Cypress randomly failed with "Http failure response" - testing

When we create an entity, some request verifies is this entity exists and return 404 it isn't. It works on all envs except China. This request is failed sometimes on this env (but sometimes works well).
For which reason this error could appear randomly?
From my test I sent the body with string which should be checked to existing on the back-end side.
My test should check if the domain duplicates or not (send api call to the back-end and got 404 if a domain does not exist in data storage - positive case), but for China environment my test case stops with status 0 error (on the screenshot above).
Code sample:
createNewOrganizationWithParameters(domain, address, subscription) {
this.fillOrgProfileTab(domain, address) // here I should recieve 404, but recieve 0
cy.contains(this.addOrgModal_subscription, subscription).click()
cy.get(this.addOrgModal_submitButton).should('be.enabled').click({ timeout: 10000 }) // here button still disabled because of 0 status
fillOrgProfileTab(domain, address) {
this.typeField(this.addOrgModal_displayNameField, domain)
this.typeField(this.addOrgModal_addressField, address)
enterOrgDomain(domain) {
this.typeField(this.addOrgModal_orgDomainField, domain)
typeField(selector, text, chainer = 'be.visible') {
Execution in spec:
createNewOrganizationWithParameters('test', 'test', 'test')
I suppose that it happens because of VPN, but not sure, because of when I'm going through the flow manually all works fine (at least I haven't faced with this issue)


Twilio mobile number verification - VerificationCheck was not found on Express

The requested resource /Services/serviceSSID/VerificationCheck was not found is the eroor showing in the console
my code is
otpLogin:async (req,res)=>{
try {
const isOTP = await{
return res.status(200).json({message:" mobile number verified"})
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).json({message:"something went wrong"})
Twilio developer evangelist here.
From the documentation:
Twilio deletes the verification SID once it’s:
expired (10 minutes)
when the max attempts to check a code have been reached
If any of these occur, verification checks will return a 404 not found error like this:
Unable to create record: The requested resource /Services/VAXXXXXXXXXXXXX/VerificationCheck was not found
If you’d like to double check what happened with a given verification - please use the logs found in the Twilio Console under your Verification Service:
I've found that if you submit a form twice by clicking a submit button twice quickly, that the verification is successfully checked and then because it was a success deleted, then the second check fails with a 404 like this and that is the error result you see. To avoid this, you should stop users from being able to submit the form twice by disabling the submit button after the first attempt.
I can confirm that philnash 2nd statement is correct. However wouldn't it have been handled way better if instead we just get a response from that the 2nd (and so on checks) failed??

Custom error status code with gqlgen + go gin

Recently I have been updating my GO REST APIs into graphQl API's and I came across issue where I am unable to customise my status code with gqlgen.
Response I got
Status Code: 200 OK
data: null,
errors: [
{message: "Unauthorized access", path: ["..."]}
Expected Header
Status Code: 401 UNAUTHORISED
Any help would be really appreciating!
Assume you have a gqlgen resolver similar to this:
func (r *queryResolver) SecretItems(ctx context.Context, userID string,
password string) ([]SecretItems, error) {
// ...
if !isAuthorized(userID, password) {
return nil, errors.New("Unauthorized access")
// ...
then the described behavior is expected. Errors should be returned as part of
the response body.
GraphQL is transport agnostic. While it is often served over HTTP, it might be
served over other client-server Protocols as well. Handling errors in the
response body requires no assumptions about the protocol. Hence, you shouldn't
rely on HTTP status codes.
Handling errors in the response body has another advantage: Assume a request
contains multiple queries. Some of them succeed, some of them fail. Then the
response can contain the result of successful queries under data and errors
related to failed queries under errors.
GraphQL website
Specification: Response
Hasura: GraphQL vs REST
Possible reason why you expected a 401 status code
The gqlgen docs on
authentication contain an example
where 401 status code is returned.
Why? This happens in a http handler used as middleware on the chi http server.
The 401 status code is not returned by a GraphQL resolver.

sending the same request multiple times in a raw. some return with status code 204 and some are ok

