Is there a way to make hx-trigger dependent on the selected value? - htmx

I have a box with multiple options. For certain options, I need to display another select, but not for the other ones.
<option value="scala">Scala</option>
<option value="java">Java</option>
Is there some way in hx-trigger to only perform the trigger based on the value of the selected option?


Shopify loop through Field group - Advance custom fields

Im using Advance custom fields app on shopify and created repeatable set of fields using Field group option given.
The issue is I can not find a way to loop through filed groups. One field groups contain all the sub fields inside it.
Custom field setup look like this,
This for a cocktails list so, I have made cocktail as field group and added name, description inside. You can repeat cocktail field group then name. description and other sub fields get repeated along with it which is perfect.
This is how it looks to enter the data
Field Group as you see in shared screenshots is only for Advanced Custom Fields app. For you to access the data, if it is a repeatable field you get the Array as value, if unrepeatable you get the raw value.
Repeatable vs Unrepeatable Fields
For your scenario, you can do something like this. Each field value would be an array.
{%for value in}
{%for value in page.metafields.arena.description%}

v-autocomplete does not show drop down if the search term does not match

I have a search box using v-autocomplete where the user can search based on institution name or city. The drop down will display only the institution names. When a user search for by city, I see that v-autocomplete has the data (on looking from debugger) but the drop down is not displayed for user to pick an institution. When a user search by institution name, it displays the drop down correctly.
I suspect v-autocomplete component match the search term with the data and display the drop down only if there is a match. Is there a way to get around this?
Sorry if it takes more than two years to have a response but I was stucked at this same point and I think that an answer can help other people searching for a solution!
It is enought to add the attribute no-filter to the tag:
Hope it may be helpfull.

How to perform multiple selections in a Qlikview Straight Table?

How would I go about making multiple selections in a QlikView straight table?
For example, how would I select the 1st and 5th rows at the same time?
There is a section about multiple selections in the QlikView 11 - Reference Manual :
14.5 Multiple Selection Within a Field
Multiple selections within a field (from one lisstrong textt box) can be made in a number of ways:
Position the cursor in the list box, then drag it over a number of field values while pressing the
mouse button.
Click the first field value to be selected, then CTRL-click each additional selection.
Click the top item to be selected, then SHIFT-click the bottom item to be selected. This way all the
items in between will be selected. However, if the sort mechanism is on, the first selection may cause
the order to change, which makes it difficult to make a correct second selection.
Confirm a text search (see below) by hitting the ENTER key. This will result in all matching field
values being selected. By keeping the CTRL key depressed while pressing ENTER the selections
from the text search will be added to previous selections.
To deselect a previously made additional selection, CTRL-click it.
If a multiple selection is made in one list box, and make a new selection from the available optional values
in another list box, some of the selected values in the first list box may get excluded. However, when the
selection in the second list box is canceled, the previous selections will, by default, be recovered.
A multiple selection can be interpreted in two different ways, either as a logical or or as a logical and.
Default is logical or, i.e. QlikView will find a solution that is associated to one or more of the selected field
For straight tables, you can only select items next to each other. Ctrl-Select only works for listboxes

Single Selection in Html.ListBox()

I have a Scenerio to Select single value from the list box, it is possible to disable multiple selection
Html.ListBox("Employees",ViewData["Employees"] as SelectList)
2ndly how to show the results back on edit???????
I have a Scenerio to Select single value from the list box, it is
possible to disable multiple selection
Use a DropDownList instead of ListBox if you want single selection.

In SharePoint 2010, datasheet view for a list is not allowing me to update items

In SharePoint 2010, datasheet view for a list is not allowing me to update items.
Its giving an error saying, "all the required fields are not included in the view, Please include all the required fields in the view before updating items"
My List has two content types (A & B) associated to it.
I have included all the required columns from two content types (A & B). Still not able to use datasheet view for updating items.
There are few things to consider,
1) Make all the columns of two content types (A & B) optional.
Do it for List content type and Site content type.
2) You have to make all the list columns optional. For doing this, you have to first uncheck "Allow management of content types" from advanced settings of a list.
After doing this, you will be shownn all list columns with "Required" column as well. Now you can go to list column settings by selecting a list column and make it optional.
If you do not uncheck "Allow management of content types", you can't know whether list column is required or optional and you don't have a way to make it optional.Bookmark
Please check the all views of the list. There will be one columns which is require but you did not include. Check the view settings.