Why does adding a SUM(column) throw a group by error [SQL] - sql

I found some similar questions, but none of the solutions would work, nor did they explain what was causing the issue.
I have a working query
SELECT pages.pageString pageName, timeSpent
(SELECT `page_id`, SUM(`time_spent`) as timeSpent
FROM `pageViews`
WHERE `time_spent` > 0
GROUP BY `page_id`) myTable
JOIN pages ON pages.id = page_id
This returns results that look like
| pageName | timeSpent |
| page 1 | 394292 |
| page 2 | 66990 |
| page 3 | 53896 |
| page 4 | 37796 |
| page 5 | 14982 |
I'd like to add a column containing the percentage of timeSpent relative to the other pages, to start I added a SUM(timeSpent) to my query but that throws an error
In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column 'pages.pageString'
Im not sure why this column is effected by adding this new column to the select statement.
Sadly any solution involving changing sql settings won't work due to company policy.
I appreciate any advice
The failing sql statement is
SELECT pages.pageString pageName, timeSpent FROM
(SELECT `page_id`, SUM(`time_spent`) as timeSpent FROM
`pageViews` WHERE `time_spent` > 0 GROUP BY `page_id`) myTable
JOIN pages ON pages.id = page_id ORDER BY timeSpent DESC LIMIT 5
As per the first answer I added a groupBy which solves the error
SELECT pages.pageString pageName, timeSpent, SUM(timeSpent) FROM
(SELECT `page_id`, SUM(`time_spent`) as timeSpent FROM `pageViews` WHERE `time_spent` > 0 GROUP BY `page_id`) myTable
JOIN pages ON pages.id = page_id GROUP BY pageName ORDER BY timeSpent DESC LIMIT 5
This however does not give the proper output
| pageName | timeSpent | SUM(timeSpent) |
| page 1. | 390210 | 390210 |
| page 2 | 66972 | 66972 |
| page3 | 52332 | 52332 |
| page4 | 25454 | 25454 |
| page5 | 13552 | 13552 |
Ideally this SUM(timeSpent) would be 390210+ 66972 + 52332 + 25454 + 13552 so that I may do timeSpent / SUM(timeSpent)

You did not say where you tried to put the sum(timeSpent) but I believe one can try to reconstruct with the error message:
In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column 'pages.pageString'
It says what the problem is. You added sum(timeSpent) to the projection, but the SQL statement does not have a GROUP BY, in particular it mentions the first item which should be aggregated pages.pageString.
It would mention the other ones too, once you fix this one.
On the other hand, please make sure you post exactly the failing SQL statement instead of trying to describe how to get the error you have. It's better for us who try to help.
You have two tables/views pages and pageViews. The first one is used to get the page name. I would just focus on the time calculation to make things easier. Figuring out the name afterwards is simple, because it is directly connected to the page_id.
The first information you want is the sum of all times spent so that you can calculate the ratio to this sum.
This is simply an aggregation where you sum the times over all pages.
The second information you want is the sum of the times per page_id. You already know how to do that. You group by the page_id while aggregating the sums of each.
Try to put those two together now. You have the first statement of which the result shall be applied to each row of the second statement so that you get the table form page_id, time_spent_page, time_spent_all.
When you have step 3 then it is easy to add the page_name now, since you have the page_id which is required for a simple join.
I tried no to give away the solution. Maybe you like to try again following the steps above. If you have difficulties, simply leave a comment (maybe showing how far you got).
It might look complex in the beginning, but once you have done that successfully I hope you'll see that it can be simple.

