ListView is selected, use the onUserSelect callback:
onUserSelect {
information("You selected $it")
You can optionally pass how many clicks constitutes a select as well, default is 2:
onUserSelect(1) {
information("You selected $it")
You are using some outdated constructs in your code, here is an updated version converted to best practices :)
class MyApp : App(HelloWorld::class)
class HelloWorld : View() {
override val root = borderpane {
class LeftSide : View() {
val requestView: RequestView by inject()
override val root = vbox {
button("Add Item").action {
"""{ "foo" : "bar"}""".toByteArray()))
class RequestView : View() {
val responses = FXCollections.observableArrayList<Request>()
override val root = listview(responses) {
cellFormat {
graphic = cache {
form {
fieldset {
label(it.hostname) {
alignment = Pos.CENTER_RIGHT
style {
fontSize = 22.px
fontWeight = FontWeight.BOLD
field("Path") {
onUserSelect(1) {
information("You selected $it")
class Request(val hostname: String, val path: String, val body: ByteArray)