Can anyone help me in recording script using recording controller in jmeter? - automation

I have done till creation of proxy sever.Facing some socket broken issue on running the scripts in firefox
When i perform some actions everything is working then some error occurs
also explain what is jmeter tree model and jmeternode is?
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
// recordingController recordingcontroller=new recordingController("testrecorder",RecordController.class);
// RecordingController rc= (RecordingController) recordingcontroller.buildTestElement();
RecordingController rc = new RecordingController();
GenericController gc = new GenericController();
LoopController loopController = new LoopController();
loopController.setProperty(TestElement.TEST_CLASS, LoopController.class.getName());
loopController.setProperty(TestElement.GUI_CLASS, LoopControlPanel.class.getName());
ThreadGroup threadGroup = new ThreadGroup();
ProxyControl proxyController = new ProxyControl();
// proxyController.setProperty(TestElement.TEST_CLASS, ProxyControl.class.getName());
// proxyController.setProperty(TestElement.GUI_CLASS, ProxyControlGui.class.getName());
proxyController.setName("Proxy Recorder");
// threadGroup.setSamplerController(rc);
// proxyController.setSamplerTypeName("SAMPLER_TYPE_JAVA_SAMPLER");
TestPlan testPlan = new TestPlan("My_Test_Plan");
JMeterTreeModel jtm = new JMeterTreeModel();
JMeterTreeNode node = new JMeterTreeNode(proxyController,jtm);
// JMeterTreeNode node=new JMeterTreeNode();
// proxyController.setCaptureHttpHeaders(true);
// proxyController.setUseKeepAlive(true);
// proxyController.setGroupingMode(4);

I don't think non-GUI proxy recording is something you can achieve with vanilla JMeter, if you have to automate the recording process you will have to go for desktop applications automation solutions like Appium or LDTP
If you need to record a JMeter script using Firefox on a system which doesn't have GUI I can think of following approaches:
Use Proxy2JMX Converter module of Taurus tool
Use BlazeMeter Proxy Recorder (by the way it has nice feature of exporting recorded scenarios in "SmartJMX" mode with automatic detection and correlation of dynamic parameters)


Code coverage in SimpleTest

Is there any way to generate code coverage report when using SimpleTest similar to PHPUnit.
I have read the documentation of SimpleTest on their website but can not find a clear way on how to do it!
I came across this website that says
we can add require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/coverage.php')
to the intended file and it should generate the report, but it did not work!
If there is a helpful website on how to generate code coverage, please share it here.
Thanks alot.
I could not get it to work in the officially supported way either, but here is something I got working that I was able to hack together by examining their code. This works for v1.1.7 of SimpleTest, not their master code. At the time of this writing v1.1.7 is the latest release, and works with new versions of PHP 7, even though it is an old release.
First off you have to make sure you have Xdebug installed, configured, and working. On my system there is both a CLI and Apache version of the php.ini file that have to be configured properly depending on if I am trying to use PHP through Apache or just directly from the terminal. There are alternatives to Xdebug, but most people us Xdebug.
Then, you have to make the PHP_CodeCoverage library accessible from your code. I recommend adding it to your project as a composer package.
Now you just have to manually use that library to capture code coverage and generate a report. How exactly you do that will depend on how you run your tests. Personally, I run my tests on the terminal, and I have a bootstrap file that php runs before it starts the script. At the end of the bootstrap file, I include the SimpleTest autorun file so it will automatically run the tests in any test classes that get included like so:
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/simpletest/simpletest/autorun.php';
Somewhere inside your bootstrap file you will need to create a filter, whitelist the directories and files you want to get reported, create a coverage object and pass in the filter to the constructor, start coverage, and create and register a shutdown function that will change the way SimpleTest executes the tests to make sure it also stops the coverage and generates the coverage report. Your bootstrap file might look something like this:
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
$filter = new \SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Filter();
$coverage = new \SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\CodeCoverage(null, $filter);
$coverage->start('<name of test>');
function shutdownWithCoverage($coverage)
$autorun = function_exists('\run_local_tests'); // provided by simpletest
if ($autorun) {
$result = \run_local_tests(); // this actually runs the tests
$writer = new \SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Report\Html\Facade;
$writer->process($coverage, __DIR__.'/tmp/code-coverage-report');
if ($autorun) {
// prevent tests from running twice:
exit($result ? 0 : 1);
register_shutdown_function('\shutdownWithCoverage', $coverage);
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/simpletest/simpletest/autorun.php';
It took me some time to figure out, as - to put it mildly - the documentation for this feature is not really complete.
Once you have your test suite up and running, just include these lines before the lines that are actually running it:
require_once ('simpletest/extensions/coverage/coverage.php');
require_once ('simpletest/extensions/coverage/coverage_reporter.php');
$coverage = new CodeCoverage();
$coverage->log = 'coverage/log.sqlite'; // This folder should exist
$coverage->includes = ['.*\.php$']; // Modify these as you wish
$coverage->excludes = ['simpletest.*']; // Or it is even better to use a setting file
$coverage->maxDirectoryDepth = '1';
Then run your tests, for instance:
$test = new ProjectTests(); //It is an extension of the class TestSuite
$test->run(new HtmlReporter());
Finally generate your reports
$handler = new CoverageDataHandler($coverage->log);
$report = new CoverageReporter();
$report->reportDir = 'coverage/report'; // This folder should exist
$report->title = 'Code Coverage Report';
$report->coverage = $handler->read();
$report->untouched = $handler->readUntouchedFiles();
$report->summaryFile = $report->reportDir . '/index.html';
And that's it. Based on your setup, you might need to make some small adjustment to make it work. For instance, if you are using the autorun.php from simpletest, that might be a bit more tricky.