Adding a column containing the percentage of timeSpent relative to the sum of all pages
SELECT pages.pageString pageName, timeSpent,
, timeSpent / sum(timeSpent) over() * 100 p
(SELECT `page_id`, SUM(`time_spent`) as timeSpent
FROM `pageViews`
WHERE `time_spent` > 0
GROUP BY `page_id`) myTable
JOIN pages ON pages.id = page_id


Get total count and first 3 columns

I have the following SQL query:
SELECT TOP 3 accounts.username
,COUNT(accounts.username) AS count
FROM relationships
JOIN accounts ON relationships.account = accounts.id
WHERE relationships.following = 4
AND relationships.account IN (
SELECT relationships.following
FROM relationships
WHERE relationships.account = 8
I want to return the total count of accounts.username and the first 3 accounts.username (in no particular order). Unfortunately accounts.username and COUNT(accounts.username) cannot coexist. The query works fine removing one of the them. I don't want to send the request twice with different select bodies. The count column could span to 1000+ so I would prefer to calculate it in SQL rather in code.
The current query returns the error Column 'accounts.username' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. which has not led me anywhere and this is different to other questions as I do not want to use the 'group by' clause. Is there a way to do this with FOR JSON AUTO?
The desired output could be:
| count | username |
| 1551 | simon1 |
| 1551 | simon2 |
| 1551 | simon3 |
| JSON_F52E2B61-18A1-11d1-B105-00805F49916B |
| [{"count": 1551, "usernames": ["simon1", "simon2", "simon3"]}] |
If you want to display the total count of rows that satisfy the filter conditions (and where username is not null) in an additional column in your resultset, then you could use window functions:
COUNT(a.username) OVER() AS cnt
FROM relationships r
JOIN accounts a ON r.account = a.id
r.following = 4
SELECT 1 FROM relationships t1 WHERE r1.account = 8 AND r1.following = r.account
Side notes:
if username is not nullable, use COUNT(*) rather than COUNT(a.username): this is more efficient since it does not require the database to check every value for nullity
table aliases make the query easier to write, read and maintain
I usually prefer EXISTS over IN (but here this is mostly a matter of taste, as both techniques should work fine for your use case)

SQL: SUM of MAX values WHERE date1 <= date2 returns "wrong" results

Hi stackoverflow users
I'm having a bit of a problem trying to combine SUM, MAX and WHERE in one query and after an intense Google search (my search engine skills usually don't fail me) you are my last hope to understand and fix the following issue.
My goal is to count people in a certain period of time and because a person can visit more than once in said period, I'm using MAX. Due to the fact that I'm defining people as male (m) or female (f) using a string (for statistic purposes), CHAR_LENGTH returns the numbers I'm in need of.
SELECT SUM(max_pers) AS "People"
SELECT "guests"."id", MAX(CHAR_LENGTH("guests"."gender")) AS "max_pers"
FROM "guests"
GROUP BY "guests"."id")
So far, so good. But now, as stated before, I'd like to only count the guests which visited in a certain time interval (for statistic purposes as well).
SELECT "statistic"."id", SUM(max_pers) AS "People"
SELECT "guests"."id", MAX(CHAR_LENGTH("guests"."gender")) AS "max_pers"
FROM "guests"
GROUP BY "guests"."id"),
"statistic", "guests"
WHERE ( "guests"."arrival" <= "statistic"."from" AND "guests"."departure" >= "statistic"."to")
GROUP BY "statistic"."id"
This query returns the following, x = desired result:
x * (x+1)
So if the result should be 3, it's 12. If it should be 5, it's 30 etc.
I probably could solve this algebraic but I'd rather understand what I'm doing wrong and learn from it.
Thanks in advance and I'm certainly going to answer all further questions.
PS: I'm using LibreOffice Base.
EDIT: An example
guests table:
ID | arrival | departure | gender |
10 | 1.1.14 | 10.1.14 | mf |
10 | 15.1.14 | 17.1.14 | m |
11 | 5.1.14 | 6.1.14 | m |
12 | 10.2.14 | 24.2.14 | f |
13 | 27.2.14 | 28.2.14 | mmmmmf |
statistic table:
ID | from | to | name |
1 | 1.1.14 | 31.1.14 |January | expected result: 3
2 | 1.2.14 | 28.2.14 |February| expected result: 7
MAX(...) is the wrong function: You want COUNT(DISTINCT ...).
Add proper join syntax, simplify (and remove unnecessary quotes) and this should work:
FROM statistic s
LEFT JOIN guests g ON g.arrival <= s."from" AND g.departure >= s."too"
Note: Using LEFT join means you'll get a result of zero for statistics ids that have no guests. If you would rather no row at all, remove the LEFT keyword.
You have a very strange data structure. In any case, I think you want:
SELECT s.id, sum(numpersons) AS People
FROM (select g.id, max(char_length(g.gender)) as numpersons
from guests g join
statistic s
on g.arrival <= s."from" AND g.departure >= s."too"
group by g.id
) g join
GROUP BY s.id;
Thanks for all your inputs. I wasn't familiar with JOIN but it was necessary to solve my problem.
Since my databank is designed in german, I made quite the big mistake while translating it and I'm sorry if this caused confusion.
Selecting guests.id and later on grouping by guests.id wouldn't make any sense since the id is unique. What I actually wanted to do is select and group the guests.adr_id which links a visiting guest to an adress databank.
The correct solution to my problem is the following code:
SELECT statname, SUM (numpers) FROM (
SELECT statistic.name AS statname, guests.adr_id, MAX( CHAR_LENGTH( guests.gender ) ) AS numpers
FROM guests
JOIN statistics ON (guests.arrival <= statistics.too AND guests.departure >= statistics.from )
GROUP BY guests.adr_id, statistic.name )
GROUP BY statname
I also noted that my database structure is a mess but I created it learning by doing and haven't found any time to rewrite it yet. Next time posting, I'll try better.

PostgreSQL calculate the top places per group and other statistics

I have a table with the following structure
|user_id | place | type_of_place | money_earned| time |
| | | | | |
The table is very large, several millions of rows. The data is in a PostgreSQL 9.1 database.
I want to calculate, per user_id and type_of_place: the mean, the standard deviation, and the top 5 of places (ordered by counts), and the most used hour of time (mode).
The resulting data must be in this form:
| user_id | type_of_place | avg | stddev | top5_places | mode |
| 1 | tp1 | 10 | 1 | {p1,p2,p3,p4,p5} | 8 |
| 2 | tp1 | 3 | 2 | {p3,p4} | 23 |
| 1 | tp3 | 1 | 1 | {p1} | 4 |
Is there a for of doing this with window functions efficiently?
What if I want to grouping by week? (i.e. another column that represents the number of week)
Thank you!
A standard GROUP BY query will get you most of the way:
avg(money_earned) AS avg,
stddev(money_earned) AS stddev
earnings -- I'm not sure what your data table is called...
This leaves the top5_places and mode columns. These are both also aggregates, but not ones which are defined in the standard PostgreSQL installation. Luckily, you can add them.
Here's a page discussing how to define a mode aggregate function: http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Aggregate_Mode
Once you have a mode aggregate function, assuming time is a timestamp of some kind, the expression you will add to the select list will be:
mode(extract(hour FROM time)) AS mode -- Add this expression
Assuming order by money
For top5_places, there are several approaches, but the quickest is probably to use PostgreSQL's builtin array_agg function, and take the first 5 elements:
(array_agg(place ORDER BY money_earned DESC))[1:5] AS top5_places -- Add this expression
One alternative is to define another aggregate called (for instance) top5, which performs the same function. This could be more efficient if there are many distinct places for each user/type of place combination, since it can stop accumulating after the first 5, whereas the above expression will generally build a complete array of all places, and then truncate to the first 5.
This assumes that a place has a unique earnings entry for each user/type combination. If a place can occur more than once, and you want to sort by sum(money_earned) for each place, then you need to use a subquery like in the examples below...
Order by counts
Ok, so the places should be ordered by how often they occur. Here's a quick way, which uses a couple of subqueries -- add this as an expression to the select-clause of the above query:
(array_agg(place ORDER BY cnt DESC))[1:5]
(SELECT place, count(*) FROM earnings AS t2
WHERE t2.user_id = earnings.user_id AND t2.type_of_place = earnings.type_of_place
GROUP BY place) AS s (place, cnt)
) AS top5_places
The inner subquery called s evaluates to a table of each place for that user/type combination, and the number of times it occurs (which I've called cnt). These are then fed to array_agg in descending order of that count.
I suspect there could be much neater (and probably more efficient) ways of writing it. If not, then I would recommend trying to move this complicated expression into a function or aggregate, if you can...
Histrogram of places in each hour
We'll use a similar expression, which will return the array of counts, ordered by hour:
array_agg(cnt ORDER BY hour DESC)
(SELECT extract(hour FROM time), count(*) FROM earnings AS t2
WHERE t2.user_id = earnings.user_id AND t2.type_of_place = earnings.type_of_place
GROUP BY 1) AS s (hour, cnt)
) AS hourly_histogram
(Add that to the select-clause of the original query.)

