Datatable - Search for data in tooltip - datatables

I'm using client side rendering to render a table with data that is sometimes too long to display on a page. I therefore display only the first 50 characters and add a ... with a tooltip containing all of the content.
<td data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-container="body" title="#r.Items">
#(string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Items) ? "" : r.Items.Substring(0, Math.Min(r.Items.Length, 50)) + (r.Items.Length > 50 ? "..." : ""))
Is there any possible way to allow the search feature to search not only for the shortened content, but also for the tooltip?


How to use v-show with dynamic element in Vuejs

I have a dynamic table rendering where columns and rows of the table are rendered dynamically.
So here I have two sibling <td> elements in each row:
<td :key="`td3-${index}`" :id="`show_${key}`" v-show="`show_${key}`">
<input type="text" :v-model="key" :name="key" :value="entry[key]" />
<td :key="`td4-${index}`">
In the onclick event of the link in the second <td> I have to show and hide the first <td> element. Since it's dynamic I will have multiple rows. So I declared a dynamic boolean in my data to show and hide the specific <td> based on the click of another <td> in the same row.
v-show="`show_${key}`" - this is show property with dynamic key
show_firstname: false,
show_lastname: false,
show_email: false,
show_orgname: false
I created separate boolean elements for every <td> in each row.
But whenever I change the value of v-show property with the on click of second <td> element it's not making any difference. So I could not show or hide the <td>. Maybe v-show takes "`show_${key}`" as a string value not replacing true or false correctly. Can someone help me how can I achieve this?
Why don't you try organising the show_ in an object instead of a flat list of properties?

Galen: Text verification

I have just started using Galen with Java + TestNG framework and am trying to figure out how to verify text of an element that has a CSS property display: none associated with it.
Dom structure of that element looks something like this
<td id="invoice-gridrow-1-cell-2">
<span class="textbox-container horizontal-layout controlElement">
<input class="textbox-control cost right" type="text" value="1" id="invoice-gridrow-1-cell-2-txt-0" aria-label="">
<span class="shadow-textbox textbox-control cost right" tabindex="0">1</span>
Element span class="shadow-textbox textbox-control cost right"has a property display: none associated with itself.
I would like to verify the text of that span (span class="shadow-textbox textbox-control cost right"), but it says that the element is not visible on page
I tried to verify text of its parent span element span class="textbox-container horizontal-layout controlElement", but it says that the text is "" but should be "1"
Any help on this would be highly appreciated.

Element is no longer attached to the Dom error for link

I try to get a href from an anchor according to linkText given with func param (for example here Westwood or Linda).
In the code below I changed classes values (cause of company info), but beside thats the code. For each <tr> the hrefs are identical for both <td>, but different from <tr> to <tr>
I get the 1st href with:
driver.findElemnt(By.xpath("//a[#class = 'class Name of a']").getAttribute("href")
or the same with:
xpath="//a[#class = 'class Name of a'][1]";
but when I go:
"//a[#class = 'class Name of a'][2]" or 3 or 4...
or when I use:
It fails, so I never get beyond the 1st <td> of the first <tr>.
The Error: oopenqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException : Element
is no longer attached to the Dom.
The Elements are visible all the time, so its not a visibility problem.
This is the html:
<tr class="Class name for tr here">
<td headers="description _ CustomerList:lastName">
<td headers="description _CustomerList:firstName">
You're trying to retrieve the second anchor tag within the same parent (in the example document: table cells).
Instead of
//a[#class = 'class Name of a'][2]
query the second anchor tag in the whole document:
(//a[#class = 'class Name of a'])[2]
Some more examples how to use positional predicates (I omitted the class predicate here):
Anchor tags from all second table cells per row:
Second anchor tag per row:

Selenium webdriver-java: how to get javascript tooltip

I want to get tooltip information enabling on JavaScript. I have tried with below code but its shown null every time.
Java Code:
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='content']/div/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[3]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/span/div/a"));
HTML Code is:
<tr class="single" name="Tasks_59c777d9-8d16-694a-7307-52caad36d751">
<td data-type="custom_task_name">
<span class="list" sfuuid="3840" data-original-title="">
<div class="ellipsis_inline" data-original-title="">
Task Testing
Toney Harber
I have tried with span tag but this also shows null.
I am providing you 2 options try both.
Option 1
Please try below. It will return you a list. Loop through it. If there is only one span then you can get the element and then get the attribute value.
Option 2
Instead of
use findElements
It will return a list of web elements. Loop thorough it you might get more than one element.

Dynamically Assigning value to hyperlink for file Downloads

MVC3 VB.NET Razor view Application... I have a view that uses a for each loop to display all the available courses. Next to each of these I would like to place a Html link to download that courses class handout file. Problem is I have not found anything on any forums about assigning the value to the hyperlink dynamically since it will vary with every iteration of the for each loop. I have coded the model to hold the file name associated with each class. Below is a snippet from the view...
#For Each item In Model
Dim currentItem = item
Dim Handout = Path.Combine((AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + "CourseHandouts\") + currentItem.handoutFile1
#Html.DisplayFor(Function(modelItem) currentItem.course_ref)
#Html.DisplayFor(Function(modelItem) currentItem.course_title)
<td>#Html.DisplayFor(Function(modelitem) currentItem.course_start)</td>
<td>#Html.DisplayFor(Function(modelitem) currentItem.course_end)</td>
<td id="Actions">
#Html.ActionLink("Details", "CourseDetails", New With {.id = currentItem.course_id})
Course Handout
Anyone have any ideas on how I could create a unique download link for each file???
You need to make the link point to a client-facing URL:
<a href="#Url.Content("~/CourseHandouts/" + currentItem.handoutFile1)">
you also have the much overlooked #Href() which can be popped in in place of #Url.Content():
Download File