Azure Managed Identity: DefaultAzureCredential: Regional Cache Auth Service token requests for flows that require encrypted tokens are forbidden - authentication

I have a C# / .NET Core Azure Function with a system managed identity. I want to use this identity to get a token to interact with another service. For this I use DefaultAzureCredential -> GetTokenAsync from Azure.Identity.
But when I try that I get the following error:
ManagedIdentityCredential authentication failed: Service request
failed.\nStatus: 400 (Bad
Request)\n\nContent:\n{"exceptionMessage":"AADSTS100009: Regional
Cache Auth Service token requests for flows that require encrypted
tokens are forbidden."
Why is this happening and how can I resolve this issue?

For some reason (maybe someone can explain why) after removing .default from the scope it worked.


OAuth 2.0 token introspection questions

I'm trying to understand token introspection as I need to implement token introspection for OAuth 2.0. But authentication is so hard to understand... :-( So I've got a couple of questions:
(1) As far as I understand, a post-request (with the access token) is sent to the IP. This then returns whether the access token is valid or not, as well as further information such as the user name.
This looks like the official spec to me: it says a post request is needed to validate the access token. Did I understand that correctly
(2) This looks like the corresponding dependency, is it? using using IdentityModel.AspNetCore.OAuth2Introspection
Whats the difference between Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer?
(3) According to the spec only the access token is requied (
This example does not pass it but the clientid and the clientsecret:
.AddOAuth2Introspection(options =>
options.Authority = "https://base_address_of_token_service";
options.ClientId = "client_id_for_introspection_endpoint";
options.ClientSecret = "client_secret_for_introspection_endpoint";
Why not?
(4) If I set the config right, .Net Core will do the post-request (for every incoming request to my api) for me automatically, right? (I also added the [Authorize]-Attribute)
(5) How can I get the user context?
(6) I implemented a small example but get a 500. I do not see any error output. How can I log the errors?
The following are some of my understanding and opinions:
(1) The token introspection endpoint needs to be able to return information about a token, so you will most likely build it in the same place that the token endpoint lives. The request will be a POST request containing just a parameter named "token".
(2) JWTs are typically validated locally on the resource server.
It's a technical detail that IdentityServer can also validate JWTs at the introspection endpoint. That could be used e.g. when the resource server does not have an appropriate JWT library (and you don't want to store reference tokens on the IS side).
(3) In my opinion, this appears to be a configuration requesting an access token. Access tokens are the thing that applications use to make API requests on behalf of a user. The access token represents the authorization of a specific application to access specific parts of a user’s data. The Client Credentials grant is used when applications request an access token to access their own resources, not on behalf of a user. Please check this link: Access Tokens.
(4) If you add the [Authorize] attribute to the method that requires authorization, if the configuration is correct, the .Net Core App will automatically request authorization from the authorization server with your information.
(5) Do you want to access end user context on resource server? Maybe this link can help you.
(6) For logging error messages, please refer to this link: How do I log authorization attempts in .net core.
Hope this can help you.

Azure API Management OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Flow

i am using the Api Manager service and i have configured my API to use Oauth authentication but to an authentication server in my company, that is, i am not using Azure Active Directory but i get the following error: An HTTP connection to authorization server could not be established or it has been unexpectedly closed. And i do not know what it is lack to configure. I tried giving access to the IP of my API in the authentication server but the problem persists.
I was able to solve my problem. It was due first to my authentication server requiring a certificate so I had to add the certificate "Certificate CA". Then within the configuration of Oauth I had to add as parameters of the bopy the Client Id and secret ID and leave as an authentication method in the body

Generate Access Token and validate against IdentityServer4 through Azure API Management

I have an external endpoint which is going to hit the Azure API gateway and that would route it to the backend API which is protected by IdentityServer4 authorization.
I am getting the access token if I hit it through the Postman client with the interactive UI from IdentityServer.
Is there a way I can get the access token required from the Azure API Management to validate against the IdentityServer4 and append it to the header in the request to the backend API?
Yes it is possible to achieve it through custom policy. You can ask your external API-Client/Consumer to paas in credentials in heaser, and then you write a policy inside inbound to can read those user credentials and do a API request (similar to your postman) and get the access token. You can then append the same token and let your request gets forwarded to backend API.
As per your problem statement, this should work. In case not, you might have to explain your scenario with more description/steps.
Here are some of the reference materials for you, I hope it helps.
Postman has a luxury of a human user seeing the UI and authorizing API access and IdentityServer4 to issue a token for Postman. There is no such luxury when call is being processed by APIM server, as you could send request for token to IdentityServer4, but who would be presented UI to authorize the action?
The only way is to provision some sort of secret to APIM (header, query, certificate) that would be recognized by IdentityServer4 to allow it issuing tokens for APIM. If such secred is available you could use send-request policy to make a call to IdentityServer4 and obtain required token.
Or make sure that every request to APIM has a token already.

