I am using vue-cli-electron-builder. So how I can quit the application from a button in vue. Thanks.
In your script tag you may create a button on your page and give it an event listener like:
Try that
// In your renderer process
const {ipcRenderer} = require('electron');
const closeApp = document.getElementById('closeApp');
closeApp.addEventListener('click', () => {
// In your app main process
const {ipcMain} = require('electron')
ipcMain.on('close-me', (evt, arg) => {
How can I call an action from my vue store when my electron app comes into focus...?
const {BrowserWindow} = require('electron')
let win = new BrowserWindow()
win.on('focus', () => {
//dispatch action call loadSettings()
I'm running into an interesting problem. I have set up a jasmine spy on an event listener that I attach and detach during the lifecycle of the component (this is in lit element by the way). On the connected callback I attach it like this:
getPositionEvent = this.getPosition.bind(this);
connectedCallback() {
window.addEventListener('resize', this.getPositionEvent, true);
I later detach it like this:
disconnectedCallback() {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.getPositionEvent, true);
I can see during testing of the code that the attachment works here:
let getPositionEventSpy: jasmine.Spy;
beforeAll(() => {
(code setting up component)
getPositionEventSpy = spyOn(component, 'getPositionEvent');
beforeEach(async () => {
await component.updateComplete;
it('should include an event listener for "resize"', async () => {
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));
await component.updateComplete;
The problem comes when I try to test that the event listener is detached. I put this test in a separate describe block where I initiate a the disconnectedCallback function which should remove the event listener and then test that the spy has not been called when I dispatch the event:
describe('disconnection', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
it('should remove the "resize" event listener', async () => {
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));
await component.updateComplete;
In this case the test fails meaning the getPositionEventSpy has been called. In trying to understand what's happening I added a console.log("getting position") statement in the getPosition() function. When I run the test for removing the event listener the console log statement doesn't get run, so I believe that the removal of the eventlistener is actually successful. So why does the spy count increase? Does anybody know?
try spy.resetHistory()
beforeAll(() => {
new to React Native here.
I have a simple component/screen with this code:
useEffect(() => {
console.log("OPENING LOGIN");
AppState.addEventListener("change", testFunction);
return (() => {
console.log("Removing HELLO LISTENER");
AppState.removeEventListener("change", testFunction);
}, []);
const testFunction = () => {
const changeScreen = () => {
return props.navigation.navigate("MainView", {});
This starts a eventListener when the component is mounted. When the component is unmounted, I log something else out, and would like to remove the same listener.
However, when the changeScreen function is fired, which navigates the user to a whole new component/screen, I do not receive the "Removing HELLO LISTENER" log, and the listener still fires.
My question is:
Why is this component not unmounted when naivagting to a new Screen?
Thank you for your time!
I'm trying to test the OnDidFocus event in my React Native app using react navigation 4 and using the following event listener:
useEffect(() => {
const willFocusSub = props.navigation.addListener(
console.log("testing onDidFocus")
return () => {
When I first load the page it works fine but when I move away and then come back to the same screen through the Back button it does not seem to perceive the focus event.
This is my stack
const MovieNavigator = createStackNavigator(
MoviesList: HomeMovies,
MovieDetail: MovieDetailScreen,
PopularMovies: PopularMoviesScreen,
CrewMember: CastDetailScreen,
GenreSearch: GenreSearchScreen,
MovieSearch: MovieSearchScreen,
I'm in MoviesList and the event is triggered fine, then I move to MovieDetail. If I hit Back and return to MoviesList the event onDidFocus is not triggered at all.
I think you could try "willFocus" instead.
Like this:
const willFocusSub = props.navigation.addListener(
()=>{console.log("testing willFocus")}
Try modyfying your useEffect call to this!
useEffect(() => {
const willFocusSub = props.navigation.addListener(
console.log("testing onDidFocus")
return () => {
I found another way to detect the focus and blur event and seems the only way to track an event when using the Back button.
Instead of subscribing to events, I'm check the focus status of the screen using the useIsFocused() hooks available from react-navigation-hooks library.
import { useIsFocused } from "react-navigation-hooks";
const [showGallery, setShowGallery] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
if (isFocused) {
} else {
console.log("isFocused: " + isFocused);
}, [isFocused]);
Basically I'm checking the status of the screen using isFocused hook every time it changes (when it leaves and returns only same as didFocus and didBlur) and setting the state setShowGallery accordingly to run the carousel when focused and stop it when blurred.
Hope it helps others!
Need some advice on how to test a window scroll event using vue-test-utils
Below is my js
export default {
created () {
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.bannerResize);
methods: {
topBResize () {
var header = document.getElementById('topB');
var pos1 = header.offsetTop;
var pageYOffset = window.pageYOffset;
if (pageYOffset > pos1) {
} else {
Below is my unit test using vue-test-utils
import {expect} from 'chai';
import {createLocalVue, shallow} from 'vue-test-utils'
const localVue = createLocalVue()
const wrapper = shallow(Banner, {
attachToDocument: true
describe('topB.vue', () => {
it('topB resize', () => {
wrapper.setData({ bsize: true })
const dBanner = wrapper.find('#topB')
const pageYOffset = 500;
const pos1 = 200;
The test fails when you check if the sticky class is added.
How do I test this method ? I would like to see the sticky class added when window scrolls vertically
You're triggering a scroll event on the div#topB wrapper, but the event listener is on window. JSDom, used by Mocha and Jest, doesn't support the normal JavaScript methods of scrolling window via window.scrollTo/window.scroll, but assuming you mount the test instance with attachToDocument, you can still manually dispatch a scroll event with:
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('scroll', { detail: 2000 }))
Your event handler would have to parse the event detail for this value and fallback to window.pageYOffset.
// var pageYOffset = window.pageYOffset;
var pageYOffset = !Number.isNaN(e.detail) ? e.detail : window.pageYOffset;
see GitHub repro 1
Alternatively, you can assume the scroll-event handler would be called upon scrolling; and test by running the scroll-event handler (wrapper.vm.topBResize()) directly, and then checking for the expected outcome. You can set window.pageYOffset before running the handler:
window.pageYOffset = 1000;
wrapper.pageYOffset = 0;
see GitHub repro 2