Unable to access direct routes in vuejs - vue.js

I just have deployed a VUEJS project to my Cpanel and have configured it with a subdomain as
it is working fine when I try to access through the exact domain name like
But when I try to directly access some routes like
Then its returns page not found an error. So that I cannot share a specific page with anyone.
What I am doing wrong?
if the issue is at the VUEJS side or this is due to some misconfiguration of the project at the deployment server?
thanks in advance

This is a common issue. Your server needs to be configured to serve the application at that route.
Please read HTML5 History Mode documentation for more information.


TYPO3 10.4.21 Pages accessible only via their id

Following a migration, I am trying to reconfigure TYPO3.
The backend is accessible by its url and I manage to connect. But the home page for example gives me the following error: The page did not exist or was inaccessible. Reason: No site configuration found.
All pages are not accessible by their url normally but are accessible through different query parameters, like /index.php?id=2&L=0.
I already tried to replace the .htaccess with the basic one provided by TYPO3, I also checked the Apache configuration and everything seems to be ok. I am not familiar with the TYPO3 CMS so I don't know if some of these configurations are done directly in its files. To me, it seems to be a mod_rewrite problem but I can't find it.
Someone would have a solution or at least a track to solve this problem?
As stated in the error message that you've posted it seems that the site configuration is missing. In the TYPO3 backend you can create new site configuration via Site Management => Sites.
Please check the site handling documentation for details.

Vue : 404 page not found after refresh page

I have Vue website works correctlly on localhost ,after I build it and uploaded it on server ,the routes works fine but have two problems :
1- when I click on route and the page open ,then if i refresh the page it gives me an error 404 page not found.
2- the connect to api by axios don't work?
How can I solve them?
The problem is your web server. Make sure that your web server (Apache, Nginx, Express etc.) always points to the Index.html.
Your web server is not aware that the SPA should do the routing.

Links in Express app missing API Gateway stage with Claudia JS

I've deployed a very basic Express app through Claudia JS. It's working pretty well, but any links or redirects don't keep the API Gateway stage and so don't work.
For example I have the app deployed at http://example.execute-api.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/production - that's the equivalent of http://localhost:3000 when running locally. If there is a link on that page along the lines of <a href="/test"> that goes to http://localhost:3000/test locally, but through the api gateway it goes to http://example.execute-api.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/test - losing the /production part of the URL and therefore not working.
Is there a way to get Express to know that all routes need to be prefaced with /production?
The alternate solution is to use a custom domain, but that seems like a lot of hassle to solve what seems like it should be just a bit of config.
You can use something like this to build the base URL;

Published Aurelia Application Virtual Directory 404 Error

I have a .NETCORE application being an Aurelia Framework app. I also have a .NETCORE Web API. To publish these to the server I use the CMD .net publish --framework netcoreapp1.0.
I host this site on the Default Web Site which is pointing to the Aurelia app. Inside of this site I have another application being the web api. The site and API run great. I recently tried to create a Virtual Directory to server my images. Any time I try to navigate to //mywebserver/images I get nothing but 404 errors. I can play with the permissions and have it give me a 401.2 unauthorized, but any other time I just get a 404 error.
I can create a dummy website pointing to the IIS wwwroot folder, create a virtual directory and it works like it should, so I would think it has something to do with these published apps.
For anyone who stumbles across this question. Shortly after posting I came across some information on a site. http://www.jauernig-it.de/asp-net-coreiis-serving-content-from-a-file-share/
Matthias discusses that with .netcore Virtual Directories are basically dead and you should start using app.UseFileServer in your startup.cs file.
Thank you
I seems that the '404' Http return code is the default error code in published .netCore apps (I had this return with a sql server connection problem).
I think it is not related to Aurelia. use app.UseFileServer to handle your images.

Connection String to start Storefront

I have deployed the Virto Commerce Manager to IIS successfully. However when I build the website and start Storefront I get an error when I click Let's Start.
What should the connectionString be in my Web.config?
I tried:
For the default installation should be http://localhost/admin/api/. Can you open the admin site? It looks like you trying to access /admin and it is not opening and it also looks like you running using IIS Express intead of just IIS.
How did you setup Virto Commerce (which guide or approach did you use)?
Your connection string is correct, but the Let's start link is not. It should point to the absolute URL http://localhost/admin while it points to relative /admin instead, so the full link is http://localhost:53032/admin and it is invalid.
You can navigate to http://localhost/admin manually and import the sample catalog. After that the storefront should show the home page with products.