I'm sending a post request to the same url multiple times in a row. Some of the requests return 200 status code and some return 204 saying no content. the request updates some content in a mongo database. I don't know if this is relevant. What could cause this problem?
My index.js:'/updatetrialsession',authenticateJWT ,(req,res)=>{
var trialIdx=user.examTrials.findIndex(it=>it.trialId===req.body.trialId)
var questionIdx=req.body.questionIdx
var filter={
var update={
Note: all requests go to this url "/epdatetrialsession".
when there's a 20 sec gap between each request everything works just fine. but when the server get flooded with say a request every 2 seconds or so, some return with 204 status code
I have had the same issue once. In my experience, When sending multiple number of requests to the server within a very short period of time, sometimes the server fails to answer all of them. Depends on the server capability. Did you try to check this by, sending the request for only the ones which returns 204 one at a time and see whether they still returns a 204? If so, the server has responded correctly even when sending the requests in a row. But if the server return a content with 200 when sending one at a time, then the issue might be with the server when handling multiple requests at a time.

Difference between UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects and UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute - Status Code Pages in core

I am using UseStatusCodePages Middleware to show status code pages on my application but it shows plain text on UI without any other information,
I want to show UI with Status Code Information along with some other helpful information like Customer Support Number with more user-friendly page.
I found out we can use two extension methods to do that which is UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects and UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute. Only Difference I found out from Microsoft Docs is,
UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects : Send 302 to Client.
UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute : Send Original Status Code and Executes handler for redirect URL.
Is that the only difference?
I think that the main difference is that UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects is redirecting you to error controller action method while UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute is just rendering page with out redirecting
Controller actions
public IActionResult Error404(int code)
return View("Error404");
public IActionResult Error(int code)
return StatusCode(code);
Startup Cinfigue
Case 1 (404 Error)
Url : https://localhost:5001/notexits_page
1) UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects
Url is: https://localhost:5001/error/404
We see Error404 page
2) UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute
Url is: https://localhost:5001/notexits_page
We see Error404 page
Case2 (401 Error)
Url : https://localhost:5001/admin/users
1) UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects
Url is: https://localhost:5001/error/401
We stack in infinity loop
1) UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects
Url is: https://localhost:5001/admin/users
We see default browser error page for 401 error
When Using app.UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects("/Error/{0}") and invalid request(lets say "/abc/xyz") is raised then;
Status Code 404 is issued, app.UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects("/Error/{0}") intercepts the request and 302 status code is issued(which means URI of the requested resource has been changed temporarily)
As 302 is issued another get request is issued which results in change of the url from
"/abc/xyz" to "/Error/404".
As the request is redirected to the specific error controller the status code for the request is 200 ok in the browser developer tool.
But When Using app.UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute("/Error/{0}") and invalid request(lets say "/abc/xyz") is raised then;
app.UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute("/Error/{0}") middleware intercepts the 404 status code and re-executes the pipeline pointing it to the URL
As the middleware is re executing the pipeline the original URL "/abc/xyz" in the address bar is preserved. It does not change from "/abc/xyz" to "/Error/{0}".
Also the original status Code(404 in this case) is preserved in the developer tool.

Play framework redirecting to other method returns 303 in test

I have 2 endpoints: GET /users/me and GET /users/:id. I want to redirect the first to the second, passing the current user's ID. So I've made this method:
def getCurrentUser = SecuredAction { implicit request => { currentUserId =>"Returning current user $currentUserId's profile")
This works fine and I don't get a 303 (I think) with postman. However, the following test fails because the status is 303:
val result = userController.getCurrentUser()(authenticatedRequest)
status(result) mustBe OK
Is this some quirk of the testing framework? I thought the syntax I was using was for a silent internal redirect. I don't actually want to return a 303 to the client.
How can I test this and does the method I've written perform a silent internal redirect?
Your result can never be OK (that is equivalent to a http status 200) since the two status you're returning are 303 (Redirect) and 500 (InternalServerError).
Why don't you want to return a Redirect status?
If you want to return a OK status, you could replace this line:
by the method getUserById.