Access join on first record

I have two tables in an Access database, tblProducts and tblProductGroups.
I am trying to run a query that joins both of these tables, and brings back a single record for each product. The problem is that the current design allows for a product to be listed in the tblProductGroups table more than 1 - i.e. a product can be a member of more than one group (i didnt design this!)
The query is this:
select tblProducts.intID, tblProducts.strTitle, tblProductGroups.intGroup
from tblProducts
inner join tblProductGroups on tblProducts.intID = tblProductGroups.intProduct
where tblProductGroups.intGroup = 56
and tblProducts.blnActive
order by tblProducts.intSort asc, tblProducts.curPrice asc
At the moment this returns results such as:
intID | strTitle | intGroup
1 | Product 1 | 1
1 | Product 1 | 2
2 | Product 2 | 1
2 | Product 2 | 2
Whereas I only want the join to be based on the first matching record, so that would return:
intID | strTitle | intGroup
1 | Product 1 | 1
2 | Product 2 | 1
Is this possible in Access?
Thanks in advance
This option runs a subquery to find the minimum intGoup for each tblProducts.intID.
SELECT tblProducts.intID
, tblProducts.strTitle
, (SELECT TOP 1 intGroup
FROM tblProductGroups
WHERE intProduct=tblProducts.intID
ORDER BY intGroup ASC) AS intGroup
FROM tblProducts
WHERE tblProducts.blnActive
ORDER BY tblProducts.intSort ASC, tblProducts.curPrice ASC
This works for me. Maybe this helps someone:
FIRST(a.Regal) AS frstRegal,
FIRST(a.Fachboden) AS frstFachboden,
FIRST(a.xOffset) AS frstxOffset,
FIRST(a.yOffset) AS frstyOffset,
FIRST(a.xSize) AS frstxSize,
FIRST(a.ySize) AS frstySize,
FIRST(a.Platzgr) AS frstyPlatzgr,
FIRST(b.Artikel_ID) AS frstArtikel_ID,
FIRST(b.Menge) AS frstMenge,
FIRST(c.Breite) AS frstBreite,
FIRST(c.Tiefe) AS frstTiefe,
FIRST(a.Fachboden_ID) AS frstFachboden_ID,
FIRST(b.BewegungsDatum) AS frstBewegungsDatum,
FIRST(b.ErzeugungsDatum) AS frstErzeugungsDatum
FROM ((Lagerort AS a)
LEFT JOIN LO_zu_ART AS b ON a.Lagerort_ID = b.Lagerort_ID)
LEFT JOIN Regal AS c ON a.Regal = c.Regal
GROUP BY a.Lagerort_ID
ORDER BY FIRST(a.Regal), FIRST(a.Fachboden), FIRST(a.xOffset), FIRST(a.yOffset);
I have non unique entries for Lagerort_ID on the table LO_zu_ART. My goal was to only use the first found entry from LO_zu_ART to match into Lagerort.
The trick is to use FIRST() an any column but the grouped one. This may also work with MIN() or MAX(), but I have not tested it.
Also make sure to call the Fields with the "AS" statement different than the original field. I used frstFIELDNAME. This is important, otherwise I got errors.
Create a new query, qryFirstGroupPerProduct:
SELECT intProduct, Min(intGroup) AS lowest_group
FROM tblProductGroups
GROUP BY intProduct;
Then JOIN qryFirstGroupPerProduct (instead of tblProductsGroups) to tblProducts.
Or you could do it as a subquery instead of a separate saved query, if you prefer.
It's not very optimal, but if you're bringing in a few thousand records this will work:
Create a query that gets the max of tblProducts.intID from one table and call it qry_Temp.
Create another query and join qry_temp to the table you are trying to join against, and you should get your results.

