How telegram link cache be reused - telegram-bot

Telegram caches info about URLs (thumbnails, media dimensions, info if mp4 link is an Animation or a Video etc)
Can I access those information via Bot API?


whatsapp link custom device for message processing

There is a feature in whatsapp to link his app with an other device.
I can not find any documentation about it, I do not know if this is open.
I would like to be able to link my whatsapp to a custom app, so I can do some process on my messages

Youtube live chat embed not working in mobile

<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="500" src="" width="480"></iframe>
This is the Iframe code for the youtube live chat embed.
It works fine in desktop view but return a javascript error in mobile view and no content is shown
Official YouTube documentation
Embed Live chat
Note: embedding live chat isn't available on mobile
During a live stream, you can embed live chat on your own site by
using an iframe.
Get the video ID for the live stream. You can get the video ID from
the watch page URL ( In this case, the
video ID is ‘12345’. If you chose "Stream now," right-click on the
player and select Copy video URL to get the video URL.
Get the domain
URL for the site you want to embed chat on. If you're embedding chat
on, your embedding domain is
Combine the embedded URL in the following way:
This is the URL for your iframe. Note the embed_domain must match the
the URL of the page you’re embedding the chat on. If they are
different, the embedded chat will not load.
We just wanted to embed the youtube chat and found this on Google Support.
Unfortunately, Youtube chat embed isn’t available on mobile web according to google:
Take care,

How to start and publish On Air Hangout via API

I want to have "gimme air" slack command that would:
Create Hangout on Air and make it available for given google domain
Record it™
Publish on YouTube as an unlisted video
Retrieve the link
Per this and this question, I can see it's possible to render the button into webpage, but I'd like to get it started automatically.
Is there a way to do that via an API?

Video Sync Down

Has anyone been seeing issues with the video sync service for Glass being down this weekend?
Specifically, videos I take aren't being synced to G+ and by extension my callback endpoints aren't being notified when when a share of video to a contact happens.
Yup I have been having issues specifically related to video:
Notifications for timeline attachments that are video aren't coming in
Sharing video onto G+ isn't working (doing it through glass)
AutoBackup for G+ videos isn't working

Accessing YouTube live streams with Web Audio API

Is it possible to access YouTube live stream content (video/audio) in Javascript and Web Audio API e.g. for real-time mixing of the audio content?
Is the payload HTML5 compatible or is it Flash only?
... or is access to these streams limited via CORS or licensing clauses?
In my case, live streams would be created in Google Hangout
You can only access the content for HTML5 streams, and of course I'd expect this would not be available in the future for encrypted streams. Hangouts use a plugin right now, so you can't do this.