Run debug configuration programmatically

I use Chrome DevTools to debug java script code and I need it to run programmatically from my plugin.
(If I understood the slightly brief question.)
You want to make a ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy, set the attributes on it, optionally save it, then launch it.
The Launch Manager is very useful as you can do stuff with launches using it.
Here is a simple example:
ILaunchManager manager = DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager();
ILaunchConfigurationType launchType = launchMgr.getLaunchConfigurationType("type id (from plugin.xml)");
ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy wc = launchType.newInstance(null, manager.generateLaunchConfigurationName("Name Here"));
ILaunchConfiguration lc = wc.doSave();
Launch launch = lc.launch(ILaunchManager.DEBUG_MODE, new NullProgressMonitor());

how to Pass command line argument ( baseURL) for selenium WebDriver

Kindly help.
i have created a runnable jar for my Selenium webDriver suite. now i have to test this in multiple environment( QA , Demo box, Dev ). But my manager doesnt what it to be hard coded like below
As the baseURl will change according to the need. My script is given to the build team. So all they will do in the command prompt is
java -jar myproject-1.0.1.jar
So my manager has asked me to send the baseUrl as a command line argument so that build team do not have to go to my script and manually change the baseUrl. They should be able to change the URL every time they run the script from the command line itself. Something like this
java -jar myproject-1.0.1.jar ""
Can somebody please guide me through this. Is it possible to send command line arguments to Selenium Web Driver driver.get(baseUrl)
Thanks in advance
From your question above I recon you want pass URL at runtime, means your URL changes time to time so beside hardcoded URL , you want pass at the time your automation code runs. So, let me give you 2 simple solutions.
You can send URL dynamically or at Run time by using javascript executor:
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
js.executeScript("var pr=prompt('Enter your URL please:',''); alert(pr);");
String URL = driver.switchTo().alert().getText();
}catch(Throwable e)
Use this code in place of driver.get(); , so that a prompt box will appear when you run your code and within 15 secs or it will throw a error(you can change the time in Thread.Sleep) you will give the current Valid URL and hit Enter, the navigation will go to the URL. So that you can use different URL for same set of testscripts.
By using Scanner Class:
String url = "";
System.out.println("Enter the URL :");
Scanner s = new Scanner(;
url =;
By using this you can give needed URL in your Console (If you are using Eclipse).
I recommend try Javascript excutor in your code and then create a runnable jar file and just run the Jar file, you will know and it will be the better solution than commandline URL passing . Let me know :)
Another way is to supply arguments this way and extract them in runtime like this
String URL= System.getProperty("url")

Hadoop Map reduce Testing - custom record reader

I have written a custom record reader and looking for sample test code to test my custom reader using MRUnit or any other testing framework. Its working fine as per the functionality but I would like to add test cases before I make an install. Any help would be appreciable.
In my opinion, a custom record reader is like any iterator. For testing my record reader I have been able to work without MRUnit or any other hadoop junit frameworks. The test executes quickly and the footprint is small too. Initialize the record reader in your test case and keep iterating on it. Here is a pseudocode from one of my tests. I can provide you more details if you want to proceed in this direction.
MyInputFormat myInputFormat = new MyInputFormat();
//configure job and provide input format configuration
Job job = Job.getInstance(conf, "test");
conf = job.getConfiguration();
// verify split type and count if you want to verify the input format also
List<InputSplit> splits = myInputFormat.getSplits(job);
TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader = myInputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(1), context);
reader.initialize(splits.get(1), context);
for (; number of expected value;) {
// verify key and value
assertEquals(expectedLong, reader.getCurrentKey());

Application name is not set. Call Builder#setApplicationName. error

Application: Connecting to BigQuery using BigQuery APIs for Java
Environment: Eclipse, Windows 7
My application was running fine until last night. I've made no changes (except for restarting my computer) and my code is suddenly giving me this error:
Application name is not set. Call Builder#setApplicationName.
Thankfully I had a tar'd version of my workspace from last night. I ran a folder compare and found the local_db.bin file was different. I deleted the existing local_db.bin file and tried to run the program again. And it worked fine!
Any idea why this might have happened?
Hopefully this will help anyone else who stumbles upon this issue.
Try this to set your application name
Drive service = new Drive.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, null)
.setApplicationName("Your app name")
If you are working with only Firebase Dynamic Links without Android or iOS app
Try this.
FirebaseUtil is custom class add keys and application name to this class
FirebaseDynamicLinks.Builder builder = new FirebaseDynamicLinks.Builder(
GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(), JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance(), null);
// initialize with api key
FirebaseDynamicLinksRequestInitializer firebaseDynamicLinksRequestInitializer = new FirebaseDynamicLinksRequestInitializer(
// build dynamic links
FirebaseDynamicLinks firebasedynamiclinks =;
// create Firebase Dynamic Links request
CreateShortDynamicLinkRequest createShortLinkRequest = new CreateShortDynamicLinkRequest();
createShortLinkRequest.setLongDynamicLink(firebaseUtil.getFirebaseUrlPrefix() + "?link=" + urlToShorten);
Suffix suffix = new Suffix();
// request short url
FirebaseDynamicLinks.ShortLinks.Create request = firebasedynamiclinks.shortLinks()
CreateShortDynamicLinkResponse createShortDynamicLinkResponse = request.execute();