MYSQL - Combining Two Results in One Query

I have a query I need to perform to show search results for a project. What needs to happen, I need to sort the results by the "horsesActiveDate" and this applies to all of them except for any ad with the adtypesID=7. Those results are sorted by date but they must always result after all other ads.
So I will have all my ads in the result set be ordered by the Active Date AND adtypesID != 7. After that, I need all adtypesID=7 to be sorted by Active Date and appended at the bottom of all the results.
I'm hoping to put this in one query instead of two and appending them together in PHP. The way the code is written, I have to find a way to get it all in one query.
So here is my original query which has worked great until I had to ad the adtypesID=7 which has different sorting requirements.
This is the query that exists now that doesn't take into account the adtypesID for sorting.
FROM horses
LEFT JOIN states ON horses.statesID = states.statesID
LEFT JOIN horses_images ON horses_images.himagesDefault = 1 AND horses_images.horsesID = horses.horsesID AND horses_images.himagesPath != ''
horses.horsesStud = 0
AND horses.horsesSold = 0
AND horses.horsesID IN
FROM horses
LEFT JOIN horses_featured ON horses_featured.horsesID = horses.horsesID
WHERE horses.horsesActive = 1
ORDER BY adtypesID, horses.horsesActiveDate DESC
My first thought was to do two queries where one looked for all the ads that did not contain adtypesID=7 and sort those as the query does, then run a second query to find only those ads with adtypesID=7 and sort those by date. Then take those two results and append them to each other. Since I need to get this all into one query, I can't use a php function to do that.
Is there a way to merge the two query results one after the other in mysql? Is there a better way to run this query that will accomplish this sorting?
The Ideal Results would be as below (I modified the column names so they would be shorter):
ID | Description | ActiveDate | adtypesID | statesName | himagesPath
3 | Ad Text | 06-01-2010 | 3 | OK | image.jpg
2 | Ad Text | 05-31-2010 | 2 | LA | image1.jpg
9 | Ad Text | 03-01-2010 | 4 | OK | image3.jpg
6 | Ad Text | 06-01-2010 | 7 | OK | image5.jpg
6 | Ad Text | 05-01-2010 | 7 | OK | image5.jpg
6 | Ad Text | 04-01-2010 | 7 | OK | image5.jpg
Any help that can be provided will be greatly appreciated!
I am not sure about the exact syntax in MySQL, but something like
ORDER BY case when adtypesID = 7 then 2 else 1 end ASC, horses.horsesActiveDate DESC
would work in many other SQL dielects.
Note that most SQL dialects allow the order by to not only be a column, but an expression.
This should work:
ORDER BY (adtypesID = 7) ASC, horses.horsesActiveDate DESC
Use a Union to append two queries together, like this:
SELECT whatever FROM wherever ORDER BY something AND adtypesID!=7
SELECT another FROM somewhere ORDER BY whocares AND adtypesID=7
I re-wrote your query as:
SELECT h.horsesID,
LEFT JOIN STATES s ON s.stateid = h.statesID
LEFT JOIN HORSES_IMAGES hi ON hi.horsesID = h.horsesID
AND hi.himagesDefault = 1
AND hi.himagesPath != ''
LEFT JOIN HORSES_FEATURED hf ON hf.horsesID = h.horsesID
WHERE h.horsesStud = 0
AND h.horsesSold = 0
AND h.horsesActive = 1
ORDER BY (adtypesID = 7) ASC, h.horsesActiveDate DESC
The IN subquery, using a LEFT JOIN and such, will mean that any horse record whose horsesActive value is 1 will be returned - regardless if they have an associated HORSES_FEATURED record. I leave it to you for checking your data to decide if it should really be an INNER JOIN. Likewise for the STATES table relationship...