WSO2 Basic Authentication returns error

I'm trying to use the authenticationendpoint application that comes with WSO2 as the new only login entry point of an old application. For testing purposes I just did a page that redirects to thi URL
The login page appears as expected, but once I set the user and password shows this message:
Authentication Error !
Something went wrong during the authentication process. Please try signing in again.
Seeing the output in the console on debug mode, this is what is shown
... Many of the same error saying that Authentication Context is null
[2017-01-06 15:40:08,836] DEBUG {org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.util.FrameworkUtils} - Authentication Context is null
[2017-01-06 15:40:08,836] DEBUG {org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.util.FrameworkUtils} - Authentication Context is null
[2017-01-06 15:40:08,836] DEBUG {org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.util.FrameworkUtils} - Authentication Context is null
[2017-01-06 15:40:08,837] DEBUG {org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.handler.request.impl.DefaultRequestCoordinator} - Session data key : 22451696
[2017-01-06 15:40:08,837] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.handler.request.impl.DefaultRequestCoordinator} - Context does not exist. Probably due to invalidated cache
I thing I'm doing something wrong, maybe there are not enough parameters sent, or they are the wrong ones, the user and password are correct because I can login into the carbon itself with it, and it is also a valid user for the testing SP.
The SP config is described:
Basic Information
Service Provider Name: Test-App
Claim configuration
Use Local Claim Dialect
Subject Claim URI
Role/Permission Configuration
Permissions AdminTest
Role Mapping AdminTest->Admin
Inbound Authentication Configuration
SAML2 Web SSO Configuration
Issuer: My-Issuer
Assertion Consumer URLs: https : //localhost/Test/main.asp
Default Assertion Consumer URL: https : //localhost/Test/main.asp
NameID format: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
Certificate alias: wso2carbon
Response Signing Algorithm: ...#rsa-sha1
Response Digest Algorithm: ...#sha1
Checked values
Enable Response Signing
Enable Single Logout
Enable Attribute Profile
Include Attributes in the Response Always
Enable IdP Initiated SSO
Enable IdP Initiated SLO
Others are in blank OAuth, OpenID, etc (let me know if that is maybe the problem, so which should be filled out.
Local and Outbound Authentication Configuration
Authentication Type: I tried with Default and Local Authentication = basic and password-reset-enforcer
This is checked:
Assert identity using mapped local subject identifier
Use tenant domain in local subject identifier
Use user store domain in local subject identifier
Request Path Authentication Configuration
Inbound Provisioning Configuration
SCIM Configuration
Dumb Mode is not enabled
The rest is left blank
I have spent many days tracking this problem but no answers or are for older versions.
I tested with JDK 7 and 8 (latest of them) I'm working with WSO2 IS 5.2.0. Someone can lead me to a solution to use this application as the only entry point for my SPs? The idea after is to send back a SAML2 response to a page in the SP side that read the information and control the authorization part.
Thanks in advance.
You have configured for a SAML SSO scenario. Therefore your SP have to call the SAML SSO endpoint of WSO2 Identity Server with a valid SAMLRequest. That is https://hostname:port/samlsso.
AuthenticationEndpoint is just an intermediary application. SAML SSO endpoint is the one that should redirect the user to AuthenticationEndpoint after first processing the SAMLRequest. You must not call it directly.
Refer this to learn how to run a sample SAML SSO application with WSO2 IS. While running that, you can monitor the HTTP Request/Response flow using a tool like SSOTracer for Firefox and understand how the communication works.
In similar to SAML SSO flow, if you are using any other authentication protocol, you first have to call the protocol specific endpoint. E.g. If you are using OAuth2 or OpenIDConnect, then you should call /oauth2 endpoint. Never /authenticationendpoint directly.

How does Azure Active Directory authentication for Azure API Apps work?

I'm trying to call an Azure API App configured with Azure AD authentication. Assume for the purposes of this question I cannot use the Azure SDK and need to write code to get a token and insert it into the API request.*
I have established that there are two modes - 'client flow' and 'server flow', where client flow entails following at least one redirect to an issuer to get a token, and server flow where the server does this for you. Since I'm talking about doing this in code, following redirects would be possible but fiddly, so I'd prefer to use a mode where the URI or URIs to visit are known ahead of time and return content, rather than redirecting. The following diagram illustrates how the gateway routes all requests.
I think the mode I need is client flow, which would go something like:
Get an access token from the identity provider (which is what? how do I find out where this resides? what is the format of the request I have to send to the IdP?)
Pass the access token to the gateway (in what format?)
Receive another token in the gateway response
Supply this token in a header when making an API request (which header?)
How am I supposed to do this? The Azure documentation doesn't give enough detail about how it works, and expects all users to just use the SDK, which hides what is actually happening.
The actual reason is that ultimately this will need to be called from BizTalk, which uses the WCF WebHttpBinding to call restful services. I'm writing a custom behaviour to insert a token header into the request, but I need to know how this token should be acquired. It's possible to run arbitrary code in BizTalk but trying to do this makes the solution complicated, and config-only or mostly-config with minimal, loosely-coupled code is the simpler solution
Just want to understand your scenario better, Because you are going to use it from BizTalk Receive Pipeline, The scenario can be simplified by enabling a customer authentication token right ? Basic username and password for your API you have hosted on the cloud. Does BizTalk want to authenticate it self with tokens for each AD User ?
To answer some of your questions
Get an access token from the identity provider (which is what? how do I find out where this resides? what is the format of the request I have to send to the IdP?)
After you have configured your AD configuration, Once you have completed the authentication, I am assuming your are using ASP.Net here, You can find everything you need about the claims on your Thread.CurrentPrincipal, You can convert it to ClaimsPrincipal like so var claimsPrincipal = Thread.CurrentPrincipal as ClaimsPrincipal; and then you will find a lot of good information on this object. Name of the user logged in, list of claims the principal has etc. I have not explored every avenue here, but this should be a good starting point.
Your API App is running on this process which means you have access to these claims in your API App code as well.
I would build a custom pipeline in BizTalk that uses Azure SDK to authenciate and build this scenario, it is a bit complicated but it will give you more control over what goes through the pipeline as well when authentication fails with permission issues and so on.