SQLite Select SUM Rolling Window - sql

I have this table in SQLite
Table [Ticks]
Fields: 2
[Value]: INT
And I want to select a window or partition of 10 hours of values and make a sum of those values then move one row forward and do the same for last 10 hours through the whole range of records.
The value field contains -1 or 1
How can I achieve this? Is this possible with the WINDOW, PARTITION query?

You can convert the time to seconds and then use range():
select t.*,
sum(value) over (order by strftime('%s', time) + 0
range between 35999 preceding and current row
) as sum_10hours
from ticks t;
The strftime() expression converts the value to seconds. The range takes (106060 - 1) seconds before to the current row.
Here is a db-fiddle.


How to compare the value of one row with the upper row in one column of an ordered table?

I have a table in PostgreSQL that contains the GPS points from cell phones. It has an integer column that stores epoch (the number of seconds from 1960). I want to order the table based on time (epoch column), then, break the trips to sub trips when there is no GPS record for more than 2 minutes.
I did it with GeoPandas. However, it is too slow. I want to do it inside the PostgreSQL. How can I compare each row of the ordered table with the previous row (to see if the epoch has a difference of 2 minutes or more)?
In fact, I do not know how to compare each row with the upper row.
You can use lag():
select t.*
from (select t.*,
lag(timestamp_epoch) over (partition by trip order by timestamp_epoch) as last_timestamp_epoch
from t
) t
where last_timestamp_epoch < timestamp_epoch - 120
I want to order the table based on time (epoch column), then, break the trips to sub trips when there is no GPS record for more than 2 minutes.
After comparing to the previous (or next) row, with the window function lag() (or lead()), form groups based on the gaps to get sub trip numbers:
SELECT *, count(*) FILTER (WHERE step) OVER (PARTITION BY trip ORDER BY timestamp_epoch) AS sub_trip
, (timestamp_epoch - lag(timestamp_epoch) OVER (PARTITION BY trip ORDER BY timestamp_epoch)) > 120 AS step
FROM tbl
) sub;
Further reading:
Select longest continuous sequence

Count rows with equal values in a window function

I have a time series in a SQLite Database and want to analyze it.
The important part of the time series consists of a column with different but not unique string values.
I want to do something like this:
Value concat countValue
A A 1
A A,A 1
B A,A,B 1
B A,B,B 2
B B,B,B 3
C B,B,C 1
B B,C,B 2
I don't know how to get the countValue column. It should count all Values of the partition equal to the current rows Value.
I tried this but it just counts all Values in the partition and not the Values equal to this rows Value.
group_concat(Value) OVER wind AS concat,
Sum(Case When Value Like Value Then 1 Else 0 End) OVER wind AS countValue
FROM TimeSeries
The query is also limited by these factors:
The query should work with any amount of unique Values
The query should work with any Partition Size (ROWS BETWEEN n PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW)
Is this even possible using only SQL?
Here is an approach using string functions:
group_concat(value) over wind as concat,
length(group_concat(value) over wind) - length(replace(group_concat(value) over wind, value, ''))
) / length(value) cnt_value
from timeseries
window wind as (order by date rows between 2 preceding and current row)
order by date;

SQL Server Determine the Amount of Time Above a Threshold

I am trying to determine the amount of time my data spends above a certain threshold. I have a SQL table of values that looks like this:
Where the first column is datetime and the second column is value. This is time series data so it is a large table and cannot be changed. I want to know the first value that crosses over the threshold (say it is 50 for the example) this is my beginning, the last value that crosses back over the threshold which is the end, and the duration spent over the threshold.
In my data example the Beginning would be 9/20/2019 19:18, the end would be 9/20/2019 19:46 and the duration would be 28 minutes.
This needs to be written in one sql statement due to the requirements of the project. I am just wondering if this is possible and how to do it. Thanks!
You can use lead() and some aggregation:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
ts, lead(ts) over (order by ts)
) as diff_minutes
from (select t.*,
lead(value) over (order by ts) as next_value
from t
) t
where (value < 50 and next_value >= 50) or
(value >= 50 and next_value < 50
) t
where value < 50;
Your question is a little tricky because you want the time span to start just before the period in question. That is actually a simplification. The above implements:
Identify the next value.
Keep a row when next_value or current value exceeds the threshold or vice versa. This is the first row before and last row after the period.
Then use lead() to get the ending timestamp.
Finally filter down to just the first row.
Another approach is perhaps simpler. Define the groups based on the count of rows that are under the threshold up to or before the row. This keeps the previous row with the following group.
Then aggregate:
select min(ts), max(ts),
datediff(minute, min(ts), max(ts)) as diff_minute
from (select t.*,
sum(case when value < 50 then 1 else 0 end) over (order by ts) as grp
from t
) t
group by grp;
It looks like you are sampling every 10 seconds. If that is pretty solid, you can just count how many records are above 50 during a selected interval, and multiply by 10 seconds, that will be the duration that exceeds 50.

How to compare time stamps from consecutive rows

I have a table that I would like to sort by a timestamp desc and then compare all consecutive rows to determine the difference between each row. From there, I would like to find all the rows whose difference is greater than ~2hours.
I'm stuck on how to actually compare consecutive rows in a table. Any help would be much appreciated.
I'm using Oracle SQL Developer 3.2
You didn't show us your table definition, but something like this:
select *
from (
select t.*,
t.timestamp_column - lag(timestamp_column) over (order by timestamp_column) as diff
from the_table t
) x
where diff > interval '2' hour;
This assumes that timestamp_column is defined as timestamp not date (otherwise the result of the difference wouldn't be an interval)

examine if one time series column of table has two adjacent time points which have interval larger than certain length

I am dealing with data preprocessing on a table containing time series column
toy example Table A
timestamp value
12:30:24 1
12:32:21 3
12:33:21 4
timestamp is ordered and always go incrementally
Is that possible to define an function or something else to return "True expression" when table has two adjacent time points which have interval larger than certain length and return "False" otherwise?
I am using postgresql, thank you
SQL Fiddle
select bool_or(bigger_than) as bigger_than
from (
time - lag(time) over (order by time)
interval '1 minute' as bigger_than
from table_a
) s;
bool_or will stop searching as soon as it finds the first true value.
Your sample data shows a time value. But it works the same for a timestamp
Something like this:
select count(*) > 0
from (
select timestamp,
lag(timestamp) over (order by value) as prev_ts
from table_a
) t
where timestamp - prev_ts < interval '1' minute;
It calculates the difference between a timestamp and it's "previous" timestamp. The order of the timestamps is defined by the value column. The outer query then counts the number of rows where the difference is smaller than 1 minute.
lag() is called a window functions. More details on those can be found in the manual: